Resolution 090-2004 Commissioner Neugent RESOLUTION NO. 090 -2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE OLD SEVEN MILE BRIDGE TO THE ORIGINAL DESIGN AND REQUESTING THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EXPEDITE THE WORK WHEREAS, the old 7-mile Bridge (between Marathon and Pigeon Key) is the only roadway to Pigeon Key. The limited use of the Bridge creates several undue hardships on Pigeon Key, for example; the delivery of necessary supplies and the creation of a dangerous situation by restricting the access to Pigeon Key for fire and medical vehicles; and WHEREAS, the Bridge has been historically used as a route to special events held on Pigeon Key as well as a viewing platform for events held in the vicinity of the bridge. These said events contribute to the economic well being of the City's tourist economy; and WHEREAS, Pigeon Key, a historical landmark, has been regularly used as a site for special events as well as a marine study center, this site contributes to the economic well- being of the Keys' tourist economy; and WHEREAS, the old 7-Mile Bridge is enjoyed by thousands of visitors and locals for sight seeing, walking, bicycling, fishing, sunset watdhing and other similar activities. People using the old 7-mile bridge are entitled to a safe platform from which to conduct those activities; and WHEREAS, this portion of the old 7-Mile Bride is the only portion of the original Flagler Railway that stands largely in its historical condition and is also useable by the public. The old 7-Mile Bridge is on the National Historic! Register and should be preserved in its historic condition for many years to come; and WHEREAS, the people of the City of Marathon desire to have the repair of this structure completed as soon as possible to minimize inconvenience and danger; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1 The Monroe County Board of Commissioners requests that the FDOT take immediate steps to restore the old portion of the 7-Mile Bridge from Marathon to Pigeon Key to a safe condition as close to its origina~ design as a highway bridge as is reasonably practical. Section 2 The Monroe County Board of Comn)lissioners further requests that the FDOT take all steps necessary to expedite this project Clnd bring it to completion as fast as possible. Section 3 The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners requests that an electric power line be added via the old 7-Mile Bridge ~o enhance the economic health of I I this historic site and the safety of its visitors. Section 4 This resolution shall be transmitted to the FDOT secretary in Tallahassee and copied to the District Six secretary. ......, I ~ -r, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Icommissioners of i\o~e~ou~y, , :x..~.,% x:- 0 I or~ ~ , Florida, at the regular meeting of said Board held on th118th of February, ~~ i.., ~ I C:;:o ;'" I z;. e -0 :::0 , yes -H"",) i :::; ,"Tl yes ~~...;~ ~ \:.~ yes r- en ,;:; 1:> yes CO yes BOA~D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA , Jres7mile-04 ---~-_.'-"""-~ N, WOLFE .' CHIEF ~S\~~ ('2PJfl.nu;J,:~~~ I -"?fa _.~ Date ~ Florida Department of Transportation JEB BUSH GOVERNOR Office of the District Secretary District Six 1000 NW 111 th Avenue Miami, Florida 33172 (305) 470-5197 JOSt<: ABREU SECRETARY April 5, 2004 Mr. Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk Monroe County Clerk of the Circuit Court Board of County Commissioners 3 117 Overseas Highway Marathon, FL 33050 Dear Mr. Kolhage: We are in receipt of your correspondence dated March 3,2004 in reference to the Board of County Commissioners' adopted Resolution No. 090-2004, supporting the reconstruction of the Old Seven Mile Bridge (between Marathon and Pigeon Key) and requesting that the Florida Department of Transportation (Department) expedite this project. We are also aware of similar resolutions passed by the City of Marathon and Monroe County supporting the project. Due to the severely deteriorated condition of the structure, FDOT is doing everything possible to accelerate the project to the construction phase. The current project schedule calls for completion of the PD&E Study in late 2004, followed by the environmental permitting phase, then design and construction. It is anticipated that construction will begin in late 2005, assuming all approvals and necessary permits are obtained. Note that the Department has increased the funding programmed for construction to $16 million. As noted during the September 2003 public kickoff meeting, the Department is required to conduct an in-depth Project Development and Environmental (PD&E) Study, due to the environmental sensitivity of the project area as well as the Bridge's historical significance. Maintaining access to Pigeon Key during construction, minimizing environmental impacts, and consideration of adverse effects on the historic Old Seven Mile Bridge and Pigeon Key Historic District are major factors in this Study. As part of this Study, approvals must be obtained from various environmental agencies, the Florida State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and the Federal Highway Administration. A detailed structural inspection in December 2003 confirmed the bridge superstructure's (i.e., excluding the piers) deficient structural condition. Based on detailed information obtained from this inspection, the Department is now refining cost estimates for different study alternatives (e.g., repair or replacement of the superstructure) for further www.dot.state.fl.us @ RECYCLED PAPER Mr. Danny L. Kolhage April 5, 2004 Page 2 consideration. After the final alternatives are determined, the Department will meet with the SHPO to review the effects of the different alternatives on both the Bridge and Historic District. Subsequently, the Department will hold an alternatives public workshop, finalize all required documentation, and then hold the public hearing on the recommended alternative. Coordination with Monroe County, the City of Marathon and the Pigeon Key Foundation has occurred regarding requests for improvements to the bridge, and providing electricity to Pigeon Key appears to be feasible. Please know that the Department is making every effort to expedite the project schedule. Should you have questions in this regard, please contact Alice Bravo, P.E. at 305-470- 5200, Project Manager, or me at your convenience. Sincerely, ~'1~ District Secretary JM/cbo cc: Jose Abreu, P.E., Secretary - Florida Department of Transportation Javier Rodriguez, P.E. - Florida Department of Transportation Alice Bravo, P.E. - Florida Department of Transportation