08/26/1985 SpecialDD 155 Special Workshop/Meeting Board of County Commissioners Monday, August 26, 1985 Key West A Special Workshop of the Board of County Commissioners convened at 9:00 A.M. on the above date in Key West. Present and answering to roll call were Commissioner Alison Fahrer, Commissioner William Freeman, Commissioner John Stormont, and Mayor Wilhelmina Harvey. Absent from the meeting was Commissioner Ed Swift. Also present were Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk; Kermit Lewin, County Administrator; Lucien Proby, County Attorney; County staff; members of the County's Consulting Engineers Firms; members of the Press and Radio; and the general public. All stood for the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Commissioner Swift arrived at 9:45 A.M. Mayor Harvey discussed the planning now underway concerning the arrival of Halley's Comet. Motion was made b Commissioner Fahrer and seconded by Commissioner Freeman to adopted a Proclamation concerning "HALLEYS COMET". Motion carrried unanimously. Motion was made by Commissioner Freeman and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer authorizing travel for the Mayor for the purpose of a joint planning effort concerning the arrival of Halley's Comet. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Harvey advised the Board and the public of the death of a long time resident of the Keys, Mr. Louis Pellecier of Tavanier. Commissioner Fahrer discussed the recent donation of funds by a Saudi Arabian prince to Billy Bostick to assist him with his medical expenses. It was agreed by the Board members that the Mayor would write a letter to the donor expressing the Board's appreciation for his donation. Mr. Robinson of Hazen & Sawyer then addressed the Board concerning the Engineering Report, Phase I, on the Municipal Service District and the incinerators. During discussion, Mayor Harvey called for a Special Meeting on September 4th at 2:00 P.M. in Key West at 310 Fleming Street for the purpose of hearing Hazen & Sawyer's report of Phase II of the Municipal Service Waste Districts and the incinerators. Mr. Robinson then proceeded with his presen- tation on the contents of Phase I of the report. During discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded by Commissioner Stormont to employ Hazen & Sawyer to expend up to $2,000.00 to do an analysis between the com- mercial and residential billing procedures to include the current commercial rate structure as possible and to recom- mend a program to the County to develop data necesary to make future decisions in this area. Roll call vote on the motion was unanimous. Mr. Joe Wise was in the audience and addressed the Board concerning the possible re -funding of the Municipal Service District Bond Issue. Mr. Baltuff also addressed the Board and agreed to assist the County in obtaining addi- DD 156 tional data on commercial collections. Motion was made by Commissioner Stormont and seconded by Commissioner Freeman directing the County Attorney to review the legal appropriateness to seek competitive bids on the possible private operation of the Municipal Service Waste District and to have this information ready for the September 6th Commission meeting. Roll call vote on the motion was unanimous. Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer directing Mr. Proby and the County Administrator, Kermit Lewin, to review existing Ordinances and franchise contract amendments for the possible use of across the scale charges as opposed to the current commercial/residential rate structure. Commissioner Fahrer then asked the Mayor to allow her to read a prepared statement concerning the Municipal Service District. The Chairman ruled that the request was out of order since the Board had a previously scheduled meeting for the purpose of discussing gas tax. Motion was made by Commissioner Faher and seconded by Commissioner Freeman to challenge the chair and allow Commissioner Fahrer to proceed with the statement. Roll call vote on the challenge was taken with the following results: Commissioner Fahrer Yes Commissioner Freeman Yes Commissioner Stormont Yes Commissioner Swift Yes Mayor Harvey No The challenge was upheld. Commissioner Fahrer then read a prepared statement concerning the operations of the Municipal Service District activities of Commission members concerning certain data collection activities and other related matters. Commissioner Stormont then addressed the Board and presented a report concerning the operations of the MSD and certain deficiencies that he has noted and followed this report by requesting the resignation of Mr. Charles Aguero, Manager of the MSD. Mayor Harvey also made a statement concerning the operations of the MSD and Mr. Aguero's service and requested that Mr. Aguero, Manager of MSD, retire. Commissioner Swift addressed the Board briefly concerning this matter and indicated his support of the Manager of MSD. Mayor Harvey then ruled this Special Workshop Meeting closed. Commissioner Freeman requested to address the Board and make a statement concerning the mat- ters discussed. Mayor Harvey ruled that the meeting was closed and therefore would not allow Commissioner Freeman's statement. Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to overrule the Chair and allow Commissioner Freeman to address the issues previously discussed. Roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Fahrer Yes commissioner Freeman Yes Commissioner Stormont Yes Commissioner Swift Yes Mayor Harvey No Motion to overrule the Chair was upheld. Commissioner Freeman then proceeded to discuss matters previously discussed by the Board and indicated that in his opinion any Commissioner should be allowed to request whatever information that they desire from the Department Heads and that the Department Heads should comply with the request. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. DD 157 Special Meeting Board of County Commissioners Monday, August 26, 1985 Key West A special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners convened at 12:06 P.M. on the above date in Key West. Present and answering to roll call were Commissioner Alison Fahrer, Commissioner William Freeman, Commissioner John Stormont, Commissioner Ed Swift, and Mayor Wilhelmina Harvey. Also present were Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk; Kermit Lewin, County Administrator; Lucien Proby, County Attorney; County staff; members of the County's Consulting Engineers Firms; members of the Press and Radio; and the general public. All stood for the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer declaring an emergency exists; waiving the requirements of advertising under the provisions Florida Statutes 125.66; imposing a Fifth and Sixth Cent Tax gallon on all motor fuel and special fuel sold in the unin- corporated and incorporated portion of the County; establishing the effective date of the said tax and the term during which it shall be collected; authorizing an Interlo- cal Agreement between the County and the Incorporated Municipalities therein; providing for the method of collec- tion of the said tax, the method of distribution of the tax proceeds, and the purposes for which the tax may be utili- zed; providing for the codification of this Ordinance and an effective date thereof. The reason for the emergency for the Ordinance is that it is necessary to meet the deadline for the adoption of the Ordinance as requred by State Law. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to adopt the following emergency Ordinance. Roll call vote on the motion was unanimous. ORDINANCE NO. 028-1985 See Ord. Book No. 10 which is incorporated herein by reference. Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Freeman to approve the following Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Chairman of the Board to execute an Interlocal Agreement by and between the County of Monroe and the City of Key West, Florida, concerning the new optional fifth and sixth cent gas tax. The Resolution inclu- des provision for an additional 2 per cent distribution to the City if and when they are reassigned roads for main- tenance by the Department of Transportation. Roll call vote on the motion was unanimous. RESOLUTION NO. 247-1985 See Res. Book No. 46 which is incorporated herein by reference. Mr. Joe Wise breifly discussed his meeting with the Constitutional Officers, Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, and other interested persons concerning the financing of capital improvements. Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Freeman to have Mr. Wise pre- sent further information concerning this matter at the next regular meeting of the Commission. Roll call vote on the motion was unanimous. f er There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.