04/27/1982 Special
X 157
SPecial Meeting
Board of Coonty Carmissioners
April 27, 1982
Duck Key, Florida
A special neeting of the Board of Coonty Carmissioners
convened on the above date at 5:40 P.M. Present and answering to
roll call were Carmissioner CUrt Blair, Carmissioner Wilhelmina
Harvey, Carmissioner Jerry Hernandez, Jr., and Chainnan George
Dolezal. Also present were Janet Hewlett, Deputy Clerk; Lucien
Proby, Coonty Attorney; Kerrni t Lewin, Coonty Administrator; mem-
bers of the Press and Radio; and general public.
Purpose of the neeting was discussion concerning the
Border Patrol Roadblock at Florida City.
The following guest speakers addressed the Board: Mr .
Charles Rinkovitch, Coordinator for the Vice President's Task
Force; Joe Mangiello and Ralph Belt fran U. S. Irrmigration
All of the Chambers of Camerce in the Keys were
represented. Each Chamber's representative asked questions of
the guests and viewed their feelings and the affect of the road-
block on the Keys and the tourist trade. Mr. Rinkovi tch apolo-
gized for any inconveniences caused by the road block but did not
say that it would be removed in the near future.
Mayor Dolezal read a prOIX>Sed resolution into the
records concerning the roadblock requesting the U. S. GoverIl11El1t
to rem::we the roadblock innediatelyand directing the Clerk to
forward certified copies to the ~roe Coonty Congressional
Delegation and the proper Federal authorities of the Border
Patrol and Custans Service Off ices. lobtion was rrade by
Carmissioner Blair and seconded by Carmissioner Harvey to adopt
said resolution. lobtion carried unaniIoously.
See Res. Book No. 27 which is incorporated herein by reference.
There being no further business before the Board a
notion was nade by Carmissioner Blair and seconded by
Carmissioner Harvey to adjourn. lobtion carried unani.nously.