4. 02/21/2001 to 02/28/2005 3rd RenewalDANNY L. KOLHAGE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DATE: April 6, 2004 TO: Fire Chief Clark Martin Fire Rescue Department ATTN. Susan Hover Administrative Assistant FROM. • Pamela G. Hanc 4k Deputy Clerk At the February 18, 2004, Board of County Commissioner's meeting the Board granted approval and authorized execution of a Renewal Agreement between the Board of Governors of Fire and Ambulance District I and Fire Tech Repair Service, Inc. for maintenance of fire apparatus, including preventative maintenance, unscheduled maintenance and annual pump testing, effective from February 29, 2004 through February 28, 2005. Enclosed is a duplicate original of the above -mentioned for your handling. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. cc: County Administrator w/o document County Attorney Finance File i RENEWAL AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT dated the 18th day of February ,2004, by and between the Board of Governors of Fire and Ambulance District 1 of Monroe County, Florida, hereinafter called the "District" and Fire Tech Repair Service, Inc., whose mailing address is Post office Box 1570, Key Largo, Florida 33037, hereinafter called the "Contractor". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the parties hereto did enter into an agreement dated February 21,2001 for scheduled semi- annual inspections and preventative maintenance of fire rescue vehicles, annual pump tests and for unscheduled maintenance and repair resulting from equipment failure or malfunction; and WHEREAS, said agreement provided an option to the District to renew the contract for three additional one year terms; and WHEREAS, the DISTRICT has elected to exercise said option for the continuation of scheduled semi- annual inspections and preventative maintenance of fire rescue vehicles, annual pump tests and for unscheduled maintenance and repair resulting from equipment failure or malfunction; how, therefore IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual convenants and obligations contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. The District elects to renew the contract for an additional year pursuant to paragraph C of the agreement entered February 21,2001. 2. The effective date of this amendment is February 29,2004 and shall extend through February 28,2005, under the same terms and conditions of the contract dated February 21,2001. 3. Attachment 1, as amended, and attached hereto reflects the current schedule of fire rescue vehicles. 4. All other terms and conditions of the contract dated February 21,2001 shall remain in full force and effect. , /~~1~;"" ',,/:~> J:....~>:~ ,/, \\\"J. ,<Ic~':( , .'/(:,"/ il':!l \-w '..~ J/)/ ..."A F'1' I \.'0 +~I g. !\';=:i . r,"J\ "_ C \\~<~ \ ~j ^,,/ ~~3~;;~:- ':~;~~~t{{if;;~;'.\ L. KOLHAGE, CLERK. BOARD OF GOVERNORS, FIRE AND AMBULANCE DISTRICT 1 By: ............) :1. = o 0 => :;r 1> ..L- 3;:2~ ~ =" g~: &. S53;.:: FIRE- TECH REP AIR S~~IN~ 1'- --.. "./ ." . ~;:. ..A:5 .' ", . /"" V ~.- I' . ,./.. 0 .... 'j -- r- WITNESS: J ..d::..~~ MONROE COUNTY no APP OVED AS fTl o ""T1 o ;'.YJ ~J f"Tl (-) i:=, '<J MONROE COUNTY FIRE RESCUE VEHICLE LIST - DISTRICT 1 RevlHd 01/01104 '.;'-'--~IO,,- -.r~~,~ -' -.., --', - -, "T'-- 7{. "--:'~-- ;;-:,c,,' ~Ir",-- :;?~z.-;;::;-C::";<i''4iiJf!':~~;;'5i"~-:;_';;_~'~.''; _ "I~l.,.,.~~, .......-t. r. .,. ! ._,,~ _....._,'-.'..1...., ..._.r'''-'J.....)..:I...J",.;.~'''&..._____....~1>,..Jx.-) .\..!>.:'~'....::'.....[:!:. u.~~..,."....!.z ,~~.-.,.." ,. ..i.',.' -"'~~ '-' ....-. '.,', , 1',".. STOCK ISLAND 46JASAA84L 1003413 1439-195 E-12 E.s E.1 PUMPER 1990 1500 750 1 HTSDN6R2RH562127 1439-281 T-15 T.s SO,COACH. TANKER! PUMPER 1994 1250 2000 BIG COPPITT 143~303 RE-14 RH-9 FORO REHAB UNITIAMB 1983189 NIJ NIA 46JA8AA84L 1003414 1430-116 E-20 E.9 E-1 PUMPER. 1990 1500 150 1FVXJLCB6YHA28819 1417-2<l6 T.18 T-9 SO. COACH PUMPER 1999 1250 2000 CE12-6238 1438-009 E-27 E-109 lFRNC PUMPER 1978 1500 1000 SuGARLOAF 1G8L7D1 G9GV107111 1431-070 R-25 $-10 CHEVY RESCUE PUMPER 1986 250 200 1FV6JLCB3PL476133 1431.164 E-26 E-10 BROMN. PUMPER 1993 1250 750 IGOVSE4HXBV566578 1431-017 T-24 T-10 SAULS. TANKER PUMPER 198'\l1998 100l) 3000 CUDJOE KEY 3HTMKADR63N5B4221 1431-246 N/A E-11 PIERCE PUMPER 2003 1250 1000 BIG PINE 1091 P11 J5K1008070 1432-216 E-30 E.13 YOUNG PUMPER 1989 1000 750 881<430104011205 ForHtrv Surolus B-33 &-13 AMGC 6 X 6 BRUSH TRUCK 1985 250 1000 3B7MF33C6TM111113 1432-383 8-31 U-13 DODGE BRUSH TRUCK 1996 150 350 IGDV9E4HXBV566579 1432-042 f-32 f-13 SAULS. TANKER PUMPER 1981/1996 1000 3000 TRAINING DlVlSION. MARA THON CE12-6240 1431~ E-43 E-39 LFRNC PUMPER 1978 1500 1000 CE12~239 1438-010 E-44 E-139 \...FRNC PUMPER 1978 1500 1000 87K17141 04010438 Foreetrv Surolus 6-34 AMGC 6 X 6 BRUSH TRUCK 1965 NJA N1A CONCH KEY 1091 P11 J6KI008059 1434-183 E-46 E-17 YOUNG PUMPER 1989 1000 750 1 GDV9E4H8BV566580 1434-061 T-47 T-17 SAULS. TANKER! PUMPER 1981 t 1998 1000 3000 LA YTON 46JABAA84LIOO3415 1440-168 E-49 E-1a E-1 PUMPER 1990 1250 750 1FOPK74P7NVA35783 1440-171 R-50 AU-i8 E-1 RESCUE 1992 0 () TAVERNIER QR842125 1437.300 R-61 5-22 SPARTAN RESCUE! PUMPER 1988 1500 500 IF9088A89J1037252 1431-288 L-58 L-22 E-1 AERIAL PLATFORM 1988 1500 150 1 HTSCPHN4NH446561 1437-361 H-51 H-22 SAULS. HOSE REEL TRUCK 1992 0 0 QSOLS47M4MCA48400 1413-037 RE-tlO RH-22 FORO REHAB UNITIAMB 1992 NIA NlA 4P1CT02A81AOO1720 1437-519 &59 E-22 PIERCE PUMPER 2001 1500 1500 e- ENGINE R; RESCUE L- LADDER RE= ReHAB T-TANKER LF UTILITY H" HOSE TRUCK B" 8RUSH ATTACHMENT 1 FIRE TECH REPAIR SERVICE, INC. MAINTENANCE OF FIRE RESCUE VEmCLES SEMI-ANNUAL INSPECTIONSt MAINTENANCEt AND PUMP TESTS TABULATION SHEET - PROJECTED COST FOR ONE YEAR DATE PREPARED 01/28/2004 District 1 Semi-Annual Inspection and Maintenance: Pumper $245.00 x 2 = $490.00 x 18 = $ 8,820.00 Rescue vehicle without pump $180.00 x 2 = $360.00 x 7 = $ 2,520.00 Aerial $320.00 x 2 = $640.00 x 1 = $ 640.00 Annual pump test Total: $275.00 x 19 = $ 5.225.00 $17,205.00