Resolution 134-1989 Fllt:'r, ,....~ ~...; r"", n '":~ "" Donald Craig, A.C.A. Growth Management Division '89 17 Al0 :37 RESOLUTION NO. 134 -1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMl.nS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONDITION- ALLY APPROVING THE REQUEST OF THE BIG K SEAFOOD COMPANY, INC. FOR A MAJOR CONDITIONAL USE DEVELOPMENT ORDER. WHEREAS, The Big K Seafood Company, Inc. heretofore applied for major conditional use development approval for the purpose of constructing a 3,200 square foot building to house a mariculture operation for commerical sales, and WHEREAS, the said application for major conditional use development approval has been reviewed by the County Commission and found to be appropriate upon the compliance by The Big K Seafood Company, Inc. of those certain required conditions contained in the Monroe County Planning Commission's Major Conditional Use Development Order 1-89, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the petition for major conditional use development approval filed by The Big K Seafood Company, Inc. for the purpose of constructing a 3,200 square foot building to house a maricul ture operation for commercial sales be and the same is hereby conditionally approved upon the compliance by the Big K Seafood Company, Inc. of those certain required conditions contained in the Monroe County Planning Commission's Major Conditional Use Development Order 1-89, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 7th day of March, A. D. 1989. (Seal) Attest : DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ,?J/~~ti:n ~~j)L AJIMOV~D AS TO I'OIIM . A_:D K!J:~NC~ A' " ~}ffice Ii ". MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA PLANNING COMMISSION MAJOR CONDITIONAL USE DEVELOPMENT ORDER 1-89 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of Monroe County, Florida, held a public hearing on _.JaI]~.ary.._l~,_..J.98~____, in accor- dance with the provisions of Section 9.5-69 of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations, to consider the application of Q,~~id NaY!lrro. The Big K Se~,(oo(:t_9Qm~.~~.Y.I.__..Ll)c. for a maj or conditional use approval, on'the following described property: Part of Government Lot 1. SectJ(:>nl~".. ~Q1"J~~h!.IL~5S. Range 34~ ~_ 59.3. Grassy Key.L RE#99~~Q.... ',____. ........._.__._._____ to permit the maj or condi tiona.1 use of~Q..S.9nst~uct a 3...L-200__ l!~are foot bui lding to house,_~, .~.~~!.~4J.~\.!~.~ _ 9~ration for ~ommerciaLJ!~!es. . ._ ._.__.. .,.___ ......__.._. WHEREAS, after considering the application for development approval for the major conditional use on the above-described property, the Planning Commission has concluded that said MAJOR ~, CONDITIONAL USE DEVELOPMENT ORDER shall be: granted . . granted with the following conditions: .... \J - 140 1. The bufferyards shall confor~_ to. the requirements of the Land Development Regulations of_ class E on the sub~rban resi- dential portion and class F on ~pe u~tive_~orti9n; ~~ Approval for the developmCilnt_ i.!-~Q.J?E!_!~'LtwO_.R.b~j;~hich_ shall be consistent with the fol~~in9..: a) Phase one approval is limitecL~Q__tJ'1e._!Hltching and raising of fish; b) One building shall_~~~on~tructed on the site to facilitate the hatching and rai~t~_o~,fish; c) No structureL- temporary or permanent. involving-proc~ss!ng s~all be p'laced on the site until such time thaj;_th~ ~PJ21i~ant retl1rn~ to the planning commi ssion f~!,_'p'ha~~~~JL!lP'proval; d) Phase~ two. as described by the applic~l.1~__sh.all consist of a closed._ system for the processing of alJ_fish products and the pro- duction of fi sh food; e) Wi thin.~.J?eri9d_!1ot to exceed six 1&1 months. the applica~~ shall. su~~i~to the planning commission phase two. which shall consis~ .Qf,~_9.Q!!I.RJJ~t~~.9kage illus- _ ~..v "~:'::: :/!;',,_~";i :~.~'#~~'::;.~ ~~..::." :-~ II" fill' ii! trating the types of machinery_~~~facilities to be used for the processinq of all fish produc~s and the disposal of any ~!lste materialsi f) The applicaJ1~.-!.h~.tl also submit to the ~.Q~i ssion proof that they .hC!Y~.l1~ld Q.1l-si!;e me~1;ings with ~heir neighbors, inviting th~rn_.t<?....Y~~.w__th!!_.faci.!ity. - UNDER THE AUTHORITY of Section 9.5-72 of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations, this conditional use approval shall become null and .void, wi th no further action required by the County, three and one-h~lf years after the date of the origi- nal approval unless all required certificates of occupancy neces- sitated by the conditional use approval have been obtained. PURSUANT TO Section 9.5-72(a) of the ~onroe County Land De- velopment Regulations, a condi tional use permit shall not be transferred to a successive owner wi thout notification to the development review coordinator wi t,hin fi fteen (15) days of the transfer. NOW, THERE~ORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of Monroe County, ~lorida" that the major conditional use permi t for the development described above is hereby granted according to the terms and conditions set forth therein. Date: 2./ It. Iff~ _ .&Y.. _~-'. Ed KIosk!, Chairman REFERENCE: In the event that this development order constitutes an amendment, extension, variation, or alteration of a previous conditional use permit, that document may be referenced by the following ---.-..-. .~ "-'" ----.-.-.---.- -"- - ..-. -. -'-~._-~-'-_. :};:',.';'\S:. ..-, /...; ..,'t..... '. . ,*, ,;.' , j I STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF MONROE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County afore- said, to take acknowledgment, personally appeared ED KLOSKI, to me known to be their person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he acknowledged before me that he exeucted the same. WITNESS my hand an<;l j official' seal in/the County ~!1d -; State last aforesaid this ! !.'" day of , _-I fvr ,l. "n ,. ". , / ' l 1" . .' . I( (. It .t.. ( STATE OF FLORIDA -- Nofary 'uf:!it, Stafe or F~or!.t:r . . . Mr Commission Expires f:;!:~;:l 1 i', 19~2 Io"de" 'hI" r.o, to;" . "'.:.o'en,. Ntc. .... I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that I have read and agree to the conditions listed above. jJ.rc- ;r-'5p~p c;.... I,vt:, ~ ~ J)f /t~,~, /fas. PROPERTY OmtER -.' 2 -17' - Sf? DATE . . / { , J: '. ,.' NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA This instrument prepared by: Kathleen T. Garcia Monroe County Planning Department .orA~Y PUBtIC STATl Of rto~ID~ ., CC..JSSIOI (". IAI l:.199~ SOIlOE!) fllP'l ':rA':;:!1. !~:5. ....'~. ' I • f I l ' : ' RESOLUTION OF - ' MONROE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION • ` fir - '. . I WHEREAS,i ani application for major conditional use, approval • 1 has been submitted to the .development .review coordinator by. Da • vid Navarro, 1Theig K Seafood Company, Inc: ,' owner of real prop- : erty known as" Part of .:Government Lot 1,'- Section 19, Township • 65S;' .Range'.34E,:.MM 59.3;;; Grassy. Key, and - • WHEREAS;' theland use_ designations on said property are ..sub- • •urbanresidential;, and, native •area,. and •WHEREAS,::the! applicant is seeking a major conditional use: ap • - • proval; in:: order; to . construct . a 3,200 square foot building to house, a. mariculture operation for commercial' sales, and • WHEREAS,,'the development review z coordinator has.. determined that•'the`,,application'-for. a• major conditional use. approval is com- • plete pursuant2;to Section 9.5-4.4 of the Monroe :County Land Devel- opment, Regulations,.. and i .WHEREAS, ,, the : Monroe County Planning Department staff has, • upon,: review of:',-the application, prepared and submitted a report - with. recommendation to the Monroe County Planning Commission, and WHEREAS, 'a '`:public hearing on the application was conducted • by the Monroe County Planning Commission on January 19, 1989, at • which, time the; planning T department staff presented a narrative j . . _.:ems_ .sr::-;1 i L' t«�.(f .k�'t; �Fc-Ytlt' e�5a:6e'ty;'•,c. �d ,a I -? I- .7f�. a • and 'graphic ' descriptionof the property which was the subject of the application for the major conditional use approval,. fand WHEREAS, the planning department staff also presented a writ- ten and oral report with the recommendation that major condition- al use approval1 be granted subject to the following conditions: 1 . The '. bufferyards shall conform to the requirements of the land development regulations of class E On the suburban residential.- portionIand :class F on` the native portion; • ',` 2 . Approval for the development is to be in two phases which •shalln be consistent with. the following: a) , Phase . one., .approval is limited .to the hatching and raising; of fish,' b) One) : building shall be constructed on the site to facilitate the' hatching and raising of fish; c) Ng structure, temporary or permanent, involving pro- cessing , shall be; placed on- the site until such time as the appli- 1I cant returns to :the planning commission for phase two approval; -i' I d) Phase I two, as described by the applicant, shall con- sist;' of a closed ;system for the processing of all fish products and 'the production of fish food; ., : e) .•Within a period not to exceed . six (6) months,, the applicant shall ; 'submit -to the planning commission phase two, which shall ' onsi'st of, a complete package illustrating the types of machinery and:Lfacilities to be used for the processing of all fish products and-the disposal of any waste materials; • • 0 , f) The applicant shall also submit to the commission proof that they have held on-site meetings with their neighbors, inviting them to ,view the facility, and • WHEREAS, the Monroe County Planning Commission has reviewed the application, and considered the report and recommendation of the planning staff, evidence and testimony presented by appli- cant establishing compliance with applicable provisions of the Monroe County Land Use Plan, as well as, evidence and testimony • 1 : 1 - • by members of the' public, be it resolved as follows: 1. Based upon the report and recommendation of the Monroe County Department of Planning staff, evidence and testimony sub- mitted' to the Monroe County Planning Commission at the Public Hearing conducted on January 19, 1989, and in accordance with the provisions, of article VII of the Monroe County Land Develop- ment Regulations of the Monroe County Planning Commission makes the following findings and conclusions: The application for major conditional use approval, as modified by the conditions imposed by the planning staff: • 1. Is ,consistent with the uses and densities permit- ted in . the suburban residential and native area land use dis- tricts , 2. Minimizes adverse impacts on •the environment; 3. Provides adequate legal provision to guarantee com- pliance, with applicable, open space ratios. 4. Is consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives and standards of the Florida Keys Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations. -:• • , , 2 , The Monroe County Planning Commission hereby ' approves the ,:application for major conditional use approval submitted by David Navarro, .,:The Big K :Seafood Company; Inc. , for the property known as Part of Government Lot 1, Section 19, Township 65S, Range 34E, MM 59.3, Grassy Key, subject to the following condi- •tions: • 1. The bufferyards shall conform to the requirements of the ; Land Development Regulations of class E on the suburban residentialpOrtionand .elass- F on the native portion, Appioval' for , the development is to be in two phases whichHShall: be.. consistent with the following: a) Phase one approval is limited to the hatching and raising of fish; . b) One building: shall be constructed on the site to facilitate the hatching and raising of fish;c) No structure, ,temporary or permanent, involving pro- cessing shall be placed on the site until such time that the applicant returns . to the planning commission for phase two ap- proval, j II d) Phase two, as described by the applicant, shall con- , sist .of a closed ; system for . the processing of all fish.. products and the production of fish food; e) Within a period not to exceed six (6) months, the • applicant shall submit to the planning commission phase two, which shall consist of a complete package illustrating the, types of machinery and facilities to be used for the processing of all fish products and the disposal of any waste materials; r - • f) The applicant shall also submit to the commission proof that they have held on-site meetings with their neighbors, inviting' them Ito view the facility, and 3.. The applicant, David Navarro, The Big K Seafood Company, Inc. is hereby authorized to proceed with preparation of such documents as required by the director of planning for phase two approval. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that this resolution was adopted by a majority of . the `embers of the Monroe County Planning Commission • at. a .meeting on - =' f :.r,.. ; . `�� , 1989. MONROE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISISON By: C. C. (C (e, Chairman NOTE:. Please be advised that your reliance upon the action set forth in this resolution must be subject to the right of appeal by aggrieved persons pursuant to the Monroe County Code, and the right of appeal ,by the Florida Department of Community Affairs for. a period of .forty-five (45) days from receipt of this resolu- tion. . . •. :te r 516%, -'-' .1Qoy y Alannp IL. 1ao[[jage BRANCH OFFICE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MONROE COUNTY P.O. BOX 379 MARATHON,FLORIDA 33050 500 WHITEHEAD STREET PLANTATION KEY,FLORIDA 33070 TEL.(305)743-9036 • KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL.(305)852-9253 • TEL. (305)294-4641 • March 17, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL , RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ---Department ment of Community Affairs------ a Howard Building--- "' 1 ecutive Center :Circle, East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 and - Department of Community Affairs Post Office Box 990 Key West, Florida 33041 Gentlemen: At a Regular Meeting in formal session on March 7, - 1989, the Board of County ,Commissioners of Monroe County adopted Resolution No. 134-1989 conditionally approving the request of. The Big K Seafood Company, • Inc. for a Major Conditional Use Development Order. Enclosed please find a certified copy of said Resolution. Very truly yours, Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board of County Commissioners by• `-la.4 l,„4.0.3 Rosalie L. Con oily Deputy Clerk Enclosure cc: Mayor M. Puto Commissioner E. Lytton County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Asst. Co. Admin. D. Craig