Resolution 422-2001 Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. 422 -2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATING THE BOARD'S INTENT TO TRANSFER TO FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY, INC. OWNERSHIP OF A PORTION OF CRAWL KEY FOR A WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT WHEREAS, the BOCC agreed with the City of Marathon to transfer or lease to the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority a sufficient portion of County-owned land on Crawl Key for the purpose of constructing a central wastewater treatment plant and water re-use facility ("the Facility") serving Marathon; and WHEREAS, FKAA has completed both a boundary survey of the portion of Crawl Key needed for the Facility, and, with assistance of County Growth Management staff, a preliminary environmental review of the site delineated by that survey; and WHEREAS, FKAA is nearing completion of an RFP for the Facility and a collection system to deliver Marathon's voluminous human waste to the Facility; and WHEREAS, determination of the location and availability of a site for the Facility is essential for completion of the FKAA's RFP and for DEP approval of the State Revolving Loan Fund application; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. The BOCC affirms its intention to convey to FKAA a portion of Crawl Key, within the area depicted on the attached boundary survey, for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant and water re-use facility. Section 2. The Mayor and County Administrator are authorized to execute on behalf of Monroe County as site owner such environmental permit applications as may be needed by FKAA for construction of the Facility. r George Neugent Pro Tem Nora Williams sioner Murray Nelson ioner Dixie Spehar : ioner Charles McCoy .. :: f ...". ~""T1 ;0 c c::::2 r= Commissioners of m~e ~un~ day of October, 20~::::: -::: ""T1 O' ,. I 0 g~:..," N ::::0 z?o S ;x:. ::::0 -j ("') J ::x fT1 :<-j::t: n .." . ~ '..0 0 r- rrl .r:- ::::0 :> CT'> 0 ye8 yes yes yes yes PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th Jdresfkaa2 / ~~~.RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Y ~o~al~~~ APPIlOVEO AS TO FORM AND Gj,L SUFFIC NO - N.ORBY A & Associates, Inc. Professional Land Surveyors LB 6517 3430 Duck Ave. Key West. FL 33040 (305) 296-7422 FAX(305)293-9924 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION CRAWL KEY NO. 5 CITY OF MARATHON A parcel of land on Crowl Key Number 5, being 0 portion of Government Lot 3, Section 26, Township 65 south, Range 33 East, Monroe County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the intersection of the centerline of US. Highway Number One with the West line of Section 35, Township 65 South, Range 33 East; THENCE N 67' 04 '07" E on said centerline of U.S. Highway Number One, a distance of 1494.57 feet to the intersection with the centerline of Banana Boulevard; THENCE continue N 67' 04 '07" E on said centerline of US. Highway Number One, a distance of 697.54 feet to the intersection with the Southerly prolongation of a rock road at Crawl Key Number 5; THENCE N 09'23'05" W on said prolongation, 0 distance of 119.32 feet to the intersection with the Northerly Right-of-Way line of said U.S. Highway Number One as laid out and in use; THENCE S 67'04 '07" W on said Right-of- Way line, a distance of 25.72 feet to the Southwest corner of an Access Easement; THENCE N 09'23'05" W an the West line of said Access Easement, a distance of 566.58 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the East and from which a radial line bears N 80'36'55" E; THENCE Northerly on the arc of said curve having a radius of 1771.54 feet. a central angle of 11'28 '55 '; an arc distance of 355.01 feet to a point of tangency; THENCE N 87'54'10" W, 50.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N02'05 '50" E. 515.00 feet; THENCE N87'54 '10" W. 476 feet more or less to the mean high water line; THENCE meandering along said mean high water line in a Southwesterly and Southeasterly directions for a distance of 605 feet more or less to a point which bears N 87" 54' 10" W from the Point of Beginning; THENCE S 87"54'10" E, 321 feet more or less to back to the Point of Beginning Said lands lying in the City of Marathon, Monroe County, Florida and containing 230,860 square feet (5.3 acres) more or less. NOTES: ,. Not valid without the signature and original embossed seal of a Florida licensed Professional Surveyor and Mapper. 2. Lands described hereon were not abstracted, by the Surveyor, for ownership, easements, rights-of-ways or other instruments of record. 3. Bearings shown hereon are on an assumed bearing of N67"04 '07''E on the centerline of US. Highway Number One os shown on Florida Department of Transportation Right-of-Way Map for Section 90040 with an approval date of 3-25-80. 4. The description contained herein and the attached sketch, do not represent a field Boundary Survey. NORBY & ASSOCIA TES, INC. October 2, 2001 SHEET TWO OF TWO N.ORBY A ~ -0 0.... '" ?..... ~ o? "'5-. ;p~ 'io 0..... ~ ~~ ;.. SHEET ONE OF TWO & Associates, Inc. Professional Land Surveyors 3430 Duck Ave. ~. ?", P.O.C. Key West. FL 33040 LB 6517 (305) 296-7422 FAX(305)293-9924 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION CRAWL KEY NO. 5 CITY OF MARATHON N 87'54'10# 1,/ 476' +/- 5.3 +/- ACRES w n .n L[) nW C) Zz 0<( f-O::: U w (/)u)' l.1..L[) Oc.o Wo.. z- -I -1(/) f-Z (/)3: Wo :5:f- P.O.B. P.o.B. P.D.C. w . e If')' ln~ elf') , - C\Jlf') e 2 S 87'54'10# E 321' +/- 87'54'10' 1,/ 50.00' N 09'23'05' 566.58' ~ ,'-110.'1 '1:,,0 ~\9'(\ O(\e ",e("\ '1 _ ~'-II'{ ~o("". o~ \J~ \\(\e LEGEND Point of Beginning Point of Commencing - ~ C) Q) C) !3 :::J (J) (J) '<: I- 2 W ~ W Vl <r w Vl Vl W U u <r CURVE DA T A: RADIUS=ln1.54' DEL TA= 11"28'55' ARC LENGTH= 355.01' '2.'51'2.' '-II 09'23'05# 1,/ 119.32' \\~ o~~ , t. 0.10. d}1 ~ \' ,~.. 60' \\<tf. ~ b 1,q1 ~ \).S. l' t. .()6o'()1' ~ b{6oq6o~ , J DATE. REVISIONS' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. DRA'WN BY. T.A.N. CHECKED BY. J.L.o. DATE' 7/11/01 3104 FlAgler Ave. Key Iies't. FL 33040 (305) 296-7422 OF, 1 SHEET' FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY CRAWL KEY WASTE WATER TREATMENT SITE MDNRIJE COUNTY. FL[RIDA SPECIFIC PURPOSE PHOTDGRAMMETRIC/TDPOGRAPHIC SURVEY NORBY A ct .Associates, Inc. Prof...lonal Land Surveyara 1 PRELIMINARY # ~....,~,,'l , ~i\ ~\~ l\~ \~ ~;~.S~~S \ 0 .~-/ <> ...,/ O~p' .~.v~ # t\O. ~/'- . ~ .S.:.-----------~ ~/~ ~/"" _//"" CRl REClIRD on MEASURED Ol'\Ii) RIliHT-IJF'-VAY f CENTER LINE Q.F CHAIN LlNC FENCE o!!>~ SPOT ELEVA~ LEGEND it..- r ...-..... __ I ."