Resolution 460-1995 Commissioner Douglass RESOLUTION NO. 460-1995 -;. CooJ A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SUPPLEMENTARY 2: PROCEDURES FOR THE SELECTION OF CONSULTING ::.\ ':- ...;' FIRMS UNDER THE CONSULTANTS' COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATION ACT (SEC. 287.055, FLORIDA STATUTES) AND FOR THE SELECTION OF:r. PROFESSIONALS NOT COVERED BY THE ACT IN THE ~, DISCRETION OF THE BOARD, INCLUDING THE PROVISION FOR NUMERICAL RANKING OF - '. APPLICANT FIRMS. :'~ ~ -T1 -- '-. , r-., :J::o r:J ;g . ";- ~ , co ~' :b I""" \Q """- A --, 0 '. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida: Section 1. Section 1.16(d) of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Administrative Procedures and Administrative Policies is created to read as follows: d.) The procedures of this subparagraph apply to the selection of firms furnishing professional services under the Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act, hereafter the Act (Sec. 287.055, Florida Statutes). This subparagraph is supplemental to the selection procedures set forth in the Act and may not be read as superseding or modifying any requirements of the Act. The Board of County Commissioners, in its discretion, may also apply the procedures of this subparagraph to the selection of firms furnishing professional or consulting services not covered by the Act. After evaluating the qualifications, performance data and conducting discussions with the applicant firms, the Board must rank the three applicant firms it considers most qualified as follows: i) Each Board member must, in a written note handed to the Clerk that identifies the member, assign to each applicant a numerical rank, with 1 being the most qualified and a number equal to the number of firms submitting qualifications representing the least qualified. The Clerk must total the various numbers submitted and then announce the three applicant firms, lowest number first, that the Board determined to be the most qualified. At this point in the selection procedure, the Board may not determine that only one applicant firm is qualified. HI Following the ranking of the applicant firms, the Board. either directly or through staff. must attempt to negotiate a mutually acceptable contract with the first ranked firm. If that negotiation is unsuccessful. then the Board, or staff, must attempt to negotiate a mutually acceptable contract with the second ranked firm. and, if that fails. then with the third ranked firm. All written notes of the Board members submitted to the Clerk ranking the various applicant firms are public records. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21st day of November, 1995. \\\\llv-.gr"/,, '!t.,,,~\ Ci:;,lJlV i '4-'e. .~., 1I;.n;,.,.. "'1"_' ~:a.......'$~....- r.)..L~ .I:I.~ , .~'~..~.~\. C':J i:1l \ ~ , ~ : : I ~ \ : E ;-:. ... ... ..- i ~""" ~ Ola.f'Jo ~ '\ .... ... ~ ~ ~.tI...... t)\.V ~ rs:t~~OUHI~ y,- ~,\,,~ "II, 1\"\ Attes : ~~NNY L. KOLHAGE. Clerk Mayor Freeman Mayor Pro Tem London Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Reich yes yes yes yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By fl. tA { t? ~A1~ , Deputy Clerk B~-F~ MA YOR/ AI RMAN