Resolution 120-2004 Commissioner Rice Resolution No. 120 -2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING A TRANSFER OF REAL PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF LAYTON FOR PURPOSES OF ESTABLISHING A WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY. WHEREAS, the County Commission recognizes that the issue of wastewater treatment is of substantial importance to the health and welfare of the residents of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the City of Layton has proposed the establishment of a wastewater treatment facility; and WHEREAS, Monroe County has surplus real property on Long Key which is suited to use as the site of a wastewater treatment facility; and WHEREAS, notice of the proposed transfer of land to the City of Layton has been duly noticed in a newspaper of general circulation at least once per week for two weeks prior to the passage of this resolution; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 1. Shall transfer to the City of Layton that parcel of property described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2. The Mayor is authorized to execute a quitclaim deed transferring said property. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said board held onMarch 17 ,2004. Mayor Nelson --Jl.e.S- ~ Mayor Pro Tem Rice ~ ~ Q g ~ A~~~;-~~~ Commissioner McCoy ~ ~n~ ; ~ A~'2;'~~:.~':':~!~";!~~,'0 o,mmmissioner Neugent yes ~!;=<- ~ 0 ~;{ir; ~~miSSioner Spehar ~ !~! ~ ~ \;\~~:,:'~~~~;~i Jil))::j..',:!' Board of County Com~iiao~rs r:-J g :~~~?-:;~:~ ~~;panny L. Kolhage, Clerk of Monroe County Flonll ~ ~ ~;:".:: ":"1' ~:-"'-:-'-";_\'" ,..;:,:;,>' -';:l;hawe. iNJ~OECOUNTY A~. ~~ Deputy Clerk PPROVED O#-~lrperson - ,"'--" v. SU N E A, HUTTON, ASSIS~~ C~~T~/,TTO:~~,~_ Date._ '> ~JLI.__-- This instrument prepared by, or under the direction of, Suzanne A. Hutton. Eso, FBN 336122 Office of County Attorney P,O,Box 1026 Key West, Fl. 33041-1026 MONROE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS FILE # 1 4: ..3 e 4 7 e BK# 1 <3 <3 5 PG# 2 2 Q) RCD Apr 21 2004 03:48PM DANNY L KOLHAGE, CLERK QUITCLAIM DEED TillS INDENTURE, Made this 17 th day of March , 2004, by and between MONROE COUNTY, Party of the First Part, by and through the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, whose address is 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, Florida 33040, to CITY OF LAYTON, Party of the Second Part, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Party of the First Part did heretofore acquire title to a parcel of property, Long Key, Florida, as recorded in Official Records Book 385 at Page 159 of the Public Records of Monroe County Florida; and WHEREAS, Party of the Second Part desires to obtain a portion of said parcel for purposes of establishing a wastewater treatment plant; and WHEREAS, Party ofthe First Part deems a transfer to Party of the Second Part to be in the best interest of the residents of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, prior to the adoption of the resolution authorizing said transfer of said property, there has been published at least once a week for two weeks, the proposed transfer ofland, as required by F.S. 125.35; NOW, THEREFORE, THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That the Party of the First Part, in consideration of acceptance of title to said property by the Party of the Second Part for a public purpose, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the Party of the Second Part, and assigns, forever, all the right, title and interest of the Party of the First Part to the property herein described all that certain land situate in _Monroe County, Florida, to wit: See Legal Description in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference TO HA VE AND TO HOLD, the said premises and the appurtenances thereof unto the Party of the Second Part. ,IN 1V~SS WHEREOF, the Party of the First Part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its Board 6fCoUfity" Commissioners acting by the Mayor of said Board, the day and year ftrst above written. '. ,;) l)) '\' ':, (OFFJ.Ci1T~':SEAt )\ ATTESlfr ' DANNY L. KOLHAGE BY:~(}.'~'0~ Deputy Clerk ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY'~ L~"---- Mayor EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION FILE # 1 -4.3 B -47 B BK# .~ 9 9 5 PG# 2 2 1 OF REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER FROM MONROE COUNTY TO CITY OF LAYTON A plJrcel ot land in Government Lot 2, &ctIon 4, Township 65 South. Range 35 ElJst, on Long Key, Monrotl County, F1orida, and being lJ portion ot lands described in Ot/ielal Records Book 401. at PlJgtls 1071-1074. of thtl "onrotl County, F10rida Public Rtlcords, and being man plJrUcularly described as follows: Commencing at the Point 01 Curvature of a 2" curve, as shown on a map ot the Florida East Coast Railway and idenUfied as Station 24031 +24.2. which point is on the centerline 01 the Overseas Highway (aka U.S. Hi6hway No. 01"'); thence bear Nff1y and radial to the said centerline N 4tr 19' 40" W. for a distance of 100.00 leet to the Point ot Curvature of a curve concave to the SouthelJlIt having a Central Angle of or 08'27~ and a Radiull of 2964.79 feet, said point being the Point of Beginning of the parcel of land hertllna/ttlr described. said point also btling on thtl SE'Iy boundary line of the said lands described in O.R. Book 401 at Pages 1071-1074; thence along said curve. and the SE'ly boundary /inti of said lands described in O,R. Book 401 at Pages 1071-1074, in a Southwesterly direction for a arc distance 01 59.03 leet to a 2" iron pipe lound at the SE'ly corner of a plJrcel 01 land conveyed to the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company (S,B.T.4tT.), tIS described in O.R, 281. pages 538-539 01 the Monroe County. Florida Public Rtlcords; thence along the NE'ly boundary line of said S.B:T,ItT. parcel bear N 4S- 07' 47" W tor a distance of 99.70 leet to a found 2" iron pipe found at the NE'ly corner of said S.B.T.4cT. parcel; thence bear N 4~40'20" E, for a distance 0/ 15B.9B feet; thence bear S 51" 29' 43" E. for a distance of 52.82 feet; thence bear II 3tr 19'13- E, for a distance of 34.60 feet; thence bear S 4tr 19'40. E, for a distance of 54.05 feet; thence bear S 4~ 40120" W. for a distance of 140.97 feet back to the Pont C?f Beginnmg. Legal description containing 18.072 square Itlet more or lesS. MONROE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS