Resolution 115-1989 ~ FI'" r,_..'-' '," " r -- " l. ~ 1 " r~' r1 Q r '89 ~IAR 1 5 P 2 :29 t) RESOLUTION NO. 115 -1989 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS. f"IOH WHEREAS, it is necessary zor the Board oz County Commis- sioners oz Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transzers set up in the Monroe County Budget zor ziscal year 1988-1989 and to create new items under said budget, now, therezore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transzers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget zor the ziscal year 1988-1989 in the amounts hereinazter set zorth be transzerred to and zrom the zollowing accounts: Transzer zrom EVENTS Item #109-110300-559-471, RESERVES FOR EVENTS The sum oz $ 1,985.00 Into EVENTS Item #109-110300-559-470 KEY COLONY BEACH ART FAIR Transzer zrom EVENTS Item #109-110300-559-471, RESERVES FOR EVENTS The sum oz $ 60,000.00 Into EVENTS Item #109-110300-559-485 CONCH REPUBLIC OFFSHORE POWERBOAT RACE Transzer zrom EVENTS Item #108-110300-559-471, RESERVES FOR EVENTS The sum oz $ 5,000.00 Into EVENTS Item #108-110300-559-421 UNDERWATER PHOTO CONTEST Transzer zrom EVENTS Item #111-110300-559-471, RESERVES FOR EVENTS The sum oz $ 29,985.00 Into EVENTS Item #111-110300-559-421 UNDERWATER PHOTO CONTEST Transzer zrom 3RD CENT RESERVE Item #108-110504-559-990, SPECIAL EVENTS RESERVES, The sum oz $ 29,000.00 Into 3RD CENT RESERVE Item #108-110504-559-375 KEYS CLASSIC Transzer zrom 3RD CENT RESERVE Item #110-110504-559-990, SPECIAL EVENTS RESERVES, The sum oz $ 15,000.00 Into 3RD CENT RESERVE Item #110-110504-559-376 UPPER KEYSSHARK RESEARCH TOURNY Transfer from 3RD CENT RESERVE Item #110-110504-559-990, SPECIAL EVENTS RESERVES, The sum of $ 6,000.00 Into 3RD CENT RESERVE Item #110-110504-559-377 GRAN PRIX SERIES RACE # 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk ox the Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to exxect the transxer ox xunds heretoxore set xorth. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board ox County Commissioners ox Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting ox said Board held on the ~ day ox /II. r-(..A A. D. 1911.. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY' //l/~~ MAYOR/C AIR N (SEAL) ATTEST: D~X ~ ~OLB.AG~, Clf4~ J2J;.. ~~,&,('. CLERK APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR JJ ~~~TR~~~ECTOR APffiAS TO FORM ANf ~ L S rFlCIENCY. tW J 'l~ $.~ ..._..-"......-.----L::-m.-...-.-..-.--.- ~::t ' " .I'-..~ ,