Resolution 076-1989 RESOLUTION NO. 076 -1989 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES, CONCERNINGTHE PURCHASE OF UNITED STATES PRODUCED AGRICULTURAL AND OTHER FOOD COMMODITIES FOR USE IN NUTRITION PROJECTS OPERATING UNDER APPROVED TITLE III CONTRACTS FOR NUTRITION SERVICES WITH THE PROVIDER. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an agreement by and between Monroe County, Florida and the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, a copy of same being attached hereto, concerning the purchase of United States produced agriculture and other food conunodities for use in nutrition projects operating under approved Title III contracts for nutrition services with the provider. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County conunissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on this ~ day of February, 1989, A.D. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By .-?//~~ Mayor/ al' an (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk AL~l~~: ii ..~~ '~/ [1 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. o l: 0l\1 S l B3j 69- u~ G ~ij ,i Cl,) j u.lll.:l By . .. " : .. . 7/1/88 - Co"tract No. ~ STATE OF FLORIDA DePARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES . STANDARD RATE AGREEMENT - ! THIS AGREEMENT Is entered Into between the State of "Florida, Oepartment of Health and Rehabilitative Services, hereinafter referred to as the "department," and M:mroe ('.onn-ty ~~,.r1 nf Coll1llissioners ,hereinafter referred to as the "provider." . A. The ProYlder AgrHl: 1. Upon receipt of a prior authorization for services from department staff, to provide the following services:. . . The purchase of United States produ~ed'~qricultura1 and other . ., , food commodities for use in nutrition pio1ects oDeratin9 under approved Title III contracts for nutrition services with the provider. . Prior authorization tor these services will be provided by the contract manaqer . J or their deslgnite. 2. To provide services which meet departmental standards defined in: HRSM 140 -1 , HRSM 55-1 and consistent with tha providers approved Title III Plan of Action which is incorporated by reference, .' 3. To allow public access to all documents, papers, letters; or other mat.,'al sublect to the pre> vtslons of ChaPter 119, Florida Statute$. and made or received by the provider in conjunction with this agreement. It is expressly understood that receipt of substantial evidence of the provider's retusal to comply with this provision shall constitute a breaCh ot this agreement. .c, To retain all flnanclal records, supporting documents, statistical records, and any other documents pertinent to this agreement tor a period of five (5) years atter termination of this agreement, or if an audit has been Initiated and audit findings have not been resolved at the end of five (5) years, the records shail. be retained until resolution of the audit findings. 5. To report to the department unusual Incidents in a manner prescribed by HRS 0.10.1. e: -obeUable, and agrees to be Uable for, and shall indemnity, deter.d aAdhold the department harmle.s from all claims, suits, Judgements, or damages, inCluding court costs and attorney's tee., arising out of negligence or omissions by the provider in the course of-the operatJon of this agreement. 7. Not to use or disclose any Information co';cernlng a recipient of Hrvlc.i under this agr~.. ment for any purpose not In conformity with tht. state regulations and federal regulations (45 CFR, Part 205.50), safegUarding Information for the financial- assistance programs, except upon written consent of the recipient, or his responsible parent or guardian when authorizect by law. 8. It Is expressly understood and agreed that 'any articles which are the subject of. or required ~.c;auy-out tNs .greement shall be pUfcnased from the Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises, lAC. {PRWE), identlf1ed under Chapter 946.. F.s... b:I lbe htD4 manner and under the procedures set fonh in Section 946.15(2), (4), F.S., and for purposes of this agreement the cerson. firm. or other business entity carrying out the orovisions of this agree. ment $h." be deemed to be substituted for this agency insofai as dealin~s with PRIOE. ...: 1 . ..- . . . ' 711/88 ... -.-- .-. .". '. , 9. To comply with the Civil Rights Certificate below: ' The provider gives this assurance In consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining Federal grants, loans, contracts (except contracts of Insurance Of guarant}'), property, dis. counts, or other Fldera' flnancia' assistance to programs or activities receiving or benefiting from Federal financial assistance. . The provider aaaurea that It will comply with: . L Title VI of the Civil- RIghts Act of 1984, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq., which pro- hibits dlacrlmlnatlon on the basis of race, color, or national origin In programs and activities receiving or benefiting fro~ Federal flnancia' aaslstance. b. Section 504 of the Rohabllltatlon Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C 794, which prohibits dlacrlmlnatlon on the basis of handicap In programs and' actIvities receiving or benefiting from Federal financial assistance. . . c. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended,'2Q U.S.C.1e81'.t ;eq., which prohibits dIscrimination on the basis of sex In education programs and activities receive Ing or benefiting from Federal flnanciat assistance. d. The Age DiscriminatIon Act of 1975, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 8101 et aeq., which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age In programs or actlvlt'es rece'vlng or benefitIng from Federat financial assistance. . . " e. The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, P.L. 97.35, wl)lch prohibits dlscrlmlna. tlon on the basis of sex and religion In programs and activities receiving or benefiting from Flderal financial assistance. . f. All regulat'ons, guJdellnes..anct standards lawfUlly adopted under the above atatutes. -The provIder agrees that compliance wIth this assurance constitutes a condItIon of Con. ~tlnued receIpt of or benefit from Federat financIal ".'stance, and that It Is bInding upon the provider, Its successors, transferees, and assign... for the period durfng which such ..sletance Is provIded. The provIder further assure. that all contractors, subcontractors, aubgrantees or others with whom It arranges to provide services or benefits to par. tlclpants or employees In connection with any of Its programs and activit Ie. are not. discriminating against those participants or employees In v'olatlon of the above atatutes, regulations, guidelines, and standards. In the event of failure to COmply, the provider understands that the Grantor may, at.lts discretion, seek a court order requiring compliance wIth the terms of this assurance or Slek other appropriate ludlclal or ad. mlnlstratlve relief, to Include assistance being terminated and further assIstance being' denied. ..... -.. - .- -.. . - -... .-- .-......-.-....- .. . . ..... -.. . 10. If Clients will be transported under this agreement, the provider will subcontract with the designated Coordinated Community Transportation Provider, In accordance with the locel MemorandlJm ot Agreement, or otherwise comply with the provisions of Chapter 427, F!orlda Statute.. The provider shall submit to the department reports required pursuant to Vo'ume 10, HRS Accounting Procedures t-1anual. . .. 11. ReqUirements of Chapter 287:058, Florida Statutes a. To submit bflls tor fees or other compensation for services or expenses in sufficient - detalJ for. proper pr.auditand post.audlt thereof. . .. '" h.'_ ._. .....~_ -.. . - b. Where applicable, to submit bills tor any travel expenses In accordance with S. 112.061, . Florida Statutes. The depanment mat estabtTsb rates lower than the maximum provided IIn S. '12.061./ '. '" . . . c. To provide units of deUverables, includlng reports. findings, and .drafts U Spec:.ifled ;n Section 0, Special Provisions ,tobereceived ancs accepted by the contract manager prior to payment. 2 F" . I (.. . .~ :b",~~II. jn , - ~ . ". ~ '. -- . ---....- -. ..~........~~ -. ~;_o. 711/88 . .0. '" .: .:'.:.~. -.- . ~...-. d. To comply with the criteria ana final date by which such criteria must be met for com pl. tlon:ofthlscontractuspeclfledln Section D. SDecial Provisions. 12. To provide a financial and compliance audit to the department as specified in Attachment I I I . . . 13. The provider agrees to return to the department any overpayments dUI to unearned funds or funds disallowed pursuant to the terma of this contract that were disbursed to the provider by the department. The provider Shan. return any overp,ay~ent to thl depanment upon discovery of the overpayment. In the ev~nt that the deP8nment first discovers an overpay. ment has been made, the department will notify the provider by letter of SUCh a finding. Should repayment not be made In 'a timely manner, the depanment will charge Interest of . one (1)'1. per month compounded on the outstanding balance .fter forty. five (45) days. Days will be counted. beginning .wlth the day the amount was booked as a receivable by the department. . 8. The Department Agree.: 1. To make payments for services Identified In Section A.1 of this agreement at the rates stipulated below, In an amount not to exceed $ N/ A . subject to the availability of funds. The state of Florida's perfo'rmance and obligation to pay under this agreement Is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature. SERVICE RATE E1iqible conqreqate and !tome delivered meals........ .' $0.5676 per meal . I 2. To make payment on a monthlY basis and In accordance with the procedures and reqUirements for payment outlined .In HRSM 55-1 and usinq HRSM Form 1237 Request for Reimbursement OSDA tash-in-Lie~ of Commodities (Attachment 1) and HRS-AA Form 3004 District/Provider Monthly Meals Report (Attachment. 2). -- . 3. To make available to the provider. upon reque~t, copies .0Lappllcable program standards and requJrements~nd vouch~rln.g procedura.. . . . -. ... .. .. .- . .t.. Pursuant to section 215.422, F.S., on receipt of an Involca and receipt. Inspection, and ape proval 9' thl goods or services, the dlpartment shall file the Invoice with the Comptroller within 15 days. It payment of thelnvolca I. not matled by the depanment within 45 days after receipt of the Invoice a.,d receipt, Inspection, and approval of the goods and services, the department will pay the vendor, In addition to ..thl amount of the invoice, IntMest at a rate of 1 percent per month or 'portlon thereot on the unpaid balance from the expiration of such 45 day period untlt such time as the warrant Is mailed to the vendor. Exceptional circumstances as defined in sectlon.215.422(2). F.S.. may permit the deadline for payment to be revised. ! , - 5..... The name and address of the contract manager tOt" the department for .this rate agreement is l JOHN M. FANATICX>, 401 N.W. 2nd. AVE. 5-312, MINa, F'WRIDA 33128 The provider's representative for this rate agreement is J .n1J; 0;: '~Tn~ . . 3. ".__'...,.,1.-4......;':". '.' ------- r . 7/1188 C. It I. mutually .arMCI that: . '. 01/01/89 1. this agreement shall begin on or the date on which this agreement has been .Igned by both parties, whichever Is lat.r. 2. this agreement shall end on 3/31/90 ,I 3. Termination L Termination at Will This contract may be termlnated'by either party upon no Ie.. than thirty (30) day. notlc.. without cause. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mall, return receipt requested. or In person with proof of delivery. b. Termination Beca~se of Lack of Funds' In the event' funds to finance this contract become unavailable, the department may ter. mlnate the contract upon no less than twenty. four (2~) tt~u~'notlc. In wilting to the pro- vider. Said notice shall be delivered by certified man, return r'celpt requested, or In per. son with proof of delivery. The department shall b. the final authority as to the avail. ability of funds. c. Termination for Breach . , Unless the provider's breach Is waived by the department In writing, the department may, by written notice to the provider, terminate this cpntract upon no less than twenty. four (24) hours notice. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mall, return receipt r. quested, or In person with proof of delivery. If applicable, the department may employ the default provisions In Chapter 13A.1, Florida Administrative Cod.. Waiver of breach of any provisions of this contract shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other breach -and shall not be construed to be a modification of the t.rms of thl. contract. The provl. slons herein do ~ot limit the department's right to remedies at law or to damages. 4, this agreement does not obligate the department to pay the provider unless services which were prior authorized by the department have been rendered. !S. Renegotiation or Modification: L Modifications of provisions of this agreement shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing and..duly signed. The parties agree to renegotiate this agreement If federal ~d/or state revisions of any applicable laws, or regulations make changes in this agreement necessary. . - be The rata of payment and the ~otal dollar amount may be adjusted retroactively to reflect price-level Increases and change. In 'the -rate 'of' payment when th.s., havw been established ,thorough the appropriations process and subsequently Identified In the department's ooeratlng budget. "" ..' ..' .. - 8. Name, Mailing and Str.et Addre.s of Payee: _ a. The nane and mailing address of the official paye. to whom the payment 'shallbe made: Mmroe rnlm'ty lV-t::n'r1 nf',"nmmhiioR~rf.: P.O. Box 1980. Key West. Florida 33041~i980 -... . ..n.___ .. - --------...-- - b.: . The nama of the contact person and street address where financial and administrative records are maintained: Sheila Malloy. Director of NUtrition p,..og~m 1315 Whitehead Street Key West. Florida 33040 4 .."1l',...{,. .......~-- ~ ------ ---,---~- --- ....~ ......-- _... , -" , . .- . -... . A.A .. 7/1/88 D. Special Provisions: 1. In the event that the final reimbursement rate established by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is greater or less than the rate in Section B.l above, then this rate agreement shall.be appropriately,adjusted and the final rate shall be e~fective for the en~ire rate agreement period. 2. This rate agreement is for services provided during the 1989 Federal Fiscal Year beginning October 1, through September 38, 1989. The additional six. Months (October 1, 1989 through Harch 31, 1998) are to allow the rates to be adjus~ed for ~he twelve month service period. Rate adjustments"will'j)e.based on the final reimbursement rate established by the USDA. This rate agreement shall automatically terminate after the final rate for the federal fiscal year has been established and the releas~ of final payments are authorized by the department. 3. One half of the reimbursement earned for the last three- months of the federal fiscal year will be withheld by the department pending reconciliation and release of the final letter of credit by USDA. .'. 4. The provider agrees to, provide Financial Reports in accordance with HRSH 55-1, Financial Management of Older Americans Act Programs. 5. Theprovider'agrees to submit a final invoice to the department no more than 45 days after the final reimbursement levels have been released by th.'department. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of all rights by the provider and the department will not honor any request submitted after the aforesaid agreed-upon period. Any payment due under the terms of this contract may be withheld pending th~ receipt and approval by the department of ~ll fina~cial reports due from the provider as - '" a' Pcrrt--ofthiS-COht.;t'ClC't,"-and -any' adjustments thereto. _"" __..._ 6. The provide~~9rees to perform required monitoring and submission of monitoring reports i~~c~~rdance with HRSH 55-1. 7. The following clause supersedes Section C.3.a ter~~nation It ~ill: This contract may be terminated by either party upon no less than thirty (38) days notice pursuant to 45 CrR Part 74: notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt ~equested~-~r in person with ~oof QLdeliv~y. 8'"\ -.. . The. p~ovider assu~es that USDA funds 1will be used by the subcontractors (who are nutrition services providers) solely tor the purchase of United States aqriculture commodities or other foods produced ih the United States for use in their nut~ition .. -- project operations. . , 5 ~ '-; 'f'... f. . r,.,. .......trf :,,_. '--,.,...-:-:-:-_~:-- ~-~-- ....""-. . .'_,!,,,,~.....~~_,,,."""""',"__~_"""'IJr>!l<I> ~....d4"""'41_\i...-"~'._. J ".."~"- ..':;'L~~~;...;. '. ., . :.:.- ..... - . . ... .: .- 9. The provider assures that OSDA funds, which are subcontracted by the nutrition subcontractors to other subcontractors such as food service management companies, caterers, restaurants, or institutions to provider meals, are used to purchase United States produced commodities or foods at least equal in v~lue to the per meal cash payment received from USDA. lB. The provider assures that USDA funds will not be used to supplant or replace any other funds used by Title III nu~rition projects. . 11. The department and provider agree to provide the services and implement the provisions of this contract in accordance ~ith the Federal, State and Local laws, rules, regulations and · policies that pertain to USDA cash'paym,n~s.and Older'Americans Act. ~ . 12. The provider shall assure that nutrition subcontractors maintain audit trail fot each unit of service provided. Punds 'received for any unit not supported by adequate'docuaentation shall be returned to the department within ~ days or future payment shall be withheld or deducted from fut~re payments. 13. Project Independence The department bas implemented Project Independence, an ~~ initiative to assist public assistance reci~ients to enter and remain in gainful employment. Employment of Project Independence_ participants is'a mutually beneficial goal for the contractor .and the department in.that it provides qualified entry level . ,emFloyees needed by many contractors and provides substantial savings to the citizens of Florida. The contractor or its agent agree to notify the department of entry level employment opportunities associated with this contract that require a high school education or less. The depart.ent will prOVide information to the contractor identifying proj.ct Independenca,clien~..~ha~ are teferred to the contractor. In the event that the contractor or its agent employs a person . who was referred.b.y the department's Project Independence o(fice, the contractor will notify the department. 14. Assignment This contract will be assigned to the new Area Agency on Aging for Dade and Monroe Counties once a new agency has been Cl\esignated and at a time mutually convenient and -agreed upon by bot; i. ~e new Area Agency a~ the Depar~ent. . _~ j ., ,.-, . . ~ Iii...,' i ..."", r.Hjt,',-, .f ..,...------~ Iii;;~>~~,~ . . -.. . .' .. ,: =.:::-. 7.~_ - . E. All Terms and Conditions included y \{C \;t This contract and its attachments as referenced, ( 6tA~~CDt.l, 6~hmtnt 2~Ang-At~hmtnt_~. ____ ~._________ ------------- ~-------------------------------~---------), contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the partiea. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the 'parties hereto have caused this 14 page contract t~ be executed by their undersigned otticials .. duly authorized. . ! .. PROVIDER STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF l!>!!rQ.Et~.Q!!llty..]Q.~ULQf_Q>.mmi~ner~EALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES ..... . . . . II . It.. . . . SIGNED BY:__________________ SIGNED BY: ------------------- , , NAl-t E : TITLE: DATE: ....-..- -------- NAME: . John c. Farie ---------:----_.... a.. t>. TITLE- District: Mninistrator . ------------ a____ .... ...-----..- . J. ..._____ ___ l>...d. Il.-"'~________ DATE: ----------- . -_ I . ___J.. FEDERAL ID NUMBER: (or SS Nu~er for an indiVidual) 59-6000749 -....-..._~----- PROVIDER FISCAL YEAR E:mING DATE: ~et>tem~f~. 1989" APMOV6DAII TO" 8V ~:~~: . - An ..~ '\. . 7 -~...----'.-~-~.._.,.. .. ---------------- --- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH , REHABILITATIVE SERVICES REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT' . USDA CASH IN LIEU or COMMODITIES. ATTACHMENT 11 -I 5~ DISTRICT DATE CONTRACT PERIOD: TO REIMBURSEMENT FOR THE PERIOD or: TO 1. CONTRACT NO. 2. 3. t . NAME AND ADDRB#t8 or PAYEE: 4. YEAR TO U6D. CURUN'l' MONTH REIMBURSEMENT COMPUTATION 6. NUMBER or MEALS SERVED................... 7. LINE 6 T,IMES $ PER MEAL............$ $ $ 8. LESS VALUE or USDA COMMODITIES REPORTED..$ 9. AMOUNT TO BE REIMBURSED.................................$ CONTRACT SUMMARY/STATUS - USDA CASH 11. APPRovED CONTRACT AMOUNT.. '. · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · $ 11. REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTED THROUGH LAST REPORT.............$ 12. CONTRACT BALANCE PER LAST REPORT........................$ 13. REIMBURSEMENT EARNED.....................$ 14. LESS: 4TH QUARTER HOLDBACK...............$ 15. AMOUNT TO BE REIMBURSED THIS PERIOD......$ 16. RELEASE or 4TH QUARTER HOLDBACK........:.$ .. , . 17 . TOTAL AMOON'! or REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST.............. ~ · ,. · · ..' 18 . COtrrMCT 8A.LAIICB...... .". . . · . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · $ I certify that to. the best of my knowledge 'the. above inform~tion is accurate and complete and that all outlays reported herein were for purposes set forth in the contracting documents. Signature and Title, Date: .......*.*.*******.*....**....***..***...*****.*******************.****.*** HRS USE ONLY' Date Received: Reviewed- And- Approved By: ; Date: - ........*....*...**_._._._*-**._.*-_..._.*.._*-_.....-......._.......*-*... 8' wR~ ~~~~ '~'7. ~~~~ .. .g.'.'e~.t ,~.v,~ .4't'.~.) '. -' 'I",.'o:,.l"\." 't' M-r'T""_!"'~.~~:!..~__~:"~':": . . . 3. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1. INSTRUCTIONS Int.r: contract numb.r.For the ar.a agencies billing to tbe diatrict this must b. the district offic. ..s19Ded~umb.r. For provid.r ag.nci.. billings to the ar.a ag.ncie. this should be the ar.a ag.ncy assigned ref.rence. 2. \ Inter the aistrict number and date that reimbursement r.qu.st is prepared. . . Int.r the name and address of the proYider/ar.. agency requesting reimbursem.nt. 4. , Enter the total period covered by. the contract. 5. . . Inter the p.riod of time covered by the r.imbur....nt being requ.sted (i... Sept. 1 to S.pt. 30, 19xx). Inter the ausber of OSDA reimbursement .ligible ...ls servedfxam' line __i__, form 3004 Showing both the ye.r to dat. and current month figur... Inter th. approved reimbursement rate a. .pecifi.d in the contract. Multiply this rat. ti... th. nuaber. of ..al. .hown on line 6, enter reimbur....nt aaounta e~rned in the year to date and curr.nt monthcoluan.. . 1.. 6. 7. 8. Inter the value of all USDA Commodities r.c.ived during the contract periOd, both year to date .nd during the current aonth. Snter the amount of r.imbur....nt clai..d for the curr.nt month, line 7 les. line 8. Inter curr.nt approved maximum amount r.imbursable und.t the contract (includ.d any contract amend..nts that have b..n sign.d by all partie. prior to the end' of the month being reported).. Inter total' amount of reimbursem.nts that have b.en reque.ted during the current contract period .xcluding the current r.quest. This. amount includes requ.sts for whicb caab reimbur..ment haa not been rec.iv.d.' , . 9. . Inter balance arrived at by subtracting line.11 from line 10, compare to lIne 14 on pr.vious months report to insure figure. are the .a.e. . .. Int.r amount to be earned for the curr.nt report from 11n. 9. '. 9 . . '.... :;t;:,:'(',,,, .,;~,~~.......-'~ .' . . . itU_QU6lt18_QlLt_Qt_~QHt86't_~~BYI~I~_2181QQ_i~UwI~_&QGUlt 6W..IIlD_l. . 14. Id.ntify 50t of 1in. 13.. 15. Lin. 13 minus line 14. 16. Enter amount withheld that. was identifi.d in prior r.ports, entry allow.d QRkI wh.n r.l.... authority has b..n receiv.d from PDAA., .. 17. Line 15 plU8 line 16. . . , 18. Lin. 10 minus the sum of 1i~. 12..nd line 17. 1I.t~_2.n~~_3.[~_QU6Bt~B_Qm.I_Qt_~QtitM~t_SIBnCII_2IBlQQ i~BI8_tBBQUGB_~UHI1. 14. No entry. 15. Ent.r amount identifi.d on Line ,. 16. No entry. 17. Enter amount identified on Line 15. Line 10 minus the sum of lines 12 and line 17. , 1 " . . 10 ' ...' '<',:I-~~-* '." ~'~-w..~..:..>-' ....----------.. ,-, ~ ....... --. , .. Month____________________. 19_ DISTRICT______~__ SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT USDA COMMODITIES FOR CONTRACT YEAR 1~__ - 1~ t. . ~. Annual COMModity. Go.L S_______________ Ca) (b) ec) Cd) V.lue Of' COMmodities Rec'd Fo... The Cur....nt Month YTD Value 0" ComModities R.c::eiv.d Value Of' COMModities R.port.d On HRS ForM la37 . . I Cur....nt Month.: YTO :---------------:--------------:--~-------_.- , . , . ~-.._------_..._-: i.pt....b.r: . . : I I I I T....n.'.... the .Mounts f''''OM Month l1n.,eolu.n. "c" and lin. 8 on HRS Fo.... 1237 . ~~ . the current "d", to . . . ..............................................................................: )0 NOT REPORT USE OF ANY PRIOR YEARS INVENTORY FOR CURRENT'CONTRACT YE 00 NOT REPORT IN ANY COLUMN FOR ANY' YEAR, ecONUS ITE:-t'3 RECEIVS:O 1 ,.....................-......-........................a.a..w.u_....~.~.....u.. :orm T.~t , 11 . :Y r.;;j;&i'; ~:;;:~/ . . . . . A':':'AC~': a. ~ _....\.~ District/Provider Monthly Heals Report lea). District NUmber 2(b). Provider Name/Number 3. Number of day~ served this month . . '. . (a) · The total number~f meals, regardless of funding source, served to all persqns 60 years of age or older and 'their spouses, volunteers providing services during meals hour. on a regular basis, and handicapped or.cl:i:.abled individuals .residing in housing facilities occupied primarily by the elderly at whi~h congregate meal. services 'are provide~ during the month was: USDA Cash Congregate HO~-Delivered Provider Name Meals Meals Total 4. (b) (c) Sub-Totals USDA Commodities Provider Name Congregate lieals Home-Delivered Meals Total Cd) Sub-~otals S. Total 6. Identify the number of meals (other than Title III-C) served in line 5, and the funding source. Congregate Meals Home-Delivered Meals Source I certify that the above information is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature '. Title .1 Date ... ~ 12 . HR$-AA Form 3004. Apr 84 (Oblol.tes pr.vious editions) '~ .,~,"~ ,~~!l>: ::,,-~ _~" ...-~ .-""""",~""""___"'lI-- ._~~_.- , . IN~ 1'IO~S rOll cm1PLE:1':~:::; HP.S l'OP.."'1 .A 3 DISTRICT/PROVIDER MONTHLY f-!EALS REPORT '" GENERAL: 1.. Check appropriate box in upper right hand corner. 2. This form should be prepared in quadruplicate (1 original, 3 copies). Tne District must submit one copy of this form (with H~.Form 1237) to PDAFA. Certifi~4tion should be by the representatiye of the area agency as designa.ted in the approved contract. 3. 4. . HRS district approval should be by the contract manager as designated in the approved contract. SPECIFIC: Lines 1-2: These items are self-explanatory. Line 3: Enter the average number of serving days for providers in the district. . Line 4 (a): For each nutrition provider reque~ting USDA cash in the district, list the total number of congregate and home- delivered meals regardless of funding source, served to persons 60 years of age or older and their spouses, volunteers provid1n~ servtces during meal hours on a regular basis, and handicapped or disabled individuals' residinq in housing faciliteis occupied ~imarily by the elderly at which congregate meals served are ~rovided, during the month. ~ine 4 (b): Enter the subtotal of meals served. tine 4 (c): For each nutrition provider utilizing'USDA ~onunodities in the district, list the .total number of congregate and home-delivered meals regardless of funding source, served to persons 60 years of age or older and their spouses, volunteers providing services during meal hours on a regular basis, and handicapped or disabled individuals residing in housing facilities occupied primarily by the elderly at which congregate meals services are provided, during the month. ~ine 4 (d): Enter the subtotal of meals served utilizing commodities. Line S: Enter the total number of all meals served to eligible persons in all nutrition projects in the district. This must be the same total reported on Lines II B 3 and III B 1. on HRS~AA Form 2003 and should be the same as those reported on HRS Form 123711 line.. 6. Line 6: Specify what "other" funds (if any) are utilized by eiCh:nutrition provider. "O~her" funds are e.g., local funds revenue Sharing, HUD, CSA, CCE, etc. 13 .. ,'~..{~,!!.;,.:' I'." ',~!1..~ .., ,.. .. " . -- This attachment is applicable if the provider is a state or local govern- ment, university, hOSpital or other nonprofit entity. It shall not apply if the total of all funds received or earned during the provider's fiscal y.ar. from contract. With the department is less than S25,OOO. The provide~ ha. "received" funds when 1t has obtained cash from the department or when it haa incurred expenses which will be reimbursed by the department. Governmental prOViders only may determine funds "received" 1n a manner consiatent wlth their method of ac~ountJnq. . The provide~ agrees to have an annual financial and compliance audit per- formed by independont auditors in accordance with the current Standards for AUdit ot Governmental Organizations, Programs, ActiVities and Functions ~Ithe .Yellow 800k"l issued by the Comptroller General"of the United States, 'State and local governments shall comply with Office of Management and . Budget COMB) Circular A-128, "Audits of State and Local Governments". "Universities, hospitals and other nonprofit providers shall comply with the audit requirements contained in Attachment F of OMS Circular A-llO, "Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, HOSPitalS, and Other Nonprofit Organizations", except as modified herein. Such audits shall cover the ant1ra organization for the organization'S fiscal year. The Scope of audits perto~ed need include only the financial and compliance reqUirements of the "Yellow BOOk", and may disregard those related solely to economy and efficlency or to program results. Compliance findings related to contracts with the department shall be based on the contract requirements, including any rUles, regulations, or statut.. referenCed in the contract; Liabilities due to the department because of unexpended funda O~ because funds were not expended in accordance With con- tract terms shall be calCUlated and fUlly disclosed in the audit repor~, This :requir_nt does not expand the scope of the audit as preSCribed by the "Yellow Book". In addition to the basic financial statements, the audit report shall inclUde. la' a detailed schedule of all revenues identi- fied by source, such as individual contracts by contract number, client fees; and private donations and Ibl a schedule of functional expenses which presents line item expenditures such as salaries, travel and supplies by pr09ram ..rvlce.'4nd supporting services, with the portion of total sup- portin9 aerv1c.. allocable to proqrams presented as a 8in916 line item lncr..sin; pro9rua .ervlc.a and decreasing supporting services. Where IPPlicable, the aUdit raPprt shall include a computation ahowing whather or lot ..tCh!n; ~.quirem.nt. were met. ".... . ~e prOVider shall eneure that audit working papers are made available to :he depare.ent or its designe. upon request for a period of five years from :he date the aUdit report is i.sued unless ext.nded in writing by the lepUtMnt. ',! FINANCIAL AND COMPLIANCE AUDITS Attachment#3 - . 'nless otherwise required by Florida 'Statutes, copies .of the financial and o.Pliance.aUdit report and management letter, if any, shall be submitted "!thin 120 day, after the end of the provider's, "fiscal year to both I . a. Office of Audit and Quali.ty Control; SerVices IUilding 3, Room 219 1317 Winewood Boulevar~ Tallahassee, Florida 32J99-0;00 . . . I b. Contract manaqer for the department . "4 \'~ J.,. .1 ,\".;oI,~- '. ..,"~ '1011..