Resolution 260-1995 RESOLUTION NO 260-1995 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE INTERIM FUNDING OF THE COUNTY'S SHIP FIRST TIME HOMEOWNERSHIP APPLICANTS' SECOND MORTGAGE USING PREVIOUSLY APPROPRIATED LAND AUTHORITY FUNDS AND PROVIDE FOR REPAYMENT OF LAND AUTHORITY FUNDS FROM THE SHIP TRUST FUND. WHEREAS, Monroe County has secured $5,000,000 in State of Florida, Florida Housing Finance Agency Tax Exempt Mortgage Revenue Bond First Mortgage Financing at 6.8% 30 year fixed to support the Mo~e::fou3' fir~ time homeownership program; and::~:= :-: :z:,. 8 '--" '" ffi "T'1 , a WHEREAS, Monroe County has secured $2,500,000 itlUQM:FAundSU $266,666 in HAL funds and over $1,000,000 in SHIP fund;m the {wID o~ . .' _ D second mortgage loans for down payment and closmg cost!tloan aSSjitanC!5 having 0% interest rate and deferred payments for 30 years; and . 0 ':J WHEREAS, the Monroe County Housing Authority Special Programs Office has negotiated the substitution of required local match for HOME with the match generated by the utilization of tax exempt mortgage revenue bonds to preserve local funds available for affordable housing purposes; and WHEREAS, the commitment fee ($90,000) to purchase the single family mortgage revenue bond utilizing Monroe County Land Authority funds is returned to the Land Authority from the proceeds of each closing; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County First Time Homeownership Program has closed or has scheduled closings totaling 84 of which 43 are for very low or low income households (HOME) and 41 are for moderate income households (SHIP); and WHEREAS, the Monroe County First Time Homeownership Program has utilized mortgage revenue bonds for 30 transactions and; WHEREAS, conventional institutional first mortgage interest rates have declined significantly in the past 120 days from 9.5 to 7.25 and further reductions are anticipated based on the recently announced reduction in the Federal Reserve Discount Rate~ and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Housing Authority Special Programs Office sale study of single family homes required to increase the FHA 203b mortgage limit indicated of over 53% of all homes sold priced under $115,000 were sold to out-of-county and/or out-of-state purchases for second homes and/or transient rental use~ and WHEREAS, the housing stock available priced under $115,000 to first time home buyers is declining rapidly based on the program's 84 closings to date, intensified competition by out-of-county and out-of-state purchases due to reduced first mortgage interest rates, and the return-on-investment available from use as a transient rental~ and WHEREAS, all SHIP program first time homeownership funds are committed and SHIP 95-96 monthly state allocations only fund up to two loans per month effective October, 1995~ and WHEREAS, the SHIP program has 43 eligible first time home buyer applications pending and is no longer soliciting applications~ and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Housing Authority Special Programs Office has requested the Monroe County Land Authority Advisory Board to approve an alternative and interim use of available and appropriated HOME match funds as detailed in the attached July 3, 1995 letter to Mr. Mark J. Rosch, Executive Director~ and WHEREAS, the State of Florida, Florida Housing Finance Agency has approved the use of interim funding for second mortgage SHIP loans utilizing funds provided by the Monroe County Land Authority as outlined in the attachedletter~and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners has approved the Monroe County Local Housing Assistance Plan for fiscal years 1995 through 1998 by Resolution No. 105-1995~ and WHEREAS, there is an urgent need to maintain the County's first time homeownership program momentum to insure that as many applicants as possible can participate while conventional first mortgage loan interest rates are priced at less than 7.50%. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL YED, that the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners hereby approves the purchase of loans from the Monroe County Land Authority utilizing existing SHIP program guidelines from the approved SHIP 1995-1998 Local Housing Assistance Plan, subject to approval of the Monroe County Land Authority's Advisory Board and Board of Commissioners. PASSED and ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of July ,A.D., 1995. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: cS~-F.AU.Nf'tA~ Mayor Freeman (SEAL ) ATTEST: Mayor Freeman Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Douglas Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Reich yes yes yes yes yes ~a-.()~~) Danny Kolhage, Clerk f the Court _,SllIP ~~ ~. . ;:;'~J(' f:i' - '.'J . Z - 1tlliIl .. SPECIAL PROGRAMS OFFICE C/O Key West/Monroe Co. Housng AuthOrities 1403 12th Street Key West. Florida 33040 (305) 292.1221 FAX (305) 292-1162 July 3, 1995 Mr. Mark 1. Rosch, Executive Director Monroe County Land Authority 3706 North Roosevelt Blvd. Suite 1 Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mark, The purpose of this letter is to confirm on behalf of the City of Key West's and Momoe County's First Time Homeownership Programs, our request to utilize a portion of the City of Key West and Monroe County HOME Match Funds to make SHIP loans. Monroe County has committed all of 1994/1995 and a portion of 1995/1996 SHIP First Time Homeovmership Funds through October, 1995. The significant reductions in conventional first mortgage interest rates from 9.25% to 7.25% in the last 75 days permits a number of our applicants to participate or has significantly increased the purchasing power of other SHIP applicants. Our records indicate that we now have forty-three (43) SlllP applicants on hold for a minimum of 120 days~ after which the SlllP Program could only fund approximately two (2) transactions per month. Analysis of our present applicant base indicates at least twenty-five (25) residents of our community will be able to close if given the opportunity to participate with funds available. .dedicated to the Quality of life through housing and COr.1munity initiatives. Obviously, the demand for SHIP funds increases as first mortgage interest rates decrease. The demand for Single Family home product intensifies as interest rates decline with the out-of-County, out-of-state second home buyer competing directly with First Time Homebuyer residents of Monroe County. Unless the Special Programs Office can obtain an alternative or interim source of SHIP second mortgage funding, the SHIP First Time Homeownership strategy program momentum will be lost and out-of-County second home buyers will be able to purchase the bulk of available housing product priced at $110,000 or less per unit. The Special Programs Office proposes that a portion of the current HOME Match available for the City of Key West totaling $176,750. and for the County totaling $225,750. be made available on an interim basis to make SHlP second mortgages to eligible applicants. Based on our present 1995/1996 SHIP First Time Homeownership BOCC approved strategy totaling $269,842., the City's portion would ~e $118,515. and the County's portion $151,327. for a total availability county-wide of $269,842. The mechanics of our proposal are simple. SHIP loans would be made utilizing the County's SHIP Note and Mortgage and funded with Land Authority HOill Match funds. The County's SHIP Trust Fund would purchase these loans monthly starting November, 1995 based on the State's remittance of SHIP funds and continue until paid do\\n to zero (0). The residual benefits of our request is the probability of an accelerated return of the Land Authority's $90,000. which was utilized to purchase Single Family Tax Exempt Mortgage Revenue Bonds bearing an interest rate of 6.80tlo and the continued build-up of Match credits associated with Mortgage Revenue Bond financing. We have reviewed this proposed transaction with the Florida Housing Finance Agency and it is currently being reviewed by DCA counsel. Upon receipt of formal approval from the Florida Housing Finance Agency, we will prepare a resolution for the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners authorizing the proposed transaction and will coordinate same with Mr. Danny Kolhage, Clerk of the Circuit Court. We are attaching a copy of our 1995/1996 approved SHIP Housing Delivery Goals for your infonnation. We trust this letter will meet your July 15, 1995, Land Authority Advisory Board agenda deadline and \\'111 continue to pro\-ide additional infonnation as it becomes available. Sincerely yours, Roger raun, Director Special Programs Office cc: G. Felix Cooper, City Manager City of Key West, Florida James Roberts, County Administrator Monroe County Henry V. Haskins, Executive Director Monroe County Housing Authority Thomas R. Stevens, Chainnan Monroe County Housing Finance Authority lal rn ;:) i E owrn ~2~ ;:)I&.c( c(~a: orno.., ~2~1 rnc(A.~ ;:) a: . ~o~lil ~~ii)~ zA.;:);:) ;:)-,0.., oc(% UU~ wWm oA.c( a:rnc z iii: o 0 2 I&. ~ ilE ci c E w ~ ~ u ~i ., )1 u' i j I Ii I 1 I ~!. Rli~I~I. ~I' ~I II~il' ! : I I I li.i ji. i Ii ii.'. Ii. Ii I' I1III1 s! si sl S' s! sl 1 Jl Jf 11 ~I ..~~....~ >. >, >1 > >, >, i ! 1 I ! i i i I ! ! ; ! ! ! ! i i ! l I'. I.' 11,11 '. 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