Resolution 261-1995 RESOLUTION NO 261-1995 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPROPRIATION OF $28,000 FROM FUND 100 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM INCOME FOR THE BALANCE OF FY94/95 (AUGUST/SEPTEMBER) AND FY 95/96 TO FUND FIRST-TIME HOMEOWNERS LOAN ORIGINATION STAFFING AND AUTHORIZATION TO REQUEST AN EQUAL AMOUNT FROM THE PREVIOUSLY APPROPRIATED LAND AUTHORITY HOME OWNERSHIP MATCH FUNDS. WHEREAS, Monroe County has secured $5,000,000 in State of Florida, Florida Housing Finance Agency Tax Exempt Mortgage Rev~ue Bon<t First, Mortgage Financing at 6,8% 30 year fixed to support the Mo~e:goudfit fir~ time homeownership program; and 6: ~ :f ~ CJ -~ '^ .~ Ei'i ",., .~ 0 WHEREAS, Monroe County has secured $2,500,000 ~HQME4md~ $266,666 in HAL funds and over $1,000,000 in SHIP funds.~iQ.'ihe ~ Q.l; second mortgage loans for down payment and closing costs:toap assis.tanc~ ~ '. 0 ,~", having 0% interest rate and deferred payments for 30 years; ana .... WHEREAS, the Monroe County Housing Authority Special Programs Office has negotiated the substitution of required local match for HOME with the match generated by the utilization of tax exempt mortgage revenue bonds to preserve local funds available for affordable housing purposes; and WHEREAS, the commitment fee ($90,000) to purchase the single family mortgage revenue bond utilizing Monroe County Land Authority funds is returned to the Land Authority from the proceeds of each closing; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County First Time Homeownership Program has closed or has scheduled closings totaling 84 of which 43 are for very low or low income households (HOME) and 41 are for moderate income households (SHIP); and WHEREAS, the Monroe County First Time Homeownership Program has utilized mortgage revenue bonds for 30 transactions and; WHEREAS, conventional institutional first mortgage interest rates have declined significantly in the past 120 days from 9.5 to 7,25 and further reductions are anticipated based on the recently announced reduction in the Federal Reserve Discount Rate~ and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Housing Authority Special Programs Office sale study of single family homes required to increase the FHA 203b mortgage limit indicated of over 530/0 of all homes sold priced under $115,000 were sold to out of county and/or out of state purchases or second homes and/or transient rental use; and WHEREAS, the housing stock available priced under $115,000 to first time home buyers is declining rapidly based on the program's 84 closings to date~ intensified competition by out-of-county and out-of-state purchases due to reduced first mortgage interest rates~ and the return on investment available from use as a transient rental; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County First Time Homeownership Program momentum continues to increase experiencing 1000/0 increase in attendance and application volume since January, 1995; and WHEREAS, the ability for current applicants to immediately proceed in the program based on having a down payment available, good credit, and stable job history to qualify for a first mortgage has tripled in the last 12 months; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Housing Authority Special Programs Office has had to decrease the number of First Time Homeownership seminars to insure the ability to provide adequate service to existing applicants despite applicants' requests for additional seminars; and WHEREAS, the competition for available single family homes has intensified significantly as a result of lower interest rates which has lured the out of county out of state second home buyer back into the market place~ and WHEREAS, the economy is entering a period most advantageous to first home buyers due to lower interest rates and the absence of rapid escalation in sales prices. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners hereby approves the appropriation of $28,000 from Fund 100 - Community Development Block Grant Program Income for the balance of FY94/95 (August/September) and FY 95/96 to fund First-Time Homeowners Loan Origination staffing and authorization to request an equal amount from the previously appropriated Land Authority Home Ownership matching funds to enhance existing service levels and permit all applicants an opportunity to obtain homeownership. PASSED and ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of July ,A.D., 1995, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: cS~-F~ Mayor Freeman (SEAL) ATTEST: Mayor Freeman ye s Mayor Pro Tem London ye s Commissioner Douglas . yes Commissioner Harvey yes Commissioner Reich yes JL.kLc.~ Danny Kolhage, Clerk of the Court R.f$(ll SH:F2 CD o &:: .... o & U) a. -0 E .- :::::J co~m - - c: 0')0)0 o c: .- -;;:.... a.o~ (ij 0).0 .- E.- ~oo a. J: c: wO)co ~Eo C .- ...J :::::Jt--o Uo en ~ .: 0 CD u.. a. o 0 - - c: C- O ~ co 0') -.... 0') LO 0') -.... CO I'-COI'- COCO CO ~ ~ ~ - - - ('i')('i')('i') ~ ~ ~ tA- tA- tA- , i I I i I i (/) j C en II ~, en o ~ Q)! ~ .- Q) I \..." i Q) ml~ .;Li~ enlL.. Q)IL.. Cj Q) =01 Q) ~! ~ :-Q I ~ E!::::>I~!...J U01 I i ! I I 000 000 LOLOLO - - - ('i')('i')('i') tA- tA- tA- I(/) enien ~ ~.~ Q) Q)IQ) ~ ~i~ en L.. Q)iL.. 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