Resolution 109-1989 Janes R. Pares, ACA Division of Public Safety RESOLUl'ION NO. 109 -1989 A RESOLUl'Irn CF THE OOARD OF COONTY C<:MITSSIOOERS OF MCNOOE caJN'IY, FIDRIDA, AUl'HORIZIN3 THE CHAIRMAN OF THE roARD 'ill EXEaJI'E AN ~ BY AND BE'lWEEN THE BOARD OF CXXJN'lY CCMfiSSIrnERS OF ~E caJN'IY , FLORIDA AND D. S. M. OF THE FLORIDA KEYS, INC. PERTAININ3 'ill COLLECTION AGEOCY SERVICES FOR TRAUMA CARE AND EMERGENCY' MEDICAL AIR TRANSPORl'ATIrn ACCOONTS RECEIVABLE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OOARD OF COUNTY CCMITSSIONERS CF MCI'JROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Chainnan of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an Agreerrent by and be~n the Board of County Camdssioners of Monroe County Florida and D. S. M. of the Florida Keys Inc., a copy of sane being attached hereto, pertaining to collection agency services for trauma care and arergency medical air transportation accounts receivable. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Camdssioner of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular rreeting of said Board held on the .1/6 tday of hJ. ........ ,.~_' A.D. 19 fi. BOARD OF COJNTY CCM-ITSSIOOERS OF M::tffi)E CaJNTY, FLORIDA ~~ By Mayor ~~ (Seal) Attest:DANNY L. KOLHAGE Clerk . . J . ~f~~'Lf.j)~ Cl IX ' Approved as to fonn and legal sufficiency. I'IOW . ZZ: Zd l- cl~~J 68. lj l) ',,) ,__~ ., .<... jj_J <... '-' __ 1...._1 ..J AGREEMENT This agreenent, made and entered into this day of February, A. D. 1989, between the Board of County Conmissioners of Monroe County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "Board", and D.S.M. of the Florida Keys, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "D.S.M.", and Whereas, the Board desires to enter into an arrangement with D.S.M., to provide collection agency services for trauma care and emergency Iredical air transportation accounts receivable which have been assigned to Monroe County, and ~ereas, D.S.M. is qualified and prepared to render such services, beginning imnediately upon execution of this agreenent, and desires to render such services to the Board in consideration of the compensation agreed to herein, and Whereas, D.S.M. possesses all the necessary licenses required to engage in the business of collection agency services in the State of Florida, now, therefore, Be it understood that in consideration of the mutual covenants, premises and representation herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. That D.S.M. will provide collection agency services for Monroe County's currently outstanding trauma care accounts receivable which are relative to the M?morandum of Understanding between the Board of County Conmissioners of Monroe County, Florida and Baptist Hospital of Miami dated December 1, 1987, and emergency Iredical air transportation accounts receivable on an ongoing basis during the term of this agreerrent. These services will be provided from D.S.M. 's office in Monroe County, Florida. 2. That D.S.M. shall create and maintain records of each patient account which accurately reflect the charges made against and the payments made into such accounts. 3. That D.S.M. shall provide to patients suitable for self pay and/or forwarding as necessary to other third party payors, statements of accounts in customary form. 4. That D.S.M. shall atterrpt to collect said accounts of Monroe County in compliance with FDCPA and applicable state and local laws and regulations. 5. That D.S.M. shall provide accounting, statistical, and follow-up data for patient accounts. D.S.M. shall provide to the Board the following customary financial reports on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis as specified:: Daily journal of transactions SUmnary of monthly and year-to-date billings and collections Sumnary of accounts by individual debtor 6. That D.S.M. agrees that all appropriate records will be open for inspection by designated individual or firm representing the Board's interest " during normal business hours. 7. That the Board shall arrange for a lock-box collection system at a financial institution providing these services: cost of services to be borne by D.S.M. 8. That D.S.M. agrees to provide office facility and telephone for t~ly response to patient inquiries regarding accounts subject to this agreement. 9. The Board agrees to pay promptly to D.S.M. upon su1:::mission of proper invoices, on a monthly basis, fees in the amount of 22% of gross dollars collected on patient's accounts for the services described in this agreement. 10. That D.S.M. agrees to engage the services of an independant certified public accountant to provide an annual audit report to coincide with the fiscal year of the Board. The cost of SanE will be borne by D.S.M. 11. If and when there are postal increases over the existing rate, the parties will renegotiate the fee stipulated: in section 9 of this agreement. 12. The Board agrees to provide to D.S.M. 's office appropriate documentation which accurately reflects the current balance and status of each account recei vahle. 13 . This agreenent shall be for a term comnencing on the date in which it is executed by both parties and ending on September 30, 1989. Either party can cancel this agreenent without cause by giving 30 days written notice to the other indicating their desire to tenninate same. 14. Upon termination of this agreement, D.S.M. shall have the right to the applicable percen~ge of gross dollars collected on patient's accounts for a period of 60 days after the last action was taken on a patient account. 15. Upon termination of this agreement, an audit by an independant certified public accountant shall be provided and D.S.M. shall have the duty to prorrptly turn over to the Board its corrplete records relevent to the accounts under this agreement after settlement of any monies due. Such records shall be in good business order and current to the date of turn over. 16. Upon approval by both parties, this agreement will be modified by addendum if and when the Board desires to expand the services provided under this agreement. In witness whereof, the parties hereto executed this agreement on the day of February, 1989. Board of County Comnissioners r-Dnroe County, Florida By: Mayor/Chairman Date: (Seal) Attest: Clerk l D.S.M. of the F10~~~YS, Inc. By: y. ~ ~~--~ ~dent D3te. ;zi.t'? / Attest: J!~ (J~ ~~ Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. By: U\Sy\'.) U }-;I--cy , Attorney's Qffice