Resolution 124-1995 Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 124-1995 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR iP_ EXECUTE, ON BEHALF OF MONROE COUNTY, ~_~ SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FLORI~~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, MONRG~ COUNTY AND THE KEY LARGO GROUP, INe.: SETTLING A NOTICE OF VIOLATION (NOV) F~c .97 ACRES OF LAND NEAR THE ENTRANCE ~~ THE OCEAN REEF SUBDIVISION. ., " ~ ." I ", ~ CJ '" ~:) N ::tJ 0\ ':,0 ;a :T'1 0 (': . . 0 - :::J - '--,' WHEREAS, Key Largo Group, Inc. is the owner of real proper- ty described as: .97 acres of land near the entrance to Ocean Reef sub- division on South Harbor Drive between State Road 905 and Harbor Golf Course, which comprises a portion of platted property known as Golf Manor II; also known as Part of Tract A , Ocean Reef Plat #13, Harbor Course Section 1; and ty from Ocean Reef Club, Inc.; and WHEREAS, Key Largo Group, Inc., acquired the subject proper- WHEREAS, on May 4, 1993, the Florida Department of Community Affairs issued a Notice of Violation and Order ("NOV") against Ocean Reef Club., Inc., alleging certain violations of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations relating to land clearing of the approximately .97 acre referenced above, and requiring correc- tive action as stated in the NOVj and WHEREAS, DCA is the state land planning agency with the duty and responsibility of administering and enforcing the provi- sions of Chapter 380, Florida Statues, The Florida Environmental Land and Water Management Act of 1972 ("The Act"), and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, which include the Monroe County Land Development Regulationsj and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 380.032 (3), Florida Statutes, DCA is authorized to enter into agreements with any landowner, developer, or governmental agency as may be necessary to effectu- ate the provisions and purposes of The Act or any rules promulgat- ed thereunderj and WHEREAS, the parties wish to avoid the expense, uncertainly and delay of litigation and to resolve the pending proceeding under the terms and conditions set forth in the Settlement Agree- ment, and it is in their best interest to do SOj and WHEREAS, the staff report by Lorenzo Aghemo, Director of Planning, found that the agreement between the Florida Department of Community Affairs and Key Largo Group, Inc. complies with the Monroe County Land Development Regulationsj and WHEREAS, the Director of consider the agreement to be health, safety and welfare; and Planning and in the best the planning interests of staff public WHEREAS, the staff report by Lorenzo Aghemo, Director of Planning, recommends approval of the agreement and recommends that the Board of County Commissioners authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement between the Florida Department of Community Affairs and Key Largo Group, Inc.; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The Board of Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, agrees with the recommendation of the Director of Planning that the execution of this agreement would be in the best interests of the citizens of Monroe County; and This Board hereby adopts the recommendation of the Director of Planning, his findings of fact and conclusions of law as our owp; and Therefore, we hereby authorize the Mayor to execute the agree- ment between the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Monroe County and Key Largo Group, Inc., a copy of said agreement is attached hereto and incorporated by reference; and Direct the Clerk of the Board is to forward three certified copies of the executed agreement to the Division of Growth Manage- ment. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of April, A.D., 1995. Mayor Freeman yes Mayor Pro Tern London yes Commissioner Douglass not present Commissioner Harvey yes Commissioner Reich yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By cS~-F~..., MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (SEAL) (SEAL) BY: ~.udJ~~AA) DEPUTY CLERK lit ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK Resolution # 1.11/-/995 0\ STATE OF FLORIDA DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, Petitioner, v. CASE NO. 93-3151 OCEAN REEF CLUB, INC., and MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, Respondents. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 'This Agreement is entered into this day of 1995, between KEY LARGO GROUP, INC., a Florida corporation (herein "Key Largo Group") ; MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA; and the FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS (herein "the DepartJlent" or "DCAIt). WHEREAS, Key Largo Group, Inc., is the fee simple owner of approxiaately .97 acres of land near the entrance to Ocean Reef subdivision on South Harbor Drive between State Road 905 and Harbor Course Golf Course, which comprises a portion of platted property owned by Key Largo Group and known as Golf Manor II, on Key Largo, in unincorporated Monroe County, Florida (herein "the subject property"); and WHEREAS, Key Largo Group, Inc., acquired the subject property from Ocean Reef Club, Inc.; and WHEREAS, on May 4, 1993, the Department issued a Notice of Violation and Order ("NOV") against Ocean Reef Club, Inc. I alleging certain violations of the Monroe County land development regulations relating to land clearing of the approximately .97 acres referenced above, and requiring corrective action as stated in the NOV; and WHEREAS, Key Largo Group denies any violation of the Monroe County land development regulations; and WHEREAS, most of Monroe County, including the subject property, is located within the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern, as designated under sections 380.05 and 380.0552, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, DCA is the state land planning agency with the duty . and responsibility of administering and enforcing the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, the Florida Environmental Land and Water Management Act of 1972 ("The Act"), and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, which include the Monroe County land develop.ent requlations; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 380.032 (3), Florida Statute., DCA i. authorized to enter into agreements with any landowner, developer, or governaental agency as may be necessary to effectuate the provisions and purposes of The Act or any rules promulgated thereunder; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to avoid the expense, uncertainty and delay of litigation and to resolve the pending proceeding under the terms and conditions set forth herein, and it is in their best interests to do so; and WHEREAS, the Department finds that this agreement is necessary to effectuate the intent and provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, and the Monroe County comprehensive plan and land development regulations adopted pursuant thereto; and 2 "WHEREAS, Monroe County joins in this agreement for the purpose of implementing and enforcing same. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and undertakings set forth herein, and in consideration of the benefits to accrue to the parties to this agreement, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Recitals. All recitals contained above are incorporated herein and are essential elements hereof. 2. On-Site Restoration. The Owner agrees to on site restoration equivalent to sixty (60') percent of the acreage of one-half of Lot 3 and all of Lots 4-8, Golf Manor II, which is the .97 acre. which is the subject of the Department's pending Notice of Violation, referred to herein as the "on-site restoration area". OWner shall plant vegetation on the subject property in the restoration area depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part of this agreement, subject to the follow~ng criteria: a. Plants shall consist of tropical hardwood hammock plants native to the Florida Keys, planted on 5-foot centers, one- third in one-gallon containers, one-third in 3-gallon containers, and one-third in 10-gallon containers. At least one-third of all plants shall be 6 feet tall at the time of planting. A minimum of 6 inches of topsoil shall be added around root balls, i.e., the hole is 12 inches greater in diameter and 6 inches deeper than the pot. b. All plants shall be nursery stock. 3 c. A plant list identifying the types of plants to be utilized for restoration is attached as Exhibit B and incorporated herein. The plant list may be modified, without modifying this Agreement, with the written consent of the Department, if any particular species is not available at the time initial planting actually occurs. d. A minimum of fifteen (15) different plant species from Exhibit B shall be utilized for on-site restoration. Of those 15 species, seven (7) percent shall be torchwood, or wild lime if torchwood is not available at the time of planting. A maximum of seven (7%) percent of the total number of plants utilized in the on-site restoration area shall be of anyone species. Plant species shall be randomly scattered throughout the on-site restoration area to avoid isolated pockets of a sinqle plant species. e. The restoration area shall be contiguous and connected to prevent biofraq,mentation. f. The planted area will be mulched to two inches with native mulch to keep down exotic plant infiltration. g. All tailings from holes drilled for the plants will be removed and placed on the scarified area of the property to further hold down exotic plant infiltration. h. Any exotic plants which are on the subject property or which appear on the property will be continuously removed. i. Any non-native plants which are in the on-site restoration area or which appear in the on-site restoration area 4 will' be continuously removed. j. The Owner guarantees a survival rate for the new plants of eighty (80t) percent for three (3) years from the time of initial planting. Dead or dying plants shall be replaced as necessary to ensure the eighty percent (80') survival at the end of the third year after the initial planting. Replacement plants shall be of similar size as the species replaced. k. The initial planting shall occur on or before August 31, 1996. 1. The Owner shall notify the Department when initial planting begins, and shall notify the Department that the initial planting has been completed within five (5) working days (Monday- Friday) after completion of the work. Notice shall ~e in writing, by mail or telefax, directed to either the Depa~t.s Headquarters (to Growth Management Administrator, Region 11, Deparbaent of Community Affairs, 2740 centerview Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100, Fax: 904/488-3309) or the Department's Field Office (to Administrator, Department of Community Affairs Field Office, Marathon Regional Service Center, 2796 Oversea. Highway, Suite 212, Marathon, FL 33050, Fax: 305/289-2442). 3. Restoration Guarantee for On-site Restoration. a. wi thin fourteen (14) days after the date of this agreement, a restoration guarantee in the amount of Nineteen Thousand Four Hundred Five Dollars ($19,405.00) to cover the cost of on-site restoration shall be provided in the form of a deposit made with Monroe County. The deposit shall be in a form and manner 5 ~cc.ptabl. to the parties hereto and shall be placed in an interest-bearing account. b. After the restoration work has been completed by the OWner and after the Department determines that the restoration work is consistent wi th this agreement, the restoration guarantee, including accrued interest, shall be released to the Owner. with the concurrence of the Department after an inspection of the site, the restoration guarantee may be periodically drawn down as restoration work is completed. c. On or after September 1, 1996, if the County or the Department determines that the OWner has failed to perform the on- site restoration work according to the terms of this agreement, the County or the Department shall issue written notice to the owner that a default in the terms of this aqre.ment has occurred., and shall provide the Owner thirty (30) days from the date of the notice to cure the default by performing the on-site restoration required under this agreement. Notice under this section shall be provided by way of hand delivery, registered or certified mail, express mail or delivery service, or telefax to Key Largo Group, Inc., in care of Mr. Christopher B. Hewett, 2600 Douglas Road, suite 900, Coral Gables, Florida, 33134 (Telephone: 305-567-1904; Fax: 305-567-1469), or such other individual/entity or address as the Owner shall hereafter designate in writing. If the default is not cured by the Owner within said 30-day period, the funds on deposit with the County plus accrued interest thereon shall be deemed forfei ted to the County. Thereafter, the County is 6 ~uthoriz.d to use the forfeited funds for the specific purpose of accomplishing the restoration required under this agreement. Surplus funds, if any, shall remain the property of Monroe County for use on other restoration projects as the County, in its sole discretion, shall deem appropriate. 4. Off-site Mitiaation: DeDosit With Florida Kevs Native Nurserv. In consideration of the Department's agreement that planting on site may be delayed up to August 31, 1996, the owner / aqrees to additional off-site mitigation in the form of a donation to Monroe County in the amount of Ten Thousand One Hundred Seventy- Five Dollars ($10,175.00). This sum represents approximately double the current cost of plant material for restoring/mitigating forty (40') Percent of one half of Lot 3 and all of Lots 4-8 of Golf Manor II. The funds are to be deposited to the account of MDnroe County at the Florida Keys Native Nursery. These funds may be expended by Monroe County as it deems appropriate for any bona fide restoration project by Monroe County or the Monroe County Land Authority on land in the Upper Keys. 5. Clusterina of Homesites. A maximum of eight (8) single- family homes may be built at Golf Manor II, clustereu according to the site location for the housepads attached as Exhibit A. However, building permits for those homes shall not be sought by the owner or issued by Monroe County until on-site restoration planting, excluding the construction zone referenced in Section below 6, has been completed. 7 6. Construction Zone: Restoration: ODen SDace Require.ent. a. Hammock Area. The parties agree that the vegetation previously existing on one-half of Lot 3 and all of Lots 4-8, Golf Manor II, consisted of moderate quality low tropical hardwood hammock, and that the open space requirement is sixty percent (60%). The Owner acknowledges that the footprints of the housepads on said property depicted on Exhibi t A incorporate a 10-foot construction zone which, after construction, will be replanted to increase the amount of open space on each lot so that a maximum of 5 feet clearance between the wall of the house and the edge of restored hammock exists. The replanted construction zone shall be considered to be part of the on-site restoration area subject to all requirements of Section 2 of this agreement except for subsection 2 .k.. certificates of occupancy shall not be issued -until replanting in the construction zone has been co.pleted and inspected by Monroe County and DCA biologists. After replanting of the on-site restoration area under this agreement, including the construction zones, no additional clearing of the lots may occur and the midstory and understory native vegetation shall be totally preserved. No non-native plants may be installed in the on-site restoration area. b. Disturbed Area. The parties acknowledge that, prior to the violation alleged in the Department's NOV, Lots 1 and 2 and one-half of Lot 3 of Golf Manor II were lawfully cleared, that the resulting habitat designation is "disturbed," and that accordingly a twenty percent (20t) open space ratio is applicable to Lots 1 and 8 2 and one-half of Lot 3. 7. Access to ProDertv bv Monroe County and the Department. The Owner hereby authorizes any Monroe County Growth Management Division employee and any Department of Community Affairs employee to enter onto the subject property at reasonable times and under reasonable conditions during the regular work week, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., for the purpose of inspecting Golf Manor II for compliance with the terms of this Agreement, or to perform the restoration work provided in section 2.c. above. Authorization to enter onto Golf Manor II for the purposes set out in this Agreement shall not be dee.ed authorization to enter onto or inspect any other portion of Ocean Reef or Harbor Course subdivisions. 8. Further Proceedinqs. Within five (S) calendar days after execution of this Agreement, the Department shall file a notice of voluntary dismissal of this proceeding and, on return of the c..e materials from the Division of Administrative Hearings, shall promptly enter a final order of dismissal which incorporates the terms of this Agreement. 9. Caveat. The parties acknowledge their disagreement over whether a violation of the Monroe County land development regulations has occurred, as alleged in the Department's Notice of violation against Ocean Reef Club, Inc., and have entered into this Settlement Agreement solely in the spir it of compromise. This Agreement shall not be deemed to constitute a waiver of any party's position with regard to the alleged actions by the Owner or the 9 proper interpretation and implementation of the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida statutes, and the Monroe County comprehensive plan and land development regulations. This Agreement shall not be given precedential effect with regard to any other development undertaken in Monroe County. 10. ScoDe of Authoritv. This Agreement affects the rights and obligations of the parties under provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, relating to development in areas of critical state concern. It is not intended to influence or determine the authority or decisions of any other state or local government or agency, or of the federal government or any federal agency, in i8suance of any other permits or approvals that might be required by federal law, state law or local ordinance for any develop-.nt authorized by this Agreement. 11. DuDlicate Oriainals. This Agreement may be executed in any nuaber of originals, all of which evidence one aqreeaent, and only one of which need be produced for any purpose. 12. Bindina Effect. This Agreement is intended to and shall create a covenant running with the land, and shall be binding on the parties, their heirs, successors and assigns. 13. Recordation of Aareement. within ten (10) calendar days after execution of this Agreement, the Owner shall record this Agreement in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and shall promptly provide proof of recordation to Monroe County and the Department, including the official records book and page where this Agreement is recorded. Proof of recordation shall be 10 .furnished by hand delivery or u.s. Mail, postage prepaid, to Monroe County by directing same to Lorenzo Aghemo, Planning Director, Monroe County Growth Management Division, Marathon Regional Service Center, 2798 Overseas Highway, suite 400, Marathon, FL 33050, and to the Department by directing same to Mike McDaniel, Growth Management Administrator, Region 11, Department of Community Affairs, 2740 Centerview Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100. 14. Release: Costs and Attornev's Fees. The parties hereto release each other party from any and all claims of whatever nature which arise or may arise out of the issuance of the Notice of violation referred to in this Agreement. Each party shall bear its own costs and attorney's fees incurred in this proceeding. lS. Entiretv of Aareementl Amendment. This Agre~t consti tutes the entire agreement of the parties. Except as provided in section 2.b. above, this Agreement may be modified or _ndad only by a separate writing entered into between the parti_ hereto and recorded in the public records of Monroe county as provided in paragraph 13 above. 16. Enforcement. This Agreement may be enforced by any party and by Monroe County as provided in Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise allowed by law. 17. Date of Aareement. The date of this agreement is the date the last party signs and acknowledges this agr&ement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized undersigned representatives on the dates 11 " " and year below written. ~/11!I/q~ Date ' , KEY LARGO GROUP, INC. a Florida corporation ~~~~~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _~__~~~~~~a~_~Elt__~~~~________~_~_~~5: :~ of Key Largo Group, Inc., who 18 personally known to me or who preayeed as--iden-eiflwClLlun, and who dE! (did not) take an oath. I\)~ A IY\. Name (typed, pr1nt Serial Number, if any My commission expi~ .JI. ,.~ MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ANCREA M CVR My COMo'...... CC4G&M81 E... a.p... ,_ 6c.>ndltd ~ NFNU 000-224-8388 Jar', \ Dat \~ \'fCf5 1 By SHIRLEY FREEMAN, Mayor ATTEST: By If Danny L. Kohlage, Clerk Deputy Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 12 day of , 1995, by SHIRLEY FREEMAN, as Mayor of Monroe County, who is personally known to me, and who did take an oath. Notary Public Name (typed, printed or stamped) serial Number, if any My commission expires: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, An Agency of the state of Florida By CHARLES PATTISON Director, Division of Resource Planning and Management Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1995, by CHARLES PATTISON, as Director, Department of Community Affairs Division of Resource Planning and Management, who is personally known to me and who did not take an oath. Notary Public Name (typed, printed or stamped) Commission Number My commission expires: 13 , s_~n!l ,-.d" 6 . ..,... ..- L." ...... L.t...... HARD'vJOOD UJT6 ~. I&'IIIMSII 1 . II' 2. .' I. Je' t . Je' I. 20' t. H' ., . JO' . . IS' t . 31' _or___ --- __-w".:r -..cr ........) - -- ___tv. ---- '-"1 _~.___.DC. aJUPBJC SCAU: i '!' i v ~ '--1 a...- - .. 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".""';"- EXHIBIT B PLANT LIST scecies cinnacord Marlberry Simpson stopper Lignum Vitae Soldierwood Mahogany Pigeon Plum Red stopper (only as replacement for dead or dying plants in 2nd or 3rd years) Inkwood Wild Coffee only as replacement for dead or dying plants in 2nd or 3rd years) Mastic Paradise Tree Torchwood; Wild Lime if Torchwood Not Available (add after 2nd year only) Crabwood Thatch Palm Piddlewood Coffee Colubrina satinleaf Willow ustic Spicewood (only as replacement for dead or dying plants in 2nd or 3rd years) White Ironwood Soapberry Wild Tamarind Gumbo Limbo Blolly Jamaican Dogwood Black Ironwood Lancewood 14