Resolution 328-1995 FILED f OR. ~ECORD County Attorney "95 ooT 23 P 1 ~1S0LUTION NO. 328- 1995 A~~~4q~rQ~dF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ~~~ClHJHI~[jNfrY, FLORIDA, AFFIRMING THE INTENT OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE COMMERCIAL USE OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN IMPROVED SUBDIVISION DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, except to the limited extent allowed by special use or conditional use approval, it has always been the intent of this Board, through its duly-adopted land development regulations, to prevent commercial use of our improved subdivision (IS) land use districts; and WHEREAS, the current language of the code when taken as a whole, does not expressly authorize commercial uses in IS zoning districts, except pursuant to special use or conditional use approval; and WHEREAS, land uses or structures which are not expressly authorized in a land use district may not be developed, used or occupied; and WHEREAS, home occupation special use permits, issued only after a showing of no external commercial impacts, are the only exceptions to the prohibition against commercial uses, as of right, in the IS District; and WHEREAS, it is the purpose of the IS District to accommodate the legally vested residential development rights of the owners of lots in lawfully established and improved subdivisions; and WHEREAS, the IS district is Monroe County's chief source of permanent single-family residential uses and structures; and WHEREAS. it is the intent of the land development regulations to maintain and enhance the permanent single-family residential character of the IS district; and WHEREAS. the use of single-family residential property for bed and breakfast. hostel. hotel. inn. lodging. resort. or other transient lodging purposes is a commercial use not contemplated in the stated purposes and objectives of the IS district; and WHEREAS. members of the public have expressed concem that prohibition by implication is not a sufficiently clear demonstration of legislative intent; and WHEREAS. in view of the foregoing. the Board of County Commissioners has directed staff to draft an ordinance which will clarify the LDRs with respect to transient residential use in single- family residential areas; and WHEREAS. pending enactment of that legislative clarification. the Monroe County Code Enforcement Department requires direction on whether to prosecute any individual for maintaining a transient residential/lodging use in an IS district; and WHEREAS. it is better policy to clarify ambiguity in land development regulations by amending them. rather than expending public and private resources in prosecuting violations of regulations that are susceptible to differing interpretations; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. THAT Section 1. The Board of County Commissioners re-affirms the intent of Monroe County. through its land development regulations. to prohibit commercial uses of Improved Subdivision (IS) districts. except to the extent expressly provided by conditional use and special use procedures; and Section 2. Pending enactment of an amendment to Monroe County's Land Development Regulations specifically addressing the subject of vacation rentals and other transient lodging in IS and other residential districts. the Code Enforcement Department is hereby directed not to bring or pursue Code Enforcement actions founded on utilization of residentially-zoned land for licensed operation of public lodging establishments. Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting prosecution of other violations. e.g. failure to secure a license or to pay a tax required by law. or other Code violations. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida. at a regular meeting of said Board held on the l8thdayof October AD. 1995. Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Harvey Commissioner London Commissioner Reich Mayor Freeman yes crb"s-ent ~ no yes (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE. Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA BY~ c ~JaJ;4; , Deputy Clerk Bcl'~-F~ Mayo hairman EFFECTIVE DATE res ~ ~~_: