Resolution 405-1995 ;J Maria & Don Kosick, Petitioners RESOLUTION NO. 405 -1995 -" -., A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION~S.bF ~ MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RENOUNCING AND DISCLAIMI~:~ANY CJ RIGHT OF THE COUNTY AND THE PUBLIC IN AND TO A PORTtq'N OF ~ INLET DRIVE, SUNSET WATERWAYS SUBDIVISION, KEY LARGO, FtBRIDA C;; ..,( ,~ " j ~ '~n '. -0 '1 .t::>. ,: WHEREAS. the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, F~ida,~ desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways, and WHEREAS, due notice has been published and a public hearing has been held in accordance with Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing the Board considered the argument of all parties present wishing to speak on the matter, and all premises considered concerning the renouncing and disclaiming of any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that vacation of the said road is for the general public welfare, and conforms to the requirements of Florida Statutes Sec. 336.09 and Sec. 336.10, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby renounces and disclaims any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: A portion of Inlet Drive, Sunset Waterways, Key Largo , PB 4/31, more particularly described as: That portion of Inlet Drive, located between lots 3 and 3A described as follows: Commence at the southeast corner of lot 3A for a Point of Beginning; thence run Nl038'00" W 49.22 feet; thence S 49000'55" E 73.61 feet; thence S 88022'00" W 44.32 feet; thence along a curve concave to the -,"--,-<...._...., 'I - north having a radius of 78.09 feet and an arc of 9.88 feet, S 88001'54" feet E 9.87 feet to the Point of Beginning. This abandonment is conditioned upon the Petitioners deeding the following portion of land to Monroe County, Florida: The southern 10 feet of Lot 3 beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 3, bearing south 88022' west a distance of 65.15 feet, then north 1038' a distance of 10 feet, thence north 88022' a distance of 65.15 feet. then south 1038' for a distance of 10 feet to the point of beginning. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 21st day of November, 1995. Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Harvey Commissioner London Commissioner Reich Mayor Freeman ~ yes ~ yes yes- (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY~C. ~~ Deputy Clerk rdhear BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY~LORIDA BY~~J~ M or/Chairman APPROVED AS 'TO FOR" ' AW) ,lEGAL SUFFICtENfl . ~ - ~,.t.... . v NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, will hold a public hearing on November 21, 1995, at 10:00 AM, at the Key Largo Library, Tradewinds Shopping Center, Key Largo, Florida, to determine whether or not the Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: A portion of Inlet Drive, Sunset Waterways, Key Largo , PB 4/31, more particularly described as: That portion of Inlet Drive, located between lots 3 and 3A described as follows: Commence at the southeast corner of lot 3A for a Point of Beginning; thence run Nl038'OO" W 49.22 feet; thence S 49000'55" E 73.61 feet; thence S 88022'00" W 44.32 feet; thence along a curve concave to the north having a radius of 78.09 feet and an arc of 9.88 feet, S 88001 '54" E 9.87 feet to the Point of Beginning. Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, notice is given that if a person decided to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at such hearings or meetings, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Dated at Key West, Florida, this 18th day of October, 1995. DANNY L. KOLHAGE Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (SEAL) _w._.....~..,.,-_..,.t"... ~ '\ ". NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Flprida, will hold a public hearing on November 21, 1995, at 10:00 AM, at the Key Largo Library, Tradewinds Shopping Center, Key Largo, Florida, to determine whether or not the Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: A portion of Inlet Drive, Sunset Waterways, Key Largo _, PB 4/31, more particularly described as: That portion of Inlet Drive, located between lots 3 and 3A described as follows: Commence at the southeast corner of lot 3A for a Point of Beginning; thence run Nl038'OO" W 49.22 feet; thence S 49000'55" E 73.61 feet; thence S 88022'00" W 44.32 feet; thence along a curve concave to the north having a radius of 78.09 feet and an arc of 9.88 feet, S 88001 '54" E 9.87 feet to the Point of Beginning. Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, notice is given that if a person decided to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at such hearings or meetings, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Dated at Key West, Florida, this 18th day of October, 1995. .. DANNY L. KOLHAGE Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (SEAL) ';':";'iY' ~.~:~: .;-;;~r;~~.f-T_' <, ~ ., ,.. '.'1 ...... T.. '. " Mr. & Mrs. Kosick, Petitioners ~' : ! , F niP ,;'",; · ' 'R'ESOLUTION NO. 293 -1995 A RESOLUTlo'~ s~[N01 TIJM ~ATE. TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING THE PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF INLET DRIVE, SUNSET W A TERW A YS SUBDIVISION, KEY LARGO, FLORIDA. l:,''. I, I WHEREAS, th~lB~dfd oftGblintyraommissioners of Monroe County. Florida. desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets. alley- ways, roads or highways, and WHEREAS. under Chapter 336, Florida Statutes. it is necessary to hold a public hearing after publishing due notice of said hearing in accordance with said Chapter, now. therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. that the Board will hold a public hearing on November 21. 1995. at 10:00 AM. at the Key Largo Library. Tradeswinds Shopping Center. Key Largo. Florida, to determine whether or not the Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat. to-wit: A portion of Inlet Drive. Sunset Waterways. Key Largo, PB 4/31. more particularly described as: That portion of Inlet Drive, located bet"veen lots 3 end 3A described as folows: Commence at the southeast comer of lot 3A for a Point of Beginning; thence run N 1 038'00" W 49.22 feet; thence S 49000' 55" E 73.61 feet; thence S 88022'00" W 44.32 feet; thence along a curve concave to the north having a radius of 78.09 feet and an arc of 9.88 feet, S 88001' 54" feet E 9.87 feet to the Point of Beginning. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board on the 15th day ot"August. 1995. Mayor Freeman Mayor Pro T em London Commissioner Douglass Commissiqner Harvey Commissioner Reich yes yes ~ --yt!S" -ye-s- .. e,..O-.kL C.IJ,~ Deputy Clerk (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE. CLERK roadsetld . ;'V".",;r'~""\:;:-0"'"""':"r ,-.;",; , i' , 2 KEY R SR .SC . SR 10 . 7 i i I ! ' I KEY LAROO ~ N KEY LAROO SR "Z"'~"'77T!~~OE~~llyP~~..;':".,. ,'~',.} ',';:!., MEMORANDUM TO : Suzanne Hutton, Assistant County Attomey FROM : David S. Koppel, County Engineer t1JI .... DATE : July 25, 1995 RE : Road Abandonment. Inlet DrIve Sunset waterways SUbdivision, Key Largo The Engineering Department has reviewed the additiona information rega'ding the above referenced aba1donment. AI the items of previous concem have been addressed and we have no objection to the proposed abandonment of a portion of Inlet Drive. If you need anything further, please let us know. inletdr.abd KAT/kat ~ : ...., " ~~'~-:7) ~ -. ~.' ~;; ~1 .' - 11~.j ('\ .. : ~ ';'. ", . .'.~I""'..." L 1~-" . :" I I _. ,.-.'. .-..,...--.' -- . -," . .""'"~ -r"~:"t'S"P'~~~;:~~lf~i:~-~~,J1,.,~ /~.; , l~":"~,':.~"f.!~.'$'. \. ". '". ':>':t~'~~T"f"!'t~~~!f~~~') . 't. .~ I ~; ~, MEMORANDUM FROM Angela Roberts, Asst. County Attorne1l:Y Director of Planning ._ /__ planning Technician ~ '~~IT'Vl~~,f~ )!,~-, -l:i. I~! I" "-''''':1 J . ~'r\! ~~, II ^y 15 1995 . TO Suzanne Hutton, THROUGH: Lorenzo Aghemo, DATE May 8, 1995 RE Request for Road Abandonment Inlet Drive, Sunset Waterways Subdivision, Key Largo COUNTY A1TY -. ,The applicants, Mr. & Mrs. Kosick, are requesting abandonment of the section of Inlet Drive that encroaches into Lot 3 Block 1 Sunset Waterways Subdivision. RECOMMENDATION Planning Department staff recommends approval of abandonment of the portion of road described above based on the following findings of fact: 1. According to a copy of the survey submitted by the applicant, and verified by a site visit, the 30 foot wide road terminates at the water's edge. However, before it does so, a wedge-shaped spur coming off the road encroaches between Lots 3 and 310., both of which lots are owned by the applicant. It is this offshoot that is being proposed for abandonment which, if approved, will not affect public access. There is no public ramp and the shore- line is heavily vegetated with mangroves. 2. The applicant has stated that his reason for requesting the abandonment is to be able to locate his proposed residence across the common property line shared by the two ,lots. At the present time, the encroachment of the road prevents him from utilizing his lots to their maximum capacity. The zoning of the property is Improved Subdivision (IS) which allows one house per buildable, platted lot. By building one house on the two lots the owner will be reducing density under the Rate of Growth Ordi- nance. 3. We understand that the Engineering Department has recommended approval of this abandonment on condition that the applicant grant the southern 10' of Lot 3.to the County for construction of a turn around at the end of Inlet Drive. The applicant has ex- pressed, in writing, his willingness to do so. RAINLET.02/TXTDR )/t>~! ~utVj 'A<pf. ~~r- ~M ~'~f ~ ~. fJcpf. ~ FPIM ~~s/~Is.- _...---~~ ' .~"H",~_,_,__~.w_n..."~"I./l>'''~:"._'''' '..... O~~y ~~~E (305) 294-4641 Frank v. Bagnardi Office of the Fire Marshal 490 63rd. st. Ocean, suite 160 Marathon, Florida 33050 (305) 289-6010 ~D OF COUNTY COMM'88'ONERS MAYOR, JId( LandOn, DiItrtct 2 MIyor Pre Tern, A EIr! a.I, DiItrict" WIIhIImiN H8MV, DI*tct 1 Shir1Iy F....mIIn, ~ 3 MIIry ~ Reich, 0IItrId IS . ~. M E MaR AND U M /, TO: Suzanne A. Hutton, Assistant county Attorney -. FROM: Frank V.Bagnardi, Fire Inspector ~ O'Neill petition for road abandonment RE: DATE: september 23, 1993 The Fire Marshal'. Office has made an ion.pection of the propo.ed property for road abandonment. As the fire department acce.. i. not impaired, the Fire Marshal's Office has no objection .s to the road abandonment. cc: File R-~,F"",C",""'70::~,7~, ~ I .: J .~ I I., : ~'. ;.' .". · 1.' -', ,'" , . r _' . -...., I" ".1 , - L.,' (~.,,';:.,,:;.i'''-'; ....~"'~ 1~1 !~ ,.,. :,; ~ ' ..' ~ . ,.... ; ,': ''!-",::' v# .,..r SEP 27 1993 . ~ COUNTY ATTY j -. ~~'."--.~"."".';"'-;":'.' --'r '_'~-':-. <,",.1.. . - '~:;:l~~II:::=:'~_::li&( :"t~_.'.r:')~. C""_:'~;~_".' '" 'f"":-~~""" i ........! ~.. : . . PETITION FOR ROAD ABANDON~~1 - - . TOI Board of County Commillionerl. Monroe county, Floride DAtE t AUGUST 9.1993 !~ <> ~,,\_,; .~, ,-,i I~ ( ,I. (\ ,It. '\ ,11 t 1\ \ \. ,~~ 1\1 ( ,I. \'?)'""~ \j~."\ Il ."" · \ ,~ ~ ,,\.. "'-'~~ ,'\' '. ' ", 'j ')l c\ . he re by pe tl. t ions the Ro~orable Board of County Co~mislionerl of Monroe County. Floride. to renounce and dilclaim any right of the County and thl public in and to the hereinafter described Itreet, aney-way. - road O~ highway as delineated on the attached Survey. RONALD & JULIA O'NEIL Petitioner certifies that hl/lhe ii/are the - lole owneds) of Lot(a) LOT 3 & 3A block 1 SUNSET WATERWAYS - -- - (Attach al Exhibit A) and atteched to thil petition il a copy of , deed or quit claim deed .howing .aid owner.hip. Attached to this Petition end mede a part hereof end marked Exhibit "8" iI tha lurvey of petitioner'e property and that portion of _ INI'~~ Dij,Vf. ' road, Itreet or Avenue outlined in black which Petitioner leekl to have abandoned. marked with diagonal linel. The lurvey Ihould allo include adjacent properties. Attached as Exhibit "c" 11 a tegal description of this property. (Tbi, mUlt be a metel and bound description unless a recorded plat is referenced.) Petitioner leeks to havj! the above-described portion of INLET DRIVE _road, street or a~en~. abandoned as it is outlined on the attached survey becaus.. (Exp lanat ion) -Lo ~u~LD ONE COrf\ B (,.jEt' LoT L. -- ~E~()~ST D~ tWO ~s (D~L& , : " -- " -, . '..?,..~'~.~, J. J,~"~''-'''~ ~'r;7_ ":!~~'::r,LA?,:..:t: .'-' ( p.titioner certifiel thet tb. .bandonment or I.id ro.d wilt not t.k. away from otbet prop.rty bold.rl' right of ingr.l. and .gr.IS to their property, snd that tha 19~ t.xal on the l.nd . , owned by RONALD & JULIA O'NEIL - have been paid. Petitioner agrees to be responsible for and pay for .11 ;,- costs of advertising and recording feel incurre-d rela1:ive to this request for the vacation. petition.r further furnisbes this Bo.rd with letters of no objection from th. utility companiel. including el.ctric. w.ter and telephone company, attachad h.r.to .nd marked Exhibit. _ Q and a li.t of the names and Iddr.lees of adjacent property ownarl, a copy of which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit - E · " , p.titioner agra.. to gr.nt .ny ..I....nt n.c....ry for th. \ furnishing of utitities. including without limitation electric po",er. water, sewer, telephone, gll, c.bla snd other el.ctric cOlllUlUnication services to the ume extlnt .. is c(lllllllon within this area as to height, width end degree, upon request for luch service or by the' Board of County Commi..ioners through itl autho~ized agents. WHEREFORE, Petitioner formally requests the Honor.bl. Boerd . ~ of County commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to grent thil petition. - ....."""-~~- ~~-. -- ;':;;1i')'Jf;1~!,:rpi'I~~;ttJ~':zrlL?2.:2:'.:- :-~7:'~;';':;:.;;.;;.i~~;;;.~ .::........~~~'" -~' " . '.' . , \ STAtE OF FLORIDA ) ) 55 COU~'t"i OF MONROE ) . , BEFORE ME, the underlisned notary publio, duly euthorized to adatinis ter ,oa tho and take ..cknow 1edgment I . pe~lonallY eppeered RONALD & JULIA o' wbo, first being duly cautioned and Iworn, deposel and ItaUI tbet be/she U the pereon delcribed in tbe foregoing inltrulllent and that be/lhe bas perlona1 knowledge of the facts and ..atter. alleced therein and that each of the.e facti and ~tterS ate true and correct to tbe best of bil/ber kn~ladce and belief. SUBSClllBED AND SWORN to before...e' tbis ~ clay of . 19~' in the County and Stete firlt ebove . \ ~ - " written. My COQ'lO\il1ion e1p1:resf (SEAL) . ~ ~# -..,......... ,-. :~7,~:r."".- .-~::-7-~ ;').: .' ,;,",.~.::-,:,_,~~",,~i~~~!2.', ,'.',,,, ..' " 1.~~~:t:~. " ' ":'"..;.1.:',-. c. Sl:)"Z.AfJN~ A. l-\u-r-ro~ A.S5L'. C00~TY A-CrOR1'JEY :?lO fLEtr'\(tJ~ Sr. RM. ~q . ~EY WE:Sc\FL. 33ct.lo tllLoj'tS' "-'. r '\. ~.. .,,= ~Wlt~ I;LF',"{:'>~7~:~ \'1 :;) ~ : C i:- t '......,--' K ~ I~.~~ .,b JAN 1 S 1995 COUNTY ATTY . Re:. '. PE-rlll~N To A5AN~ON A 'Po~-rlotJ \ aF I..NLE.-r D~..\\J E 'B~TW~N .!:-:CT 3 ~ ::> A- SuNSET WA-rER-WA-~~ - K..E'2 L-~R..6--D. c........... '(:~~'. DEA ~ (Y\.s. \4-\JTl 0 N) . . ..- - . . . . I~ DEc..E.MGER \C\l\-; My vJlFE .ANt) I fu~ c.~A- .sEO TH~Two..,.,lo,T~-. R~FfEt. t5.':'3c.Eb., . A 6O\J~'.. Ti.1c~, SALE" ,'WA!J...CJ:J N-rCN ~tE~.T"." ON Ti.t.E S~LL€R-5 J Ro~. ~.:~I~L( A (j ftJ ElL, 5 U~uJu.J6- THA-r tHE: P-..E:~E:~Et-1L€D.u, PO~T( oNO,f.lI'.J'-~,T D~( \IE' -Woo LJ) ~€ . ft~fJN D~NE1J 13i......THc (!aVNt'! So -rfJA-r -[lie- Tc.ill urrS Cbve1J . 85 &M e eNEb A:s /)IJ G , . ' . W EW(6/t -ro BViLD A f.lOrl1~ ()rJ, tHEse- I' 7W (:) Lo TS Ti./ J4 -r . WI tL S it. AD L€ TilE CaMM~JJ 730UNll~e.YI SCJ WE Wl~/.f TO Cc;fltB tNE !-r){E Two ~-rs TO 73ELOME ON~ . l/tJ5€PER.A8LE PARtEL. T~ Tilt" l.1JUNIY WlLL I A8 ANCJtJJJ Tl/~ ~ PtJR-/fON ~fC I tJL€r DlIVE " ItJfJ('C,q-r~jj WE II!!.€" WlLLIN(Y -rc, ('€A{)~ I It POR.7iOAl oF- Lo..,- 3 f()1!.. A -rQRN 14,eOul\! IJ !lff> SU&&E".!J TEl) fAl cfovR. LETTER !JAr6/) q/3/93. """!,:j~~~~!:i:::~7'~=J~~~:7'r~:'-'~:=~~~t:~."-,:"-::'''}V '''_i~~:'1_=:'~~~,='';~ ':,.:.:"=-:"~~~:'" ,",:~: '-:,O':r.w_ - ~ "'~ '.i',::~,',.:t.'..: ".. " ~ A~";' ~~ ,'r ____ .......,.,!.'!'! -...':,,;.. ..~ ~. . ';:.-3I::J. ::;,~ ' .:~v.. JO.:-. ."'. .- ~,~: '_:-_.~:..' . . ":;:., . . , (-- / .. -. .C.' . - " . I ,LJfr1 EN c..COS/N 6- 77.J~RE~tJESr6-lJ L(ET[E~ Ff20M -nit U{'{L{flE5j 5ou-r/I6R.fJ 13<;C.l / F K 4 A (I1tJIJ Fc.A, CL H. t:.n5 LfJ-oP. ~ wlJl(J-l ~T4-rE -r1lf5Y (+A-l)~ NO oB:SELT/()N -rtJ Lif[ ~&NlJotJ/11&J( r f)M' ftc5Q /5NcL05IrJ~ COP{~.5 OF 71/6 LETl~ WE:" ~r.,,~ ,~TlIE IM~/)(/)(C NE/{y(18af-J ., WE f(€..UL'VcD _.4' 'Ne REPLy) FRoM 4rJy of: -rtJ~dtJE(&1t Bof2.5. - fJLt=/J S ~ , c.o~i It'Z:r_....~_d MEj DON. !<os lc%- of<. fVly WiFE MI4~lA,..__K".5lc.t-_. c...o/'J c.&NIAl6- . ANY AIJDI T 1(Jtv'AL...;_ltJE~I<!Y)f!.rJ(J-^J .,,,..Ydc.J_.WfLC IJ EEIJ " TO .u,l'Illh-lf~r~~~.TrI{.5~.:_..T/ljJAl;'.-~..".... . . ;. . .: I . . AN .' Yov -'I/.J'~"A~v~-;J(i:~. e 'rIou 4711 K- ...~.... ...... RJ .... ~ - S5 IS TAMe ["., ,_d .___.~.',_.._.. ....,...'... - . . . d''', ' . :, ..... .d..d" 0..'........-'..."." .-...... .p" d - 0/ Ai LEt IE L YJ . [) trYL f< o.side. I"DON ~ MARIA l\os l ell- I ~ ~&Ol S.uJ. \ 5 Co A-J. ! MlAfI\ \}FL. 3"b\ID (30S) ~L{5-1'?,\l ~ ~ ~ _." _.....,.~_.__ .._.. .._ _ _~ ..4...~H._~._ ~ H;".. . .'" .' ;;:'T\ ~.~"'T .~-;. ~'1TT_=f~f-'~J_~-~~~12:.r~~~~41E2~12~f_,:=:~=~T""~~~7-:'",~~~~:~.~'tT~~'.:.'~~~'-'\:"".- It. T~ trY " June 28, 1995 Suzanne A. Hutton Asst. County Attorney 310 f'leming St. Rm. 29 Key West, Florida 33040 Re: Petition to abandon a portion of Inlet Drive between lot 3 & 3A Sunset Waterways, Key Largo. -. Dear Ms. Hutton, As per our conversation in march 1995 I have attenpted to contract the owner of Lot 2 Sunset Waterways (Mr. Malcan Shermer). In addition to the letters I had sent before -our last conversation I have also atteupted to contact him personaly (I have been to his holSe twice, but no one answered the door). I also sent him a registered letter on May 10, 1995 (cqJY & receipt enclosOO>. Mr. Sherner has not responded. I have been persuing this matter since August of 1993. A period of alJoost 2 years. I am reqJ.eSting now that we be able to petition the co.mty for road abarrla1ment at the next meeting. 1 The reason for this abandonment is so that we may take the two adjoining lots a.OO CCl'Ibine them to make one contiguo.w lot. The blilding depart:mIOt tells me this is very desirable to them since it decreases the density of the anomt of hcA1sing units on that parcel of land. I have mtde every effort to be a good neighbor a.OO have CCJlPlied with all recpests often at considerable cost to myself. Thank yoo for your consideration. I will contact YOl by tel~ in early July, 1995. You may contact me at the acHress a.OO phone t listed below. ~ZLl Don Kosiek Don &Maria Kosiek 2005 AlA Hwy. North 1ndialantic, Florida 32903 Harne: (407) 777-6302 Work: (305) 588-5536 . ~ f':"- ,. . ",~,.......... II "..: " '/" .'of ....., y'r.:':)..' ~ ) ,;.. ~ '. '. _ . ',-.. . "!... ~ C" "il '. ,<,.... ~,... ,.,!, lJ i(4' .'i t . /- <1,.;'- :~, t. " ..... . -,j .;..; '\ J Ui. 3 1995 COUNTY Am - ';" ~ ?~~_:"~':,?"!~:'i:'~~::L;~->-- <~"~:> ;~l'J~\<~~'~~.~'i:.,',.~':~:f:,:~"t~~i~f'~,;?~'~~~~. .."...__ 81'1'~ au 1283 Pl1l163' 'i 0'" , "AIllWI'l'T nmm ThII Indenture made thIa l~th ~ or November, 1993, BETWEEN Rona1d O'NeD md JuRa O'Neil, Iu. wU'e GRANTOR. 80dal 8eewity No. ?& / - Cj g - ~ 1 7 CLJ and DooaId KOIkk aDd Marla Koeick,billwU'eoC liS ro""",'^,~ p'a'-t Key L~.,t::(.. GRANTEE. )JoJ7'- WITNESSETH. That Il!!d Grantor, for and In consideration of the IUID ofTEN AND 00/100'8 ($10.00) Dollan and other pxl and nIuable conalderatlon to IIIid II'BDtor In hand paid b7111id II'BDtee, the receipt whereof is hereby aclmowledged, has granted, berpined and IIOld to the grantee, arantee'. heirs and asaigns forever the following deacribed land located In the CoWlty of Monroe CoWlty State of P1or1l1a, to-wit: Lots S and SA In Block 1, of SUNSET WATERWAYS SUBDMSION,accordIng to the Plat thereof, lIII recorded in Plat Book 4, at Page 31, of the Public Recorda or Monroe County, Florida. SUBJECT TO A PURCHASE MONEY FIRST MORTGAGE. SUBJECT TO TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1993 AND ALL SUBSEQUENT YEARS. SUBJECT TO ALL CONDmONS, EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF RECORD. FOLIO NO. 00529720-00000o and 00529730-000000 and Il8id grantor does hereby fuBy warrant the title to said land, and will defend the __ apinIi' the lawful c:1aima or all penons whomsoeYer. ~ingu1ar and plural are interchange8b1e lIII context requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor bas hereWlto let grantor'. hand and eMlthil day and year lint above written. ' ~''''' ,.,O~" Print Name: .~~(~ Ronald O'Neil Acldre-= l300t W. 78 Street H1aIeeh, PI, V -y~~/ Witnea # Print Name: 'UJUk 1f.GJ.lf':'--6 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing 1natrument W8S acknowledged before me thIa ')'~ dayof )I~ 1998, b7 Ronald O'Neil and Julia O'Neil, his wife, who are personally known to me or who have produced 1=l.:n..~ P,/lfc"~ Llc-.c..--. lIII identifICation. Prepared by: PATRICIA HARTMANN FLORIDA TITLE OF THE KEYS, INC, 102900 OVERSEAS mGHWAY, SUITE 2 KEY LARGO, FLORIDA 33037 93-F-151 ~ NOTARY PUBLIC ~ Print Name: State of F10rida at Large (Seal) My ColDll1!.el.on Expires: . :! '" ~ VJ I 'm_~''''''''' ~ r-1 MAlltH.GAf86 s: :- ~ ':::J ''''T''''IV IUllIt STAn Clf nCllllDA "~ c-:> :=. '" (CIlT_al.. E.. IlPT:J4.1904 -, -!.J T" ~:. ,-- . z" 31 ..... N -~ ~ -, - ~ -1../;LIJ.a". /;2..7-73 ll!'l T'~'-I'" ".-..- .Y.Jt.. - .... 1 "!'........ " .-. f~"''',l ': rry ~~I~(tJ1a.~ ~'~."f,.J '.t~ t..,;"ftt:.:tl R~M. I.... h. . ~,",)o01 U""'. rl, tl~ ,. ~t,1I '",,'all'" r'i\NNr L ;:'._"./L~I.1' ('!""t Ctredf eo.., - EXHIBIT A . _...:;....;...:.c~:_.;.d.~~' . ."" . .. . ,..~---...;..::.;;..;= ~ '~. "., :-'~';JJJi~J~~:?J.~::.. :~~ 1)2" O~l\^"" ,w.. PhcJn' (30!l) 114-0764 r~)( \.w~) oo,,-u...,'" ...- . ...........-"........- ... Me W291 - .e,\A., TtI'.-L-I.. a<<N'lI, .._...._ot COUNt'l, fL." caa--- 'to Don" "ar1l ~ollek Ploridl Titl' of tb' laY'l Inc, ~ttorn.y'. Titl' Inlurlnea fund,.tnc. UICUl'TI0K: L.'. , . ,A, .,." \, SU...t WA,,"A", A. .b... .. .b. ,1" 'b"'" .. ,.,.,... '0 ,1.. ..., " ,... ,.. ....., .".,.. .f ...... C...." "...... To.ether with Ithle portion of Inllt Driva located betwaen loti 1 · JA d.acrlbad la ColloWI: Co..e~c' at thl louthellt corner oC lot lA for a point of Bealnnlnll thence run M ~ 38'00" ~ 49,22 feet; ,b.." . .s' 00'5>" t "." fu" "00" . a.. 22'00" · 44.>2 f"" 0(1.1' thance alona I curve eoncav, to the porth havlng a radius of 78.09 feet and an arc of 9.85 feet. S eb'01'54"! 9,87 fut to the point of .......... l . !. ... CO f' C' ,. (I , 1- t II .. 4 " ~ ': c.. .... N " '- 'Soc>' ""I~ \- "i~ '" " .- PI . ,~ ~ l l' 'I . ~ ~I.?, ~kJ . .., "" '0 0 . . ..' \...~ . 'lo' t oil 4~ ~ "- .,\.,.4'Cz) \-.T ~ " ~ 'f~ ~o Ct"'T "" ~ .. , '. . e - . "'.,.~ '" - " G,U&vS. ..- ~..,~ .. ~.\o,.'" ~&c. , HOllO ....,..(1 c:.....,.cr) ,.,o-.<.f.) .. ~ ..~<r) ". ,.,' Ire.:"-) 40)..' .~) ->..' Cs.) , tol .".0\''''; ~ ';J: N "'" ...'1" 0 ~, .... ..,"'" -.-.-. . '- \w ,. ...."".,.".:: .-?UR'lEYOR'S N01E5:_ ,.\ ....l CORNERS fOUtlD HA'ot NO NU"JI{~ OUI~AllNO PRE~ClOS ~V[YoR OR CQI,\P~y EXctP' AS SHQ'Mf, 2. AU. 8t......NOS ~NO DIST~NCtS AIlE IoIE~S\JREO PER /'tAT \J1'lI.tSS OTHERWIse. N01ED, , "' ....,,"'''''', ....."'...u.'" ,...."... '" ."""" .", as.. ."'"" '" ...... ...... ....... -. ., ~~~,~;.:,\.." ..'l.'::' "",to"" .......'" ""'..-'" -oM "'!'" ....".., .... .- "" ....",.,. a.) [LEVA TIOt<l 010 tulol: '" ElEHCH\,IIoRK: ,.... I .. - BASlS or etARIHCS: .,.. e,) 1....5 IS TO CER11fY lHAl I HA COlI LUO THt rE foL INSURANC I'oOIoIlHISTR~llQ1<1 rLOOD H~l"RD 8QUIlOAllY "'AI'l..~ ,,,,.OM;' '''F'' _ ,...n"'. ,,",'- , ,'''''''''''' ,-",. -, - '"' '''' ",,,,,, ,,"'..... PRoPl:RTY IoPP ARS 10 Bt IN Z()I.I(A& .':. ,"WlTH A aASI: ELEI/"lION Of.p.." 10' j,l,S.L. .. ctRllf"lEO rOft .&-">....."......... .....".v.::"'l 1 HEREBY ctRTI(V TlV.T THIS S\l~1' \,IU15 tHE .....U' It:CHHlCAL STANOAllOS ~.9 sn rOfttH 1'1' tHIE nllRlO" BDARt> or l'tIorrssiOll~~ l~ llUll'ltY0ll5 IH CHAPTER 2\ HH-I .t.'=lIliO" ADNlHISTIIAnvt c;oo(. PU VANT TO 5(cliOH ~12.011, r~QIIIOIo STIoTUTts. RE..1Sl:0: AEVlS[,O: OIoTt: ABBREVIATION LECENQ;... ,. r.tlll f~HO lRQI<I AOO, SIn INOICATtD SEC, SECTION $.I,R. SET lIIOM ROO, 1/2' L.B. No. ~.oe TWP. lO'fItISH1P f,'-P. rOUNO IRON PIP!:. SIZE JHt)tCATEO RG(, R,l,NCE (.M,O, rOUND ..All IJ'lO llISK ~~ OttO 1.1>1.0. si T N.o,Il AND (lIS1(, L.8. H.. ~oe p PLA T LC,II. f~ COI>iCllt IE WOI/UIIENT II IoICIoSUfl[O ",IIl,J,I, ptRIIANt T RutR[NCl IolONVIl[N1 c CAlCl)lATtO P.c.P. pt,...AHtNI CQN1RCl. PONT C. cONeIUT[ Pl. '()lNT or IN IlRYCTIOH CO"'. CO'ltRED P,C. "ONt or CIJflVi: ASPH, IlsPHfoLT ".0.1. POIlT or 'EOMMMC "VIoI1. PIo'ltIolEHT fl/'fl fllQ-ll-Of-'IIA1' [LE.... ELE"'AOOH 1'1". ''11'1~ - HOT '4fil.tJ UNlESS StAlEO -c::- EXHIBIT B & C '.--- ....::_:~:.L~'..:~f(~~~~rr~.~,~~." ". '. h "'~"'~.I.l.' "'~' ~;~;":' ,::,,' ,~:' '~",;;'.~>- .' . .of" ~ YA"'~':"'-' t~. ~.!. '4' , "''-'''''o</:;~i;;:' . ,,:', . . .~{. . ..;.,~1t, ~~.. : .. '1', P':": ~ ~,,:... ... t... " .~.,. =--881'."'''''' )I'!'. . . "-I,'. .,". '. .' . .....; :.ti .'...,. ~......~. . . 't,~ . '::- ':;.:~~~ r:_;-.~~_~7.~:~~ .. . ""'--.,;,1" .-.:r"'}.' ',' '- IL_" '. ,.~" ... .l.. . :'. '~~~:~~f."'\:',"::, . i',/~;;.!'.:(.:::: ...". .~l5QOa.W:'1108ttMt . .'. ~ '. W.aml, Itlerl.. 3311t. . .. . :. " ,;;"L~',:,'," ~'. !\ . ., ";/',~:-,~'.":.~_:.':~~::~:,~~'" ,'; ~': .. . . ':,..,...,. ~, .: ~ ~'~~ .:~~.:;~~ ,::~ . ' . ~'.'- :~-4~ ~~. ;: .~....'.~. .... ,.~~,.."..;."~..., ..~-(:;:;./;:~f ..~:..-:;.,:/ " -.,.... . . 'I' ~ ':. :;.' .. ......'.' :.~;~ :" : :,. South Oed. '""n..rtnt :.~..' ...;~~.~~..:;:~:.~~ - . . , ".:.' . . ~. -. -;:...;, .. ...- :')~ <:'i~;~' ~:'.l::' . .:~~:,Jj~j:;'~::j ;.F'r~::;":~' File: 240.0920 . :\.);':'7;::. 'J~nuary 9,'1995 ii~,~"' , . . ~#r' ',f~}:;Excel Title of, the Keys, Inc. ,>~ ~1~;.r1 03400 Overseas Hwy. .~Suite 24 . . . 'Key Largo, Florida 33037 ~~.' ,i~ ~ 0451-5833 ~.'. ~f;.... " '."}~' ';,~~F:Attention: Richard 0, Steele, VIC8 President .i;~~~~;J~;;~. ....".".;.. . : ';~~~$RE:- .~.J Lots 3 & SA, Block 1, Sunset Waterways -.:::~pt:~~Jr=:'!{:~::;PB -41311 Road Abandonment -." ,.;..:-" . ,',' ,~'.;'~ ~. -.' :~ .~:. " ,'. . , Dear Mr.SteeJe: . 1 , . , . . ,. .:," :... '~,~.~-~., ,'. . ,.. ..... '- . ,:',;'~: I,::~;\~ .'. '!' . '- .. '.~ .- . ". -~ . , '-. '''.." ". _... ,'1 ..... '.. ." .' _. -+-:;". I.,.' .' ~ ~', ~ .- .':" '. ", ..... ....J. ..... ...... .,.....:-.. , ' . ,. : :,,;~:;..::;;~. : .!~. ..:: '.'~~ . .'. :.'~'~ . '.~ . . , ,> .. . . Southem Bell hu no objection to the propoled right of way 'abandonment .. shown on . the attached sketch. . If you need further assistance pleaH contact met at 305-451-3286. Sincerely, ~~ JMY:nem DOC948 . . ~ . . . - -- -- EXHIBIT D :~r""/,,' . ~ f...... ~sj,...'='.:J;~:..-i."..;,..-..1:;-....,. ......... ....., A~ e......,., .'.,. w I " . ,- ":-,=~""'~7}?::,~'(!~_~J2I~::~__~~.~~::=== '''- ~~,~'J,-; '\~~..(.f' . '7Ji"I'.L;., _.~. ~~~..,., .....orlaa Keys . Aqueduct Authority I t tOO Kennedy DrM T........ (305) 211.2454 ~ ~~~ ,.~ d3 .' c:::rO ~ vw 0wIInMn T..".., MMO. A'" s.cn.,y. T,..."., ...,..., AaOett A. ,..., Key Will F* S"- SummertMCI John T. Douohtly Exec:uli\lle DreclDr .... 0IIIct lox 12 3t October 4, 1993 Mr. Rick Alesia ,c/o Schwartz Property Sales 103355 Overseas Highway Key Largo, Florida 33037 Re: Kosick Purchase from Ronald & Julia O'Neil Lots 3 & 3A, Block 1, Sunset Waterways Subdivision -. Dear Mr. Alesia: The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority has pipelines in the area you wish to have abandoned. In order to abandon the above right-of-way it will be necessary for you to cut and plug the existing 2-inch watermains on the property and tie them back in on the right-of- way. The FKAA has no objection to the right-of-way abandonment as long as the Owner agrees to do the above work. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, PLORIDA ltftS AQtmDt1CT AO'l'HORI'1'Y F~4-~~/ Edgar F. Nicolle, Jr. Sr. Engineering Technician EFN/pm cc: Monroe County Building Department - Tavernier Calvin Howe, Division Director of Maintenance Tavernier Operations & Mainte~ance -- ."., '-,,::...,.,----._~~~__''''4;.~~. , " .._.-.'.~~'_~=:~~:;~:.:_~~:=2-inyrq,~~-~ ',:,'~~:':'l;~'";'~:2~':.I~~i\ .: '" J' "VI a.UIlA< .lit. a. "'J oJ .......- .........- - - Jl Association, Inc. P. O. Box 377 91605 Overseas Highway Tavernier, Florida 33070 Fax (305) 852-9129 .' .' /-, . ." .' (305) 852-2431 15 September 1993 Mr. Rick Alesia SCHWARTZ PROPERTY SALES , BETTER HOMES & GARDENS 103355 Overseas Hwy Key Largo FL 33037 -, RE: Sunset Waterways, Lots 3 & 3A, Block 1 Dear Mr. Alesia: Florida Keys Electric Cooperative (FKEC) recently received a letter from Mr. Richard Steele of Florida Title of the Keys, Inc. regarding the subject property and requested road abandonment. '. Please be advised that FKEC has no objection to the proposed roadway abandonment as depicted on the enclosed copy of the plat. Note, however, that FKEC may require an easement before electric service will be provided to any future development on the property. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project. Sincerely, .~~ Tom Roebling Transmission & Distribution Technician TMR/kl . ~ Ene. ec: Fil. C:IWl"l TM.., TMIt,30'.. L Tit A M~mber 0"",,,<<1 UtiliTy '. , . '"'rr3:;,,~r'J,,'-:'~'i:' f'i~~2~.1{~'-;~~:~;;'i;';;frZ:?'~:,-:-'::~ ~'_~_~~7-~~7;~~~f;:..,,-;, p .,; (~;..::~,. /r'P . ~. . ....._n.. Lots 3 & 3A, Block 1 Sunset Haterwaya PB 4/31 Kosick Request for Road Abandonment There are no adjacent property owners re the area to be abandoned. H~, notice was p,iven to other poperty owners on the street. See attached. -. / / . ~ . -EXHIBIt E . . '-'-'-:-('~=::':"'~~~:::':C:~~'~_,L:.~~"'~~ r I... "~",:,,v.,:,:.~...f: ._~l;-~ r; '.l::,.~;>l 1. ._ ,~, ~.',.J Florida Title of l J Ie Keys, ,lllc. I .... -.... , August 13, 1993 Mr. Luis M. Gonzalez 10S1 w. 29th street Hialeah, Florida 33021 RE: Our File No. 93-FT-151 Kosick Purchase from O'Neil, Ronald' Julia' Lots 3 & 3A, Block 1 SUNSET WATERWAYS PB 4/31 -. Dear Mr. Gonzalez, Ple.se be advised that at this time Mr. , Mrs. O'Neil have applied to the Monro. County Commi..ioner. Offic. to ...k · Road Abandonment for the road area referenced on the attached ..p. This letter is to inform you this action. If you should have any objections to this being done please notify the Real Bstate Agent for the O'Neil's at the following address and number: Mr. Rick Alesia cIa Schwartz Property Sales, Better Hom.. , Gardens 103355 Overseas Highway Key Largo, Florida 33037 (305) 451-3377 Please note that this change will in no way affect the access to or from your property of Lot 4, Block 1, SUNSET WATERWAYS PB 4/31. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you can contact me at the number listed below. Sincerely, . ~ KEYS, INC. 1",~"tlUlh"I'I..I,"io;l,':"" . "'"10'.' . 1."\ I "'~.. 'I I:":; . 111l~ll':I''''~~ · 1.1\'111l'11;"'1I~; . .,.. . ... . ...," .... . 0" ..... ...... ....... . . o' . . .0."0 . . .. I . . ... . 0"' '" . ..' ..... . ...... 'u;':;':;;.;I7;';t......~. .... :'~-'.-.~-'-~_....,_._~-" . ,...... ,-...... .,_,..._,_.,::.,.>...:_...,..~"..._~.,.~"____.._,.~",~__.n,.,,..,...,'~'''>,'___~,'' . . " ~-'~""v:~'; ;~~;,!~., "': ~ ,_-41~ 4 t...~, _,,..,.. ".r~::.>:', .'. '..,~~ ~ R' J,~~'" .' .', ,'7' . .." ,:. ," ~ ,< ,/ .... ".. " .'.... / ~ ' .. I .. I Florida Title of the Keys, Inc. o I . ~.- "':r " " August 13, 1993 -. / Mr. Malcolm Shermer P.O. BoX 2080 Key Largo, Florida 33037 RE: our File No. 93-FT-151 Kosick purchase from O'Neil, Ronald' Julia Lot. 3 ~ 3A, Block 1 SUNSET WATERWAYS PB 4/31 Dear Mr. Shermer, plea.e be advis.d thst st this time Mr. ~ Mre. o'N.il have applied to the Monro. County commis.ion.r. Offio. to s..k e aoad Abandonment for the road area refer.nc.d on the atteched mep. ~hi. letter i. to inform you this action. If you ehould have any objectione to this being done plea.. notify the R.el .stat. Agent .,for the 0 'Neil's at the following addr... and nwober, Mr. Rick Alesia C/O Schwartz property Sales, Better Bomes , Gardens 103355 overseas Highway ~ey Largo, Florida 33037 (305) 451-3377 pleaee note that this change will in no way affect the access to or from your property of Lot 2, Block 1, SUNSET WATERWAYS PB 4/31. If you have any guestions regarding this matter, you can contact me at the number listed below. . ~ Sincerely, KEYS, INC. -- .- -. -~.:..- _.,"-,,-.,-._. - "' -. - ...... ~ 't ' ~1"-' ' .I..~"" II \111:; . "";I.""II.'~ · ,,,: 1''''\1 "vl\li . . '. ~-;,. ::.,: _-r:~ ~3~.::7~~:~~rXt:f!?':~~,,~0~~[eS::~:~:;"~ ~.. ~ ~ -~:~"2~~~~'...~~.'~' " -'~- -,,"'~?"'---"'-'",,"'-'''-~' -~...-~- " ;:;->,'~,.~-"'.....-../;: ',' IN'l~..4-'1'.~ ,~.~ :,..,~, Florida Title of L1le Keys, Inc. .,1.... .... / August 12, 1993 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nagengast. 10 Kingston Park Baltimore, Maryland 21220 RE: Our File No. 93-FT-151 Kosick purchase from O'Neil, Ronald' Julia . Lots 3 & 3A, Block 1 SUNSET WATERWAYS PB 4/31 -. Dear Mr. , Mrs Nagengast, Please be advised that at this time Mr. , Mrs. O'Neil have applied to the Monroe County commi..ioner. ottic. to ..ek · Road Abandonment for the road area referenced on the attached map. This letter is to inform you this action. If you should have any objections to this being done please notify the Real Estate Agent for the O'Neil's at the following address and ,number: Mr. Rick Alesia C/O Schwartz property Sales, Better Homes & Gardens 103355 Overseas Highway Key Largo, Florida 33037 (305) 451-3177 Please note that this change will in no way affect the access to or from your property of Lot 1, Block 1, SUNSET WATERWAYS PB 4/31. It you have any questions regarding this matter, you can contact me at the number listed below. ~ R . STEELE FLORIDA TITLE OF THE KEYS, INC. J1'.~'''"' (\"l'I"..I.III~'I".I\ . "'lIh' · . ..1', I Ill:" II I !1I:; . I '''~i ,-,I'll '.! . 1.1" Itll~I1.~l'lI~; . . ...... .. .. ,." ., '" "\ II , I 'I I " . , I'" ,(II'" ,~ VII'; ""r;'~-?,'5rr~:=?!.~:~_.~~,~_~~"';:~<~_~.~~'~-~- ~., - - ",-.' ,- r,~. .:~. 'n -; -----_\_--~ , " -.-',-,J .'lI1I!' l!"IIlI'_~> . --,"> "~3.:t;. Florida Title of the Keys, Inc. . . . . . .. . . .,_..0...._. ;t9 .~,,/ August 13, 1993 Mr. Leopoldo pino 1901 Hanunond Drive Miami Springs, Florida 33166 RE: Our File No. 93-FT-151 Kosick Purchase from O'Neil, Ronald' Julia - Lot. 3 , 3A, Block 1 SUNSET WATBRWAYS PB 4/31 -. Dear Hr. Gonzalez, Pl.... be advi.ed that at this time Hr. , Mr.. O'Neil have applied ~o ~h. Monro. County co~ssioner. Office to ...k a Road Abandonment for the road area referenc.d on ~h. attached ..p. Thi. letter is to inform you this action. If you should have any objections to this being done please notify the Real E.tate Agent for the O'Neil'. at the following addre.s and ,number: Mr. Rick Alesia C/O Schwartz Property Sales, Better Home. , Gardens 103355 Overseas Highway Key Largo, Florida 33037 (305) 451-33-77 please note that this change wi'll in no way affec't the access to or from your property of Lot 5, Block 1, SUNSET WATBRWAYS PB 4/31. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you can contact me at the number listed below. , ~ R- D. STEELE FLORIDA TITLE OF THE KEYS, INC. HI.!"tJU u"'I..c.I..II;,"hw..~ . Suitt'.! . I,t" Lilt!", II. 1111'; . ""~, 1';,\ 'H.!.! . I.,'" (11";11:".'1117 --~~'....,~,.-_._~,:......:'_.;:.~,'., ':L~":"':'\~~_~-,.tr .,~ :;-~:",.,.~ '~'c\r"~-n "-_. ,"l'~"lr"t':;f~~"'''-~T';:--:~~ #"'i', ~. - .~.._._.~-....... "",-::f ~".1'b',~~Y'" ~f':V'~"""JI'~~'" U,""'lll'f' If, ~. ' <"~" ~ :n~ ' " "._,",: -, ~~~,~.,_~' Lt " ~ " .. "1. c....-........ ~ eIlll". .. , .... ., '~'.. ~_. 'h . t.. .. ......,..,_...~. ...................... ~' · .'.,' '.,.:,~ .' l' ..' " ............,... . .' ,'. I, . ............................................ .: t. CAj;,;~~II..~J' ~ . ..... ... ........ .' . . , i I. ."....,.............. JI..,........................--- ' 2:" 0 ~~~.... DeIMl'y t:: I .. . 1M.....,.............. __....... - IN..... I ' . IIM;~~..' ~ ~(RtJi~ ;:ff..T~ D~ .... I: l p,(),(3o~ ~C~O ,. ~'.OCOD'..!.; ,<< . ,.... I\J2. G,{) F L \ 0 :mall 0 Aetum A~eiptfor ~ I ~ I ~ ~ d3 7 7, Det~~~ ...; i 6. 8. Add'....... Add,... (Only if req end f.. Is peid) 6. $igl1ltuft! ~ge(\~) , !!l I III III Ii 1111 iil i ; 0 , . >- "Form ;t/J"".ber 1991 ..:f~.....,- i j ii ii i i i i! II i i l' f' I ~ I I' ~, I t I; Pi " \ ), i iI i i I ." I I I \ I ~. " .v... GI'O: ~714 DOM R~U~N "CEIPT'~.'.~ ,f ~',. ..H"' . '~'.~7 '; ~ ~. :.>;W;..."O.c,:::;~=;.;:.;_".,o,_,...;._,;~.__~_._~_.."~>__""._._..."'"...~ '~;.,..,-:..~...- ,.,~'" ~:..",':~;,:;~'..~:!.~~[>:?!t~~~~i~~:~!?-~1.~.~~~1~~~..~~ '.' ;-c-.~;:"~~.'.4~~~;tlt~~'~~!?~f,"~f<A',.'?,',~Tr .,., . ~. ,"'..., .--~ -- ~_._,:._-_._-,._----_.._-_... '-.... , , May 9, 1995 Mr. & Mrs Don Kosick 2005 AlA Bwy. North Indialantic, Fl 32903 Mr. Malcan Shermer P.O. Box 2080 Key Largo, Florida 33037 Subj: Road Aba.ndOl'llmllt -, Dear Mr. Sherl'ler, Please be advised that we have &wlied to the Mcni::oe COmty Cc::IDIlissioners Office to seek a Road Abandonment for the roed area referenced on the attached map. this letter is to inform you of this action. If you should have any objections to this being done please contact us at the above address. Please note that this change will in DO "C'/ affect the ace... to or frClD yOJ.r property of Lot 2, Block 1, Sunset Naterways P84/31. If you have any questions reguarding this matter pl.... contact.. at (407) 777-6302. 'l'hank yo;J. Sincerely, J y~ '1'0 Wk Don Kosick , ........... ~ ?S - REAS or0 FoR AGAtJ DCJtJrviENT ~ ('~f lS s-- ~ Cl Tl-{ A-r WE t.A,..j COM\1 IN E T(~E l'u.~o La-rS l~Td ON~. . . '7" '~,~~.'_~__ f~ - ~'.T".~' t '_ r._ , , ~ .. ~ :': .' ,.... .' , -,""..:.l"~ "I..... . . EHGlNt.t. n.;J .e.,...t ,.elii 25' ",,'.SI .'tter-'I' ".,.d. e~R."'. ""icot., pcu".n."t Reftrence ~rM"t. ~'" of totl hovi,..~ tOUf\dtd cor",r. .,.. to ~t lint' tJt.ndcd. ...... . .", I 2 3 CAN~L II u.... ... --. ..... ~- ....6-'. ~, -&~~:. _,e A' '!. ";l ... ~ OftIVE z. " ,. IT I' ,I 'Y.,~ I ...: . J J4 I~ I . ... . ..... ""I. I: 1. .~(~ .. " oJ. · ~~,,~ ...": '.-.' I - ./,,# -,:.. ... .... ...,. " ' ,.. L....I' \. _"T" !Io & , ,..... ."... :r. c :1 :0 1 :0 .., ~ , to. . - ,- 0 )0" ~ . .' l> 2. I'T\ r .' . ,., -.. ,.. .,- &.'~.' . . .... .. A.~eA OF ,'~D+ :c '~,~ ~b , AB'~"!',~~,/ ~ 0'9 . ';:' ;' : ~. . C A M,\L I . . .. . .. II .. 1# ~ 6 I~ 1 .' .. .. " .'"' . ~:.'.'. ".'- ~. " '.. : .',,::~,n~j}.~~f"~:,F;:": '. ::;:; ,~~,. ' . .. .,. . ",..J:. ..... ....... .,. . , :.~:'..'..f. ..ji':,,'J.<#'dJ..~ ...... ." ..... c,' . ..'.. ~,,- I. r~..t.IJ;"~l, ,........~.. . ~ . .... t.... , ..,. ...::-!tl:'.... :"."i',.,c'1r.'.~1;' , .' ,. . C 4 I I I~ .J -c ... z s " -c 0 -I 17 . . :;) . 2 . ,_. I t."~ . ...-,..-...,....-, 1IIIr....l>..1..1L.1 .' .' "!::l':'-:.~" .... ',. .;: ": :;. \ "'o~ - ~~,s .. .. .. ....VINCI T..... UI:tf5.... k.v. ~OR OV." 10 yURt BOX 1197 . TAVI:RNU:R. t=LA.:tI07o (305) 8&2-3218 FAX 882-82". DAOlfy WOLFF EdItor Ir ....It...h.' STA TEMENT OF PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MONROE ) Before the undersigned authority personally appeared DAGNY WOLFF, who on oath, says that she is EDITOR and PUBLISHER of THE REPORTER, a weekly newspaper entitled to publish legal advertising published at Tavernier, Monroe County, Florida: that the attached copy of advertisement, being a LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT IN THE MA TTER OF_NOTICE OF PUBLIC hEARING_. IN THE Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of _ 10/26195. Affiant further says tllat the said REPORTER is a newspaper published at Tavernier, in said Monroe County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in the said Monroe County, Florida, each week (on Thursday), and has been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Tavernier, in said County of Monroe, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant furtller says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person, or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this said advertisement for publication in the said newspaper, / _26TH t>A Y oJi __OCTODER_ A.D. , 1995__ (L 0'1 c:~ ~ - ) N ~, a.. ,~~ '. l.t) ,), Co;) c:, ~ L,u -. ~ LL_ '. ~L,U-L /? ~~ , ',>-, NOTARY PUBLtQ:-'~L'~8(,(' DAVEE R DOVE ~" .... My COmrnlaaion CC<431 1178 MY coMMISSI IRES: E>q>lree Feb, 06, 1999 '~ It toonded by ANa q or FlO~ 800,852-5878 .::2: JI"'" .'.-...._ -:-: '~J ~~ L L ;z: ::-:1 ;: "', NdI'IdUW"'''''~ ~6~ NCmCE IS HElFBY OMlN._laIIIIlllifOllllllC- ......<<M(l!IIOIl CumlY.FlcridI, ............................ ber,~l.I99S. "10;00AM!.dIe~I..IIii'tlP....~SbCppiDa CeDter,K~ lAjO.. PIIlridi.' iO~~ .~. dP tb.e Board will IeIlClUlKle ad clUdaim IIIIY riglll<<!he CcuIlty aD4..pubIic iD ad to die followiDs decibed IUeeU, aIIey-.,., I'OlIIII or ~ as cleliaeMedOll die bereiufter desCribed up or pili, to-wit: A pottioO of 1DId Drive, Swwd W,..".yr., Key Lqo. PB 4131. more perticuIIrly cIeIaibed as: That pol1ioD << hIIet. Driw. tocated 1IetweeD.1cJU 3 aD!I 3A described as follows: C~1t thelQUlheaslClllrl8oflol3AflnPoilaofBegilllliD&; tbenCleND Nl"3&' 00" W"9.~~~S4?'OO'SswE 73.61 feel; tbenCle S SS022' 00" W44.32feetittice ....~CClbCaWlOthe DOIlb having a ndius <<78.~feel aadu.c<< 9-"feet, SSSOOI' .54w E 9.17 feet.to the PoiDt of BegiDDiDg. PlnuaDt to SectiOIl286.0105. FlaricIa StlIIIIIC8,.llOlice is given that if apersoDdecidedtoeppeal.,~madebythe BoIrdwithrespect to my matter COIISideled It ~heari. or ~ be ...uIaeed a rec:ord of the proceediDgs, aad thai, f~sud1 papose. be may ~tO elISUIe that a verbatim reCord of the ~ is 1IIIIIIe, wbich ~ iDcludes the tesUmoDY aad evideDce upoD which the appell1 is ttl be. based. Dated at Key West, F1<<ida,tbis 18th day ofOclot!er. 1995. DANNYL. KOtHAGE Cledt of the Cin:Uit Coort aad ex officio Clerk <<die Board of CouDty Commissioaers of Moaroe CouDty; Florida Published: 10126195 The~ Tavernier, FL 33070 ",-'-"--- ... .. 7ie SERVING THE UPP8R K.VS FOR OYER 20 YEARS BOX 1197 . TAVERNIER, FLA. 33070 (3051 862.3218 FAX 852-8249 DAGNY WOLPP BdItor . Publllber STATEMENT OF PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MONROE ) Before the undersigned authority personally appeared DAGNY WOLFF, who on oath, says that she is EDITOR and PUBLISHER of THE REPORTER, a weekly newspaper entitled to publish legal advertising published at Tavernier, Monroe County, Florida: that the attached copy of advertisement, being a LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT IN THE MA TTER OF_NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION_. IN THE Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of _ 12/21/95. Affiant further says that the said REPORTER is a newspaper published at Tavernier, in said Monroe County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in the said Monroe County, Florida, each week (on Thursday), and has been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Tavernier, in said County of Monroe, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person, or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this said advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. ~-- SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME TillS _21ST DAY OF __DECEMBER_ A.D. , 1995__ /A~~,? ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC ~lJ'y Pile. ~n~(> MY COMMISSlat:~. #,,~: 'f't Of fUl"" DA \lEE R DOVE My Commission CC431878 EXDir_ F=.... "" 1 ggg Bonded by AN8 800,852.5878 .' NOTICE Of ADOPTION OF JI.D{)UTl1ON apovNCING ANDDISCl.AIMINGANY.lIGJlTOr,..~ <W MONROEAND.~~t"INANDTOACEIlTAIN ~1tS DEL.....TEDON A ' CER'fAINRECORDmPLAT NOTICE IS ijEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to 0Iapter, 336,~- ida StatuIes.lbat the Board of County CoInn1UsiODers of Momoe County. Florida, at a meeting held on,Nove~ 21, 1995, duly adopted Resolution No" 405-199S, renouncing and disclaiming' any rigbl of the. ~of Monroe and the public in and to a PomOO oflDlet Drive, sUnset W~aYI. ~yLargo.Monroe County,FlOrida, andfurtberde$Cribedasf~ to-wit: A portioo of Inlet Drive, Sunset W..,ays, Key Largo. PD 4131, tnere. partiadady described ar. That portion of Inlet Drive, tocMed betWeea lots 3 and 3Adesaibed asfollOWS: Commence at the louibeUtcorneroflot3A for a Point cl BeaiJlniag; theneeJWI N 1"38' 00" W 49.22 feet; thence S 49" 00' SS" E73.61 f~ th~ S 88" 22' 00" W 44.32 feet; thence along a curve ooncave tothellCJlthbaving~mdius of 78.09 feet and aD arc 019.88 feet. S 88" 01'54" ieetE 9.87feet to the Point of BegiDning/ This ~is~tionecl upoDlhe~ers deedinrthefol1owiDg pcxtiol1 llf!lIlIdto ~ c:nmty. Florida: " , The SOUlhc:m, 10 teet.,of, W3~ at the southeast corner of Ld' 3, belIritl&lIOllIb88"22' wea.~of65.1S feet. theDDCdh 1'38'.~ cliO feet, ibeuee DCIl1h 88"22'.~ of6S.1S feet. tben south 10 38',fCl: a distaIiCe of 10 feet to the poiDtllf~. DA moatKey West; FlCxida. tbislS1hdayofDecedler.l99S. , DANNYL. KOLHAGE Cletk of the Circuit.CaQrt and ex officio Clerlt of the Board of County Commis8iooerS elf MODrOe County, FkJrida Published: 12flVJS The~ TavQer,fL 33070 \ \ \