Resolution 160-2004 Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. 1 60 -2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA REQUESTING THAT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS PLACE ON THE AUGUST 31, 2004 PRIMARY BALLOT A REFERENDUM QUESTION CONCERNING A HALF-CENT SALES TAX FOR SCHOOL CAPITAL FUNDING. WHEREAS, the School Board of Monroe County has adopted Resolution No, 589 levying a sales surtax of .5 percent (1/2 cent) pursuant to Sec. 212,055(6), Florida Statutes; WHEREAS, such sales surtax cannot take effect until approved by the electors voting in a referendum concerning the sales surtax; WHEREAS, See, 212.055(6)(b), FS, requires the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners request that the Supervisor of Elections place the sales surtax referendum on the ballot; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that: Section 1. The Supervisor of Elections is requested to place on the August 31, 2004 primary election ballot the referendum adopted by the School Board in its Resolution No. 589 and attached to that Resolution as Exhibit B, all of which are attached to this Resolution of the County Commission. Section 2. The Clerk is directed to send a certified copy of this ResolutioR..>to the Supervisor of Elections. S 1::1 ~ 2! Z :b- r- :::0 (") 2: ~ rrt PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners o~roe-<:oufit'y, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21st day of April, 2004. 2nr- c; d C=-;J;; ::0 z?Cc -f(") r- .z:a ::0 :<:-f:r: :z ,." '"" ~ '9 C") r- ,." 0 ~ 0::0 . C r::; Mayor Nelson Mayor Pro Tern Rice Commissioner McCoy Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Spehar absent yes yes yes yes (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Clerk G'~ D:;&y Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY~c...n Mayor Pro Tern jresRefSB.5surtax Mar-23-04 11:47A P.04 -,:;..;. -..... -.. ~~~~~e ~~wr.~~ 3~~ou: ~r~_ 3E~:: :;..';::: 2. ":C1E' ~.C2 RESOLUTION NO. SB9 GM.~D~~ '. . The dl!:TJ1r:s caplbl Improvement: plan !s not yet completed. continued. funding IS. requ~red to replace :emporary portabie daSSr00m5. 10t the renovation, rebuIlding, or remodelmg at C1lst1'la sc.i'rooI stTUCtures that wen! built befcre 1978, for real I!Sttte acquisitions, and fur tecnnology upgrades. A more derailed description of the prtlposed use of the proceeds of this ~rendum and resolution is set forth in E:chiblt "A~ ~ thIs R.esoIutIon iFl ac:cordance with Rondo) ~e 2l2..055(b)(c:). NOW. THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED 8Y 7i-iE SCHOOL BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY. FT_ORtDA: S~iO" 1. Tax Levy~ Thure IS hereby If!vied and imposecl within Monroe County a diSCf8tignary sales surtax of .S p8fC$ot (unft-'nalf cent) pursuant to Ihs provisions of Section 212.055(6) Florid.. Slalul.~ and Section 212.054 Fforic:la Sratutes. . Section 2. Term of l~ The ~ sh3ll cotrtmonCl! January 1, 2006. Th. 5\Vlall ,,"-hall ramain in tu. tor~ aDd erfal;t for IS periOCl of ten (,Q) ~ from and aft.. January 1, 2006 unl.u repealecl 01 reduced prior It) tn_ lime by resolution of V'Ie Sc.hooJ Board. which repsal or reduction ln3y be slfeQuated \lilithout referendum. Sectiar'l1. AQroinisVallDn. The &YnaJ( levied hereby sl"l81 be collec18d. administered end paiclcc tne Sctlool ao&r(l by the Oepar1m8fll of Rev8nue PlnUltfll 1tI ll1e ferms of Sec:tJon 212.os.. Florid. Stat\lt8s ...d suen other is- .5 may be .~, Section 4. Use of ~ All /4IWfuI u,es PlnUant to Section. 2'2.D5S(D-) ~ 212.0$.& as weM as Aorldll Statues. A plan for the SUItaX proceeds, In accoroance wttt'! Section 212;055(6)(b) and (,) d the initial outlay projects to b8 funded by !he 5ur't;jm( Is see forth in It:lo phlrl atlac:f'Nd hereto .. ExhIbl1. -A-, ~ plan may be modifiud from time 10 time as cirQ.nl..ancn c!'Iange and needl .... Section 5,. SoeciaJ ReferenOUm. The SdlOOl Board he~y tvqU85ts that the Boord 01 COunty Comm1ui~ of ~ro. Coutlty. Florlcla Q111 a SPCCl8l relan:rldum t& bet held ~ut Montoo County. Florida. ror the purpose of S1btIiWng to Irle dtJIy ~ Mldor, of Monrw CQUnlJ .... qutlStion set far1f\ ~f)in. s.caIon &, NaIIce fA ~ Not lu, Ihan thrty (30) dBYS' nob c:I .aa eledian ~II be given by pubIicafiur:l bOIPl Irl EnQIIsh tnd ~nish In . newspaper C2f genetIII dr.:ulatlon fhFoughCXIt the District. Sl.K:h publication shaU be ""* ~ ac:cordimce wllh Jew and the requlf'ements on lheSupervisor of E1ec::fiana. The notICe $hid! Mad ar lncliCateclln Ibe artaCl'lect ExhIt)jt '.. Sec.tIon 7. OffICial ~ n. ~ baIIDt to be used in Ihe alctctiOll 10 l)e h8ICI orl Augu$l 31 I ~ shall be in EnGlish and SPeniIh ..11 6hal be in full compliance wtIh ltte laws of ~ State cI Flot_ ana $hall tM subStllntJelly in #lei all8crled Notico form. ff 8 m"Drlly of the bai~ cat at IU~ 8Iection shaU be MFOR THE ONE-HALF CENT SALEs TAX". the - '-'Y d suet! I:b anall be apptOVed .nd said IWl"UIX Sl\alI b. tlWleCllts provtd8d by law, Sodlon 8, Eff~ Dill!: Sectiona,' througl'l 4 of 1M RIt8OIutiotl .bal be d.:tive and Is c;gndiUoned upon .pprowel Dy . majority at \lObI Qro: by quaJlflBd e~ iPl the relurendum grovideld for herein anc U't", remaining sectlQf"lI of thIi Re5akJUDn an.1I be effecIve 1mma<Sl~ upon il5 CIdopticn. Adopted this -L.t. day of -6T~ ~,~:.. . ,- EYaen Oul S I . ~ ~ ~__J..I ~ ):.~~-.....~ COun~. F'IorIda ..~~,~3 ..Ch~ rlnteAClent 11110103 ;//1 p.L of ~a&Q Mar-23-04 11:47A P.os NonCE OF ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN ELECTION HAS BEEN CAlLED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA AT THE REQUEST OF THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA FROM 7:00 A.M. UNTIL 7:00 P.M. ON TUESDAY, THE THIRTY-FIRST DAY OF AUGUST, 200<(, AT WHICH nME THERE SHAll BE SUBMITTED TO THE DULY QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: PROVIDING CONTINUED FUNDING FOR CAPrTAL PROJECTS AND TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES IN THE MONROE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT: The district's capital improvement plan is not yet complelecJ. Contlnoed funding is required to replace temporary portable classrooms, for the renovation, rebuilding. or remodeling of district school atr\Ictures that were built before 1978, for real estilte acquisitions. and for technology upgrades. Shall the district extend the eXisting OIle-helf cent sales surtax for , period of ten (10) years. beginning January 1, 2006 for capital projects? FOR THE ONE-HALF CENT SALES TAX AGAINST THE ONE-HALF CENT SALES TAX RESOLUTION NO. 589 ADOPTED BY THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ON NOVEMBER 18, 2003, PROVIDES FOR THE IMPOSITION OF A ONE-HALF CENT SALES TAX, THE PROCEEDS OF WHICH SHAlL BE USED TO COMPLETE THE DISTRICTS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTlTUTION AND THE ELECTION LAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, ALL DULY QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF MONROE COUNlY. FLORIDA SHAlL BE ENTITLED TO VOTE IN THE ELECTION TO WHICH THIS NOnCE PERTAINS. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SHALL BE AUTHORIZED TO LEVY THE TAX eOVEREO BY THE QUeSTION STATED ABOVE IF THE QUes:rtON SHALl BE APPROVED BY VOTE OF A MAJORITY OF THE DULY QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOTING THEREON. Exhibit "8" Mar-23-04 1.1.:49A P.09 A VISO DE EL.ECCION POR LA PRESENTE. SE AVISA QUE LA JUNTA DE COMISIONADOS DEL CONDADO DE MONROE. FLORIDA. HA CONVOCADO UNA ELECCION A PETICION DE LA JUNTA ESCOLAR DEL CONDADO DE MONROE, FLORIDA, PARA EL MARTES TREINTA Y UNO DE AGOSTO DEL 2004, DE 7 A.M. A 7 P.M., FECHA EN LA QUE SE SOMETERA AL ELECTORADO DEE'IDAMENTE CUALIFICADO DEL CONDADO DE MONROE, FLORIDA, LA PROPUESTA SIGUI~NTE: DISPOSlcaON PARA CONTlNUAR SUMINISTRANDO FONOOS A L.OS PROYECTOS DE CAPITAL Y LAS MEJORAS TECNOLOGICAS DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR DEL. CONDAOO DE MONROE; Todavia no se ha termil'lado el plan de obras de capital del distrita. Hacen falta mas fondos para reemplazar aulas portatiles provisionales y para la ranovaci6n, reconstrucci6n y remadelacion de edificaciones del distrito escolar que fueron construidas antes del 1978 asi como para adquisiciones inmobiliarias y actuali2acianes tecnol6gicas. (. Debera prorrogar el distrito el impuesto complementario actual de media centavo sabre las ventas para sufragar proyectos de capital por \.In periodo de d iez (' 0) aflas a partir del , ro de enero del 2006? _A. FAVOR DEL IMPUESTO DE MED'O CENTAVO SOBRE LAS VENTAS _EN CONTRA DEL IMPUESTO DE MEDIO CENTAVO SOBRE LAS VENTAS LA RESOLUCION NO. 589, QUE FUE APROBADA POR LA JUNTA ESCOLAR DEL CONDA.DO DE MONROE. FLORIDA, EL '6 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2003, DISPONE QUE SE IMPONGA UN IMPUESTO DE MEDIO CENTAVO soaRE LAS VENTAS Y QUE SE EMPLEEN LOS FONDOS QUE SE RECAUDEN DE ESTE MODO PARA TERMINAR EL PLAN DE MEJORAS DE CAPITAL DEL DISTRITO. EN CONFORMIDAD CON LA CONSTITUCION Y LAS LEYES ELECTORALES DEL ESTADO DE LA FLORIDA, TOOOS LOS EL.ECTORES DEBIDAMENTE CUALIFICADOS DEI.. CONDADO DE MONROE. FLORIDA, TENDRAN EL DERECHO DE VOTAR EN LA ELECCION A LA QUE SE REFIERE ESTE AVISO, LA JUNTA ESCOLAR DEL CON DADO DE MONROE, FLORIDA. SERA AUTORIZADA PARA QUE GRAVE EL IMPUESTO DESCRITO EN LA PROPUESTA MENCIONADA ARRIBA SI ESTA ES APROBADA POR LA MAYORiA DE LOS ELECTORES DEBIDAMENTE CUALlFICADOS DEL CONDADO DE MONROE. FLORIDA, QUE VOTEN AL RESPECTO. Mar-23-04 1.1.:49A P.l.O Official Ballot PROVIDING CONTINUED FUNDING FOR CAPITAL PROJECTS AND TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES IN THE MONROE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT: The district's capital improvement plan is not yet completed. Continued funding is required to replace temporary portable classrooms, for the renovation, rebuilding, or remodeling of district school structures that were built before 1978, for real estate acquisitions, and for technology upgrades. Shall the district extend the existing one-half cent sales surtax for a period of ten (10) years, beginning January 1, 2006 for capital projects? FOR THE ONEpHALF CENT SALES TAX AGAINST THE ONE-HALF CENT SALES TAX Mar-23-04 l.l.:49A P.l.l. ~ol8ta OfIclal DISPOSICION PARA CONTINUAR SUMINISTRANDO FONDOS A 1-0$ PROYECTOS DE CAPITAL Y LAS MEJORAS TECNOLOOICAS DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR DEL CONDACO DE MONROE: Todavia no se he terminado el plan de obras de capital del distrito. Hacen falta mas fondos para reemplazar aulas portatiles provisionates y para la renovaci6n. reconstrucci6n y remodelaciOn de edificaciones del distrilo escolar que fueron construidas antes del 1978 asl como para adquisiciones inmobiliarias y actualizaciones lecnol6gicas. . l,Debera prorrogar el distrito el impuesto complementario actual de medio centavo sobre las ventas para sufragar proyectos de capital por un perlodo de diez (10) anos a partir del1ro de enero de12006? _A FAVOR DEllMPUESTO DE MEDIO CENTAVO SOBRE LAS VENTAS _EN CONTRA DEL IMPUESTO DE MEDIO CENTAVO SOBRE LAS VENTAS