Resolution 039-2004 RESOLUTION 039 -2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR A PARTNERSHIP WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS (DCA) TO MEET THE STATE'S AND COUNTY'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER RULE 28-20.100, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, AND THE COUNTY'S YEAR 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; COMMITTING THE COUNTY TO SPECIFIC IMPLEMENTATION ACTIONS; REQUESTING RECIPROCAL COMMITMENTS FROM THE DCA; AND DIRECTING COUNTY STAFF TO PREP ARE AN INTERIM MORATORIUM ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO GUIDANCE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL WHEREAS, Monroe County is obligated to implement a Work Program as required by Rule 28-20.100, Florida Administrative Code; and, WHEREAS, the Work Program is intended to provide guidance and a schedule of objectives that must be completed to implement the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Work Program, the County's Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan, and Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, obligate the State in assisting the County; and, WHEREAS, Rule 28-20.100 requires that the DCA, and the Governor and Cabinet, sitting as the Florida Administration Commission, annually review the progress being made by the County in accomplishing the objectives set forth in the Work Program; and, WHEREAS, on December 16, 2003, the Florida Administration Commission upon the recommendation of the DCA, has determined that Monroe County has not made substantial progress toward meeting the objectives of Year 7 of the Work Program; and, WHEREAS, the Florida Administration Commission has directed the DCA to prepare proposed rules to amend the County's Comprehensive Plan for the Commission consideration on January 27, 2004; and, WHEREAS, after the December 16, 2003, Florida Administration Commission meeting, Secretary Castille reiterated her previous offer to secure grant funding assistance for wastewater construction, land acquisition, and affordable housing for C:\ WINNliProfiles\Sutton-Sheila\Temporary Internet Files\OLK4\resol-fac-O 1-04Rl_.doc Page 1 of 4 Monroe County and to form a partnership between the DCA and Monroe County to work toward satisfaction of Work Program goals; and, WHEREAS, in an effort to reach agreement on a partnership between the DCA and Monroe County, Secretary Castille and the Board of County Commissioners met at a special Commission workshop meeting held on January 6,2004; and, WHEREAS, at that workshop meeting the Growth Management Division Director presented for discussion purposes a "Conceptual Proposal for a Cooperative Agreement between the DCA and Monroe County to Address Significant Work Program Issues" (the "Conceptual Proposal"), which modified the Growth Management Division report dated December 31, 2003, and recommended one of the six options for interim protection contained in that report; and WHEREAS, the Board received and considered at the workshop meeting an opinion letter of Growth Management Division litigation counsel dated January 6, 2004 (a copy of which is attached hereto as "Exhibit Two" and made part of this resolution) that recommends inclusion of four specific provisions in a moratorium ordinance to make it legally defensible (the "legal recommendations"); and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners considered the recommendations of its Growth Management Division and Secretary Castille and approved the Conceptual Proposal in substance with revisions, including the legal recommendations; and WHEREAS, both the Board and Secretary Castille recognize that the existing maps utilized to delineate the extent and location of Conservation and Natural Areas will require further refinement in order to protect valuable habitat and to avoid overbroad restriction on lands suitable for development, and that the public should have the opportunity to review and comment on the maps before they are incorporated into a moratorium ordinance and other growth management regulations; and WHEREAS, the County Growth Management Division staff and its legal counsel prepared for Board consideration a "Cooperative Agreement between the DCA and Monroe County to Address Significant Work Program Issues" (the "Cooperative Agreement") based on the revised Conceptual Proposal as approved by the Board on January 6,2004, with other minor revisions recommended by staff; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has considered the draft Cooperative Agreement and has received further public input at a special meeting held January 21,2004; C:\Documents and Settings\jth\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKC\resol-fac-Ol-04Rdoc Page 2 of 4 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1: Monroe County commits to a cooperative relationship in the nature of a partnership with the Florida Department of Community Affairs, to accomplish the shared purpose of meeting joint obligations under Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, Rule 28- 20.100, F.A.C., and the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan. Section 2: The Mayor of Monroe County is hereby authorized to execute the Cooperative Agreement which is attached hereto as "Exhibit One" and made part of this Resolution, Section 3: The Cooperative Agreement is intended to link the respective commitments of Monroe County and DCA to achieve Work Program objectives of creating wastewater infrastructure, workforce/affordable housing, and habitat protection. The extent of the County's bonding commitments and financial expenditures corresponds to the State's performance in fulfilling its commitments under the Cooperative Agreement. Section 4: The County Administrator shall direct the Growth Management Division with the assistance of legal counsel to prepare a Moratorium Ordinance for habitat protection in conformity with the Cooperative Agreement, incorporating therein the legal recommendations, Section 5: The County Administrator shall direct the Growth Management Division to review and to propose appropriate revisions to the Conservation and Natural Areas maps, and in that process shall invite input from DCA and the public, The Conservation and Natural Areas maps, including proposed revisions thereto, shall be included in the public hearings on the Moratorium Ordinance. Section 6: A copy of this resolution is to be transmitted by the Mayor to Secretary Colleen Castille, the Governor and Cabinet, Senator Bullard, and Representative Sorensen. [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK.] C:\Documents and Settings\jth\Loca1 Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKC\resol-fac-OI-04R.doc Page 3 of 4 PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21st day of January, AD., 2004, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Mayor Murray Nelson Yes Mayor Pro Tern David Rice Yes Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy Yes Commissioner George Neugent Yes Commissioner Dixie Spehar Yes ~'~1(~ BY: //UU MA YORICH ERSON ATTEST: DANNYL K. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY: SbMc. tJJ)~ DEPUTY CLERK Exhibits .1 o t:::> ~l> o''?~ ,....,r-:::: ,,~-< on: C::;O~ ::l:;. ~} -in~ :< :-1 ::r: ""l-J ):,. r- C;) h r'1 C:\Documents and Settings\jth\Loca1 Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKC\resol-fac-Ol-04Rdoc Page 4 of 4 ~ fS; :-::; (".) .::} ~ J ~::J ""',-, ~ c:::. - '1 ..c- r..::: r,., c -r, c) ::t1 ::D nl o i;; ;;e I'\.) 0'\ EXHIBIT ONE Cooperative Agreement between the DCA and Monroe County to Address Significant Work Program Issues This Cooperative Agreement sets forth the reciprocal commitments of the Florida Department of County Affairs ("DCA") and Monroe County ("County") to implement the Year 20 I 0 Comprehensive Plan Wark Program and the recommendations of the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study. The specific commitments of each party are linked to, and dependent upon, performance of the other party's commitments hereunder. WASTEWATER Commitments by the County 1. The County will initiate and take all steps legally necessary to obtain up to $40 million in bond financing secured by infrastructure tax funds to match $10 million in grant funds from the State in 2004 and $20 million in Federal/State grants in 2005 for construction of wastewater projects. 2. The County, in cooperation with the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority and the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District, will initiate and take all steps legally necessary to obtain up to $80 million in bond financing secured by connection fees, to fund construction and expansion of wastewater projects. The total amount to be bonded by the County would be up to $120 million, which is 50 percent of estimated total costs of remaining projects. Commitments by DCA 1. Secure $10 million in grants to match the $20 million to be bond-financed by Monroe County for wastewater projects in FY 2004. 2. Secure $20 million in Federal/State grants to match $20 million to be bond-financed by Monroe County for wastewater projects in FY 2005. The above are minimum commitments by DCA; Secretary Castille has committed DCA to endeavor to secure additional state funding and to work with the County to obtain additional federal funding. DCA has already identified $18 million in Governor's FY 05 Budget for Florida Keys wastewater construction. Page 1 of5 EXHmIT ONE WORKFORCE/AFFORDABLE HOUSING Commitments by the County 1. The County will initiate and take all steps legally necessary to obtain up to $10 million in bond financing, secured by its half-penny of the tourist impact tax, to purchase land for workforce housing. 2. The County will initiate and hold public hearings on amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations regarding affordable housing allocations and assignment of these allocations, to increase and more effectively distribute such allocations in order to address affordable housing needs. 3. The County will assign to a workforce/affordable housing pool at least 187 ROGO allocations; such allocations to be obtained from the following sources: 53 existing unused allocations; 109 ROGO restored allocations lost in RaGa Years 9 through 12 due to reductions in the County's annual allocations made by Administration Commission rulemaking; and 25 allocations lost in ROGa Year 10 due to lack of nutrient reduction credits. This commitment requires that DCA recommend to the Governor and Cabinet the restoration of these lost allocations. In addition to the 109 RaGa restored allocations referenced above, the County will support the allocation to Marathon of 47 allocations needed for a proposed Florida Housing Finance Corporation project that will remain affordable in perpetuity. 4. The County will identify potential sites for workforce/affordable housing and will include appropriate sites in the Land Acquisition Master Plan. Commitments by DCA 1. Secure $3 million, and initiate all steps necessary to secure an additional $17 million, in grant funds for affordable/workforce housing over the next two years. 2. Restore to Monroe County the 134 allocations lost between ROGa Years 9 through 12 due to reductions in the County's annual allocations made by Administration Commission rulemaking and lack of nutrient reduction credits in Year 10; those restored allocations are to be assigned to affordable/workforce housing. The Department will restore an additional 47 allocations upon documentation of proposed workforce housing proposals. Page 2 of5 EXHffiIT ONE 3. Restore Monroe County's annual ROGO allocation of 197 units, with the number of market rate units not to exceed 126 per year and the number of affordable housing units being increased to at least 71 per year. [The current allocation is a total of 158, of which 126 are market rate and 32 are affordable.] HABIT AT PROTECTION Commitments by the County 1. The County will draft and hold public hearings to adopt an interim moratorium on ROGO/NROGO allocation awards in areas containing tropical hardwood hammock or pinelands of two acres or greater within Conservation and Natural Areas, such moratorium to extend for up to one year or until amendments are made to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations for protection of those habitats. To assure precise identification of those lands warranting special protection, the County Growth Management Division staff will prepare a map of Conservation and Natural Areas, utilizing Florida Marine Resources Institute ADID Maps, the most recent aerial photographs, site visits as necessary, and input from DCA and the public. 2. Amend the Comprehensive Plan and/or Land Development Regulations to: a. Adopt Tier Overlay Map designations; b. Revise ROGO/NROGO based on Tier System utilizing a positive point approach that predominately relies on land dedication and aggregation; c. Revise the environmental regulations using the Tier system rather than the existing Habitat Evaluation Index. 3. Prepare a Land Acquisition Master Plan including strategies, funding, and non-funding sources for acquisition and management of conservation lands, retirement of development rights, and acquisition of affordable housing sites. DCA participation in this effort will be needed to secure assistance of state and federal agencies in this effort. 4. The Conservation and Natural Area (CNA) maps, including any proposed revisions thereto, shall be included in the public hearing on the moratorium ordinance. The Monroe County Land Authority will target for purchase from voluntary sellers appropriate environmentally sensitive lands that are contained within upland native habitat of 2 acres or more Page 3 of5 EXHIBIT ONE outside the CNA. The County will set aside $2 million of reserve ROGa funds for this purpose. 5. Prepare and submit to DCA an expeditious schedule of public hearings, comprehensive plan amendments, and land development regulations to ensure that the moratorium is terminated within one year. Commitments by DCA 1. Secure $93 million for the purchase by the State of environmentally sensitive lands under CARL. [Secretary Castille has publicly committed to request the Legislature to provide up to $93 million in Florida Forever Funds for acquisition of sensitive lands.] 2. Actively assist and support the County's efforts to expand CARL boundaries to include a majority of vacant privately owned lands within the County's Conservation and Natural Areas. 3. Facilitate and cooperatively work with the County in the preparation of a Land Acquisition Master Plan. 4. Actively participate in, and assist the County with, the legal defense of any takings claims and Bert Harris Act claims arising from the Comprehensive Plan or actions contemplated by this document. Help the County secure state funding grant assistance to cover these claims. 5. Authorize the County either to borrow 41 "future" nutrient reduction credits to be generated from the expansion of the KW Resort Utility facilities on Stock Island to retroactively eliminate the backlog of ROGa allocations, or to allow RaGa allocations to be rolled over. [County will lose these allocations in this RaGa year if the backlog is not eliminated or roll-over is not authorized.] 6. Authorize the County to borrow for affordable housing allocations, 187 "future" nutrient reduction credits to be generated from wastewater projects in Stock Island, Bay Point, Conch Key and Key Largo. 7. Any borrowing of future nutrient reduction credits shall be contingent upon the County's adoption of a bond and financing as proposed under the County Wastewater Commitments. Page 4 of5 EXHmIT ONE REPORT TO GOVERNOR AND CABINET Commitments by the County 1. Commits to implementing these reciprocal agreements in cooperation with the DCA. 2. Commits to a partnership between the DCA and County to effectuate these shared objectives. Commitments by DCA 1. Report to the Governor and Cabinet that the County has made substantial progress on its Work Program based on the mutual commitments set forth in this agreement. 2. Make recommendations to the Governor and Cabinet for rule amendments necessary to implement these commitments. APPROVAL Approval of this document by Monroe County will be evidenced by the signature of the Mayor of Monroe County pursuant to Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. Approval by DCA will be evidenced by either the signature of the DCA Secretary of a counterpart original hereof or by written communication of assent to the terms hereof, signed by the DCA Secretary. Executed by the tmdersigned Mayor of Monroe County pursuant to Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21 5t day of January, A.D., 2004. BY: bt,~~ ~ MA~~R--- -- ~ ( Page 5 of5 EXHIBIT TWO Karen K. Cabanas Robert Cintron James 1. Hendrick Derek V. Howard Hugh J. Morgan LAW OFFICES MORGAN & HENDRICK 317 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 W. Curry Harris (1907-1988) Hilary U. Albury ( 1920-1999) January 6, 2004 J. Richard Collins, Esq. Monroe County Attorney HAND-DELIVERED Re: Potential liability for short-term moratorium Dear Mr. Collins: Monroe County Growth Management Division has informed us that Monroe County is contemplating adoption of an ordinance (the "Moratorium Ordinance") that would establish a moratorium of short duration (i.e., not exceeding one year) on the issuance of ROGOINROGO allocations involving clearing of "high quality hammock" lands within Conservation and Natural Areas. We have been directed to render to you our legal opinion concerning Monroe County's potential liability for enactment of the Moratorium Ordinance, under both the Bert J. Harris, Jr. Private Property Rights Protection Act (F.S. ~ 70.001; "the Harris Act") and the provisions of the u.s. and Florida Constitutions requiring just compensation for governmental actions that "take" real property ("takings"). Our opinion is based on the premise that the Moratorium Ordinance will include the following provisions, the absence of which might subject the Moratorium Ordinance to potentially successful challenge: 1. Proper purpose: the purpose of the Moratorium Ordinance must be legally justifiable, e.g interim protection of environmentally sensitive lands for the minimum period required for the drafting and adoption of land development regulations restricting development of those lands and assuring just compensation for owners of lands that may be rendered unbuildable by those regulations. Because there would be takings implications if the County were to adopt a moratorium solely to gain sufficient time to acquire those lands, we recommend that the Moratorium Ordinance expressly disclaim such a purpose!. The Resolution I This would make it clear that the County is acting for rea~ other than effectuating DCA's recommendation that the County "protect high quality habitat until acquisition funds become available." should also state the reasons that these particular lands are being subjected to the moratorium (i.e., their unique habitat and environmental values) to the exclusion of other lands (e.g., wetlands are already adequately protected). 2. Administrative relief: in order to afford relief to any property owner who might have a legitimate basis for vested rights, and to deter unfounded judicial challenges to the Moratorium Ordinance, the Moratorium Ordinance should include an administrative procedure for determination of vested rights. Although GMD staff is of the opinion that there are few, if any, potential applicants for such relief, the existence of an administrative remedy will afford dual protection for property rights and against spurious litigation. 3. Clear definitions: to assure due process, a precise description of those lands subject to the Moratorium Ordinance is essential. 4. Limited term: takings jurisprudence holds that moratoria of short duration (such as 6 months to a year) do not constitute a categorical taking. As noted below, the Harris Act excludes temporary measures such as short-term moratoria. Provided that the above recommendations are included in the Moratorium Ordinance, and that the Ordinance is enacted in accordance with the provisions of Florida law and Monroe County LDRs, we are of the opinion that the adoption of the Moratorium Ordinance will not subject Monroe County to substantial risk of an adverse judgment under either the Harris Act or takings litigation. As the BOCC has previously been advised, the Harris Act expressly excludes liability for "temporary impacts to real property" F.S. ~ 70.001(3)(e). That exclusion encompasses the Moratorium Ordinance. The United States Supreme Court's Tahoe decision holds that moratoria complying with the above recommendations do not constitute a categorical taking. Although it is theoretically possible that an affected property owner could allege an as-applied taking, the prospect of recovery under such a theory is remote, because a short-term moratorium would not strip the property of essentially all value. We will be pleased to address the BOCC on the subject of this letter, at your direction. Sincerely,