Resolution 088-1989 RESOLUTION NO. 088 -1989 l._J C" .....- '. c'. <::> R M a.. I_i C! A RESOLUTION CONCERNING SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET. c ;::!: ~~... ~t;,,:,it is necessary to conduct a public hearing required 'by brectioR!1ci 129.03, Florida Statutes, to increase the Monroe ~ounty BUdgii for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1989, now, ::the~or@ 0 l.L... , :I: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that a Public hearing was conducted on February 7, 1989 at 5:05 P.M., to increase the Capital Projects Fund Budget by $ 554,842, and to adopt a supplemental budget amendment as follows: Capital Projects Fund Adopted Proposed Proposed Budget Changes Revised Budget REVENUES Intergovernmental Revenue State Sales Tax 301-000000-335180 0 0 0 Miscellaneous Revenue Interest Income 301-000000-361000 0 0 0 Sale of Property 301-000000-364400 0 0 0 Bond Issue Proceeds 301-000000-384001 6,930,400 365,397 7,295,797 Transfer from General Fund 301-000000-381106 187,400 0 187,400 Fund Balances Federal Revenue 301-000000-389006-05115 76,039 5,787 81,826 1981 Bond Issue 301-000000-389003 54,555 4,139 58,694 Donations - Highs Beach 301-000000-389004 4,453 168 4,621 Donations Animal Shelter 302-000000-389002 4,459 163 4,622 Other 301-000000-398002 1,189,335 179,188 1,368,286 TOTAL REVENUE 8,446,641 554,842 9,001,483 --------- ------- ---------- --------- ------- ---------- APPROPRIATIONS Criminal Justice Building 301-383002-523627 22,664 Key West Jail 301-380012-523622 o Courthouse Annex/Jackson Square 301-410100-519620 271,717 Waste Treatment Plant 301-700103-513622 0 Generator, Key West Courthouse 301-700300-519620 0 Animal Shelter - Key West 302-401000-562340 4,459 Property Purchase - Whitehead St. 301-700200-513621 488 Higgs Beach 301-092104-572648 282,800 Pier Restoration Donations 301-092104-572643 4,453 Big Pine Key: Animal Shelter (FRS) 301-402100-573620 133,439 Harry Harris Park 301-092106-572992 25,111 Recreation Improvement: Big Pine Key 301-421001-572610 40,000 Rock in Marathon 301-092108-572646 o Cudjoe Key: Sheriff Sub-Station 301-410002-523620 175,000 White Street Pier: Environmental Permitting 301-092105-572621 1,404 Key West Court House Paving 301-410001-519120 o Renovations for Wing II 301-700104-513620 o Courthouse & Annex (310 Fleming) 301-410000-519620 o (22,664) 1,500 (91,650) 409 o 163 o 102,109 163 5,787 852 o o 52,119 (1,404) o 49,500 175,000 o 1,500 180,067 409 o 4,622 488 384,909 4,616 139,226 25,963 40,000 o 227,119 o o 49,500 175,000 BOND PROCEEDS PROJECTS Plantation Key: Supervisor's & Tax Collectors Office 301-700100-513463 180,151 o 180,151 Key Largo Library: 81 Bond Issue 301-390001-571620 754,947 4,139 759,086 Clerk/State Attorney's Storage 301-410101-519623 670,000 o 670,000 New Jail Facility 301-501000-523620 2,500,000 o 2,500,000 Marathon Civic/Govt/EOC Center 301-501000-519620 2,000,000 o 2,000,000 Tax Collector Licensing Center 301-501000-513620 350,000 o 350,000 Key West Airport Improvements 301-501000-542620 380,000 o 380,000 Marathon Airport Terminal 301-501000-542621 300,000 o 300,000 Transfer to Debt Service 301-910200-581991 0 274,415 274,415 Reserve for Contingency 301-920000-584994 350,008 4,404 354,412 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 8,446,641 554,842 9,001,483 --------- --------- ------- ------- --------- --------- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board, is hereby authorized to take the necessary actions to effect the transfer of funds hereinabove set forth. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Cormnissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board on the 7th day of February, A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY /.ILii(~~ (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~L~A1,J/).t. Cle MWt0V6DM TO,.., ANi!D1 StJ.1'F.FfCff1CK ~ -- q y \ -/ ....----- A.u ~rn",v'.~ OHit~