Item Q14 ~L/1(IL~~~ ~j:j~ jl1~l:l~L(lbL 'JUMM Nl:.L ':>UN ~1-\1.:Jl:. rll. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY EMERGENCY ADD ON Meeting Date: February 18.2004 Division: District 5 Bulk Item: Yes No Department: Mayor Murrav Nelson AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval for Louie LaTorre to attend the natio.n-wide Annual Legislative Conference in Washington~ DC from February 27 through March 3. 2004 for the National Association of Counties (NACo). ITEM BACKGROUND: Louie laTorre proudly selVes on the NACo Governing Board of Directors as the First appointed member from Monroe County. He combines this special honor with being the First appointed member from the State of Florida to serve on the NACo Hum.an Se1Vices Board of Directors. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES~ ST AFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOT AL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMBlPurchasing _ Risk Management _ DOCUMENTATION: Included 5lff_ ..c;h // /./ r ........~~ ~ /~...J"l-- c!1. or Murray Nelson To Follow_ Not Required_ AGENDAITEM# ~i4 DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DISPOSITION: Revised 1/03 ~2/11/L~~q ~3:3q ~. " 3tl::lIj::lLflbL \..,UIVIfIl 1'lt:.L::lUI'l r....uL U, MlMORANPUM DATE: James L Roberts, County Administrator Louts laTorre, 0_1 ff/ Social serviCes ~,: February 9, 2004 TO; FROM: RE: Out-of-<:OUnty Travel Vcu pottey of one conference per year could have a major im >act to all the 1')lviSiOns, Departments and Programs unc:ler Monroe County Govemr lent, especiall)' to the residents of the County. Since both of us have been In government for rNer thirty years, we know how I,nportant it Is to be known and considered a leader In all the various d jes, counties, state and Federal (National) agencies and organizations on behalf of Mon -oe County govl!f"nment. As you are aware, Monroe County Is very uniQue and I1as a 10: of major iSSUf:S with a huge price tag attached to all the issues. Also, we are a Cour ty that does net have a large population, which causes us to have a limited represerrtiio ion or "clout" in dealing with aU the various issues, proposed budget cuts and unfullded mandates to local governments, by the state and Federal governments. As my dear friend the late Melvin Levttt would say frequently, w, : (being Monroe County) are the small tail on that: larger dog, and If we dant cause that tail to wag a lot, we will not get noticed or get our fair share of funding or representation So, ['m requesting to be allowed to traVel out-ot-county to the fa lowIng conferer:ces: / NACO legislative Conference <p February 27-March 2, 2004 Washingmn, D.C. / NACO Annual Conference July 16-20, 2004 Phoenix, AZ ;;ACO Human Services Conference (TBA) November 2004 02/17/2004 03:34 311~l:J~'L fl b'L IJUMM Nl:.L::>UI'i Page Two Ronda AssodatJon c# Counties Annual Conference - Broward CoUnty June 22A25, 2001 Ronda Association of Counties legislative Conference (TBA) December 1-3, 2004 rm reQuesting to attend these conferences due to the following i ppointments: NatIonal AssocIation of Counties Board of Directo~ (NACO/NACORF) NACO Human Services Directors Board of DIrector Immediate Past President of Natfonal AssocIation - C )unty Aging ExecutI'Jes - serve on the EXecutrve Board and COmr litteeS Appointment to the NACO Committee Member, Human Services a. Education Steering Com/1i~e Member, COUnty AgIng Steertng Committee Previous Committees, Appafntments ImmigratIOn, Health Care/ MeclcaId-Medlca1e, Workfi Iree, Welfare Reform, Mental Health, Transportation Past President of Rorida Association of County Social services Executives Uaison RepreselltalWe of Florida Association of Coon: V Ar;ing Executives Served on variOus Committees for: Aortda Assodatlc n of County SOCial Servtces Executlws: Medicaid Mental Health Transportation TANF ... . -... --.. - rM'..:u::.... u.; 02/17/2004 03:34 3058527152 CUMM N~L=>UN t"'I-lUI:. rJ.. Page Three Mr. Roberts, please be advised that it is mandatory for my pr 5enCe or attendance at these meetings to remain In these various aPPOinmd and elect!d positions. 1.,1 I'm not aftowed to attend these meetings r will be removed from aN of these appointments and positions. I feel It's a great honor and a privilege to be appoJntec and/or efected to these variOus Board of DirectorS and Organizations in representing the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, County Administrator and especially t le residents of Monroe County. It Is tn the County'S best interest that I represent the County al these conferences, due to my knowledge, experience, skill and respect in the FJeld of my JrOfesslon. Please advise me of your decision on the matter as soon as pass; ole. Thank you for your consideration. Cc: Mayor and County Commissioners James E. Malloch, Directortcommunlly Services