Resolution 196-2004 Commissioner Dixie M. Spehar RESOLUTION NO. 196 2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY IN RECOGNITION OF THE LATE JEANE PORTER (POIRIER) WHEREAS, Jeane Porter passed away on April 18, 2004, at the age of 78; and WHEREAS, Jeane Porter Kirke, was born on January 4, 1926, to Jessie Porter and Wallace Kirke in Bronxville, New York and came to Key West via Flagler's famous railroad a month after her birth; and WHEREAS, Jeane was proud of her heritage as a sixth-generation Conch, descended from Dr. J.Y. Porter, Florida's first health officer and culminating with her mother, Jessie Porter, historian and preservationist; and WHEREAS, Jeane started her education at the Key West Convent, and later at Miss Harris' School in Miami; she continued her education at the University of California at Berkeley, the College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, California, Mexico City and Europe, followed by a successful career in textile design in New York City; and WHEREAS, Jeane was a talented artist, historian and supporter of local arts; she was passionate about Key West History, and devoted to the preservation of the island's heritage, both cultural and architectural; She established the Heritage House Museum in 1990 and opened her family's home as a showcase of gracious island living and history that visitors to Key West see not only the island's commercial side, but also its tradition of culture, literature and the arts; WHEREAS: She established the Robert Frost Poetry Festival, an annual poetry celebration held in honor of Robert Frost, "a pleasant older friend of (her) mother's" that showcases the talent of many local poets; and WHEREAS, Jeane loved to tell stories of Key West people and historic buildings from her youth, which were a source of much amusement and laughter; in 1998 she published them in Key West: Conch Smiles, a compilation of Key West legends and family stories; and WHEREAS, Jeane is survived by her son, Porter Poirier, daughter, Renee Poirier Pound, both of California; daughter, Suzanne Poirier Campbell.; grandsons Kieran and Kyle Campbell of Key West; sister, Caroline Kirke Boyer of Tennessee; and nephews Thad and Eric Lang; and WHEREAS, the memory of Jeane is secure in the cultural and creative history of Key West and in the hearts and minds of her many friends and family, now, therefore BE IT RESOL VED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1: Hereby memorializes the County's great appreciation for the service Jeane Porter gave to the community and for her love and concern for people and hereby expresses to her family their regret and deepest sympathy for the passing of the late Jeane Porter. Section 2: Hereby adopts this Resolution as a permanent record of the high esteem and respect in which Jeane Porter was held by her colleagues and by the community, Section 3: The Board of County Commissioners is hereby designated to forward a copy of this Resolution to the family of Jeane Porter expressing the Board's Sorrow. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Momoe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the 19th day of May, A.D., 2004. Mayor Murray E. Nelson ypc, Mayor Pro Tern David P. Rice yes . .":c'. Commissioner Dixie M. Spehar yefc . ,-_=,~::';;:j:;i>Gommissioner George Neugent yes ._:.''\'~~)0S~,mmissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy ye' 5<~~~'ti~t})h BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS \A~ ~,;L. KOLHAGE, Clerk OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA .W~L Deputy Clerk By ~(~ Mayor/Chairman :x 0 o l:=' :z: ;;r ::0 ("') :;..1 Or- l""l:,:.t:." ("'). [' on. c:~7 :z:. c ." -cnr :E ..J-l::I: ;". ~ - ~ c, ~ r- rr'I > t-...) c::. c::. ~ E: :z: I r- r'1 o .." o :::0 :::0 rn CO; o :::0 G " I