Resolution 131-2004 Commissioner Spehar RESOLUTION NO. 131 -2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CONCERNING HOUSING FOR LOW-INCOME AND HIV I AIDS DISABLED PERSONS AND FAMILIES WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners recognizes the importance of long-term housing for disabled persons. AIDS Help, Inc. has worked to ensure the availability of housing for low-income and HIV/AIDS disabled persons and families for the past sixteen years. The Board of County Commissioners understands the importance of stable housing to the long-term health and welfare of HIV/AIDS infected persons living in Key West and Monroe County and further wishes to secure, preserve and continue HIV/AIDS housing assistance programs for our citizens. WHEREAS, funding under the Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) for Monroe County was cut by 29% in 2003 affecting transitional housing for HIV/AIDS persons and families, and WHEREAS, $300,000 in General Revenue funding designated for HIV/AIDS persons in Monroe County through an arrangement between AIDS Help, Inc. and the South Florida AIDS Network (SFAN) is in eminent danger of being eliminated, and WHEREAS, the combined loss of the above mentioned housing assistance funds may cause as many as 121 individuals and families to be at risk of becoming homeless, and WHEREAS, all evidence based research indicates that those homeless persons with HIV/AIDS lose access to available health care which threaten their long-term health and leads to greater life- threatening risk of opportunistic infections, and WHEREAS, loss of HOPWA and General Revenue housing assistance funding will place low income, seriously ill, and disabled citizens of Monroe County at great disadvantage within a highly competitive and scarce housing market, and WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Public Health and the District 11-B, Florida Keys HIV Community Planning Partnership have developed and approved HIV/AIDS housing strategies within Monroe County that will be adversely affected by the loss of General Revenue funds and cutbacks in the HOPWA program; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA hereby calls upon all elected representatives of the citizens of Monroe County, and employees and representatives thereof, to work to restore, preserve, an~ contirWii HQUsing Opportunities for People With AIDS and General Revenue, South Florida AIDS NTo! f~in~ 0'''2: -0 0 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monro~~nti;1=l~a, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of March, 2004. gn: -oJ 0 C;oA :u z. C' -lnr " :::0 -< _-; ::: X p, ::" . )>- ~: ;::2 r- :r> Mayor Nelson . Mayor Pro Tern Rice Commissioner McCoy Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Spehar yes yes yes yes yes ':>' ") ::~1 B BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ::~Nl('~ MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY Mayor/Chairperson jresAIDS pp VE A OAM: AO . OLFE _ CHIEF ASSISTA T COUNTY ATTmu.Jl:v