Resolution 100-1989 Monroe County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 100 -1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZ- ING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A QUIT CLAIM DEED BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF MONROE, THE KEY LARGO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC., AND THE KEY LARGO VOLUNTEER FIRE AND RESCUE DEPARTMENT, INC. TO THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION. WHEREAS, Monroe County is named as a defendant in a civil action captioned Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation v. Monroe County, et al., Case Number 88-20339-CA-09, pending in the Circuit Court for the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida; and WHEREAS, the plaintiff in that civil action seeks an order clearing title to a certain parcel of real property located in Monroe County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the parcel of real property which is the subject of the civil action is the site of the tower proposed for the translator broadcasting system planned by Monroe County, and this parcel is also the site of a fire station which is maintained and operated by the Key Largo Fire and Rescue Department, both of which benefit the citizens and residents of Monroe County, and a judgment in favor of the plaintiff would have serious adverse consequences for Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the plaintiff has expressed a willingness to dismiss the action and to allow Monroe County to erect the tower proposed for the translator broadcasting system and to allow the fire station to remain on this parcel of real property, provided that Monroe County executes a certain quit-claim deed granting to the plaintiff whatever rights Monroe County may now claim in this parcel of real property; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of Monroe County to execute this quit-claim deed; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execuE~'dq,~~l~ deed between the County of Monroe, the Key Largo Volunteer Fir,e, Department, Inc., and the H iJ'" ')',< ' , ',-I 'U'I.:l 11.:J uw. \.....J '..... ,-,..... -' Key Largo Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department, Inc. to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the A/51 day of hiruQrJ ' 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY. AW~A (SEAL) .DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk Attest. -- -/2..4 ~ ;Q~ APPROVEDAS T(l1'O/IM AND LEGAL SUFFICElCr. ~ ). >JJs1JL; Attorn s 0Ifice BY ~ .. 'J ~ \. ~ property Appralser's 1.0. No. (LX):;) r'u.r.CCM-QCD 12/5/88 Grantee's Tax 1.0. No. QQI'1'-CLAIK DEED THIS QUIT-CLAIM DEED, executed this day of , 198_, by COUNTY or MONRO!, STATE OP FLORIDA, a pOlitical subdiv!sion of the State of Florida' (the "county"), the KEY LAR(;O VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC., a FlOflda non-profit corporation (the "Original Fire Department") and KEY LARGO VOLUNTEER PIRE AND RESCUE DEPARTMENT, INC., a Florida non-profit corporation (the "Successor Fire Department") (the County, the Or1g1nal Fire Department and the Sucoessor Fire Department each being oalled a "Grantorll and together being called the "Grantors"), to FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America, whose post office address 1s 30 South Wacker Drive, Suite 3300, Chicago, Il11nois 60606 (the "Grantee"). WItN~SSETH, that each Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of 'ren ($10.00) Dollars, in hand paid by the said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby aCknowledged, does hereby remise, release and convey unto the said Grantee forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which it has in and to: {l} The real pro~erty located in Monroe County, Florida, more pat'ticularly oeser lbed on t:xhlbi t "A" ~I..LC:l,..;l\t:d hereto and made a part hereof (the IILand")~ (2) Any and all rights created. acquired or exiotlng under that certain Lease (the "County Lease") dated .January 4, 1977. between Largo Brand Corp. and the County, and any sublease granted or purported to be granted by the County or any other lessee thereunder (the "Fire Department Sublease"); (3) Any and all rights craated, acquired or existing under any other lease or any sublease heretofore entered covering or purporting to ~over all. or any portion of the Land; (4) All rights, if any, heretofore acquired by any Grantor by virtue of possession of all or any portion of the Land, whether pursuant to any lease, sublease, or otherwise, and (5) Any tenancies, subtenancies, possessory rights or any other rights, estates, benefits and privileges whatsoever pertaining to the Land or any portion thereof, howsoever created or acquired. '1'0 HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the PR~R~P, rl;ht, tltlo, ~Pt,rest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of the Grantors, or any of them, either in law or equ1ty, to the only proper use and benefit of the Grantee foreve~. Or~ntors and 'Grantee intend that, by delivery hereof by Grantors and acceptance hereof by Grantee, to releu~~ d~d terminate the County Lease and the F,i.re >>,epartment Sublease, if any. . . ' This instrument prepared bYI Linda Ebin, Esquire . Va14Is-Faul1, Cobb' petrey, P.A. Suite 3400 - One Biscayne Tower 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33131 _~l__ , , ~"tJUl.lllL_" __. ,Ill ~. :jr'~"1. __ ..hJ~. _ lI'lI -~'__"r~.,.....,."'~,,","~f""'_''''''l''_ ..,.,1 ~-- -.. ~ .. p'C~ .... _ n__ '.-,., . w. ." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors have executed this instru- unwl lIns \leal 41\4 year first aboyo wrltton. Si9ned, sealed and delivered in the prelence of: COUNTY or MONROE, STATE or FLORIDA By: (SEAL) c~~t~~~~ ( J~rLc-f <~( ~ KEY LARGO VOLUNTEER rlRE DJPARTMENT, INC., a Florida non.pr f corporat l By: , ; C c KEY LARGO VOLUNTEER FIRE AND . '~ 7' 'c7t.' 1/ -r L. do' ,RESCUE DEPARTMENT, INC., a ( -l/,'" 11 ~L rlori on- rofi oration. , ,,~" -------. ~ ~- ( \ 1~1(t;67;.~.C~~:~ (1~4-7L,t L.(.( 4:.~A;{; 6' -.e~ /ft-f) I / I! . :; STATE or FLORIDA ) ) ss: COUNTY OP MONROB ) , ~/;;: By& The foregoi.n9 instrument was acknowledged A before ane this ~ ~ay of _ ___ ' 1991 by _ ,__ ~.-, -: ~ne ~. "]" of . r! COUNfY OF l4O~ROr., RTA1'F. OF rr.oRmA. on b~h~lf of the Count)'. Notary pubno State of Florida at Large My Commission E.~piresl (SEAL) STATE or FLORIDA ) ) SSa COUN'l'Y or MONRoe ) ~'l'he fore9~lng.. instrument was aCk9fWledg~d".;1 before. me this - day of ~~' 1989 bYL~ ~~~~. " the reaiclull~ oe KEY L 0 0 N'IEER FIRE DEPARTMEN'~, I . , Plor 14a non-profit corporation, on behalf o~ h t corporation. , / . .:~ /'/ u<.<._ l. ; No ry pu c ate of Florida at Large My Commission Expiresl (SBAL) APPROVED AS. TQ I'OIIM AND LEGAL SUFFICIEffC'I. ! ~ ~ ' ' gy ~~")' ,..... ~-- Arr..t'1'tcy', 01;1&8 ' -2- My CommIssion ExpIres $eptembE r 16, 1990 .~..:.'~ . - -...... ---- - . .... . t. '-.,. VAII....Dt;:..$-FAUI-...~ TAl- J ~ .. P.0::5 .;",' i':::: C .,...-- -- ...- l>.;.~ 0 II" ,~,.... ~'iit:: :i. ..,. '. STATZ or FLORIDA ) ) 5:], COUNTY or MONROE ) --<The fore90~i :lastrulIlent wae aCkn(!;::gec. ~elore ,me this :J~ day of - ~' 19Sq by ~ :'~~, the Ji'iiident of KEY Af-t t,UN'l'EER FIRE A Rl:S~E _ ~~P~'l'MEN'l', INC., a Florida non-profit corpor~ on, on l:ehal,f of that corporation. /~ (__ ,'7,/~J at Lar98 My Commission Expires: (SEAL) My Commission Expll es September 16, 19!1 " . . '. ,- . . -3- -.__.~- .d.Do t._- -~JIII>' . ....t~. -..,.---.-~ - --, .. . .. . "'... . .. - . '. . '. .. . . -..-- 'J -- - - - - - - -- - ~ -.-...--. - .,.. t1IItT ~ '"- \ ; ,-;' . EXHIBIT "An Leoal Descrlption Slock 1 of Plat No.5, KEY LARGO ClfY, Plllt Book 1, Page 176, as recorded 1n the Publlc RecordB of Monroe County, Plorida. AND Bloak 3 of Plat No.5, KEY LARGO CITY, Plat Book 1, Page 176, as recorded in the Public Recordr, of Monroe County, Plor14a. AND Block 5 of Plat No.5, KEY LARGO CITY, Plat Book 1, Page 176, as recorded in the Public Recotde of Monroe County, Florida, exoluding tots 24, 25, 58, 59, 60 and 61, and Lots 8, 9, 44 an4 45. LESS AND EXCEPT the uRep1atted Land" which (:ons1sts of Lots 1 through 7, inclusive, and Lots 30-43, inclusive, of Block 5 ot Plat No. S, KEY LARGO CITY, Plat Book 1, Page 176, 8S recorde4 in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and any and all other land lying within the Revised Plat Portion of Block S, Plat No.5, KEY LARGO CITY and Other Lands as recorded in Plat Book J, Page 155, as recorded in the Public necords of Monroe County, Plotida. .~ , -.. ~'t.. p.e6 ... .. r .Jf1~,~,.. ~..'~. .,lJi.......':~ ~",..~~~~,-1t.~.', ',', .Ill.,."':;,...,,,':.."'!. "', ".,'...:....,...~..,r ':>.-~I.P'I...".~ .,.;, .'.. ,..~"'..,~.:."......,"l.<.:.....tlt...,......,.. .." " ,.,., J ~., 1 .....".....~..., .". ...'_~'