Resolution 272-1995 Growth Management RESOLUTION NO. 272-1995 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE, ON BEHALF OF MONROE COUNTY, AS THE OWNER OF PIGEON KEY, A GRANT APPLI- CATION TO THE FLORIDA DEPT. OF STATE, DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES, FOR FUNDING ASSISTANCE FOR THE RESTORA- TION OF THE ASSISTANT BRIDGE TENDERS HOUSE AND THE PAINT FOREMAN'S HOUSE ON PIGEON KEY WHEREAS, Monroe County is the owner of the property known as Pigeon Key; and WHEREAS, the Pigeon Key Foundation is the lessee of said property; and WHEREAS, the Pigeon Key Foundation is involved in the restora- tion of the historic buildings located on Pigeon Key; and WHEREAS, the Pigeon Key Foundation wishes to apply for fund- ing to the Florida Department of State , Division of Historical Resources, for the restoration of the Assistant Bridge Tenders House and the Paint Foreman's House on Pigeon Key; and -? -'1 WHEREAS, the property owner is required to e~cyte ~e ijfant application in question; NOW THEREFORE2,c:;, ::J::> :;"1, ffi ::::.' N T' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS~:nNERS"6F '. -<. -0 .. ,.., MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: " o N c: r-"', -\) The Mayor of Monroe County is hereby authorized to execute the grant application, on behalf of Monroe County as the property owner, for funding of the restoration work outlined above. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward one (1) certified copy of this Resolution to the Division of Growth Management. Resolution No. 272-2995 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 15th day of August , A.D., 1995. Mayor Freeman yes Mayor Pro Tem London yes Commissioner Douglass yes Commissioner Harvey yes Commissioner Reich yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~L'~u--~ YORl C ( SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY: fipz-AJ A~~ ~ d.n~~) DEPU~ ., ~. Florida Depa,rtmcnl of Slale Division of Historical Resources DOS Foml HR3E120393 :{ISTORIC PRESERVATION GRANTS-IN-AID SPECIAL CATEGORY APPLICATION fORM APPLICATION SUMMARY Project No. II (Assigned by Bureau of Historic Preservation) Regiona' Planning District No. 2. Project title: T!\e Pigeon Kev : !istoric District 3. Location or address of project: Address: Pigeon Key (no addresses on island) Cily: Marathon County: Monroe ." be' . .~:'. .;. .For archaeological projects and remote historic properties which cannot be located by street address, provide the following location infonnation: Township Range Section . Also, include a map which clearly locates the site or property as Attachment A Indicate Florida Site File Number, ifknown: 4. Type of project: x Architectural _ Archaeological _ Acquisition 5. Photograph: Attach 3XS black and white photograph of the principal view of the property. This photograph should be of ' suitable quality and clarity for publication. Include additional photographs in Attachment C. G. Grallt funds requested: ~.597 Local Cost Share: $1.OR9.ROO Page One of Eleven ~ 0 Historic Preservation Grants-in-Aid S;:xial Category Application Page Two of Eleven 7. Applicant name & address: Full namc of organi7A1lion: P'f?con Kev Foundation. Inc. Address: PO. Box 500130 City: Marathon State: FL Zip Code: 33050-0130 Federal Employer Identification Number: _ 65-0379&03 SAMAS No. (State agencies only): 8. Type of applicant: Government unit or agency X Non-profit organization (See attachment G 1) 9. Designated project contact: .' Name: Rav Thacker Tille: Executive Director ;. Business address: P.O. Box 500130 City: Marathon State: FL Zip: 33050-0130 Daytime telephone: 305-289-0025 FAX Number: 305-289-1065 10. Project Summary: In the space provided below, briefly describe the project for which funding is requested. The Pigeon Key Historic District (See Attachment H) is a five-acre island in the Florida Keys that lies between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico underneath the National Register of Historic Places Overseas Highway and Railroad Bridges. It is the only architecturally cohesive resource remaining from the early twentieth century directly related to the Flagler East Coast Railroad's Florida Keys Extension and the Overseas Highway. It is the goal of the Pigeon Key Foundatica (PKF) to restore many of the resources on Pigeon Key for the historical, educational and envirorunental benefit of local residents and tourists alike (see Attachment I). Specifically, PKF intends to utilize the majority of the requested funds to meticulously restore one of the 17 resources on the island, the Assistant Bridge Tender's House (ABTH), for use as a public museum to commemorate the historic significance of Pigeon Key. Additional funds are also being requested to stabilize the structure of the Bridge Worker's Dorm, AKA Paint Foreman's House (B\\1D) as it is the most severely deteriorated and requires structural stabilization as soon a possible in order to ensure its continued preservation. Presently, the BWD is unusable but the ABTH is being used as a residence for a Marine Patrol Officer and his family. TIle entire island is open to the public but most of its structures arc inaccessible and/or unusable due to deterioration and inadequate facilities, as with the BWD. Consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings, proposed elements of work for ~is project include the fo11o\\;ng for the AB1l!: ~ 1. To conduct historic research in order to identify and accurately recover the ABTIrs original elements and characteristics. 2. To conduct structural stabilization efforts including: a. foundation repair and/or replacement; b. repair and/or replaccment of noor and roof stnlctural members; c. restoration of deteriorated siding, windows, trim and doors; d. restoration and repair of roof coverings; and e. installation of complete new mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems as appropriate for the museum's adaptive use. . 3. To comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the adaptive use of the building through integration of necessary elements, to b~ accomplished in as inconspicuous a manner as possible. 4, To provide a reputable architect with experience in historic preservation and restoration projects to supervise the entire project ( refer to ^ttachment E). ^lso consistent with :..he Secrctary of :hc Interior's Standards, the BWD is proposed to be stnlcturally stabilized tilrough tilC rep<lir amL'or replacement of Ooor and roof stmctural members and foundation repair and/or replacement. SUMMARY SHOULD FIT IN AREA PROVIDED. DO NOT AlTACH ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Historic Preservation Grants-in-Aid :::pecial Category Application Page Three of Eleven 1 J. Allplicant ~rant history: ::as the applicant or property received previous grant assistance from the Department of State? Yes _. No ~ !fye:;, specify year, amount of award, Division which awarded grant and project assisled. ~...~ i.. - End Application Summary - PROJECT BUDGET 12. Cost Estimutc: Provide a detailed breakdown of estimated cost for each major work item for which grant assistance is requested. Klement Cost hlUls Cost ABTII: Historic Research and Description 17% of $32,000 proiect fee S5,600 RoofCoverinl! 1,848 SQ. ft x U factor tal $8/SQ. It $22,176 Roof Structure 1,848 SQ. ft. x U faetarla SI6..50/sQ.1\. $4.5,738 Exterior OpeninltS: Door.; 4 doors tal $2.500 each S10,OOO Exterior OpenjnltS: Windows 24 windows rm $1,100 each S26,400 Porches ( re-Qpen and restore) 300 SQ. /l(Ql $75/SQ./l S22,500 Piers-Replace 13 piers (Ql S92.5 SI2,025 Piers - Repair 7 oiers rm S625, 5 Diers rm $250 $5,62.5 Floor Stnlcture 9 beams + 3 2irden (Ql $315 S3,780 Interior Floors - Replace 600 SQ. /l @ $8.50/SQ. /l 5,100 Interior Floors - Refinish 1,800 SQ. It ( S3/SQ. /l 5,400 Interior Ceili",! 1,800 SQ. It. II $6/SQ. 1\ SIO,800 Interior Walls 2,665 so. It. 'il $4.50/SQ. I\. $11,993 Exterior Walls. Sidin!! Renlace 600 SQ. /l (tll $3.50/SQ./l S2,100 Exterior Walls - Restore and Paint 1.360 SQ. It (Ql S6/SQ. I\. S8.160 , Air Conditionin!! 6 tons (Ql S2 100lton SI2,600 Plumbin!! 5 fixtures rm $2,200 Per fixture SI1,OOO Electrical 1,848 SQ. /l @l $12.50/50. /l $23.100 ADA Handicapped Access Ramp and thresholds Ia S12,ooO $12,000 ABTII: Su htotal S256,097 OWO: Level Stnlcture 1,200 SQ. /l fa! $3/50. /l 3,600 Piers 0 Replace I 8 (cil $800 14,400 Piers. Repair 8 (al $400 3.200 Silll3eams 0 Replace 110 L.ft.Ctll$40/L ft. 3,200 Sill Beams - Repair 75 L. fi. (a)S201L fi. 1,500 Girders 0 Reinforce 120 L.ft, falS201Lft. . 2,400 Floor Joints - Add 1200 SQ. I\. (cil $7/50. fi. 11,400 Roof SltUcture - ReinJorce 1200 SQ. ft. (d) $6/50. fi. 7,200 Roof - Repair 1900 SQ. ft. (al $4/50. ft. 7,600 IIWI>: Subtotal: SS I,SUU Architectural l"c~consltUctlon I 0% of Subtolal $307,597 $30,000 Tolal project co.'1s for which l:I'anl funds are reuucsted: 5337.:'i'}7 ,1, J' Historic Preservation Crants-in-Aid Srccial Category Application Page Four of Eleven 13. Local Cost Share: List the nature, sources and amount/value of: (a) The local resources which have directly contributed to the c\aluation, preservation, stabiliz~llion or restoration of the property curing the five ;)) year period preceding the date of application. (b) Resources available for tIle project for which grant assistance is requested. (a) Local resources 1989 to present: Donor Monroe COWlly PK Assoc. Memberships Nevy & Paul Mongerson Mote Marine Laboratory John Alden Life Insurance Co. John Alden Life Insurance Co. Jimmy BuITet Misener Marine Mershon Sawyer BelI South Kaufman & Rossin David Makepeace Makepeace Office Equipment Kumar Mahadevan Joe Hammond Seta Corp. Mike Register Volunteer Time (3000 hrs. x $10) TOTAL VALUE (b) Future resources 1994 and beyond: Amount $260,000 7,800 150,000 145,000 15,000 50,000 15,000 15,000 5,000 5,000 4,000 1,000 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 500 30,000 S708,300 Ca~h/Scrvices Island Maintenance $20 pp X 390 members Cash Exec. Director Salaryll3en. Cash ServiceslMateria1s Cash Mate:ialslServices Legal Services Cash Account Services Cash Equipment Cash Cash Cash Cash Research, landscaping, tours, etc. "...:'. , .. Donor Amount Nevy & Paul Mongerson $ \00,000 ACE Hardware/Shell Lumber 50,000 Conununiprint 30,000 Bonefish Foundation 25,000 Water Ed. for Teachers 20,000 Miami Seaquarium 15,000 L.A.C.C. Inc. 15,000 Frohbose Beers Woodwo~ks 10,000 Boy Scouts of America 7,000 Island Angles, Inc. 6,000 Laura & BilIy Causey 2,000 Nal'1 Undersea Res. Center 500 David Makepeace 1,000 Volunteer Time (10,000 hrs. x $10) 100,000 TOTAL VALUE $381,500 Cash/Service Cash Building materials Printing/Graphics Services Cash Services ServicesIMaterials Services ServicesIMaterials Materials Services Services Services Cash Research, landscaping, tours, etc. Date Rev'd/Exllected 19H9I1992 1992/1993 1194 1993!l994 1993/1994 1994 1993/1994 1993/1994 1993 5/93 1993/1994 8/93 1993/1994 2/94 8/93 8/93 2/94 6/93 - 5/94 When eXllected 1995 1994/1995 1994/1995 1994/1995 1994/1995 I 994!l995 1994/1995 1994/1995 1994/1995 1994/1995 1994/1995 Fall 94 8/94 6/94 - 6/96 , Local Cost Share: $1,089,800 NOTE: A MINIMUM MATCHING CONTRIBUTION OF $50,000 TOWARD THE TOTAL COS"f OF THE PROJECT MUST BE DOCUMENTED. Provide confirmation documentation for each item included in Local Cost Share ill Attachment B.. 14. Community ~izc: What are the current populations of the city and county in which the project site is located? City: 12.251 County: 81,776 -End Project Budget Section - , . Historic Preservation Grants-in-Aid Special Category Application Page Five of Eleven PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 15. Agc of prollcr-ty: Indicate date of construction of property and da:es of major alterations or additions (period of significance for archaeological site). Asst, Rrid~e Tender's HOllse constmcted in 1909: historic time ncriod to be preserved extends through 1940 ;or the entire ishnd 16. Original and significant historic uses: ABTH housed assistant bridge tenders for railroad and highway projects. entire island housed Florida FEC Railroad and Overseas Highway work camps (See Attachment n. 17. Prcsent use: Residence for a Marine Patrol officer and his family. other island structures now used to provide PKF office for two-person staff and for JASON Proiect only. 18. Proposed use: The ABTH will become a museum dedicated to disolavine FEC and Overseas Hiahway transoortation artifacts. Other buildings will serve as ancillary education. research and staff facilities for the historic district. 19. Size of StructJre: Indicate t..'1e total area of all floor levels. 1843 sq. feet (..\am only): entire island is 5 acres in diameter ,< .. 20. Statement of significance: In the space provided below, explain why the property or site is historically, architecturally or archaeologically significant. According to the report of the U.S. Dept. of the Interior's National Register of Historic Places, "Pigeon Key is an extraordinary and unique site that retains a significant and historic cohesiveness... is extremely significant as the only resource directly related to both the Flagler Florida East Coast Railroad's Florida Keys Extension and the Overseas Highway. No other base camps, worker's camps, or other structures remain from the FEe era... which provided the impetus for the development of the east coast of Florida and, in particular, the Florida Keys... is an excellent example of the wood framed structures used to house the workers of the Overseas Railroad and Overseas Highway...the e:\.13nt materials, historic fabric and workmanship within the boundaries of an island contribute to a sense of architectural cohesiveness and accurately portray a piece of Florida's past...A limited archaeological survey conducted in 1988 indicated "potentially significant historic refuse that could provide information on railroad camp substance... [and) some marine shell refuse and faunal bone elements suggest the remnants of a prehistoric camp"(See Attachment. K). 21. Historical dcsignation: Which of the following is applicable to this property? X Individually listed in the National Register X Located in a National Register district --K- Located in a designated local district Designated as a locallandmatk None of the above If in a district, provide the official name of the district: Pigeon Kev Historic District 22. Protection of property: Indicate any type oflocal protection currently aITorded the property. Provide the required documentation in Attachment G. --L --L Architectural revie\v under the provisions of a local historic preservation ordinance Preservation or conservation easement - Protective covenants as per lc.'lse agreement Other (specify): Monroe County Zonin~ Designation None of the above .. " Historic Preservation Grants.in.Aid Special Category Application Page Six of Eleven 23. Threat: Is the property threatened? Yes-X- No _. IC so, briefly describe the nature of threat and indicate its immediacy. The primary threat to Pigeon Key is (~eterioralion of the structures from watcr intrusion into the buildings due 10 loss of structural and weathertight integrity (detcrior:\l:on of windows, doors, roofing and plumbing). Structural integrity damage duc to harsh subtropical environmental conditions has resulted in building piers in need of repair or replacement due to the imminent danger of collapse. A variety of adverse environmental conditions include the threat of hurricanes, dry rot and termites, the latter two being monitored and treated as needed. Although hurricanes and their potential damage arc unpredictable, Pigeon Key has thus far survived several hurricanes that devastated surrounding areas in the Keys. .' ;:-':: 24. Condition of property: Indicate, by checking the appropriate box. the present condition of the property. Excellent Good -L Fair Poor ~ List an s ific factors or roblems which contribute to the resent condition of the ro A preliminary historic analysis of Pigcon Key found some structures to be habitable while others are not. All are in jeopardy due to the threatening factors cited above and prolonged neglect. The AB1H is occupied and has fully functional plumbing and electrical systems. It is a warren of rooms whose intact finishes prohibit viewing of underlying, original finishes at this time. Research of historic data and photos is required to date various additions and porches, and establish an historic period of concern in order to identify elements to be restored or demolished. All major elements appear to be significant although altered and range from sound to deteriorated. including the roof covering, roof structure, doors, windows, porches, floor structure and foundations, interiors and exterior walls. Plumbing and electrical systems are obsolete and, along with mechanical systems, .require new systems be installed discretely as required for new use as a public museum. The BWD is the most severely deteriorated of all the historic structures on the island. Structural stabilization is required as soon as possible in order to avoid imminent collapse and ensu,e the continued preservation of the BWD. , . - End of Property Description Section - Historic Preser',':llion Gr:1nts-in-Aid Sp'~::ial Category Application Page Seven of Eleven PROJECT PLANNING 25. Applicant's administrative capability: Describe your organiL1tion's past grant experience or the resources available to meet the administrative requirements of a grant, should it be awarded. The PKF represents a public/private partnership begun between members of the Monroe County Environmental Education Task Force, Mote Marine Laboratory and business and community members f~om the Florida Keys and South Florida The PKF was established to restore Pi :;eon Key in order to operate a facility to teach the public about local history and culture and to serve as an education and research site. In less than two years, PKF has successfully negotiated a 30-year lease of the island with Monroe County, obtained 501(c)(3) status, est:lblished a master plan, commissioned a comprehensive architectural survey of the island, initiated fundraising strategies, opened the island to the public and begun providing environmental education programs to local schools. The Board of Directors inci:.Jdes senior administrators from a variety of private enterprises, environmental education specialists and high prolile legal and accounting finns (see Attachment H). Under the Board's auspices, an accomplished executive director has been employed to ensure PKF's goals and objectives are met, including the meticulous restoration and effective fiscal administration of the isl:1nd as well as the establishment and promotion of education and research programs (see Attachment L). In recent weeks, the PKF has secured the long-tenn services of a Project Construction Manager to oversee all aspects of historical restoration under the auspices of historic architects, Bender and Delaune (see Attachment'M:). " ~ 26. Maintenance/protectionlcuration: Describe the means by which the historic property or archaeological site a1Tected by this project will be maintained and protected subsequent to project completion. For archaeological projects in which the site will not be mabtained or protected subseQuent to excavation, describe plans for curation of recovered artifacts. The Board of Directors of the PKF has an on-going maintenance program for the property. It presently includes protection of the island by a Marine Patrol Officer who resides on the island with his family. In addition, a full-time island administrator wilh experience and knowledge of operations, maintenance and repair of all types of electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems is responsible for all island structures and elements. Specifically, the island administrator is responsible for the inspection of all facilities, on-going weather- proofing, painting, systems upkeep and repairs. He works closely with the executive director and makes recommendations to the Board on a regular basis of any imminent maintenance or repairs needed-or anticipated to meet the PKF's goals and objectives (see Attachment ?\j. l 27. Project planning: For the appropriate project type, indicate the highest level of project planning completed. Architectural Schematics Construction documents -L Other Archaeological _ Research design Excavation _ Analysis, curation. conservation Other Acquisition _Outline management plan _ Co~plete management plan _Other If other, describe: Historic stnlcture report and documentation of existing conditions (See Attachment E) -End Project Planning Section- Historic Prcservation Grants-in-Aid Special Category Application Page, Eight of Eleven PUBLIC BENEFIT 28. EducationallJcncfit: Explain the educational benelit of the proiect. As noted in itcm 20 abovc, Pigcon Key is the only resource directly rclatcd to both the Flagler FEC Rnilroad's Florida Keys extension and the Overseas Highway. The PKF has already enhanced public awareness of Florida history with daily visits and a public festival on April 12, 1994. where over 1,500 p~oplc toured the island and learned ofPKFs restoration efforts (see Attachment 0). The JASON Project on the island is one of many educational programs for both children and adults sponsored by the PKF (See Attachment P). Another goal ofthe rC:itoration effort is to enable the PKF to provide both residential and non-residential education programs on the island's history, culture and environment. Already in progress, the PKF plans to continue historical education and preservation programs through public :lnd private schools, colleges and universities and youth and adult community groups. These goals will be maximizcd by providing :1 public museum depicting the island's history. 29. Economic benefit: Describe :my direct economic benefits of the project. How will the project serve as a catalyst for further preservation activity and economic development in the area? . With tremendous support from the PKF's board of directors, Pigeon Key is becoming a high profile preservation project throughout Florida and the Keys. It provides a historically significant and unique resource for local residents and tourists and is supported by the Tourist Development Counsel and the Marathon Chamber of Commerce. It is expected that visitors fees to the island and museum as welt as gift shop revenues will contribute approximately $ __ annually to Marathon's economy. Further, the island has become a desirable and lucrative location for movies, magazines, television and other media, bringing approximately $_ annually to the local economy as well as national exposure to the historic preservation site (estimates based on current visitors to other local museums and current media-related income, respectively). Future economic/environmental development may also include the PKFs linkage with the Florida Keys Museum of National History and the Dolphin Resemch Center. 30. Public use: Indicate the extent to which the property will be accessible to the public upon completion. -1L- Hours per day ~ Days per week -2L Weeks per year Will the property be fully accessible to the handicapped? _ Yes -L NO. If no, provide a brief explanation: Some second floor loc~tions of the buildings may not be accessible. However, all museum site features, and most first floor building spaces will be handic.'lpped accessible. Estimate the number of persons who annually will use or visit the completed facility (for archaeological projects, if the site will not be accessible to the public, estimate the number of persons annually who will be exposed to the interpretive materials and reports resulting from the project): 30,600 #' 150 people per day X 90 days = 13,500 100 people per day X 120 days = 12,000 50 people per day X 102 days = 5,100 31. Benefit to minorities and the handicapped: Described any direct benelit the project will have on a specific ethnic minority population or community, or the handicapped. One of the buildings on Pigeon Key, the Negro Worker's Quarters, is pan of the Florida Black Heri~ge Trail. This contributes to the significance of African-Americans in the development of the Florida Keys as well as their place in American history. In addition, all buildings will be accessible to the hanJicappcd. -End Public Benefit Section- Historic Preservation Grants-in-Aid Category Application Page Nine of Eleven ACQUISITION PROJECT REQUIREMENTS NOT APPLICABLE 32. Acquisition funding requc~t: Full Purchase Amount: $ Purchase alT'ount shall not exceed the value of the property as determined by the appraisal, the average of two appraisals, if two were obtained, or the average of the closest two appraisals, if more than two were obtained. Acquisition funding request: $ The maximum grant share [or an acquisition project shall not exceed 50% of the Purchase Amount. Area of property to be acqui:'ed (acres): 33. Minimum documentation checklist: The listed reports and instruments must be submitted with all applications for acquisition grant assistance. These documents shall be included in the application submission as Attachment F. ~ Certified survey of 11l(~ propcrty ;;-~ i Five-year title search: _ Independent appraisal (two appraisals are required if value oftirst appraisal exceeds $250,000); _ Executed title insurance conunitment; _ Executed option or purchase agreement; _ Outline management plan; and _ Not.1rized agreement to execute protective covenants. -End Acquisition Project Requirements Section- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 34. State House of Representatives District number and name of State Representative for the project location: District no. 20 Representative: Ron Saunders 35. State Senate District number and name of State Senator for the project location: # District no. 40 Senator: Daryll Jones 36. Congressional District number and name oru.s. Congressman for the project location: District no. 20 Congr'~ssman: Peter Deutsch . -End Additional Information Section- Historic Preservation Grants-in-Aid Sp'.::cial Category Application Page Ten of Eleven A IT ACIDv1ENT CHECKLIST The following supporting documents :lre atl..1ched to this application: 37. --X- Attachment A. Location map for remote historic properties or archaeological sites (original and 13 copies). 38. --X- Attachment B: Documentation of confirmed Local Cost Share (original and 13 copies). 39. --X- Attachment C. Photographs describing the existing condition of the property or site (one set of photographic prints and 13 Xerox copies). 40. -X... Attachment D: Letters of endorsement for the project and list of endorsements (one set of letters and one original and 13 copies of the list). shall include name of supporter or supporting organization and date of letter. 41. -1L Attachment E: Architectural project schematics or constmction docume'n~ (one set only). If completed, submission of these documents is also required for acquisition projects. Historic structure report. 42. _ Attachment F: Acquisition project documentation (one copy only). See question 33 of this application for acquisition documentation checklist. 43. -X- Attachment G: Include citations for applicable preservation ordinances and copies of each legal instrument (easement, covenants, etc.) which currently protects the property (one copy only). Monroe County Lease. CERTIFICATIONS 44. Applicant certification: This certification must be signed by the duly authorized representative of the applicant organization or agency before the application will be considered for funding assistance. I certify that the infonnation contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that I am the duly authorized representative of the applicant. Name (type or print) Rav Thacker Signature Title Executive Director Date , Agency or organization: Pigeon Kev Foundation. Inc. A IT ACHMENT G 1: ATTACHMENTH: ATTACHMENT 1: ATTACHMENT J: ATTACHMENT K: A TT ACIDv1ENT L: ATTACHMENT M: AITACHMENTN: ATTACHMENT 0: A TTA.CHMENT P: ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS Determination Letter Pigeon Key Historic District Certificate Pigeon Key Foundation Infonnation Pigeon Key History National Register of Historic Places Report Executive Director's Resume and Job Description Project Manager's Resume and Job Description Island Administrator's Resume and Job Description Pigeon Key Public Festival Article JASON Project Description . Historic Preservation Grants-in-Aid Special Category Application Page Eleven of Eleven 45. Owner concurrence: If the applicant docs not own the property, the owner of record must sign the following statement indicating concurrence with t~le proposed project and this application for grant assistance. DaIC~ ~. ~~, Signature ,<if> . I Address ~:nCl)<< D\.-.A. to;: a o-4.J \..l: ~~ . City 'N\e.u..ft.~ ~ State ~ -Q 8'1 ~ a... Zip 33050 . FAX Number (305) ~'iI'l" ~53 " Daytime telephone t~o 5) :l ~q .. ~ 00 46. A~rccment to Execute Maintenance Agreement: For projects involving)listoric properties and those involving archaeological sites which will be maintained subsequent to the completion~ the owner, long-term lessee or other responsible party must sign the following statement indicating agreement to execute a 10 year maintenance agreement for the property, should a grant award be made. I, the undersigned, am the duly authorized representative of the _ owner, -X.. long-term lessee, or _ other organization or agency having responsibility for maintenance of the property identified in item 3 of this application subsequent to completion of the project for which funding is requested. I hereby indicate agreement to execute a maintenance agreement through which the organization or agency I represent will commit to maintenance of the referenced property in accordance with good preservation practice and the applicable standards and guidelines of the referenced property in accordance with good preservation practice and the applicable standards and guidelines of the Secretary of the Interior for a period of ten years from the date of project completion. I further agree that the organization or agency will not make any modifications to the property (other than routine repairs and maintenance) without review of the plans and specifications by the Bureau of Historic Preservation and that every effort will be made to design any modifications in a manner consistent with the applicable standards and guidelines oCthe Secretary of the Interior. Name (print or type) Rav Thacker Signature Date Title: Executive Director Organization PilZeon Kev Foundation. Inc. , Addtess P.O. Box 500130 City Marathon State Florida Zip 33050-0130 Daytime telephone 305-289-0025 FAX Number 305-2R9.1065 -End Certifications Section- . SHOULD YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING ANY ASPECT OF THE APPLICATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE GRANTS AND EDUCATION SECTION, BUREAU OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION AT (904) 487-2333. -End of Application- I, . . ,_ ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: WCATION MAP Attachment B: DOCUMENTATION OF CONFIRMED WCAL COST SHARE Attachment C: PHOTOGRAPHS DESCRIBING mE PROPERTY SITE Attachment D: LETTERS OF ENDORSEMENT Attachment E: HISTORIC STRUCTURE REPORT: Attachment G: MONROE COUNTY LEASE Attachment G 1: DETERMINA TION LETTER Attachment H: PIGEON KEY HISTORIC DISTRICT CERTIFICATE Attachment I: PIGEON KEY FOUNDATION INFORMATION Attachment J: PIGEON KEY HISTORY Attachment K: NA T'L REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES REPORT Attachment L: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S RESUME AND JOB DESCRIPfION Attachment M: PROJECT MGR'S RESUME AND JOB DESCRIPTION Attachment N: ISLAND ADMINlSTRA TOR'S RESUME AND JOB DESCRIPfION , Attachment 0: PIGEON KEY PUBLIC FESTIVAL ARTICLE Attachment P: JASON PROJECT DESCRIPfION . RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS THESE COVENANTS are entered into this _ day of .19-> by MONROE COUNTY, FLA. --J hereinafter referred to as the Owner>> and Piaeon Key Foundation, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the Grant Recipient>> and shall be effective for a period of ten years from the date of recordation by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County, Florida. WHEREAS, the Owner PIGEON KEY is the fee simple titleholder of the Property located at . Florida, as described in Exhibit A, attached to and made a part hereof and WHEREAS, the Grant Recipient is to receive State Historic Preservation Grant assistance funds administered by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, RA. Gray BuiJdin& 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250, hereinafter referred to as the Department, in the amount of 5337.597.00. to be used for the restoration and preservation of the property of the Owner as described in Exhibit A, and WHEREAS, said State funds have been or will be expended for the purpose of preserving the historic qualities of the property or contributing to the historic character of the district in which the property is located, Now TIIEREFORE, as part of the consideration for the State grant, the Owner and the Grant Recipient hereby make and declare the following restrictive covenants which shall run with the title to said Property and be binding on the Owner and its successors in interest, if any, for a period stated in the preamble above: 1. The Owner and the Grant Recipient agree to maintain the property in accordance with good preservation practices and the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. 2. The Owner and the Grant Recipient agree that no modifications will be made to the Property, other than routine repairs and maintenance, without advance review and appro\. al of the plans and specifications by the Department's Bureau of Historic Preservation. 3. The Owner and the Grant Recipient agree that every effort will be made to design any modifications to the Property in a manner consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. 4. The Owner and the Grant Recipient agree that the Department, its agents and its designees shall have the right to inspect the Property at all reasonable times in order to ascertain whether the conditions of the Grant Award Agreement and these covenants are being observed. 5. The Owner and the Grant Recipient agree that these restrictions shall encumber the property for a period of ten years from the date of recordation, and that if the restrictions are violated within the ten year period, the Department shall be entitled to liquidated damages pursuant to the following schedule: a. If the violation occurs within the first five years of the effective date of these covenants, the Department shall be entitled to return of the entire grant amount. b. If the violation occurs after the first five years, the Department shaH be entitled to return of the entire grant amount, less 10% for each year past the first five. For instance, if the violation occurs after the sixth anniversary of the effective date of these covenants, but prior to the seventh anniversary, the Department shall be entitled to return of 80% of the original grant amount. c. In the event of a violation of these restrictive covenants, the Department shaU also be entitled to recover its costs and attorney fees incurred in obtaining recovery of the grant amount. 6. The Owner agrees to file these covenants with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County, Florida, and shaU pay any and all expenses associated with their filing and recording. 7. The Owner and Grant Recipient agree that the Department shaH incur no tax liability as a result of these restrictive covenants. , 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner and Grant Recipient have read these Restrictive Covenants and have hereto affixed their signatures. \VITNESSES: '3~V\\~ t\. 'PQ....~u-- Witness Name TypedlPrinted dJ~-:F~ OWNER ~o, -w\~ C~ c;..c ,,~ ~. ~. r_ . "'a. '1Y\o..\~ ~o.Q. ~ ~ ~'''4if O~-~~~ Owner's Address ~,-":'Q-.c~~~ Wtrne Signature ~C1.\~ City ~J>. State :3 3050 Zip '3'o~, ,~'o4U-"".s Witness Name TypedlPrinted BY The State of Florida County of ,",eMY'o '4... I certify that on this date before me, an officer duly authorized in above to take acknowledgements, that " appeared as state and county named personally ~tIV lomcer) for ~Y&~ 'b~ (Name of Corpo ationlPartnenhip) . known tQ. ..me to be or who proved to my satisfaction that he/she is the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument. Type of Identification Produced Executed and sealed by me at .~ W~ ~ Florida on ~ 19.9,5 ,. @) RUTH ANN JANTZEN Notcr)' STATE OF FLORIDA PubIc My Ccnm Expf2/?IJ/95 BONDED ~4~ otary Public in an or . The State of ~ ~ My commission expires: [SEAL] 3 Witness Signature GRANT RECIPIENT Witness Name TypedlPrinted Grant Recipient's Address Witness Signature State Zip City Witness Name Typed/Printed The State of Florida County of I certify that on this date before me, an officer duly authorized in the state and county named above to take acknowledgements, that personally appeared as (Name) for (Name of Corporation/Partnership) , known to (Officer) me to be or who proved to my satisfaction that he/she is the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument. Type of Identification Produced Executed and sealed by me at . Florida on .19_. , Notary Public in and for The State of My commission expires: [SEAL] This ins~~f1.lent was. prepared under the supervision of Frank R. Stockton Attorney' Florida Department of State, DIvISIon ofHJstoncal Resources, R.A. Gray Building, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallafiassee, Florida 32399-0250. 4 ATTACHMENT "A" PIGEON KEY LEGAL DESCRIPTION r,OVERNMENT LOT SOUTH, RANGE MONROE COUNTY, ~00106120. 1, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 66 31 EAST, TALLAHASSEE MERIDIAN, FLORIDA, MILE MARKER 45, RE