Quit Claim Deed " /(ONROE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS FILE '14334 9 2 BKN1. 98 7 PG, 9 6 0 RCD Mar 26 2004 01,16P/( DANNY L ROLHAGB, CLBRK TInS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY AND RETURN TO: Larry EnJdae, Eaq. 1200 TruI1llll Aveaue Sui'" 207 Key Well, FIorlda33040 Property Appraiset'S Parcel Identification (Folio) Number: 004534400001100II DEED DOC STA/(~150,e0 03/26/2004 ~ DBP eLK SPACE ABOVE nus LINI! FOR RECORDING DATA 11DS WARRANTY DEED,made the.2.)T"'day of February, 2004, by COCONUT GROVE BANK, AS TRUSTEE, whose post office address Is 2701 South Bayahore Drive, MIami, FL 33133 herein called the grantor, to MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, whose post office address is 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, FL 33040, hereinafter called the Grantee: (W/tenllltr UJI.d Mn/lI 1M IIrnu Mgrantor" and "graM,," I1rcJ,.dc 0111116 par/lu 10 this instnurJcllt and Ihe heirs, legal npreselltative, and OJ/slg.. o/indlvlduals. and the IfUCCCUOI'S and osaignr of corporal/om) WIT N E SSE T H: That the iflIIItor, for and In consideration oftha sum ofTEN AND DO/lOa'S (SlO.OO) Dollars and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledJed. hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, releases, conveys and confirms unto the grantee all that certain land situate in MONROE County, State of Florida, viz.: SEE EXHIBIT "A", ATTACHED HERETO. Subject to easements, restrictions and reservatiollt of record aDd tues for the year 2004 and thereafter. THE PROPERTY CONVEYED HEREIN IS NEITHER THE DOMICILE NOR THE HOMESTEAD OF TIlE GRANTOR HEREIN NOR HISIHER SPOUSE NOR ANY OF HISlHER IMMEDIATE HOUSEHOLD AS DEFINED BY mE LAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA. TOGETHER, with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the Slime in fee simple forever. AND, the &fllIltor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawfulllllthority to sell and convey said land, and hereby wan:ants the title to said land and will defend the same apinst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to Decembm- 31, 2003, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said grantor- has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. By: VICE PRESIDI!NT AND STATE OF FWRIDA COUNTY OF DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 15""day of Febnwy, 2004 by Ronald Frith, who is " personally knOWDto m~ or has produced as identifiClltion. - /,,""~'~,': .,~f:AL lft'~-==- / ."., f.J :;,: lXI'lIB:o.srl.. f ~ [".0", \>~:<:;'1\~;,~ t } --...--- \;;..... 3Y~;SioiEXPireS:tjc:.t ,,",2aQ'>t ':-':;"'/~;':"'''._''''''''':..,.. ....~.' ..'.... '''1..0 n ,...\,.,.. "'h",. " ~"~UJLr ~~io otary Public ':Y'n\"n{e.\.\L. Urnk Printed Notary Name File No.: 04007 - . r rILE #1 43 3 4 9 2 BKt1987 PGt961 !XHlut "A" A parcel of la~ ly1ua 1# Tract '"I" of PaIT LAlUiO. . S\lb41:vu1cnJ 1u 5ec::.tloc 33. Township 61 ~8. 39 ~t OIl Iey LUIO, acc:orcl1:a1 to the Plat thereof, aa reCorded :f.n Plat Book .5, at 'q. 3, of the Publ1c: bcorda ot HOaroe County. norlda, NUS more particularly delcribed al follow.t CO..nee at the poiDt of 1nur.eetloD of the N'ortbu"terly prol=&.t1o~ of tbe. Nortbweted1 tipt of V.)' l1u of Hoaeateacl Avcaue with De tloxtbeaat.erly l:labt of Way lUie (\f AtllAt.1c Joultv*rcJ; theu<<* nm NorthMaterly alou. .aU prolonau1oD for 218.27 feet to the pobt of ~t.t'II.c:t:ton with. 1Ue p.u-a1lel to QMl 218.27 feet NOl'ch...terly ot, .. ~ed at rJ.lht cales to the aid JIortbeaat.dy B!pt of Way line of A.tlantic JolIl...,.r4; then~ deflect 90 cle,re.. ri.&1:lc ad tun Southeasterl,. aloa. .aid paraUel llM &ad tbe Soutbwe.ter1y line of c..to Dlwe1o~t Cot'p. lot' , 50.00 f.e~ to the Pout of Be&~uiaa of the hereiD ducribed parcel; free P1d Pc1Dt of Bel~"n"&, ecmtuue Southea.t"l, &lou, the afO!'bmlUnft6cl eoune fo," 200.00 *..t to & point iutenectiDI the lforthwuter1,. R1,ht of Way liD. of St, Croix P1&u. thence deflect 90 d.el"*. r1aba: d rull SouthveuA't'I, d=. .aU Ro~cbw.t.o1'1y JUsbt of w.,. 1_ fD~ 218.27 feet; t~ d.nact 90 cSelZ'eea npt a.4 run HOrth-.terl,. &lODI the RortbMaur17 liDa of Atlatic lIoulavard for 200.00 'Me Co .. pout: OD &he Soutbeaat*rl, tiahc of Waf 1:I.n. of ...tud Aveuue; t1:J.lt'Q('e Wle.ct to c:l..reea rlaht and nm JIorth...bl'E'17 .Iona Mid proloqaticn fat: 211.27 fe.t to the rolAt ~ Besbninl. MONE/OE COUNTY OFPICIAL RECORDS