Resolution 112-2004 RESOLUTION 11 2 -2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION 345A-1999 AND REAUTHORIZING THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION FUND AS THE ENVIRONMENTAL LAND MANAGEMENT AND RESTORATION FUND, AN ACCOUNT WITHIN THE BUDGET OF THE MONROE COUNTY, MUNICIPAL SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution 345A-1999, on July 22, 1999, establishing a special revenue fund, called the Monroe County Environmental Restoration Fund [Fund 160], hereinafter called the "Fund"; and, WHEREAS, Resolution 345A-1999 authorizes revenues for the Fund to come from various sources, including fees collected for plant transplantation, filling of disturbed salt marsh and buttonwood wetlands, payment of fees in lieu of plant stock, and environmental fines; and, WHEREAS, Resolution 345A-1999 limits these funds to environmental restoration and improvement purposes set forth in the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has designated large areas in unincorporated Monroe County for public acquisition of environmentally sensitive lands and resources; and, WHEREAS, the restoration and management of these lands for conservation and natural resource protection purposes will require increased funding as the number of acres under County ownership will be significantly expanded to implement Goal 105 of the Comprehensive Plan; and, WHEREAS, the content of Resolution 345A-1999 regarding funding sources is limiting and the language governing the use of the funds too vague for effective and efficient administration of this fund; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that: Section 1: Resolution 345A-1999 is hereby rescinded. Section 2: The Special Revenue Fund, called the Monroe County Environmental Restoration Fund, created by Resolution 345A-1999, is hereby re-authorized as the Monroe County Environmental Land Management and Restoration Fund. Section 3: The following revenues shall be deposited in the Monroe County Environmental Land Management and Restoration Fund [Fund 160], hereinafter called the "Fund": C:\TEMP\resol-environ .doc Page 1 of2 1. Mitigation fees paid by landowners for placing fill in wetlands and clearing of sites pursuant to Chapters 6 and 9.5, Momoe County Code; 2. Restoration or transplantation fees paid in lieu of plant stock by landowners pursuant to Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code. 3. All monies collected by the Growth Management Division through civil law suits, consent agreements, or after-the-fact clearing or filling permits, except for penalties and administrative costs, required to mitigate the environmental damages to wetlands, tree or hammock resources. 4. Any fines levied for unlawful clearing and filling of environmentally sensitive lands found by the special master to be irreparable or irreversible in nature. 5. Any fine for an environmental crime when such fine is ordered by the sentencing court to be paid into the fund. Section 4: In addition to the revenue described in Section 3 above, the Fund may also accept grants, donations, gifts, and revenue appropriated or transferred to the Fund by the County Commission from any lawfully available source. Section 5: The revenue deposited in the Fund may only be used for restoration and management activities of public resource protection and conservation lands. These activities include, but are not limited to the following: clearance and removal of debris, waste, and fill; removal of structures or other improvements required for site restoration; removal of exotics and invasive specie; purchase of plant and landscaping materials for restoration of wetlands and upland habitat; installation of plant materials on site and site restoration; and, the purchase and installation of fences, signs, or other materials to ensure securing of environmental lands. These funds shall not be used for acquisition of real property or an interest in real property. Section 6: Fund revenues for the purchases of goods, services, or improvements to real property shall only be expended according to general law and to the Board of County Commissioners' Purchasing Policy and applicable purchasing ordinances. Mayor Murray Nelson yes Mayor Pro Tern David Rice yes Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy yes Commissioner George Neugent yes Commissioner Dixie Spehar yes ,..." of -MoIlfge ~unm '-' ..r- r- Z ."l> ::E: ::tl ,., z ]> rr1 0,::';:: :::0 0 rrJ;:J;;-< C"')' r N oC"'). Ul c::c?: ::z: . C) -0 -l () r- _~ :< ~4 ::r: ..... 'Tl -" o ;:;:0 ::0 "Tl C") PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on 17th day of March 2004. ';:,.. ; 'I N N \~ "o__i ;,,;J ,J Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MON.iQE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~~(~ r M r/Chafrperson ~ MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY Page 2 of2 A A VE FORM: C:\TEMP\resol-environ .doc