Resolution 089-1989 RESOLUTION NO. 089 - 1989 A RESOLUTION CREATING AN AD HOC BLUE RIBBON BUDGET REVIEW COMMITTEE TO RE- VIEW AND REPORT WITH RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE MONROE COUNTY COMMISSION THEIR OBSERVATIONS OF THE BUDGETARY PROCESS; DESIGNATING AND CONSTITUTING THE COM- MITTEE AND SETTING FORTH ITS DUTIES AND PREROGATIVES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. That an ad hoc committee is hereby created for the purpose of reviewing and reporting with recommendations to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners their observation of the Budgetary process. Section 2. That this ad hoc committee shall consist of ten members, said composition shall be as follows: 1) Two members appointed by each commissioner. Section 3. The membership of this committee shall be appointment by the Monroe County Commission. Section 4. The MISSION of the Blue Ribbon Budget Committee shall include, but is not limited to the following: 1) Review of County Budget - How the process works. 2) Review of County Capital Plan - Assessing the need for now and the future. 3) Review of the effective use of available financing tools by Monroe County Government. Section 5. The TASKS of the Blue Ribbon Budget Committee shall include, but are not limited to the following: 1) Identify revenue sources used by Monroe County. 2) Identify alternative revenue sources available to Monroe County and weigh their advantages, disadvantages and impacts. 3) Review the Federal and State mandated programs where the Board of County Commissioners must fund. 4) Review each program of the department's budget request. 6) Review the organizational structure that supports the adopted Budget and Board policies 7) Study the consolidation and/or decentralization of the functions of County Government. 8) Identify management concepts which may be cost effective such as contractual services vs. in-house services. 9) Outline suggestions for the development of a long- range Capital Improvements that addresses the infrastructure needs of Monroe County that are economically and financially feasible. ; i I ! jomow .J"'~ 1\.; . . I C1 9Z: H\t V L 83.:f 68. u d l <.Ji, ;.; '/ '.' 111.:l "" -"" -..J ~_iI \...i _ ~J ....J 11) Make specific overall recommendations concerning the financing of infrastructure needs through 1995. These recommendations should be guided by four basic principles: 1. In general, those who benefit from a capital improvement should pay for its construction and operation according to their level of use. Particular consideration must be afforded to those who are unable to pay. 2. The financing of a public project should be spread over its 3. Funds earmarked for particular should be spent on the same. 4. After a project is completed, it will require ongoing allocation from the annual budget for operation, maintenance and replacement. Failure to explicitly plan future revenues to fund operating, maintenance and replacement costs may lead to the project impacting the general revenue fund, possibly threa tening the construction or maintenance of other capital projects. capital improvement useful life. capital improvements Section 6. That at the completion of the studies made by this Committee, they shall prepare a report with recommendations concerning the Budgetary process in Monroe County and shall report forthwith to the County Commission in relation thereto, at which time this committee shall be disbanded. PASSED AND ADOPrED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 7th day of February, A.D., 1989. BOARD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY /JlI~kPJ Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest:DANNY: 1.. KOLHAGE, Clerk -=4L~/ .&~ Al'MOViDM ,.... 8Y J;i::4 A -;n.~