Resolution 191-1995 Commissioner Harvey RESOLUTION NO. 191-1995 A RESOLUTION RESTRICTING THE LOCATION OF AIRCRAFT RUN UPS AT KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND THE MARATHON AIRPORT BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 11 PM AND 7 AM; PROVIDING THAT THIS RESOLUTION DOES NOT PREVENT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM CLOSING THE AIRPORTS FROM 11 PM TO 7 AM IF APPROVED BY THE FAA; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~ ('.1) ,.. \d Z:' \JI ,^' P1 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'::OF': MO~OE ~ N -::, 0\ .'..' -" COUNTY, FLORIDA: - . Section 1. Definitions. -0 N N - - "-;-1 (' -,;. (:) :-u . -I Run-up means advancing the r.p.m. of a prop aircraft's engine or engines to the appropriate medium setting for the aircraft type as a final engine and systems test before full power take off. Section 2. All aircraft run ups between 11 PM and 7 AM at Key West International Airport must be done within the area depicted on Exhibit A. Exhibit A is attached to this Resolution and made a part of it. Section 3. All aircraft run ups at the Marathon Airport between 11 PM and 7 AM must be done within the area depicted on Exhibit B. Exhibit B is attached to this Resolution and made a part of it. Section 4. Nothing in this Resolution may be read as preventing, estopping or foreclosing the Board of County Commissioners, with the consent of the Federal Aviation Administration, from closing either the Key West International Airport or the Marathon Airport or both between the hours of 11 PM to 7 AM. Section 5. Any violation of this Resolution may be prosecuted as a misdemeanor of the second degree as provided in Sees. 775.082 or 775.03, Florida Statutes. Section 6. This Resolution will take effect after the promulgation required in Sec. 332.08(2)(b), Florida Statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of May, AD, 1995. Mayor Freeman Mayor Pro T em London Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Reich Commissioner Douglass ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BycJ'LAp-F~ Mayo(1Chairman B~C.~ Deputy Clerk EFFECTIVE DATE jresairi z -Lk- .. o '" \ ~~ \ \ , - . . c( . :s ........ t- P.. o I~ z< Or-- tti I ~ 8P.. l1..-f <.-I tti tJ< tti~ Htti << o -:3:-M- 7 i o l-f I Q) 01 ::l 0 l-f Ul s::: o +) -r-f Ii-l -r-f-r-f .c:: Itl 0 0 '0 ~ . s::: s::: >. p.. Q) '0 0.. Itl >. r-f.-lUS:::Q)'Or-fr-f l-fr-l::lQ)Q)S::: +) Itl "0 r-f1tl'01tl Q)SQ)+)Ul S:::Q) o l-f Ul Itl Itl l-f 'Ol-f Q)r-/Q) tn Q)Ii-lO)rcll-f1i-l +) +) Srclli-lQ) 1tlQ) Q)l-f 0.0 S:::Ul+)..c::OUl tn ::l 0.. +) s::: -r-f Q) '0 -r-f S ..c:: ~ r-/ Ull-fQ)+)Ii-l+)Itl::l Q)0+)1tl0 +)0 '01i-l+) tn) Itl Ul U) s::: l-f ) '0 +) l-f -r-f 0 .. Q)Q)OS:::::lUlIi-l>. S:::'O+)Q)0::l +) -r-f 'O.c: Ul Q) Itl>Ul-r-f S:::Q)1i-l o -r-f Ul tn -r-f l-f Itl L{)l-f Q)S::: ::lUl 0) 0..Q) l-f-r-f S:::'O I Ul l-f0Q)..c:: NUlOO::l-r-fU+) r-l -r-f 0.. +) '0 +) O-r-f I l-f Itl l-f) . ~1tl::lQ)+)l-f0.. '0 Q) ,0.. Ul l-f Q) +) Q) '(I) l-f -r-f 0 0.. +) s::: +) >R:lQ)Oo.OS:::Q)1tl -r-f ..c:: s::: l-f 0 Q) +) -r-f +)0..8 -r-fUSUlU U::l +)Itl Q)-r-fQ) OJ I -Ii-l l-f+)Ull-f 1i-lS:::~R:lQ)::l1tlS:::0.. 1i-l::l<l-f.c:O.oOo.. ~l-fr--U+)>tR:lUR:I -Q -C '>< lJJ \ r\\ I \ \ ~ ~l <{ + .- ~ - @ o o I .... I I I l ~ ..J - :J CO -J < Z - ~ 0: UJ @:' oj 9Z 'lJ I '~ / , f I 10 a I ~ I 0:: . ~~ I ~l-l. q... I :to I . .<" I I..,~ I I I I I I I I i lJ I I , I , I I I I I I I , I I I b I 2 I . l< ~ b o ~ )- <l: J: ~ I f I I' f 10 i ~--.- I . i i .9. Mlli j i I i i I i i 0 I i i i f I I I I . I I I >- ott ;C S 0: .., z ~ <1\ >< I!J I I ~t I ~q f ~ : t . , ltl (l) ""' ltl 0.. 8 ;:j P::: l:: o ;:j p., ""' P::: Hen < (l) +> :z: 0 o l:: ::r:: (l) 8'0 < P:::I < ::EO . tl' zO:: ~ Q 8 6"1 W ~;;;! J:~ ~ .... I-o:;e Ct: ~;:;l ~ ~d~fj ~>u.o /) ./" ~"" ~~ I ! I , I I l<l 1 ~ ..... '- -Q. '. ~ (J) 4J :::l' uJ ... ~ t-= VI x w c > -.J CD Z o l- e;{ :> <( 1'-0 i :::> I.'l: o <( o 0: Q: ~