Resolution 104-1989 Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 104-1989 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 29, Bayridge Subdivi- sion, lot 13 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 29 dated February 10, 1989, attached and incorporated by reference, is hereby acknowledged, found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Sec. 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21 day of February, A.D., 1989 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By /JlI~~4 Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest: DANNXL. KOLHAGE, Clerk '12~~,~~ ""'O\fIDIIIII ,.... AND LEGAL ..~,.u lJ.1 flY ~\~.l 'Attorney', i ;~i"1 :"' ],J~NOW -, "~I , t i.I',i (j tlNOW '~ ';-IJ L (: OltJ Z - HVW 6B. 8(: V d vl 83:1 68. u tj U 'J-1 ujl",..::1 ,..JJ "lU ,..; ,j U'J ", , J' u'::' 11 j ~ '- ... '- -' ...J .:;J M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AlCP, Assoc. AlA, Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for St. James Church Property in Bayridge Subdivision, Plantation Key DATE: February 10, 1989 MEETING DATE:February 21st., 1989 PLANNER: Lorenzo Aghemo BIOLOGIST:Robert Smith Previous Relevant Board Action: 6 /27 /88 ( map amendment #309, 1st. round ) Commissioner's District:Mr. J. Stormont Recommended Action:Move UR-lS boundary line to the north-west of the Church property so as to include Lot 13 in the UR designation Summary of RequestjReport: The Planninq Department is requestinq a boundary determination on st. James Church property in order to correct an error occurred when it was reznned durinq the first round of amend- ments. The inclusion of Lot 13 in the UR land use desiqnation will be consistent with Section 9.5-233 ( purpose of IS district ), Section 9.5-204 ( purpose of UR district ), and, Section 9.5-233 ( uses allowed in UR districts ). This determination was based on evidence presented ( copy of map amendment application ), which supports the fact that the intent of the map chanqe was to iru:lude all of the church property so as to be consistent with the purposes, qoals, objectives and standards of the Land development Regulations. Action by:___Ordinance ~Resolution Attached Documentation:X Yes No M E M 0 R A N~ M To The Board of County Commissioners From: Donald Craig, Assi stant County Admini strator for Growth Management Division Date: February 10, 1989 Re Boundary Determination for St. James Church in Bayridge, Pla~tation Key Background: St. James Church property, lots 13---18, was previously zoned RU-l. Under the new Land Development Regulations it was zoned IS. In June 27, 1988, it was rezoned UR in the first round of amendments (#309), but due to an error lot 13 -was not inc luded. Recommendation: Move UR-IS boundary line to the north-west of the Church property so as to include lot 13. Findings of Fact: The inclusion of lot 13 in the un land use designation will be consistent with Section 9.5-213, purpose of IS district, and Section 9.5-204, purpose of UR district, and the uses allowed in UR districts according to Section 9.5-233. This determination is based on evidence presented, copy of map amendment application which supports the fact that the intent of the map change # 309 was to include all of the church property so as to be consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives and standards of the Land Development Regulations Attachments: 1. Boundary Determination Application 2. Current Land Use District Map 3. Aerial Photograph 4. Zoning pre-1986 5. Land Use District Map effective September 15, 1986 (Pattison) 6. Proposed Boundary Change DC/sm #f2C( M>p!-ot~rIQ~qR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT Planning Department PHONE" 852-3298 ADDRESS Plantation Key KEY Plantation Key MM 87.5 OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? Bayside SUBDIVISION Bayridge PLAT BOOK 3 PAGE 23 BLOCK LOT(S) 13 MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) REQUEST CHANGE FROM REASON FOR REQUEST: IS TO DR To correct a boundary error that occurred when subiect tract of land was changed from IS to DR, in order to include Lot 13, part of the Church property, that was mistakenly omitted. PRESENT LAND USE: Lots 14 through 18 were rezoned DR; Lot 13 is IS. DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: The land use district on which St. James Church property is located was changed from IS to DR through map amendment #309 during the first round of amendments. The intent of the amendment was to include all of the church property, as evidenced by the' attached copy of the proposed amendment (Map 14 - Bayridge Subdivision). ' SIGNATURE DATE t". ''''l ""~ .' (' l '.;..' ~- 'D "\ . '. co. . .: '.~ ',.::0 .' J.'''' Fee paid , ~ !\ ~';i ~) }':.;.~<f') ~J r"~ ,~ t t.., ~ ',~ 1"H1 ~~ PlI\r~~ r\: i i~JC; DEFrr, I.., rtfl. m"I". I':~r- r.....,I\f!S'tH,! .t....f'\.'!: .......... _' i" '" BY , ,,' . ,,__.' . '. ~1~M"f ~~YSIS OF LAND US~E DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION Fee paid Date APPLICANT Planning Department PHONE # ADDRESS KEY Plantation MM 87.5 OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? Bayside SUBDIVISION Bayridge , PLAT BOOK 3 PAGE 23 BLOCK LOT(S) 13 MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) REQUEST CHANGE FROM IS TO DR 1. BACKGROUND DATA: A. PRESENT LAND USE DISTRICT: Lots 14-18 are zoned DR and Lot 13 is zoned IS. B. CHARACTERISTICS OF SURROUNDING AREA: Dev'eloped wi th single family residences, condominium complex and mobile home park. C. ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS: SITE Listed as developed, however the site has clumps of hammock. SURROUNDING If''''<' "~,.''''''' ",...., . \. , r D Devel~\~a: ~. ~_. ~ 'J 'i'~ I ! ,0, r,' ~.) ',"(~r} ; I; '! ;.:. i::{J~' ~.~},t.,,;::~. '} r/:~'r: J1i-:.~ '." '-JIGN STAFF ANALYSIS OF LAND USE DISTRICT NAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT PAGE 2 D. PRE-SEPT. 1~, 1986 ZONING: RD-1 E. LAND USE DESIGNATION ON FIRST DRAFT PREPARED BY LAND USE CONSULTANTS: F. ACTION ON "D" IF ANY: '- G. LAND USE DESIGNATION OF MAPS ADOPTED SEPT. 15, 1986: IS H. HAS PARCEL BEEN REZONED OR PROPOSED FOR REZONING SINCE SEPT. 15, 1986? X YES NO. DETAILS: Lots 14-18 were rezoned DR in the first round of map amendments (#309), and effective since June 27, 1988 2. RECOMMENDATIONS: Move DR-IS boundary line to the north-west if the Church property so as to include Lot 13. 3. FINDINGS OF FACT: The inclusion of Lot 13 in the DR land use designation will be consistent with Section 9.5-213, Purpose of IS district, and Section 9.5-204 Purpose of DR district. and the uses allowed in DR districts according to Section 9.5-233. This determination is based on evidence presented - copy of map amendment application which supports the fact that the intent of the map change was to include all of the church property so as to be consistent with the purposes. goals. objectives and standards of the Land Development Regulations STAFF REVIEWERS: PLANNER Lorenzo Aghemo DATE 1/9/89 1/9/89 BIOLOGIST Bob Smith DATE ;'". ~! Dl... " J .;~;~ f::,~ '~2 1 ~3 89 BY " " " " " " " I " r/ i I I I i... OC/WPEN$ .AHCHOIVDE , ... i ......." , ... I, "", ! " ..... I', ' , ..., I ", I , , , ,,: I " , ' I I I I I I I I I ~ , ' I , I , , , I , " I , I ' I I I I I I , I I ,,......... I I I, I I I ... , /~, , ' , ' , " " ...' IS f, I , , ',''''" ,', \ (\ ','\.. \ " '\ ,~" \ ... \ \ \ , , , , , , , , , , '. r 1"= 400 I.' . ,I " ~ /'0.... ~./ ,'/-.... " " " It . ~../" " ... ," ... , 0'/ " .. " ~y, .. " ~. , , , " , , , " I , ' , I ;I ~ Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida ~M~Oy 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# /65' -+ /6.( APp"~nt: Pt..AlI/tVIIVG- DEPT. K..,W~~'r;,,~ fJt..flN-r/lI"/tJN . . :... lJIV 1.::: l.d . "- ,')..... , .... .... , .... .... .... , , , .... , , ~~ '....'....,~ c:::.... I .... .... .... .... ~, '............U R M............~. I , .... ~ , .... ~ " U R........ ",," , ...., , .... ~ .... ......... " .... " , ~ .... " .... " >~ " ~ ~ , .I" N @"." i' ' ' , !!J" Flle# Mile Marker: ~'1. S ~ ?t ~ '0000 'Z- OQo~ 0000 vO \ ~ ~~~C ?~~~ ?> il"" r~ 0 ~O() ~ ~~~tl. \)\ ~~ '2-"" ~ 'Y:~... 'O....L'- ~\1.;. ,~ Il- Il- , .... " :7. a"~ I i i I ~~ I .....- I , J' I fll.I"n"E. , I I ~\ I \~ "'-, N ;z.. ~ Strip Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. Edltion,19 ;~ Panel or Sheet# Applicant: PLANNING Key: P'-FIN-rATION Flle# I' ': I " ',"~' ...... -, 1.~.. ": ' ""~ ~,"1 ~. ~ t.:. r . DE pr Mile Marker: fI't. ~- I-:r;.-~ ~. -........... '- J / " " " " ~ """"'0 ~ ~~~J1 a l ~' Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Jaooary 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# /6(. Appllc ant: fifM/IIING ])epr. Key: (JL-t:#NTAT/OA) @ N File # I .,~"'~ 1 _'~, :._, '11, i'")(1,~':~ ! _'-~: 'w l '- . , ,1,":,\ ~ 0 (l.,- .~ , t)l ~\t \~. ~"~ ' ~P'-;' ~,., !',:..-..: ,,_' ;."':';;.) 'r)tJ_____,,- Mile MIIrker: ~~S"____ � t '4 rs ..,... — t44:' Nis'IPw s*4 A- "."4116.,! .. i , 44A : 41,,4, . e. , . . .. „ill ,u. .-- . ,- i. . . °, ..., , n - is 2 la- .i „ , i 1 1 , i , a. :t om i Y i , , ,' s ' • 'age' ;7IP .. M:. - "'� '. y,,,, I •, . / ' a , J`' y- . t. • L ` �� � ";' , �; "" „f,.Z.� �'.. �...'� fy N Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. _ �3 r _ Edition,19 —_ v -r Panel or Sheet# __._gA Flle# Applicant: _p1-AN/V/NG_ �EP-r I 1"=60d' I Key: _ !PLANTATION Mile Marker: Pt s !/ I~" I ~ ...... ~/ ~~. <(-- , C:> i / /'~ ~ /7.~ ___. L;.,(Y / , ~ j1I.(/ / " . ~.- / , ~ / , ' / " ,r, . . ,.... .- , ~0 ~-.'.--- . " ~ " ~,c.. "......., '" "$'/ .J' ", 1 c:>~~N ~+ ~t A .,/,' ~i''\. / U .".. I "- / / f ~~ r.'~"'" '" / / I " / / " J'''' I " ,'/ I I ~ ;,;'\" ;~ i" ..... -r .f;....~ f .). 'I....' :':~D~ ~ L.n ,'" Land Use District Maps Monroe Cou nty, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 Panel or Sheet# 14 Or ~ I Flle# Applicant: Pt-ANNIN(;.. ];h:pr: Key: P'-IlI'lTArlolll @ N , ': :.1 ~ ') 1089 ~ l. .~ '1" ..... .'. .~ 'Iii' I ',. 1:~;;";'W.' r . L ',.. .~lY/~ ION Ijy -~ Mile Marker: _._5!.'t._.s-" I rSIN i I I I I I I i 7 .... L ~" , 8 9 PLANTATIQ KEY , I t 17 IE Pt. 19 20 2 N Existing Land Conditions Maps Monroe County, Florida July 2,1985 ,...) t '.' " ~. '1 10j{9 1 !\ I\J ,,, ;:1\,;.' ~ I:', if,r'>ti:2'OOiOP' . Panel or Sheet# Applicant: PL!iNNI/lJG ])61',. Key: PLANTAtiON Flle# BY Mile Marker: ~ '1, S- ';09 LOCATION PbntaUon Kay APPLICANT R!QUEST D!SCRIPTION OF SIT! John Storlllont IS to UR Church DISCUSSION A. land U.. Ragulation. The provi.ion. for the iMProv.d subdivision (IS) di.tric~ ..k. no allowanc. for in.titutional u.... Th. urban r..id.ntial (UR) di.trict parlllits in.titutional and in.titutional r..id.ntial us.. a. a lIlinor conditionel u.., provi_d it ... availabl. acc_ to U.S. 1. Thi. r.qu..t lIleets tho.. r."uir...nt.. I. Public Faciliti.. Thi. cMn.. in --i_tion will not "v. an incr_eecI ~nd on public fectUti_, _ the ohurch i. air... exi.ting. C. Undeveletted CMract.r Thi. pro~.rtv i. dev.l~. D. Surroun4ln. hY.lottecl C.....ct.r Thera exi.ts a .in.la feaily r..idential n.ighborhoo4 eurroun4ift8 the ohurch en the nerth ai. of U.S. 1. Acrose the hi~ to the _th i. a IIObUa ho.. "..t. A con4eldni... i. uncter con.truction to the ....t. E. Plan Intent Th. intent of tha DR di.trict i. to provide ar_. appro~riat. for hi~ int.ft8ity r..idential ua... Inatitutionel/r.ligioue activiti.. ar. cONli.red on. of theee...... Th. church i. non-conhndn. in the IS di.trict. Ther. exi.t. a DR di.trict to the i_.diat. ....t of the church prop.rty which could b. .xt.nd.d to includ. this pro.prty. This would allow the us. to b. conforllling, and would not cr..t. spot zoning. F. R.co.lllendation No r.collllll.ndation at the dir.ction of the County A~ini.trator. R"'i ,..... .,......, ,'" , ,...~..,. .D< .:- \ ..~ . " .. I ~'t~,' ,_"-__' i \ J Ii 1.1 ' -, ", -. " Mil ll': i:';,:;~! t\lr'" ''',i f- r\i\Jt\J!h!G rlf:-~DT lA~ND".F.':. I'.'i~;. ~~.: ';'\J BY __ - " . . " \J i -----~.-......,-......... \ \ \ ----'" \ ~ ~ ../ / \/ .' ~ \~ , ' ; ." .-0 309 - Land Ule Map # 14 Property Subject to Amendment Fr01ll Improved Subdivision To Urban Residential John Stormont wp~ N ANCHOIlA GE ( -- . , , , \....1 S ........ ...... je.;_;_: :.:_. e. . . . I.~~"~ .---- .. .. I ~-- r I \ I . I // "",- SRI J J'. (/ NAp' ..,:~,~l, n..( t- J-- I ~~",.\'" S R '~- lJ'/' I ii' .~..J : ' \ ' \ ~" ~ -..1 I - ,- 1 "\ " f 10- I I .' 't I" ,. \' J ...... "\. \ ~ .,':: I s~' ~"f Y1FtM l''1~ ,,- ---~~~- ~, 1. _ .-.:a.. '.,L ~ - ....... ...J. - ~ Ir" - - ~'- ~- --- '~ ,~---' /,/ ~. \. '" / , ~ ""' " \ ~) r~. " ''''~ I"': ~1 LANr,(' . o. ~u,. ,,;,,"1" tar " . .-. '-''') ~ . -~----------. { \ r", , . ~', 'I' '. ~ ' ~ - .,. . I,."f(;;';- ~"""':'"~">> -':>.~~:"t" . "' '!, -. ....---.. . < i~. '. ':,j.~::.r...,.,~......-. ~,' "1.;.- ...; ir:~ J{' '...j" }.:: ~ ;r- ~. .. :.-1- .< ....:.J Pursuant to Ordinance 039-1987 and Rule 9J -15.006 F.A.C.. the Monroe County Land Use District Map is amended as of June 27th,1988 and indicated above and briefly described as: a 'es between lots 18&19 17&20 16&21 15&22 ~&13. elete Boundar Southwest of lot18.De- signate UR.~~,ut, t'l& ate Amendment /I 309 i " ~ 'ill;' 'li7' "", -, ;~ ~ f:.c:-. J A ~~~ t 2 .'~ , (_.: I\~ I~"j ;~l :':." ;:y .' BY =~~~~'!"~:;;:~"J____ . " " " ~ 1-=200' (305) 294.4641 /IZ r----- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAYOR Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 Wm. Billy Freeman, District 3 Mayor Pro tem Alison Fahrer, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 OK~V~!: ~"~~,~..~E Plantation Key Goverment Center Tavernier, Florida 33070 I: " ~, -~G MEMORANDUM DATE : CX=tober 7, 1986 y;y \ ~A l~f) 'ro: O1arles Pattison, Director Building, Plarming, Ty Symroski, Capital Irrprovements Coordinator SUBJEcr : Jdm c. sto:rm:nt, Ccmnissicner - District 5 VIand Use Map Errors FKM: In reviewing the new Iand Use naps with various people who are ccming to my office to detennine their use \IDder the new regulaticns, we have attenpted to doctmmt map p:>rticns which will need to be clarified. Of course, sate of these may well be "errors and anissioos" which will need research of nap dlanges to doc\mw2nti others are clearly errors or anissioos which may never have a~, yet were clear errors that WOlld have sur- faced had we had knowledge of every indl of the maps (and indeed better scaled maps) . I would awreciate your clarifying these as schedules perrni t, and place them at the appropriate "errors and anissions" sc~ling, on 6 rronths plan revision tine. , .\ ~.,.>. '-t ......0 t:,., . 'Ii I. ,\~f)9 \ ,\!, . - . '" .., " ,.'0 r)t!(i. :.......\r~\!,'\r;\,',~;.'.0.\.~S\ON '"" U\\',U " ,":..~=_>''-'_____ \",'{ .... ." ." ~ /,-, . - MAP 14 - BAY RIJ:::GE APEA I #1 'n1e map markings of the extent of Bay Ridge Subdivision should be rrore clearly marked, with a road placed as slxMn. ('!his is Q.rrbo Li.rrtx:> Street.) -1 A prcblan exists in that the St. Janes Episcopal O1urdl properties (lots 14 thru J18) are also included as IS, whidl makes the buildings there non- ronforming. Perhaps the UR rould extend ("U" shaped) around the residential parcels to include the dlurch prcperties 1 since DR penni ts 1 as a matter of right, public buildings. 'Ihe only other option is to call it SR where public buildings are pennitted as a minor conditional use. ~)O' ;'-' -,,<, ~'\ ' t ' "~' f '.. ,/:1'100 D '<. " .~. ''',':,'-,- ~ - 'J " \,..,::.0 ,', -~ "', ~{\Q9 J::~~ ~,); "~ /: ~:.., u p:,'/~"i\ Dt~7- LAI~~-' ' S:: DIV\.::J,ON _ ___---- "'11- BY -;..r " MEMORANDUM DATE: July 21, 1988 TO: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners FROM : Donald Craig RE: Boundary Determination for ----------------------------------------------------------------- Background: Recommendation: Alternatives: Findings of Fact: u...--- ,,9 -------- , ' .-, .-"1 " I , .~ ;, '.... -'\ '-0 .r-. """,'. .~ , If ,._ '-",' '. '," ~:, \ 7 ~ , ~.~-,. '.. '~ .~ C,' ; '"' -,! ~ t.. \;' t . ,., ,,'; -: "'l {' "'\ fj ':./ \~~;';~j:J "-,,', 'I... G';;"~:' t. ..,'J . t', \'_0;, ~ ~ ,'" "';",""ti ~'- . '~\ ~.; w.'" "'-~-" ,_\,:,,'>.t" [~E.PT. , I".., ""c'ION .,.,,~Di'';I::> U~, "I - BY - Attachments: 1. Application (With Proof of Fee Payment) 2. Staff Analysis 3. Current Land Use District Map 4. Aerial Photo 5. Zoning pre-1985 (if appropriate) 5. First draft of Land Use District Maps (unsigned) 7. Land Use District Map effective Sept. 15, 1986 (Pattison) r , "'\ 1Dannp 1.. it{olf)age BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON. FLORIDA 33050 TEL. 1305) 743-9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST. FLORIDA 33040 TEL. 1305) 294-4641 March 2, 1989 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY. FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (3051 852.9253 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Department of Community Affairs Howard Building 2571 Executive Center Circle, East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 fJ ~z.7 /.,(, 1<//4 and /J 0 2'7 /"1,, /t/, Department of Community Affairs Post Office Box 990 Key West, Florida 33041 Gentlemen: At a Regular Meeting in formal session on February 21, 1989, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted Resolution No. 10'-1989 confirming the Administrative Boundary Interpretation of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 29, Lot 13, Bayridge Subdivision, Plantation Key. ( , Enclosed please find a certified copy of said Resolution. Very truly yours, ( t Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board of County Commissioners by: .~ Rosalie L. nnolly Deputy Clerk Enclosure ., cc: Mayor M. Puto Commissioner E. Lytton County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Div. Dir. D. Craig File .-y r -' P 027 136 1146 \f'" ,p I ; o RECEII~T FOR CERTIFIED MAIL INSURANCe COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) oj.. P.O., State and ZIP COd~ postage j CeO",ed Fee 's :::::,~:'::,:::~:ee /?' ., '" - s . c ~ .., ci o ., M E t; .. l/l l1. s - -T ~ 027 136 1149 RECE PT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL J INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) g ., M E t; .. l/l l1. postmark or Oa\e -----"------------ ----"- ... .. w u w a: -~ Z '" a: ~ :> ... ~:s w a: .0 !:< S"" "~ ... :g~ III W <("" :;; .<1> ~ 0 ~"g 0 .~ ~~ """ <(~ ., ~ '" N .0 ~ t; ~ ~ 0 0: d ~ .; ::l j . :..:~ -' <- Gl"-,~ .._J <Xl !i 0- ~ . ~ i ;; c ~ '0 t <( , ,~ I I ;; .,: f 0 .. j1" ' - fll , 0 ~ \' m . ~ " ~ m '" . . ~ ~ ~ c . i l 1i l; E i 0 u " c . 1 i " ~ . . u ., i ;; < 0 " 'ij " . <: . <: ~ .. " < . > i ~: ! dB .. i.n~ h ~ ~l'J:~~~o~!!~! J.O .- '5 'f 1:: a. g ~N ~^ &! 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