Resolution 392-1995 F I L E (J ~ CW Q t: I~ 0 R "95 NOV -3 P2 :56 Community Services Division ~ , ,\..!'< L.LK t:U ~HaNROF UlllN I y, f'[ {, RESOLUTION NO. 392 -1995 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A GRANT APPLICATION CONCERNING STATE AID TO LIBRARIES WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVISION OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAME. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MON- ROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby authorizes the filing of a grant application concerning State Aid to Libraries with the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Informa- tion Services, and authorizes the Mayor to execute same. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of October , A.D. 1995. MAYOR, Shirley Freeman yes COMMISSIONER, Wilhelmina Harvey absent COMMISSIONER, Jack London yes COMMISSIONER, Keith Douglas yes COMMISSIONER, Mary Kay Reich yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MON O~ CO~;::...... Mayo Chairman (Seal) DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk Attest: ~..~.J.. Co. ~~ ClerJ{ APPROVED 11,8 T'" r-"" .~~ / ,,' FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIVISION OF LmRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES STATE AID TO LmRARIES GRANT APPLICATION -1996 Single County Ubrary The MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (name of library governing body) t'Jveming body for the MONROE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM (name of county library) l.:reby applies to the Division of Ubrary and Information Services, Florida Department of State, for ~tate Aid to Libraries grants as authorized under Chapter 257, Florida Statutes, and Chaplet IB-2,. Florida Administrative Code, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1995 and ending September :iO, 1996. CertIncation of Local Operating Expenditures We certify that the following total funds from local sources were expended centrally during l:-Ie fiscal year beginning October 1, 1993, and ending September 30, 1994 (second previous fiscal ye.ar) for the operation and maintenance of a library under the conditions outlined in Chapter 257, ~:.S.. and Chapter IB-2, F.A.C. We further certify that the amount listed below does not include any of the followin~: .;, Funds received from th~ federal government -.> Funds received from the state government ,.> Funds used for "fixed capital outlay" as defined in Chapter 216, Florida Statutes: real properry (land, buildings, including appurtenances, fixtures and fixed equipment, structures, erc.), in.clruiing additions. replacements. mtljor repairs. and renovations /0 real property which materially extend its useful life or materially improve or change its function or use and including operating capital outlay necessary to furnish and operate a new or improved facility. Such funds are not eligible to be used as local match for State Aid applications under Chapter 257, F.S., and Chapter IB-2, F.A.C. ~~otallocal funds expended centraUy by the llbrary for the operatlon and maintenance or a liorary betwe-cn October 1, 1993 and September 30, 1994. (The setond previous year) $ 1,247,916.58 Form NDLlS/SADl Effective 1-25-93 page t of ] , / / / Compliance Agreement The applicant agrees to expend any grant awarded pursuant to this Application in full compliance w~th the terms and conditions of Chapter 257, F.S., and Chapter IB-2, F.A.C., relating to free CCllnty public libraries and the State Library, which Chapters are incorporated by reference as part of the Application. Signatures 1. 10-1 f-'~ Date Please type name and official title here: ') .. . ~ ~/C$!. A- Clerk. jr~ ou ~ (or Chief Financi fficer of County if responsibility is assigned to another position) 10"" ,""$ Dale Please type name and official title here: d2~ /C>-Il 9u- Funn NDUSISAOl Effective J .25.93 page 2 9f :J // ~ v-. 8 '" , ... I "' 0 / 0 ~ \ ~ !. 00 I[) ~ I[) 0'1 . '-l ..-l ~ 0'1 M ~ . . . ~ -- 1.0 ..-l I[) 1.0 '" g I[) 1.0 N .. ..-l l- I- N .. .. .. l- I- ..-l M M ..... N ..-l M .. ~ 0'1 M ..-l ..-l - E '- .2 .~ -S bl) .S - u -a E 8 .s ~ ~ 0 Q-'\>. Mt:; g~ .;;; ..... ~ ~ s >- g ].~ li. .E I.S 't '- 8..~ Cj II) ~ 8 ~:~ ';:S~ ~:l ~3 (j .S ~ ~~ ~ u ~ &5 ! g ~ ~ ~ o ~ w Cl ~ 0 0 0 0 . . l- I- N N l- I- .. .. ~ ~ N N ..-l ..-l ~ ... < tn ~ I[) ..-l ...~ . . 1.0 ~ I[) I. M ..-l 0 .. .. l- I- N. 0'1 0'1 ....-l. g ~> '~ DO r: ~ 19 1 ~~ .. !~ ~u ~ ~ (J). .. <:tt.. ....'.... I[) . .... I N. I l- . .. ..~ . .:....4. . .. i ik 811 "'::I'~~ ,au....!! ki~ ~ ~ .00 .... ~ .......:.........,.:.........1. .... ..........p ...:~ . ...:.. ........~..:~ ...~...~...~ : ....... I.:";-'~.l i~~ ~ .~ '1s oS il Jt) t- je.~ e re~l~ .;- 8 '3- '!:l' 'i 8~ $ c;t I ~l ~ z f 2 _~ .0 U'.l ::J - 0" ~5 U5~ :J.. e .j ill s ~ u..l: ~ "' o