Resolution 091-2004 Commissioner Spehar RESOLUTION NO. 091 -2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, DECLARING ITS INTENT TO ENROLL IN THE MONROE COUNTY-WIDE HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN. WHEREAS, Whereas, Monroe County residents have seen a rapid decline in health insurance options in our community; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners seeks to ensure that quality, affordable health care is provided for its residents, but at a cost that does not result in additional taxation on residents; and WHEREAS, the Rural Health Network has devised a county wide health insurance program that offers the promise of fair and equitable rates for both County employees and all residents whether in the public or private sector; and WHEREAS, the success of the program, called Monroe County-Wide Health Insurance Plan (M-CHIP) is dependent on major employers, such as the County, enrolling their employees in the program; and WHEREAS, to assure the financial viability of the plan, it is incumbent on major public sector employers to indicate their support for the plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT 1. The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe Cqunty hereby declares its intent to enroll in the Monroe County-Wide Health Insurance Plan if the final program provides the tax dollar savings and the health coverage levels needed by County employees. 2. The Rural Health Network Task Force is recognized for its effort and diligence to find a solution for the health care needs of Monroe County. f'...) <::::> ::\ 0 ~ 3. This Resolution shall become effective upon the dat~ of its adoption herein.z !; ::I: :::c ~.., ::';: x- Or-"- :::::0 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners ofMonro~~ty, ~ Florida at a regular meeting of said board held on February 18, Q004. g::VA :z:. w -In, -<:-~'~'" - :p, ""1 r- or, ~ ~ ~ ~ yes ;l::Ii!o :J:: C5 .. r- fT1 o '?1 o ::0 ;J:J fTl C") i......J J:~"> (,) 0::> BO~ OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY~(~ Mayor/Chairperson