05/28/1985 SpecialCC 163
Public Hearing/Special Meeting
Board of County Commissioners
Tuesday, May 28, 1985
Key West
A special meeting of the Board of County
Commissioners convened at 925 a.m. on the above date at the
Casa Marina in Key West. Present and answering to roll call
were Commissioner Alison Fahrer, Commissioner William
Freeman, Commissioner John Stormont, Commissioner Ed Swift,
and Mayor Wilhelmina Harvey;. Also present were Danny L.
Kolhage, Clerk; Susan Vernon, Assistant County Attorney;
County staff; Planning Consultants; members of the Press and
Radio; and the general public.
All stood for the 'Invocation and Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
The following citizen/advisers were present and
participated in the meetingj: Fred Tittle, Ed Davidson,
Sandy Barrett, Bill Danielsl, Bob Ernst, Earl Gallop, Betty
Bullock, Ed Kloski, and RayaAllen.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Commissioner Swift to amend the first paragraph at the
top of Page 40 to.delete thle words "the joint or mixed use
of land, including" and to insert the words "in conjunction
with" in place of the word "above." Motion carried unani-
Motion was made by Mayor Harvey and seconded by
Commissioner Fahrer to amen,d the second paragraph under
Growth Management in Sec. 4;-108 on Page 40 to delete the
words "The base economy" anid to insert in their place the
words "An important element,"; to insert the word "economy"
after the word "Keys" in.thle first line of this paragraph;
and to delete the word "the" and insert in its place the
word "a" in the second line of this paragraph. Motion
carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded
by Commissioner Fahrer to eliminate the last sentence in the
first paragraph under Growth Management on Page 40. Motion
carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Commissioner Stormont to add the words "and mariculture"
at the end of the first paragraph on Page 35. Motion
carried unanimously. ,
Motion was made by Mayor Harvey and seconded by
Commissioner Swift to add a paragraph between the second and
third paragraphs under Growth Management on Page 40 to read
as follows: "In addition,,lit is important that the existing
tourist facilities be imprgved and enhanced and that new
high quality tourist facilities be developed." Motion
carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded
by Mayor Harvey to delete the last sentence of the third
paragraph under Growth Management on Page 40. Roll call
vote was taken with the following results:
CC-- 164
Mayor Harvey
Motion failed.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Commissioner Freeman to amend the third paragraph under
Growth Management on Page 40 to change the last sentence to
read as follows: "The community character assessments indi-
cate that each planning area has a character that is sen-
sitive to change and that the cumulative effect of such
negative changes in community character could have signifi-
cant adverse impact on the Florida Keys economy." Motion
carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded
by Commissioner Fahrer to strike from the last paragraph at
the bottom of Page 40 beginning with the word "Development"
through the first paragraph at the top of Page 43 ending
with the word "develop." Extensive discussion took place on
this section of the Plan. Roll call vote was unanimous.
Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded
by Commissioner Fahrer to strike the words "and economic"
after the word "environmental" in the second paragraph under
Objectives on Page 43. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded
by Commissioner Fahrer to substantially re -word the second
paragraph under Objectives on Page 43 to read as follows:
"To ensure that future development is consistent with the
long-term functional integrity of the natural resources of
the Florida Keys." Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Commissioner Freeman to insert the words "residents and"
between the words "that" and "landowners" in the last
paragraph under Policies on Page 43. Motion carried unani-
Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded
by Commissioner Fahrer to insert the words "public or priva-
te" between the words "planned" and "facilities" in the
first paragraph under Policies on Page 43 and to add at the
end of this first paragraph the words ", or that which can
be self -supported in an environmentally sound manner."
Roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Mayor Harvey
Motion carried.
Fahrer Yes
Freeman Yes
Stormont No
Swift Yes
Motion was made by Mayor Harvey and seconded by
Commissioner Fahrer to add a paragraph following the third
paragraph under Policies on Page 44 to read as follows:
"To require that all or a part of all new public facilities
be developed to serve as areas of safe refuge as hurricane
shelters in the event of a hurricane and that, where
feasible, existing public facilities be improved to provide
additional areas of safe refuge." Motion carried unani-
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Mayor Harvey to strike the words "are not flood -proofed"
in the second paragraph under Policies on Page 44 and to
insert the words "that do not satisfy FEMA requirements."
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Mayor Harvey to eliminate everything following the word
"including" through the word "Commission" in the first
paragraph under Intergovernmental Coordination of Sec. 4-110
on Page 44 and to insert the words "Federal, State, Regional
and Local agencies." Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Commissioner Freeman to delete all of Sec. 4-111 and to
transfer it to an appropriate volume for future discussion.
Roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Commissioner Stormont
Commissioner 'Swift
Mayor Harvey'
Motion failed. Afther further discussion, motion was made
by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Freeman
that the Marathon and Key Largo economic areas of Sec. 4-111
be transferred to another volume; that the other areas of
Sec. 4-111 be considered under Map Revisions; that a proce-
dure for the development of Areas of County Critical Concern
be created; and that historic, environmental, development
and generic special area language be added to Sec. 4-111.
Roll call vote was unanimous.
The Board then discussed the criteria for appoin-
tees to the Planning Commission. Motion was made by
Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Freeman to
establish a seven -member Planning Commission consisting of a
professional planner, an environmental scientist, an active
contractor, an engineer/civil engineer, a design pro-
fessional, a nominee from fhr.ee names submitted by the
Chamber Coalitiion, and a nominee from three names submitted
by the Citizens Coalition.. During discussion, the motion
was withdrawn. Motion was°made by Commissioner Swift and
seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to appoint a seven -member
Planning Commission consisting of the following: (1) a
realtor, contractor or developer; (2) an environmental
scientist, planner, landscape architect or naturalist; (3)
an engineer or architect; (4) a nominee from three names
submitted by the Chamber Coalition; (5) a nominee from three
names submitted by the Citilzens Coalition; and the sixth and
seventh member to be selected at large with consideration
for geographic balance in the at -large appointees. Al Fried
and Arlene Reiser addressed the Board concerning the pro-
posed structure of the Planning Commission. Roll call vote
was taken with the following.results:
Commissioner Fahrer
Commissioner Stormont
Commissioner Swift
Mayor Harvey
Motion failed. Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and
seconded by Commissioner Stormont for each Commissioner to
submit a name, giving consideration to the areas of
planning, environmental science, engineering,
realty/contracting, architecture, landscape specialism, and
geographic representation of all the Keys. Roll call vote
was taken with the following results:
Mayor Harvey
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Commissioner Freeman to strike the words "To the extent
practical," in the second sentence of the first paragraph on
Page 62. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded
by Commissioner Fahrer to amend Paragraph C under Sec. 5-101
on Page 58 to strike everything after the word "initiate".
and insert the words "amendments to the text of this Plan."
and to add a new Paragraph D to read "To hear, review and
adopt amendments to the text of this Plan after recommen-
dation by the Planning Commission and also to re -letter the
subsequent paragraphs under Sec. 5-101. Motion carried una-
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Commissioner Freeman to postpone consideration of
everything from Sec. 5-103 beginning on Page 62 to Sec.
5-106 in the middle of Page 70 until the end of the
discussion on the entire text of Volume II. Roll call vote
was taken with the following results:
Mayor Harvey
Motion carried.
The Board recessed for lunch at 12:30 p.m.
The Board reconvened at approximately 1:35 p.m.
Citizen/adviser Bill Daniels was not present and
citizen/adviser Jim Hendrick joined the meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Commissioner Stormont to reconsider the Board's previous
action to postpone consideration of Sec. 5-103. Motion
carried unanimously with Commissioner Swift not present.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded by
Commissioner Stormont to approve in principal Sec. 5-103,
Sec. 5-104 and Sec. 5-105, subject to further refinements.
Roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Commissioner Fahrer
Commissioner Freeman
Commissioner Stormont
Mayor Harvey
CC 167
Motion carried with Commissioner Swift not present.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Mayor Harvey to approvean amendment to Paragraph B-2
under Sec. 5-106 on Page 70 to eliminate the words "and
zoning" and insert in lieu ithereof the words "environmental
and land use." Motion.carH ed unanimously with Commissioner
Swift not present.
Motion was made by Commissioner Stormont and
seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to add Paragraph C under
Sec. 5-107 on Page 72 to read as follows: "Such biological
assessments by qualifying biologists are subject to review.
and approval by the Monroe'County Division of Environmental
Resources." Roll call vote was unanimous.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Commissioner Freeman to'accept Sec. 5-107 as amended by
the above motion, subject to the amplification of a testing
program for biologists. Roll call vote was taken with the
following results:
Commissioner Fahrer Yes
Commissioner�Freeman Yes
CommissioneraStormont Yes
Commissioner,Swift Yes
Mayor Harvey- No
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded
by Commissioner Fahrer to change the references to "fifteen
(15) days" in Paragraphs Bland C of Sec. 6-105 on Page 74 to
"thirty (30) days" and also to require publication in all
County newspapers. Motionicarried unanimously.
Motion was made by Commissioner Stormont and
seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to change the reference to
"fifteen (15) days" in Paragraph D of Sec. 6-105 on Page 75
to "thirty (30) days." Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Commisisoner Fahrer and seconded
by Mayor Harvey to amend Paragraph B of Sec. 6-105 to pro-
vide that copies of information will be made available at
cost. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Commissioner Swift to amend Paragraph C-2 on Page 76 to
add the following language at the end of this paragraph:
"present written evidence which authorizes them to speak on
behalf of the organization in regard to the matter under
consideration." During discussion, Pam Martin of the Upper
Keys O.F.F. addressed the Board concerning the motion. Roll
call vote on the motion wa's unanimous.
Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded
by Commissioner Fahrer to 'accept Sec. 6-106. Motion carried
Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded
by Commissioner Fahrer to ;change the reference to "two (2)
years" in the paragraph under Sec. 6-108 on Page 79 to "one
(1) year." During discussion, Commissioner Fahrer withdrew
her second. Mayor Harvey then seconded the motion. Roll
call vote was taken with the following results:
CC 168
Mayor Harvey
Motion failed.
Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded
by Commissioner Fahrer to provide that on a 4/5 vote of the
Planning Commission, they may allow a development to re-
enter the process. Roll call vote was unanimous.
Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded
by Mayor Harvey to amend Sec. 6-108 on Page 79 to insert the
words "or satisfies the deficiencies identified in the prior
denial" after the words "twenty-five percent (25%)" in the
next to the last sentence. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Mayor Harvey to reconsider the previous motion. Motion
carried unanimously. Prior to discussion of the recon-
sideration, the Board discussed the Schedule for the balance
of the Public Hearings and indicated the following Schedule:
May 31, 1985 - Meeting to cover Text from
9:00 a.m, to 9:00 p.m., if
possible, at Key Colony Beach
June 4, 1985 - Additional meeting to discuss
Text from 9:00 a.m, to 9:00 p.m.,
if possible, at the Tavernier
Elks Club
June 6, 1985 - Special meeting to discuss Maps
from the area of Key West to Big
Pine Key, at 9:00 a.m, in Key
West at the Casa Marina
June 79 1985 - Regular County Commission Meeting
at which time they would also
consider Map Changes for the area
from Big Pine Key to Layton
June 12, 1985- Special Meeting at 9:00 a.m. at
the Tavernier Elks Club to discuss
Map Changes for the area from
Layton to Key Largo
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded by
Commissioner Freeman to re -schedule the previously called
Public Hearings to June 26th at Coral Shores at 7:00 p.m.,
June 27th at Marathon Sub -Courthouse at 7:00 p.m., and
June 28th in Courtroom B in Key West at 7:00 p.m.; also a
Local Planning Agency meeting for July 1st in Marathon; and
to re -schedule the Regular Meeting of the Board of County
Commissioners originally scheduled for July 5th to July 2nd
at 8:30 a.m. in Plantation Key at a site to be determined,
at which time the Board would consider the transmittal of
the Plan to DCA. Roll call vote was taken with the
following results:
Mayor Harvey
CC :169
Motion carried.
Motion was made b' Commissioner Freeman to adjourn
the meeting. Motion died for lack of a second.
Under discussion of the previous motion concerning
Sec. 6-108, there was a substitute motion by the same maker
and seconder to add the words "or the application expressly
satisfies the deficiencies that were identified in the prior
denial." Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Mayor Harvey to amend Paragraph B under Sec. 6-201 on
Page 80 to change the referedce to the "Building Code" by
adding the word "Standard" Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded
by Commissioner Stormont to approve Page 83, Page 84 and the
top of Page 85 up to Sec. 6-309. During discussion, motion
was withdrawn. Motion was;made by Commissioner Fahrer and
seconded by Commissioner Swift to approve Page 83 to Sec.
6-310 on Page 87 with an amendment to Paragraph D under Sec.
6-307 to change the word "issued" to "rendered" and to
change the title of Paragraph D to "Consideration of an
application for minor conditional use approval by the
Planning Commission" and changing the reference to "five (5)
members" on Page 86 to "three (3) members Roll call vote
was taken with the following results:
Mayor Harvey;
Motion carried.
by Commissioner
Motion carried
was made by"
Swift to ad
Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
journ the meeting at 6:35 p.m.
CC 170
Public Hearing/Special Meeting
Board of County Commissioners
Friday, May 31, 1985
Key Colony Beach
A special meeting of the Board of County
Commissioners convened at 9:00 a.m. on the above date at the
City Hall in Key Colony Beach. Present and answering to
roll call were Commissioner Alison Fahrer, Commissioner
William Freeman, Commissioner John Stormont, Commissioner Ed
Swift, and Mayor Wilhelmina Harvey. Also present were Danny
L. Kolhage, Clerk; Calvin Allen, Assistant County Attorney;
County staff; Charles Siemon and Lane Kendig, Planning
Consultants; members of the Press and Radio; and the general
All stood for the Invocation and Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
The following citizen/advisers were present and
participated in the meeting: Ed Kloski, Betty Bullock, Bob
Ernst, Bill Westray, Sandy Barrett, Ed Davidson and Ray
Mr. Siemon advised the Board that all of Sec. 6-310
would be deleted from the Plan.
Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded
by Commissioner Fahrer to amend Paragraph A of Sec. 6-311 on
Page 87 to eliminate everything following the words
"Development Review Coordinator" and to require the
recording of minor and major conditional use permits in the
Official Records of Monroe County. Motion carried unani-
Motion was made by Commissioner Stormont and
seconded by Commissioner Swift to add to Paragraph A-1 of
Sec. 6-311 on Page 89 the following: "Permitted time frames
do not change with successive owners. During discussion,
Mr. Siemon offered the following amendment: "A transfer of
ownership of land subject to conditional use permit does not
alter or change the effective period of the conditional use
permit." Roll call vote on the original motion was unani-
Motion was made by Commissioner Swift.to allow the
Building Official discretion to continue the _40nditional-use
permit if it exceeds the time frame allowed upon the presen-
tation of documentation to support the extension. During
discussion, motion was withdrawn.
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Commissioner Stormont to add the words "in writing" at
the end of Paragraph B-1 on Page 88. Motion carried unani-
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Commissioner Stormont to amend Paragraph B-2(a) on Page
88 by replacing the word "circulation" with the words "road
and walkway". Motion carried unanimously
Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded
by Commissioner Stormont to amend Paragraph B-2(c) on Page
88 to add the words "required of the conditional use permit"
after the word "element". Roll call vote was taken with the