Resolution 093-2004 Marine Resources RESOLUTION NO.o91i 2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COMMITTING UP TO $ 1.3 MILLION IN INFRASTRUCTURE SALES TAX MONEY, FUND 304, TO mE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUmORITY (FKAA) TO OFFSET THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION AND CONNECTION FOR THE CONCH KEY AND BA YPOINT WASTEWATER PROJECTS. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners agreed at their April 2003 meeting to rescind commitments for approximately $ 1.3 M in Infrastructure Sales Tax Funds to match an EP A Decentralized Utility Gran; and WHEREAS, the BOCC agreed at the April 2003 Board meeting to reserve these funds for the FKAA to offset the cost of construction and connection for the Conch Key and Baypoint wastewater projects once the costs were better known; and WHEREAS, the FKAA has received bid~, that while encouraging, still require the commitment of additional funds inordbr to meet the target connection figures, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: 1. 1.3 million dollars ($ 1.3 M) of Fund 304 Inn-astructure Sales Tax money be formally committed to the FKAA for tfIe Conch Key and Baypoint wastewater projects to meet the Commission's target goal for connection fees on such projects; and 2. the FKAA may only utilize as much of these funds as is required for each projec to meet the target connection fee; and 3. the FKAA may distribute the funds as n~cessary to achieve rate equity between the Conch Key and Baypoint wasteW'ater projects; and 4. this Resolution serves to commit the funds i~mediately to these wastewater projects for the purposes of negotiating contlracts in good faith with project i BC040241 Res$1.3M 01/2812004 2:58 PM Marine Resources bidders. Specific amendments to interlocal agreements for each project will be required before funds may physically be distributed. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of February. A.D., 2004. Mayor Murray Nelson Mayor Pro Tern David Rice Commissioner Dixie Spehar Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy yes yell yes yeR yes BOARD OF COuNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COuNTY, FLORIDA BY: ~(~ ,., MA ~R/CHAIR PERSON ~h~ -Tj ~,\ = 0 = "~ ..c- r '-' -,..,.. 2' ::J'&: fT1 ~ -- ;p- O 0':-' :; fT1~=< :::0 I " gc,: w 0 .::::;;0:::: :::0 :z. c) :r-- ...,., --i~r -:'1'1'" ......v ::< :-" ::,~ ..... ,",' (""j -" ~" - .- r- .. '.,....1 1'" r", .s::- -:.J w."'\ \.0 , J BC040241 Res$1.3M 01/28/2004 2:58 PM