Resolution 160-1989 ,- , ;.- "?lanning Department RESOLUTION NO. 160-1989 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 31, Buccaneer Point. BL6, Lots 29-36 BL5, Lots 20-21 B14, Lots 12-18 and 24,25 B13, Lots 17-26, 30-40,43-48 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 31 dated March 6 , 1989, attached and incorporated by reference, is hereby acknowledged, found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Sec. 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 11_ day of _tl~rSD___, A.D., 198q BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By /JIi.:Jd J;P$ Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Att.est: DA.N~X 4 ~OLHAGE, Clerk v'24~1LJ/ IH~lOW BY V l: V d 9Z CI~H 68- , ' ,. c. ,:: -1\ j ....I...l ,.; ...1 ',,-, ," -" M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Board of County Commission~rs FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Assoc. AlA, Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for Buccaneer Point Block 6, Lots 29-36j Block 5, Lots 20-21j Block 4, Lots 12-18 and 24, 25j Block 3, Lots 17-26, 30-40 and 43-48 DATE: March 6, 1989 MEETING DATE:March 21, 1989 PLANNER:Lorenzo Aghemo BIOLOGIST:Niko Fulcher Previous Relevant Board Action: / / ( ) Referral: Yes__No___ Commissioner's District: Recommended Action:That the NAilS boundaries be redrawn as the attached proposed boundary change, to include fied/disturbed/filled property in the 'IS land use district. shown on scari- Findings of Fact: 1. The designation of the above property as Improved Subdivision (IS) rather than Native Area (NA) will be consistent with Section 9.5-213, Purpose of the Improved Subdivision District, and the uses allowed with- in the district, Section 9.5-242. 2. The determination was based on the following relevant data: The zoning maps in existence before the Land Use Plan show these lots as RU-1. The NA/IS boundary on thl~ maps signed by Charles Pattison is imprecise. The properties are scarified/disturbed/filled. All criteria for the IS deSignation have been met. The intent of the NA di stric.t was to preserve the existing mangrove and wetlands. The NA/IS boundary line is intended to follow the existing wetland/upland line. 3. Analysis of the existing uses on the property and surrounding proper- ties indicate that the essential neighborhood characteristics support the determination to designate the properties IS as shown. Action by:___Ordinance ~Resolution Citizens Committee Statement: Yes No Attached Permanent___ Temporary____ Other Board Policy(ies) Applicable: Planning Commission Action Taken: Yes Date N.A. ---~~ Alternatives:Allow boundary to remain as shown on current maps which is inconsistent with the intent of the Native Area which is to protect undisturbed and wetland areas. Attached Documentation:~Yes No 1. Application 2. Staff Analysis 3. Current Land Use Di strict Map, 1" -. 400' 4. Aerial Photo 5. Zoning pre-1986 6. Land Use District Map effective Sept. 15, 1986 (Pattison) 7. Strip map 8. Existing land conditions map 9. Proposed boundary ~';t'AF_~_~~YSIS OF LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION Fee paid Date APPLICANT Planning Department PHONE # ADDRESS KEY MM OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? Bayside SUBDIVISION Buccaneer Point , PLAT BOOK PAGE BLOCK Blk. 6 Lots 29 - 36 Blk. 5 Lots .20 & 21 Blk. 4 Lots 12-18 and 24 & 25 LOT(S) Blk. 3 Lots 17-26. 30-40 & 43-48 MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) REQUEST CHANGE FROM NA TO IS 1. BACKGROUND DATA: A. PRESENT LAND USE DISTRICT: NA B. CHARACTERISTICS OF SURROUNDING AREA: Residential and Florida Bay C. ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS: SITE 612 & 740 - Scarified (740) and fringing mangroves offshore (612) with existing fill pads. SURROUNDING Fringing mangroves (612) and Florida Bay (open water) M~~I~'!'l()N ~OR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT Planning Department PHONE # ADDRESS KEY Largo MM 98 OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? Bayside SUBDIVISION Buccaneer Point PLAT BOOK BLOCK Blk. 6 Lots 29 - 36 Blk. 5 Lots ~O & 21 PAGE Blk. 4 Lots 12-18 and 24 & 25 LOT(S) Blk. 3 Lots 17-26. 30-40 & 43-48 MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) REQUEST CHANGE FROM REASON FOR REQUEST: NA TO IS To correct a boundary line in order to reflect existin conditions of relative to the land use district cate or as it presently exists. PRESENT LAND USE: NA DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: SIGNATURE DATE Fee paid STAFF ANALYSIS OF LAND USE DISTRICT JlIAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT PAGE 2 D. PRE-SEPT. 1~, 1986 ZONING: RU-1 E. LAND USE DESIGNATION ON FIRST DRAFT PREPARED BY LAND USE CONSULTANTS: F. ACTION ON "D" IF ANY: decrease in density and intensity '. G. LAND USE DESIGNATION OF MAPS ADOPTED SEPT. 15, 1986: NA - Map 16 of 21 H. HAS PARCEL BEEN REZONED OR PROPOSED FOR REZONING SINCE SEPT. 15, 1986? YES X NO. DETAILS: 2. RECOMMENDATIONS: that the boundary for the IS District be expanded to coincide with the existing conditions maps which accurately reflect the character of the area. 3. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1) that the boundary does not reflect the existent condition of the property; 2) that the properties are in fact scarified/disturbed/filled; 3) that all criteria for the IS designation have been met owing to mitigative circumstances. STAFF REVIEWERS, PLANNER Lore~zo ~emo /0-<-loATE 2/7(89 '----nllh . -JJd/,-. / . BIOLOGIST Niko Fulcher DATE 2/7/89 , ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... EJ./TTOHtVOOO SOOND ............ ...... ...... .............................. NA ...... ...... ...... .. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... I ..................... ...... -.-- , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .. .. ~....... .. .. .. I , I I / I I / ., I I I / / / I / , / I '\ FLORIDA BAY // 1\/ I ' / 1\/ , / , I , / , I , I , I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I , I ~ \ , \ \ , , IS N Land U.. District Maps Monroe County, Florida Janu.y 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# /~7 Applicant: :!I:{+. Key: ~~ @ Flle# 8()(yIh1}~ P~/N'T t- 1"- 400 Mile Marker: q~ ..."."~ N I 1"=600' f Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. 2~I2D Edition,19 Panel or Sheet#-2L ApPII~ant: EE________ ,., Key. at Co . --~-----'- Flle# A-~q:~ P<c_ Mile Marker: _~_~ __ ~ , I r 1 " , ,5 3~ 33 1r \ Jr., 3 I \ 17 'I 8 \ L-L J J' \ /~/-- j / ,- ----r--- " I ~.. ~;:;-: ,C L jr ,'1 ,,/ '~j-'" -. / \~-,-,---j , - "--------1 "'- > ", \ ./ /' '~ ;r / /" ., .J > \/ ~ ~ / . / '. >'- \\ g - ~ :t >'-, / . I~, ,--'~ ; ".. -~'~ .. >:- / 't-. /_ ( ", -~>' ~ 'j~/. '/~R U ,t-. ...~ , , I /"- - Ir-- -" !# .. , \ .~, ' 'e 'A '''\'' >- " ,~; '. 4 /~ ',\ ' I / / """ // -".. ) , ~/., ^"- \ ~ 3 's /" ./ " ~ \~ 2 ".., ~ ,.-/."*~ _ 4, ---\ . _ \.. ~" / /'- ~ /' },.AJ<& '(' c: /. . / \ '\ / -- / " N Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 @I"'.'" . , '4 " , /~ I f'=200' ~ ., Panel or Sheet# __,/0 ----.:--Flle# gvCC4-~ j7~/ Applicant: 7f-r;(f-f-- _n____ __~____.,.,. Key: .L{I/Yo .---__ Mile Marker: fa ____,. l"" _ _ - - _ v___--- __...... t- ~ ....... " ~-~Y"::r -----N4 - -~ _ .... " .~7" " , _ _ ''-... ': , '-. / ",.- \ " '~ ,-... I I ,~/ ;,~~ - " )... i"'. :,' 0....-:' ,.. "l'i..' - r~ \ :' T.l' .s~ 'I", \ :~} , ~ -J!1:'. ' , .. ~ - ;""" \ '\. \ N ...... ....... , \ I " \" I , ~ , , I \ " ~ \" r' ''-~. I I ~.~ ,.- I I I '--,-,-~ I I I .. -'----.." ___ '--....... I (', I ! """'-..J rt I /s. I \ , / ~t I \ -\- ...., , I~Y. c, COrj \ \0~i : w \ :[rftV ! ; ';' .~ I : "-', . \ / ", i - ! S "',, / '" _ ~ r-t d \~ I /(/ ' r~.. '...,.! It' ~ \1"- 1 ( I I / i~ I I ....,\ I " I /.;. 1 / 1 I" , , . Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 Panel or Sheet# Ifc 0 f .2/ File # ,8VCCl-IU~ ~AJT Applicant: 5kfrF Key: c:J'1tUj-o /, j' I I I / tJF ~(C~K' ' \ \ \ I I / I ! .7 I / I / / / ./ ~/.,~~\ / @ I 1"= 600' ~ Mile Marker: _f?l~ Ie) ,,~ .>. ;,:. " .' .t , " '. \.. f-~ ...L- <'~ ~Q CJ . . . . t . N Strip Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. 2:~1l{) Edition, 19~ 1""'~ I Panel or Sh.et# ;2 I}~ Applicant: J:lf Key: _ ~__ Flle# 8tJc.c,.,AJ~ &/d1: Mil. Marker:, q~,__ 30 'V 2' ,," " 'f" I 0, 1I t#;-'" ..... ~ , :J j i ) 3'1 0' OV ~ S "- ) /~ LrJ , , . ca If) ", 61:~ ~ (D z z << ~ N Existing Land Conditions Maps Monroe County, Florida July 2,1985 Panel or Sheet# 'd7 Ap P II c.nt:oiZs~. Key: GU- Flle# ...&;CChJ~ j>/J//IlT 11 "=2000' I Mile Marker: q~ / OF 3 to BUTTONWOOD SOUND ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ~; ~; .. M at - --- N I I I I I I I I Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Jaooary 19,1988 Panel or Sh.et# 1?Jt1 Appllc ant: ,-::.-kff Key:_ c/~fo-..-- ~. ~ File # 8utr4 fit"pr If I 1"'" 200' f NUla ~rkar: ~~_ d OF 3 NA ... , , , , , , , , , N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Jaooary 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# /3'1 Appllc ant: s/-rJ-fI Key: -_sf"a.-toll1> _ ~. ;L'~ Ill. : ~ File # MCtrlJ&'r# I 1"- 200' i Mile Marker: _!I_8' _. ~OF~ 100 ~ , \ \ \ \ \ , ;/' ",;/' ;/'4 ;/';/';/';/' N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Jaooary 19,1988 Panel or Sheetll IS '1 Applicant: ~.f{ Key : c/aA cro o /~ L'~ III ~ File I; 15ta::a/l~jJr___ _ I 1"- 200' 1 Mile Marker: t:; &' . 10 llannp lL. 1Rolbage --.. - BRANCH OFFICE 3II7 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 743.9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST. FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294-4641 BRANCH OFFIC P.O. BOX 3' PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 330' TEL. 13051 852-92i March 29, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Department of Community Affairs .0 0"1'1 /~" Ibl Howard Building I "" . , 2571 Executive Center Circle, East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 and Department of Community Affairs Post Office Box 990 Key West, Florida 33041 Po ~ 1/31, / itJ S Gentlemen: " .' At a Regular Meeting in formal session on March 21, 1989, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted Resolution No. 160-1989 confirming the Administrative Boundary Interpretation of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 31, Key Largo, Buccaneer Point, Block 6, Lots 29-36; Block 5, Lots 20-21; Block 4, Lots 12-18 and 24, 25; Block 3, Lots 17-26, 30-40, 43-48. Enclosed please find a certified copy of said Resolution. Very truly yours, ) J Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board of Coun~y Commissioners 1 ~ by: Rosalie L. C Deputy Clerk cc: Mayor M. Puto Commissioner E. Lytton County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Asst. Co. Admin. D. Craig File .SENDER: Complete Items 1 and 2 when additional urvlc.. .,. d..lrad, and '''OMtu.-telttimi3 end 4. .. Put your addr... In the "RETURN TO" SPilC. on the"rever.. 'kJe. FiUtu" to do thJt. wilt tMnt thl, card frbm being returned to you. dellv_ad to ."d th. date of dellverv. For addition. Ii.. . 0 IO\Nln~. vie.. Ir. ... on.u t pottma.ter for fe.. and oheck box(..) for additional Hrvlc8(.) requested. 1. CJ Show to whom dellverad, date, and ...l..l~ -. .dd'.... 2. 0 Autrlcted Dellvtlrv t (Ex'", clulrge)t t Ex,", ."""e t 3. Article Addre...d to: 4. Article Numbe, ~.c..~. ~ ~.~YJ"O~ Tvpe of Service: '20 'eI "\ \ ~ """ ~ [] Registered ... !. .. ..... I!l-Cortlfled ~ _d.A- ~,. ~ 0 Expres. Mell. ~\. III \'-A \. A. a.. \ '-'A... --sa.--.o, ways obtain .ignature of edd.... " ,egent end DATE DE\.tvEI'lED. 5. Signature Addr..... 8. Addreuee's Add!'... L l' X requelted and fte paid) j ~ Signature Age~ 7. Date of Delivery PS Fo,m 3811, Mar. 1987 * U.S.G.P.O. 1117.178-268 P []27 136 168 RECEIPT FQR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAbt: PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAil (See Reverse) "' '" '" ~ c ~ .., o o Postmark or Date '" M E 5 ... II> 0. --~ - "i P 027 136 U,1 \.\ RECEIPT fo~R CE~TIFIED MAIL NO 'NSUR~NCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL 0'......... o COD :, , ~a~e~d ZIP Code,"", 6 CIL\'I).; .o.e.t..Al.. -. Postage DOMESTIC AETUR'" RECEIPT l p Restricted r Fee CertifIed Fee Special Delivery Fee "' '" '" - ~ 5 T .., g III E - o U. II> 0. -"'-, .UNDER: Complwtllteml 1 .nd 2 wh.n addltlon.1 MrvJc.. it. d..lted, .ndcOmpl....'ttmt 3 .nGl4. . Ftut your .ddrtlil In the "AIi:1UfllN 10" Speoe on thl rev..... itd" ~.Ilur' to do tnl. wlllp,w.1Tt thlt wd 'from being retUrned tCi YOU. ~ r~ ~ f.. WU~II V6UW-.nMM1 f!'I aaI'Moft ....~ ta~ ...~. ~i~ of ....."'?::i or .. MI,' tM. 0 OW". Mrw, . to.. are .vt:l . b I. COMU , pOl1mNter 0' .n' c tICk bct)J for HdltlOftliI Mrvtclit., requllidld. '. 1.. (j ShOW to whom dtlflv"'IdL~" .nd ~d'''''''' .dd,. 2. -. t:I A.rlctMIO..N*"Y . t 'E%tra .""",")f t ..,...... t . Artic!e Add_ to: Article NUJIlbe, ~~, ~ Type of lItIvi"~ CJ lIlllll8..... Cortlfled o Exprlll Moll Alwey. obtain IIg_.. of or ...." end 8. Add'....... Add,... ,..qum<!d qlld f.. p d) bC.A 7. () ,Sfl- ''I' Ku f/J,tIri {".. e~''1<6 CJ In.urod CJ COD . "".&1\0. tll1.t_ DOMiSTIC RETURN AICIII'T