Resolution 498-1995 ... RESOLUTION NO. '498-1995 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE BY THE HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA OF ITS SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $60,000,000 TO PROVIDE FUNDS TO -, FINANCE QUALIFYING SINGLE FAMI5Y ~--; :z:: _~ MORTGAGE LOANS IN VARIOJg~~ COUNTIES WITHIN THE STATE QJt~:: FLORIDA, INCLUDING MONR~~:', COUNTY; AND PROVIDING ~~ EFFECTIVE DATE. .-.. .. ~ ." - I rTJ ~ 0 -Tl 0 N ~ '0 :^' ~ I'l \.oJ G (..j 0 ::u ... r::J WHEREAS, the Housing Finance Authority of Pine lias County, Florida (the "Pinellas Authority") has authorized the initiation of official action to issue its Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds (the "Pinellas Bonds") to provide financing of qualified owner-occupied single family residences to alleviate the shortage of housing in various counties within the State of Florida, including Monroe County, and other participating counties in Florida (collectively, the "Counties:) by acquiring certain mortgage loans or securities backed by mortgage loans originated by lending institutions to finance the purchase of single family, owner occupied houses for low, moderate or middle income persons or families in the counties; and WHEREAS, the Housing Finance Authority of Monroe County (the "Authority") conducted a public hearing, notice of which hearing was published on December 1, 1995, in the Key West Citizen (a copy of which notice is attached hereto as Exhibit "A: and incorporated herein) on December 15, 1995, for the purpose of considering the issuance of the Pinellas Bonds by the Pinellas Authority in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $60,000,000, in conformance with the requirements of Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Said public hearing disclosed no reason why the Pinellas Bonds should not be issued. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Board, pursuant to, and in accordance with, the requirements set forth in Section 147 (t) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, hereby approves the issuance of the Pinellas Bonds by the Pinellas Authority. Section 2. Pursuant to Section 159.603, Florida Statutes, as amended, the operation of the Pinellas Authority within the territorial boundaries of Monroe County as described herein, is hereby approved. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20TH day of DECEMBER 1995. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) BY: ~~-FAUM~ Shirley Freeman, yor, Monroe County ATTESiANNY L KOLHAGE, Cl ~ ~ss~oner Douglass . er~ Corrmiss~oner Harvey , Conmissioner lDndon Conmissioner Reich Mayor Freeman yes yes yes yes yes By: ~-9;A'l::1u.) Danny Ko lage, lerk ~ :~::: - '. ~~ A Published Daily Key West, Monroe C". .:lty, Florida 33040 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE; Before the undersigned authority personally appeared 'R'andy G, Erickson, who o'n oath says that he is Advertising Manager of the ~ey West Citizen; a daily newspaper published at Key West in Monroe County, Florida; that the attached copy of the advertisement, being a legal notice " I in the matter of ^'Di:l"e o~ P~1('c.. )...\e~i'\'YJ~ $1'V)1!-<" ~~J'ly t'V1[')r-~"q~ j:?.fv~t\""-< ~ol.,ds ~Y"I'<S l"l'lb (y"Y)....IH- CdI..c.YI~ P"09f~-j in the court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of OU.t.~ ~ r l) l ct <\~ Affiant further says that the said'The Key West Citizen is a newspaper'published at Key West, in said Monroe County. Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been .contiriuously"publi~lied In,sai.d Monroe .County: Fk?i'ida, 'each day (except Saturdays and specified hofidays) and has been entered as second-class mail matterat the post office in Key West. i,! said Monroe Ca.unty, Florida, for a pe.riod of 1 year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement;'and aHialit further says that he has nei- ther paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the' purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said news- paper. (Si ature of AHiant) Sworn to and subscribed before me this~ ay of .d~L~-:r: //~/ , 1995 ~ I )gQ~(u,r.e""df ~:otary Public) MY COM1.:lI:..:j;(;~ F', .,;' Z'; : ~ . ~ k //'3 >';';;}h")' '!~~dTI1:\1 ~~; ,airie~o.f~~btal)' Pub'lie) Expires' ~/ <7' 7' ?, -'..::::.------ .. .=-....~ Personally Known ...:::::::"'or Produced Identification -. .' Type of Identification Produced EXHIBIT A LEGAL NOTICES . NQTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING For uie purpose gf Section '47(f) of the Internal Rev.~e 01. 1.9156. .. .."e""d, notice Ither~by given tJiat a public hMrin9 ,will be'~eld on . ... behalf or the HOUSing' Finance Au. thority of the Monroe County Hous- Ing Rn.nee Authority wllh respect to the oontemplated Issuance .nd sale of not exceedIng 580.000,000 Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds. Serles 1898 (Multi-County Program). by the Houllng Fil'\ance Authority 01 Pin. lias County. The public hearlng Is acheduled for 10:00 Lm., on Frl- day. Oecemj)er 15th. '995 In Ihe Conference Room at the Mayhlll Russell Monroe County Public U~ brary at 700 Fleming Street. Key Weet, Aorta. The proceede of SUQh bond, will be used to flnne and provide capital for Inveatment to fund the purchase of mortgage Ioana to qualified home- buyers of low. moderate or middle In- come for the constructlOt'l, purchase or., rthablll\atlon or owner-occupied lingle family housing lOcated within partlc;lpatlng FlOrtcla counties, Includ- IngMonroe County, Florida. The bondl.wlll /'lOt constitute a debt of ttI, Stat. of Florida, Monroe County, or any participating Counties or HousIng FInance 'AuthorltJ8&. bul win be payable 50lely from payments mode from the, revenue generated .from the houllng 'program. . At the Uma .and place fixed for said public hearlng all who appear will be given an opportunIty to expreas their views for or against the proposal to Issue 5ald ,bondl. Perlons are ad- "Ised that. U they decide to appeal any decIsion made at this pUblic heartng. they will need 8 record of the proceedings. and; for luch pur- pose., they ~y need.to ensure that a .,.rbaUm NC;Ord of the prooe'dlngs Ie made, which record Includes the t..tlmony and tvldence upon which the appeal .. to. be baaed. . All Int,relted parties are invited to prell'nt theIr comments at the time and place ,et lorth above. . , Thomal Stevens Houllng Finance Ho~ng Finance . Authority Oecember18t.1995 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 12-20-12/21.1995 Bulk Item: Yes~No Division: M.C.H.A. Department: Special Programs (Staff for MCHFA) Staff and MCHF A Board Members will be resent at BOCC meetin for an uestions AGENDA ITEM WORDING: A Resolution approving the issuance by the Housing Finance Authority of Pinellas County, Florida of its Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds in the aggregate amount not to exceed $60,000,000 to provide funds to finance qualifying Single Family Mortgage Loans in various counties within the State of Florida, including Monroe County; and providing an effective date. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Monroe County and City of Key West Special Programs Office existing Florida Housing Finance Agency 1995 Series A & B Tax Exempt Mortgage Revenue Bond Allocation will expire August 14, 1996 leaving the County's First Time Homeownership Program without below market interest rates. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Resolution 059-1995 appointing Board Members to the Monroe County Housing Finance Authority.. I STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approvalreconnnended TOTAL COST: COST TO COUNTY: -0- APPROVED BY: County ATTY OMB/Purch. N/A Risk Mgmt. N/A MCHFA Approval: (,A/ Jf!c~&) '~~. j)~ (Staff) CJ' (i ature) I s/~ol )'J1e.;r#T DOCUMENTATION: Included: To Follow: Not Req'd: Agenda Item #: DISPOSITION: