Resolution 230-1995 : RESOLUTION NO. _1}~j995 A RESOLUTION WAIVING A PROHIBITION AGAINST CONFLICT OF INTEREST FOR JEFFERSON WEBB, II AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE KEY WEST CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SERVING AS DISTRICT I ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER WHOSE CHAMBER IS FUNDED BY THE MONROE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL (MCTDC) TO PROVIDE TELEPHONE & TOURIST INFORMATION SERVICES TO THE MCTDC. WHEREAS, under Florida Statutes 112.313(3) and (7), a member of Tourist Development Council, an advisory board, is prohibited from doing business with one's agency and having conflicting employment or contractual relationship, respectively, except pursuant to a waiver under Fla. Stat. 112.313(12) by body which appointed the person to the advisory board upon a full disclosure of the transaction of the appointing body (The Board of County Commissioners) prior to the waiver and an affirmative vote by 2/3 vote of that body, and WHEREAS, Jefferson B. Webb, II has made full disclosure of his affiliation with the Monroe County Tourist Development Council concerning Conflict of Interest. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners wishes to waive a prohibition against Jefferson B. Webb's conflict pursuant to Florida Statute 112.313(12), now, therefore, -,., :; ~.- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS~IO~ERS OF rr1 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: ~~'~ ~ ~ . .... c; '-. .." I 7~ Section 1. As per Florida Statute 112.313(3) and FIQItda StGft.tlte -;4') 112.313(12), a waiver is hereby extended to Jefferson B. Webb 11,~memb~of n~ the Monroe County Tourist Development Council's District I Advisor]'Gommi~e, c:..~ who is a member of the Board of Directors of the Key West -:Chamb~of ;:!.. Commerce, which is funded by the Monroe County Tourist Development Council to provide telephone and tourist information services to the MCTDC, provided he abstains from voting on any relevant issues or motions pertaining to MCTDC funds to be paid for services provided by or events sponsored by the Key West Chamber of Commerce. Section 2. So as to conform to the 2/3 voting requirement under Florida Statute 112.313(12), the following vote reflects the action of the Commissioners as concerns this resolution: Mayor Shirley Freeman Commissioner Keith Douglass Commissioner Wilhelmina Harvey Commissioner Jack London Commissioner Mary Kay Reich yes yes . yes yes ~- PASSED AND ADOPTED by vote of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 22nd day of June , 1995. (SEAL) Board of County Commissioners Attest: Mr. Danny Kolhage, Clerk of Monroe County Flori~ C BY:~~f~"'~~"J By: ~t1~.~7~ . ~ ~alrman Approved ?:'/1 )1rm and legal SUfficiency by: _~,~ Date:_. 75 ~ I . 2 APR-27-95 THU 12:59 FAX NO, 13052960788 I IWHO Mt.T$1' COMPLlTE THlS PART I I S"c;tiOIU 112.S13(;i) and 112.3l.1{7). Floria. IHat;uks. prO~bit Cert-m tna.... tdatiolllhipl "D the pan O'f pu!>l1e offieen and cmPhlYllldor 1nc;1\l4~ perso.lU : r....rvi>>& ql> aGVYOf'Y b04U1;ls. See P.:1. IU, Chapter 112. Flo:rid.. SY.,,"t.es ~/<;III' t&le brocbUH enUU.. "A Gv.iA.. to \he S~~ Am~e.ot ud Code of Etlue~ I fqr P.~b1ic; Olti~B. C...oicl.te$ -~ Employees" . for man! Qet.aUs 011 f.h_ praGib~tio..... qo..,~", SeeUoll 11.2_313(12), Fh.riGa St...._ (19'79) ~rI2ul.s ,the I ..pQW~ official or ~04y to w&lve Ihe. rl!qUJ:nltl:1eftl.S in 4 p"~tK'lll411r lI"t""!:'.. provi4ecl: ta) wliver by the appoin~1I 1;)04,. mllSt be ul'OD. a lWo-tbirO. . f aNUmatWe vote of that bo4,.: or (1)) waiver by t1ie &DJlOUlt.lD1 penon mun be effuUld atter,. ~Uc: beuiRlI; glut (c) 1>> eithu eaM the I14vuory bqUd l'4ot1'11.ber : ! n1ud tu.uy dUdwe t1ie uansa.::tion. OI1'Clalionsbip wlUd1 woll1d othezwiM ~ proh!bUed by Subaectiozali (3) vr (7) Qf Se<:lio:c. 112.313. FIQriQ. Stawie,. Tbi$ PIl"l : i 01 FOIiII 4A bp beel1 Jlrf!'~r.i.b4Dd by the Collilmiaa.ion OD EIh* loa' ~ell chaclo~re, if (/nd W^t". ..ftPlic",bl~ to an advisory bow meIllD~r. ' I , PI_ lIl_plete Ihe IQIlO"'~C (111)' if requirc!cl to elo &0 m1ipl of the IblM!: 1. The p~, ~\Qnn~. JlrO%l'r.i.e~otm!~. 0\Ifft~ of a :Q1atetial 1I:ltereAt. pOlitiOll of Offie.l'. employment. or eOlllne~a.1 ..1.s;onsbi1) wtlieh woult;! o~erwin 'liglate $U~tiOD (3) ot ('7)1 ot S~etioIl112.31a. Florida S\aClnelil.i held by: ( ) The !l<Pottmc penon; P~t loG SeetloD. 112.313(3), Flol:i4a Statutes: ( ) SPO"'I. of ~poninl: ~ncm wbon IlImU' iI or ( ) Cl:lilcl 01 the rePQ~1l pCftOll WhOMt DCDe P 2. 'nIe .p~CIl1Il1' ~etioa for whleh Utili walver is aollllht involves: .. liIupplY1D& tale fQ/,1QWi:lIc %..alb', COOit:s UJ.d/or Rh"ice$: b. ftt folloW'1lq: b~ enu$Y will Sllpply t1iese "omDlOditie1l; ~ The nlatlO!Ubip of the ul:ld.~4 aclviso.,. boQd member or SJJOUIIe OJ' c:hi!4 of ~c:h achillor)' bOaN :r:Il.eaDber io cau: PftSOD or bURnlllli .....ttt)' tn:ASICUBJ thia b~ ill (c:hftl[ "PPIiC*e SfI*Ces]: ( ) OUiecr: ( ) P.umer; ( ) Al&CHli&u: ( ) liIok f'roprieior: ( ) 5wekAolclN'. ( ) %)Jnctor; ( ) Owner of in Cllcea of ''Ii> of iIle _u or I CllPIW nociI; m INIlh blllliAt!~ eDU;y; ( ) h~ OfficeI' gr employ", bo1cliD& a eOIlta.etual rel&ti~ wilh IUch bll.O- elltit:r; ( ) Odler, pl__ dauibe: PART B - DISCl.OSURE OF INTEREST IN SOLE SOURCE OF 5UPPL Y I wMO MtTST COMPLETE THIS PART I i SecUCID UU1.1(3) aM 11.2.313(1). Floo2O S&atu&n. J>>;OhJblt eenam ~ .nIaUoubIpl _ dt.. part of pllhl1e olke. u4 ....10VH.I, See Pan m. I:h-..w 1112. Flodd.a S&&tu.ws IlDAi/or tAt D~ ~DUtlecl ...... Guide to ill. S~ -'meDCbMDt Ud COde of EIbIa fm FuttliC Off:l-... CUIIlf4ata aDCl i;mJlloyen" 11<< _ewe ..Mils 011 tlr.e.e pzctU!ttt.iom. HOwflYU. kctioii l1%.I13(lI)(e). Floztda 5tatWell (!fID) p~ _ aaaptlog from tll.e ""_.DU~ ~ I iIa .. .....t daai~" b___ CIlt.itY t,D,vo/.Ye(t 1& tile oDly aMU'N of wPil!Y wttbill dt.. poli1iclll ~a. of 1b. offic:a- en aaplO)'etl. lIl_eh e-.. tbe oUicsr'. en _pt...... iawa't lJl tIr.e b~ue. tomliY mlUt b. fu11y cIiIClOHcl tQ ~ lOYem1II& bOcl)' Of 1ht POlitical ~o. ~ Pari. ot 1"01111 <lA haa be.D pzacdb_ct b" I .. ComaiaiClll- Oil !:aua tor AJcD \S;.!dOlUft, tf laIItS when c:ppl","~"', I ! P1_ C:Gm1ll1eW fob. tQD.Owi.DC ol1l)' it reQloliftci to do SQ m ~\ of Qae .ooye: I I : 1. ! The IOoci$ or scrvieaa b.q su~pl1cc1 ~y a b,,~ el\tit)' "''ttll wtuda aail' 1Ul(i~d. >>:>lOcblic Dtri<!1!r 0% .....~loy..... or qQ\O!Ie Dr .:blld of 1llc:.A Qtfi.:~ Or _pIOYH i& ~oIYeCl iD.clwie(a) 'z. j ne l;>v.mnt'U ~tity whi<;h is the olUy !~ ot ..pply of the ab_co 10* or ..~ ~thiIl we politiW _~Jl iii: (ADDR.E:SS) erKialled p~blil; otfjeer Or employ.. Qf ~w Or dlild (If su.1lh QfUQC!r or CZIl;tlo)'ee ill tile bUD". entit). named .i.n Item 2 abaVe ill ] ; I , a. ) AS$Ol;' ) Sol.. P:tQpnewr; ( ) S~kk914"; ( ) I)j,;reetw: ( ) 0_1' 01 iA ..c._ of K I;>{ ta. -U or ) P1.1Ol.ie of~eer or em~loy.. bD1d1!l& a ecmtDewa! relat:io~ witli sueh bllll.iJlcR 1I1di.t)"; ( ) Other. plelUl~ j D;"~f:. Flt.!:e I , , , it be fi.!. . ~f aIlPhc:~.~. with tJse apjloinUDC boo!l' or pe~n waivitll: ihC! l'e5trieuoDB of Seet.l.oD 112..a13(3) or (1). Jl'loNla S\atuk.. p~iol' : filed., l.f appUeabl", ",-i'tb the' ttOVc.rn;.nE: bOO," of 'Ih~ poUti.c.al subdivision in which the' ~et>ol'tin&; pel$on is se~. It l~ lNue&\ec ' nOf ~o tile I\lbJec:t traDUCtir;m. ~' ;.r. ,'ORb>: ..;.. . r:E\', 1 :;.~? I ~