Resolution 152-1989 J. Allison DeFoor Monroe County Sheriff RESOLUTION NO. 152 -1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN BLUE SEA CORPORA- TION OF FLORIDA, INC. AND THE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONCERNING PREMISES LOCATED IN THE EXCHANGE BUILDING IN MARATHON FOR USE BY THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a Lease Agreement between Blue Sea Corporation of Florida, Inc. and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part hereof, concerning premises located in the Exchange Building in Marathon for use by the Sheriff's Department. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the "J$ + day of IfJfA ,.c.~ , A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY, ..-?II~_N (Seal) AttestPANNY ~ KOLHAGE, PJerk L2J.~/~.L A/IMOV6D M TO"'" AND LEGAL SlJFFJetIIIf:r. '.:iNO~~ 817: It\1 ~- Hd\l 68. '1 l.:1 ,- " -... !i .', ., 1: .,~ . i ,:1 "1 ,.~ .J )1 ~ j .1 1 J .. j , ~~~ i j j i 'i 1 I I I I ",...:..,..-. . LEASE AGREEMENT TIllS LEASE AGREEMENT entered into this _ day of March, 1989, at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida, by and between BLUE SEA CORPORATION OF FLORIDA, INC., a Florida Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the Lesso~, and BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA hereinafter referred to as the Lessee. 1. Description of Premises: Lessor hereby leases to Lessee, and Lessee hereby leases from Lessor, subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein commercial space situated at UNIT 5, "THE EXCHANGE BUILDING" 11399 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Monroe County, Florida. Lessee hereby acknowledges having inspected the above described premises and agrees to accept said premises in their present condition. 2. Term: The initial term of this Agreement shall be for a period of six (6) and one-half (1/2) months, commencing on the 15th day of March, 1989, and ending on the 30th day of September, 1989. Lessee may take possession immediately upon execution of this Lease. 3. Rent: The total rental amount to be paid under the term of this Agreement shall be $3,750.00. There shall be no sales tax payable thereon. The rent shall be paid in five (5) equal monthly installments of $600.00 payable on the 15th day of each and every month beginning on the 15th day of March, 1989. The final monthly installment under the initial term of this lease shall be in the amount of $750 and shall be due and payable on August 15, 1989. Payments due under this lease shall be made at a place and in such manner as Lessor deems convenient. The Lessee shall have the option to renew this Lease for an additional one (1) year term at the monthly rental of $600, plus an adjustment based upon the cost-of-living index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor, using the period 1987-1988 = 100 as the base period. Lessee must exercise this option by notifying Lessor not less than thirty (30) days prior to the end of the initial term of this lease. J2 . ~ ~-!!!!'!.~~tbis .lease shall pat the ~ ,:"d loot ~ m!01hn~8Bt WtiaJ term of this lease (I.e. $ ,359.9Q ~~bt::- "1' .,-,., '-.-..,-,... ~-" ",~'.~"-'~" '~... ,.,.....,... ".,.-....--.--,..-. ~~-,,"'''''''',",,-'.,-.._,,....., """-"""'_'."""";""..~...,,,,...,..':.,_...,,...,,,,,.__,,,.,,., ___~..,..,.._'~_>...h _."._.~. ........ ....~r~..',~,>._~. ,_ 5. Use of Premises: Lessee shall be permitted to use the leased premises as commercial space for conducting Sheriffs Department business. 6. Signs: Lessor reserves the right to place "For Sale" signs on the premises at any time during the Lease, or "For Lease" or "For Rent" signs on the premises at any time within thirty (30) days of expiration of the Lease, if Lessee has not exercised his option to renew. Lessee will not construct or place, or permit to be constructed or placed, signs, awnings, or other structures projecting from the exterior of the premises without Lessor's written consent thereto. Lessee further agrees to remove signs, advertisements, or decorations he has placed, or permitted to be placed on the premises, which, in Lessor's opinion, are offensive or otherwise objectionable. If Lessee fails to remove such signs, displays, advertisements, or decorations within five (5) days after receiving written notice from Lessor to remove same, Lessor reserves the right to enter the premises and remove them. 7. No Waste, Nuisance or Unlawful Use: Lessee shall not commit, or allow to be committed, any waste on the premises, create or allow any nuisance to exist on the premises, or use or allow to be used for any unlawful purpose. It is further understood and agreed that nothing is to be stored by Lessee on the outside of the premises. All trash or rubbish shall be placed by Lessee in the "dumpster" provided by Lessor. Lessee shall promptly comply with all statutes, ordinances, rules, orders, regulations and requirements of Federal, State and County Government and or any and all their Departments and Bureaus applicable to said premises, for the correction, prevention, and abatement of nuisances or other grievances, in, upon, or connected with said premises during said term. 8. Payment of Utilities: Lessee agrees that it will pay all charges for telephone, gas, electricity, water or other utilities used upon the leased premises, except garbage service which shall be paid by the Lessor. 9. Repairs and Maintenance: The exterior structure and roof of the leased premises shall be maintained by Lessor; Lessee shall maintain the interior of the building in its present state of repair and shall not make any alterations thereto without the prior consent of Lessor. " _'_"'~"'''''_?C_.._'.'_''''. ,..,....;,.....'~..... .".t."",..,., :":~"""'''"'~~''''IIIIII!IIr;''''-.'' "-",,:",.":'~'....~oa, .,.'*i..~...~t'l\l"'r~.L1:Il1i';tr.:;~,,<~-:,~,~1iI':'i .,_~_,_. -=-~..,_.,J: (ft " ~ ..~ I.~ ;~ :1 ) J ~ "~ ... ";! 1 '1 ~~ d .'~ ;1 ; ~~ ~ -,~ '~ ;:; "1 ;~ -': ~ '. , i -f~ .~~ ~~ .~ ~ ,~ l ::i 1 " .,J 1 , I :j 'M q I.;.. i ~ ~ i '4 '.j . I 1 ~ : i i I L. 10. Acceptance and Surrender of Premises: Lessee agrees to accept the premises on possession as being in a good .state of repair and in sanitary condition. It shall surrender the premises to Lessor at the end of the lease term, if the Lease is not renewed, in the same condition as when it took possession less ordinary wear and tear. Lessee shall remove all business signs or symbols placed on the premises by it before re-delivery of the premises to Lessor, and to restore the portion of the premises on which they were placed in the same condition as before their placement; or, with the option of Lessor, leave the premises in its present condition. 11. Assignment; Subletting: Lessee shall not assign, mortgage, pledge, or encumber this Lease or sublet the premises in whole or in part, or permit the premises to be used or occupied by others intentionally or by operation of law, without the prior consent in writing of Lessor in each instance, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. If this Lease is assigned, or if all or any part of the premises are sublet or occupied by anybody other than Lessee, Lessor may, after default by Lessee, collect rent from the assignee, subtenant or occupant, and apply the net amount collected to the rent due. Such collection shall not be deemed a waiver of this provision absent Lessor's express consent in writing. Lessee shall continue to be liable in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Lease and shall not be released from the performance of such terms and conditions absent Lessor's written consent to such release. The consent by Lessor to a particular assignment, mortgage, subletting, pledge, or encumbrance shall not be construed to relieve Lessee from obtaining the express written consent of Lessor to any other such transaction. 12. Breach of Lease: If Lessee breaches this Lease in a material respect, the Lessor shall have the option to terminate this contract and all of the rights of the Lessee hereunder as provided by law. 13. Attorney's Fees: Lessee agrees to indemnify Lessor and its managing agent against all liabilities, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees through and including appellate actions and proceedings, if any) arising from any acts, omissions, neglect or fault of Lessee or any of its agents, servants, employees, contractors, including but not limited to any breach of this Lease and .-r ..-..... ...-:.,'........<_..... '.C ''''.'' ";-:' ....:~~~...'.~"t.:"j'.__~~.".;.". ..... . ..~...,";".o... ....__.T.':.w~.:O"""'"... :.....;..".'~...;.._ ~_..-.-~....~~ .~.__.~'.>>-_.~.'t.....,.':"'.'.~~;~~.~-~.~.'!.7"'-':."~.'..'~';..,.7,...t"'-'~~-~..~ any death, personal injury or property' damage occurring in or about the premises under the control of the Lessee. 14. Waiver: The waiver or breach of one covenant or condition of this Lease by either party is not a waiver or breach of others, or of subsequent breach of the one waived. The rights of the parties under this Lease shall be cumulative, and failure on the part of either party to exercise promptly any rights given hereunder shall not operate to forfeit any of the said rights. 15. Subordination: Lessee agrees that this Lease shall be subordinate and inferior to all present mortgages, if any, and all future mortgages and/or re-financing of the property, and the Lessee hereby subordinates this Lease to present and future mortgages and/or re-financing without any further act for the purpose set forth in this paragraph. This Lease will-not be recorded by either party. 16. Personal Property: All personal property placed or moved into the building shall be at the risk of the Lessee or other owner and Lessor shall not be liable for any damage to personal property, or to Lessee, arising from the bursting or leaking of water pipes or otherwise from any act of negligence of any co-tenant or occupant of the building or of any other person. 17. Alterations, Additions and Improvements: Lessee will make no alterations, additions or improvements in or to the premises without consent of Lessor, which consent Lessor may grant or withhold in its sole discretion. All alterations, fixtures, or improvements, excepting only office furniture and fixtures which shall be readily removable without injury to the premises, shall be and remain a part of the premises at the end of the term, unless Lessor, by written notice given to Lessee at least ten (10) weekdays before the end of the term, elects to have all or any of the same removed, in which case Lessee shall remove same at its expense. In all events, Lessee shall promptly restore all damage caused in connection with any removal provided for by this paragraph. 18. Liens: If any mechanics' lien or other lien shall be filed against the building or the premises, or any alterations, fixtures or improvements therein or thereto, as a result of any work done by or for Lessee or any of its subtenants, Lessee shall discharge same of record within ten (10) days after the filing of the lien. Nothing in ''r .......,~T. _"'!::!..,'_....:~'...__".~~.~"r=.3'!'<'__.::-:'~to < ~"l '~ .. ,. ~) ~~ 4 this Lease shall grant or confer unto the Lessee the right to lien, mortgage or encumber in any way the real property of the Lessor or any improvements thereon nor subject said property to any encumbrance; the Lessee has no right whatsoever to lien, mortgage or encumber the real property of the Lessor, or the improvements thereon; the Lessee alone shall be liable and responsible for labor or materials furnished to the premises by order of the Lessee or its agents or subcontractors and Mechanics' liens are expressly prohibited under this Lease. The Lessee shall have no power to do any act or make any contract which may create or be the foundation of any lien, mortgage or other encumbrance upon the estate of the Lessor or any interest of the Lessor in the premises or upon or in any building or buildings or improvements hereafter erected or placed thereon. It is agreed that should the Lessee cause any improvements, alterations or repairs to be made to the premises or material furnished or labor performed therein or thereon, neither the Lessor nor the premises nor any improvements shall in any consideration be liable for the payment of any expenses incurred or the value of any work done or material furnished to the premises or any part thereof, and all such improvements, alterations, repairs, materials and labor shall be done at the Lessee's expense and the Lessee shall be solely and wholly responsible to contractors, laborers and materialmen furnishing labor and material to the premises and building or buildings and improvements or any part thereof. 19. Lessor's Interest: If Lessor's interest in the building shall terminate by operation of law, bona fide sale, or execution of foreclosure sale, Lessor shall thereupon be released from all further liability to Lessee under this Lease and Lessor's successor shall thereupon become liable to Lessee for all further obligations of Lessor under this Lease. If Lessor shall file with the State of Florida documents respecting a proposed conversion of the building to condominium ownership, Lessor may cancel this Lease and thereupon both parties will be relieved of all further liability hereunder; provided, however, that no such cancellation can take place unless Lessor has given Lessee not less than Sixty (60) days prior written notice thereof. 20. Acknowledgment: This Lease shall become effective only upon execution and delivery by both Lessor and Lessee. The parties acknowledge that they have not relied upon any statement, representation, prior or contemporaneous written or oral promises, agreements or warranties, except such as are expressed herein. ':j .~ 1 " :i i~ ...;, ij OJ .~ -9 ;~ :ifj .,:,'.~. .~ " '" .J ~ :A 'I ~J I I ~ ~ i ~ ; ',1 ,,'~ " " " , ~ ~ :j 1 J , A I ~ I ~.,.,~'~ .'." ..,.,.,......"'::.,~..!"""'"..'.'...::'.......""":.:_.<_~.:.\~.:,.. , ,.'j .; ,:~ .'f I .. '~, li ~.t " ^, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Lease Agreement in the presence of the following individuals on the date hereinabove stated. AfMavED AS TOIWMf AND LEGAL SUFFICfE'NC*f. 6Y6lf:.~-f!~ ~: ";; :t; , '.~ , ~ Blue Sea Corporation of Florida, a Florida CO:r.1>oration, LESSOR BY:_=~___~ President I /" '. I 1 t...f: ~ '~ I Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, LESSEE By. --------------------------- Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: D8JUlY L. Kolhage, Clerk I i ! ~ Clerk A;)PRO,I!':O ,: ....., , .... I ,. I . ," "- .' ~. 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