Resolution 035-2204 RESOLUTION FORM RESOLUTION NO. 035-2004 A RESOLUTION of the MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS authorizing the signing and submission of a grant application and supporting documents and assurances to the Florida Department of Transportation, and the acceptance of a grant award from the Department. ... WHERAS, MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS has the authority to apply for and accept grant awards made by the Florida Department of Transportation as authorized by Chapter 341, Florida Statutes and/or by the Federal Transit Administration Act of 1964, as amended; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COU~TY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 1. c. \.0 c-: C") t"d "'~ 0 N (.:J _J U ~< ~ w ::c :i: ,...: . 0:: Q... -' '..:H- o . ::z: ~ M :::::::!::::::;, .(.)0 u.. I ....J .(.,) = >-~ 0 L&.I %c,....o. La.J l.a.. z 0::: <{ ;z: ...J ..::r 0 C - c::::t ,~ LA. c:::;) ~ This resolution applies to Federal Program(s) under U.S.C. Section(s) 5310. The submission of a grant application(s), supporting documents, and assurances to the Florida Department of Transportation is approved. James L. Roberts. County Administrator is authorized to sign the application and accept a grant award, unless specifically rescinded. DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 21st day of January. 2004 , .?;!::: 4~' B?~&~~~",'",,~~, Murray E, ,~, "",s, '5Xt"",.i'?'''',..'',;',~:';,,' ":':"r, .... ~". 7.- _,.,:;.,..h'_....,' ",' .'\'-"-.'~ ",,\\ Mayor v " Ir~t (~.}J'"/I:~~~~,t..~,~,,:,,'~,',',~~:~'~)~\, !I~l ~<"\,'>'~~\' ATTEST. \\6~,\<?- / A(~~,~:,~,.~"! ,I ~h'j . '~'\ \"; /-4 '; "'''~~'):~ 't..~ f \\\-1" (<II ~',<i \I I!& ~'(.... , fIJ \~1 \) C ~ ,{// ~ By: (~~ ~ James L. Roberts . County Administrator seal) MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY ~ ANNE A. TON ASS'STANT~U TY ATTORNEY Dater / .. ~.,_...."._....-