Resolution 092-2004 Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. 092 -2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OUT OF THE GENERAL FUND TO THE AIRPORT ENTERPRISE FUND THE AMOUNT OF $19,023.30 PER YEAR BEGINNING IN JANUARY 2006 FOR OFFICE SPACE AT THE MARATHON FLORIDA KEYS AIRPORT FOR THE DISTRICT FOUR COUNTY COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the FAA requires that all non-aviation related office space at airports receiving FAA funds pay a fair market value rent; WHEREAS, the most recent rates and charges study for the Marathon Florida Keys Airport (Airport) established office space rent charges at $18.38 per square foot per year; WHEREAS, it is desired to utilize 1035 square feet of office space at the Airport as an office for the District 4 County Commissioner; WHEREAS, the FAA allowed a rent credit for the tenant finish done by Public Works for the District 4 Commissioner's office space with the result that no rent for the office space is due until January 2006; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. The area at the Airport depicted on ExhnM A as lease area shall be utilized as office space for the District 4 County Commissioner. Exhibit A is attached to this Resolution and made a part of it. Section 2. The total of the Exhibit A lease area iS~035 square feet. The annual charge based on a per square footage basis is $19,023.30 per year. Comm cing in January 2006, and in each January thereafter so long as the Exhibit A leased area is used as Distr ct 4 Commissioner's office space, the Clerk shall cause the sum of $19,023.30 to be transferred from the C unty's general fund to the County's airport enterprise fund. .........;) PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe aun~, Fjridci.;]at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of February. 2004. Er,..,~ :J:: ;.:;; 0,- ;;e :bo ..... rTJ ~-< :::0 '-J n ',- , ." on. w r- c:::o~ '-,J z. ;;...; :.u -i " ~: ~ ::::0 ::< :--4:_ .:x fTI -r', t',~'; := CJ 1:;.. ~.._, .. (::J <::> :;,] en '_." yes yes yes yes yes LHAGE, Clerk ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By~ (~ Mayor/ airperson MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APP OVED S TO ORM: AOBE . WOLFE D~I~IEl~SI~~~AiTOANE~. r I I , , I IJI , , I , I ITT i ~" I~~ ,: - ~,lA--' '-WET , . .oi( 0 \ COl. , ........... L::"i! A '!.IV I o 'I " ~ (of' ~:7 - - - -:-" ~ f.... I ~/'I ':. "A603 ., :: . , .- - '-./ iI : .:::; .~~. : : . ''i1~91 .. 1 : :~ : 1. :: :. , ~;:..., GAT~'t... ,..!..t. c-"J~"!. I". .tot",.:-: lIT: "T: I , j ::;..~.:. 0 '..: ,... :,,' "A~'6er' I.. .....r "-'''''''jo'!d'' ':",f"'r"": :.-:..if.r' , !':. .:.' l. .. . . : .;:. ; .. , ,... !I- I t..: t..:..t"l '1.t :. !.to~N::. . . .t.. 0'!"~or':'1"1"r1 !"T"P ~'!"r-r ---,---- -- -~.(!V - ALJGN~ EO. , t.aJLL ',0- _ Sj C. ,. l e '0 ~e fl,r t:.a MANAGER' FiOlJ 8lDY S9.~.t OFFICE. '\ ~ -=-- . I. 200 , (ij. ,",.I ~07 ~ .tirL ~~~-~ / J ~~ - rh-T~ - / p;j : " ........... @ i-~-' ~., FSPLASH CONFERENCE ~ // B~OCK AREA I / (lIYP.'7 [202,. .. ~'1:". i ~(iiij-------~r ~ 7.'1 ~------ I 'LJ~ II~C2l ft::~ LAWING I'~ f tl fl 'I-:.~ [:::h.' , 209 I L~ '\ ~ fl' 0' ... r. I ,.n N I I , ~ tJ~C ~'IIIX t em, (2i;') '7 ' \ i '\ 'I I , ~ ,! .'I'!~' 'll::I'f'::' ::IIIJ1:III:mgll: I I .. .!?,p' -r':TiTT " 'i -'i TriTT:"[ ol!Ti"". '( '!\T .. f ~f.}- rr'1'''!'''0;' or '11 "rT:'iTT iT!"!"!: ''': l\ ' . . 1'.' ~'''''''1'"I''''"f' ,.. .'t'.:~ _ 'f~'''''I.'1I...~t''''r'-'1 I'''' , II> ...... ...... .. .. , .. i I. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. " .... ..".. r ... ..... " .. .. .. "'.. .. .. .. " .. .. .. . i~ ./...... \ ",. MEN '. ~ ,....~- ,-..:.----- ----'L' " ,,/ Ie FFEEI I 205 f ~ , "- WET COL.' ' I '\ ' BALCONY '~' . . ' ..-01., --1 " f . _~_~.' RAfL ,..... 8 "'-A , '2 ; 1- - -woi Ei-;- - f - - - - - - - - +- V c "\ - -: - =.:,~:: .-- - ,\30 A30jl " ' 2 )41 J, \~"'. ......... --------- -----" ~ , ~~ J H ,. .. ~ ~IBIT A E'x',.:: ~ .. '3 ' IT! '1111' 111111 ! II , , II , I I I ! III II! 11111111 ! II11 ! , I I ! II ! 111 \ 1111 ! ! I ! ! 11 )' f f I 1 , f r I f I I. 1 , I II r 1 I , I ~,/ ~-- ----/K--:-. A '\ IWET = D . . A3~ :COl:- - ~ .. C.9 ._ _ "" ____ I~ r ' ,If : tnt, , '. r :: lease ~.C:~ 345 sc, .-t-\-, ,~ COU I ' (6'\ E ,~ ;; r~Pl~SH !f ,Bt ~W'" '1 -ILLJ' I lea,;~e j\.ca \.., \ 59' +~, ~ .... II ~ \ l'll 60 V ""f-