Resolution 162-1989 MANAGJ SERVICES RESOLUTION NO. 162-1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE AMENDMENTS TO MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT AND MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING, BY AND BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND MONROE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby accept amendment number 1 to the Memorandum of Understanding, and amendment number 1 to the Management Agreement, between Monroe County and the Monroe County Housing Finance Authority, copies of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 2lst day of March, A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By //lI~hP~ Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk J:)..L Xi ~1I.<O.,(': , , ...: "'11 ' ,,', , "::" lJ.:J j "'.'~ '-J ...... v _, ,,-..J "-.J . S l: l7 d RZ ~\i\.! 68. tly AMENDMENT NUMBER: 1 AMENDMENT TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF MONROE AND MONROE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY The Agreement entered into on May 7, County of Monroe ("Grantee") and Monroe ~uthority ('~,Agent") is amended as follows: 1985 between the County Housing AMEND SECTION D. "COMPENSATION TO AGENT", as follows: Delete Paragraph 1 of Section D in its entirety and in lieu thereof insert the following: "Section D. COMPENSATION TO AGENT "I. The total cost of administering the Rental Rehabilita- tion Program will be borne by Program administration fees as provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. All fees received by the Grantee for this purpose wi~l be paid to the Agent in consideration for the services provided by the Agent for the Grantee in accordance with Section B, items 9 - 22, of The Memorandum of Understanding. No Rental Rehabilitation Grant amounts will be used to cover the administrative expenses of the Rental Rehabilitation Program." \ ! ~~~~~~,;~.., ~~~!=:,::~,-.:~,-.. f'WI....~....I"... -,., ._, ~'''''"':":'r.. ~''':'-~<-;--::-';---~rJ::- - . - "'~ -...... ''',_ '~'.- ;"'t-.- , ...... ~ ".~C~"'" ....:....." ".;' . t --'~"."".r"_'" ... ...~--__,..c......-'..,..._._.,._.... ....'__ '.....H"'___~...._.,'_ ,'.' :-......,."...--:".....--":..,.;"",. .... "'":" ---.-;...-.,..,.... ,.......~..,' ......,.~ :.....,."~,~--""""~:.,,"~"'. I.'~ l' ~ All provisions not in conflict with this Amendment are still in effect and are to be performed as specifietl lTl the Agreement. This Amendment is hereby made a part of the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Anfen'dment to be duly executed by their authorized officials thereunto. MONROE COUNTY HOUSING MONROE COUNTY (Grantee) ; AUTHORITY BY: (Signature) TITLE: TITLE: Mayor ~i DATE: DATE: ;> " ATTEST: ATTEST: ;l..~ ! CORPORATE SEAL CORPORATE SEAL I A :II I AflMo1f6D AI' TO I'OIIM 1;L~'~Y. , BY <- u.J;" 'I/N,tfJ 'IIey~ . ! .......-----...-~.;:--..~ :'M'='~:- k'~..,.,-....-"'"l(n.-~___ ~~.:-:=-~'~ =: ~'~=:==~~.="""~.:..:.'."~'_~: .~., .r ;_T.~.~._:'" ~>...~ :!it,...,;,..- __IT,' ,~ ... '... I :~ 'i1 ~ ~ ;, .;1 '~."'" ;"'.,~ . .~~ '~ :~ ~ I 1 ,j 31 " .'r.. ...." 'l . .) ~ .~ \ MEt1URANDUM or-- UNDEr,sTAtWlr-.IG (Rental r,ehabilltation Program) The following is a Mernor-andum of Undel'standing between t1anT'oe County (hereafter r-efer'red to as "Grantee") and the Monroe County I-Iou sin 9 Aut h 0 r i t '4 (h ere -3 f t err e fer red t 0 a s the II AgE> n t " >. G r CI n tee and ^ 9 en the 1" e i n aft e r I' eft' rT' e d to c 0 I I e c t i vel y a s the " Par tie s " , T his Memorandum of Understanding states the obligatiorls of the above Parties in reference to the application for and executior\ of the United States Department of Ho~sing and Urban Developr.ent's Rental Rehabilitation ProgT'am as descr'ibed in the April 20. 1984 Federal Register. "Interim Rule", 24 CFR, Part 511 and as amended to include areas of Counties not under Jurisdiction of the Farmer's Home Administration or any authorized waiver of said Jurisdiction. It is the intent of the Grantee and the Agent to-cooperatively implement the Rental Rehabilitation Program within the eligible sec- tions of Monroe County in order to assist the continuing housing nee d 5 0 f 0 u reo mm u nit y . SECTION A. ASSIGN~ENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES AND SERVICES . i: f. 1 . Tot his end 0 f P l' 0 v i din 9 a f for dab 1 e . d e c en t . <; a f e and san ita 1" y housing. Monroe County hereby appoints.the Monr-oe County Housing Authority ("Agent") to provide professional plannin'g. management and administrative services for the County of Monroe ("Management Agree- ment") pursuant to the provisions of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Rental Rehabilitation Program "Inter-im Rule" 24 CFR. Part 511 Published in Fed~ral Register 49. 'Number 78. April 20. 1984, (hereinafter the "Progt'am">. Monroe County hereby authorizes the Agent to subcontract for professional and technical sevices for the purpose of implementing the terms of the Management Agreement. said Agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof. ., The term of c. . :, wi th "Section D. I, this Program, t his 11 a nag e III e n tAg r e em e n t s h all com me Tl c e con cur r e n t Paragraph 3", and shall continue for the duration of SECT I ON B. SPEC IF I C RESPOt~SI B IL 1 T lES The following specific responsibilities of the Grantee for imple- mentation of the Program are hereby defined. but not l'imited to: 1. Preparation and submittal of grant request to the Director of Plan- ning Community Development, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Devel- opment, Jacksonville, Florida. ~.' ;1 '.~ ')i "'I' . .', . 2. Preparation and submittal of rent subsidy grant requ.s't tb U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Housing Development o i vis ion. J a c k son viI Ie, F 1 0 l' i d a , for the R en t Sub sid Y Pro 9 ram for 125 units. , .,~..,-.. ','- .-,.... "'" ,- .-,,=- ."~"':.a..:.;~~. .'.~. .~.'.. >......-...' ..~1,..,...~------:..;.'..,.u~WM~,.............AU::.1'.r;;; ,:""",,...;t' ~~....~,J___.U!:J.lIJr....41~A~_~.ai -......,...... "".~ _.~ -'.:"'~!.T.. ., -'-.~' ~-;,~:.'~~~~~.,::::'" ... ~ -:~~~ ~'" " ~ " '-' '--' I'; J ~':' " JJ j~ ~ ! ~ iJ ij~ 3. Select a lending institution in Monroe County to receive and dis- bur~e federal funds as payments to contractors. Disbursements will be made from the accounts by the Grantee and under authorization by the Agent in accordance with HUll Notice, dated September 17, 1984. Cash and Management Information System. incorporated herein by reference. 4. Cooperate with the Agent in supplying information and services l'equired in implemt'nting the Hental Rehabilitation Program to ensure compliance with County Ordinances. 5. Provide its physical facilities ~hen necessary to conduct meetings with lenders. investors or other groups and organizations in implement- ing this Program. r: , ' 6. Promote marketing and outreach efforts to secure participation in the Program. J !,}, ~ l.'.'...'~.. ~. ., . ~... I "'1.. ~ 7. Adopt policies as prepared by Agent concerning tenant assistance. displacement, and relocation assistance, including nondiscl'imination req,uirements pursuant to the Rental Rehabilitation Regulations. 8. Adopt a written Affirmative Marketing Plan as prepared by Agent which include appropriate procedures and req,uirements for affirmative marketing units in Rehabilitation Projects as prepared by the Agent. The following Grantee responsibilities and tasks will be funded by the Grantee in accordance with "Section D" of this Memol'andum of Understanding and undertaken by the Agent: . ~ ,~ " "$ .~t ~ '1 ~ ,I j ~ J 13 9. Program Marketing - including development of all mal'keting mater- ials, meetings with County lenders. potential investors and contrac- torSi promotions. 10. Eligibility Determination review of applications to ensure that the owner and property meet all basic eligibility requirements. 11. Initial Property Inspections - to determine property deficiencies. 12. Review of Construction Proposals - to determine the following: a) If the wOl'k proposed addresses identified deficiences and will meet all applicable County codes with HUD's Housing Quality Standards. '. b) Reason2bleness of costs. 13, Financial Feasibility - determination of subsidy amount and issuing conditional letter of commitment, t 14. Loa n C I 0 sin 9 '- res p 0 n sib I e for s e cur i n 9 e x e cut ion 0 f l' e qui red legal documents; filing of documents; escrow of construction funds. 15. 'Preconstruction Work Conference - meeting with owner and contractor ta review work to be done; establishconstructiofl schedule; sign owner- contractor agreement. --!51'U' IIr ,__. "'_'___'V~~__. __ - . .~::--.:-~_u..__~-:--.~_. ir ,__. . '''.-' ..-..- ,.~.."...--: '-""-"---',- " ._-~-~-_:_,-,~--,.~~-+:-:~=~,,,:'":,,,,,",:,,~~,:,,,..,_._-_._-_:<--;~-~.~_.._,. ~.. _.__-;0.,............._ - ,.~-,.'.'..,,"":_'.<:,._, - -- -- -.- . i2c',;;=;..",,"=~"'-='-:::~:l1''':-=":<;l ~ ,,* ~ " ~ ,~ ,.1 ,~~ J ',t ..~. \ '--' 1"-....... 16. Progress Inspections - inspect quality of work as Justification for payment to contractor. 17. Final Inspections - inspect quality of work; secure release of 1 i ens, wa r ran t 1 e s 0 rot her 9 u a ran tee 5 . "'? ;1 . 18. Cash Management - set up proJects. disburse funds, complete Clnd submit reports to all as required by HUD's Cash Management Information System (C/MI). The CIMI system's project completion report will be used to provide financial and demographic information about,the proJect and the tenants upon completion of a proJect, 4 , ~ :~ '~ " "'}. ,,' I," ! ~ ~'.'...~ " \' ~ '\1 " 19, Relocation Assistance - provide referrals, counseling and other forms of relocatJon assistance described in the County's approved Tenant Assistance Policy developed in accordance with HUD's Rental Rehabilitation Program regulations. 20. Affirmative Marketing - undertake all affirmative marketing activ- ities as detailed in the County's approved Affirmative Marketing Plan in accordance with HUD's Affirmative Marketing requir~mets. The Agent will keep adequate records of its affirmative marketing efforts and will regularly report on the same. 21, Annual Performance Report - the Agent will prepare and submit an annual performance report, 22. To make efforts to encourage the use of minority and 410men's busi- ness enterprises in connection with the program. The following activities ~ill be undertaken by' the Agent in carry- ing out their responsibilities in providing housing vouchers to eligib.le tenants under this Program, 23. Execute Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) amendment ~ith HUD for the appropriate number of program vochers per the Grantees appli- cation. "';' .~ ~ "j .;1. 24. Prepare and adl1:ini-;trcJtive plMl for !-IUD approval providing cJ de- tailed operating plan for the admirlistration of housing program vouchers. 25. Conduct a communit'.J-wide Outreach Program faT' qualified tenant program participation. \ \ 26. Conduct a physical inspection of complet~.d rental rehab IJnits to determine compliance of the uni-t under HIJD's Housing Quality Standards and Section 8 Existing Program guidelines. ! I 27, Provide a qualified tenant by appropriate family/bedroom size to the landlord and review and execution of an approved lease between the landlord and tenant. IF a qualified tenant is not immediately available, the Agent will so notif~ the Grantee in writing. 28. Enter into a Housing Assistance Pa'JMent Contract with the landlord based on the Rental Rehabilitation Program's cJllo~able contract rent. t~'""""'~~~;:'1? ~'1~Y!'fw~".). f'W '.l~k.,l~~1!T~.~1:~.':~~,:~:~,~~n!hN,~.:. ^ rv .~rr..~, ?' , . ......... ..,' ..~ . \ \ ---~ 29. RE'c~l'tify as necessCll'll tenants issued /lousing progr'am vouchers. SECTION C. FECQfWJl..EEP ING MW r~EPQfn ING The Grantee and the Agent mutually agree to maintain records which clearly document perfornlance under the Management Agreement and,under each requirement of the Federal Regulation and to provide the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Developmerlt with any data, infor- mation or assistance that the SE'cl'etary det>ms necessary to allow the Secretary to monitor and evalu~te the program, Such information shall include, but is not limited to, information regarding rehabilitation financing and relocation, tempol'ary and perlr.anent, of tenants who occu- pied the building or buildings prior to rehabilitation, and the specific relocation measures used in each case. SECTION D. COMPENSATION TO AGENT 1. The total cost of administering the Rental Rehabilitation Program will be borne by the Section 8 Housing Assistance Pa~ment Program,th~ Monroe County Housing Authority, Program administratign fees and Monroe. County. No Rental Rehabilitation Grant amounts will be used to cover administrative expenses of the Rental Rehabilitation Program. In consideration for services provided by the Agent for the Grantee'in accordance with "Section 13, Items 9 - 22" of this Memorandum of Under- standing will be compensated in f~ll by the Gr~ntee in an amount of S28, 000,00 patjable in two eQ.ual installments, The'first installment of $14,000.00 will be payable upon execution of this Memorandum of Under- standing and the balance will be payable upon approval of the 1985-86 Gr~ntee Gen~ral Operating Budget. 2. Both Pal'ties agree that they will fully comply with the "Interim. Rule" and with all provisions of applicable law, It is Olutually under- stood that such Rule will ~overn to the extent of any inconsistenc~ herewith. 3. This Memorandum of Understanding shall become effective immediately upon its execution by th~ Parties. . 8y~!dOte f10NROE COUNTY (Grantee) Harvey, MONROE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY (Agent) ~ By: ~.,.,ltZ<~a,,-~~ No ~an F. Parker, Vice Chairman ! ~/0Il5 Date ~1. '-0.:. "'. '.',;' . -"-';"'lr~..'"""'t_~;~""~'.~.i,-,.,~"","""'~.~~t1"""''''f' '.-.~'~''''''''' 't ." ~." "...."';~.~~ ,~ ., _;~::-h-~!'1'-"'-, .;~"---~'~:',"":.'.,~:"',"""''''~'--~i-:<X.~~!'l''..'',':.':':'''''''' .", ~'H.,_.'" -;J" "-;- - ~ . .""r~ __..,. ."-' '~-~'j-"~:':':>:"""""'''~''''---''l''l'!I\:~'''' ':'::~f'-~"'~"'_.,"-,-,,,,,,,~_...,,,,,,,__,_,,,",,-,_,__~,,-_,,,,_,~~,,,,,,,,__,,,'__.,", ..~._ ~.:{I oj.: '.'~" ',' '/ ( ) l' \ . &p ,. ~. ' . l '--' ~~i~;1;~ FEDERAL RENTAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS . t~lf;f' ,.. NON-RECURRING CONSTRUCTION PHASE BUDGET (GRANT~E) f~lf." ( :\., .:.(This federal program does not haye any pr~~ iminary administrative funds . allocated to the grant/loan construction phase. The federal government requires these functions to be fu~ded by the local government. Only preliminary monies involved are mi~imum funds to the Public Housing Authorities to process and maintain qualified applicants to receive housing ,rental vouchers upon comple\ion of the construction phase.) 12-MONTH CONSTRU~TION PROGRAM COSTS (GRA~TEE) , STAFFING . \ COSTS .:{< , 1. . Rental Rehabil Hation Program Coordinator (FULL TIME) Annual Costs: Salary $18,000 25% Benefits ,4,500 Minimum Requirements: College Degree, 2 yrs. management experience, 1 year construction management experience, 1 year construction finance experience, bondable, 1 year general administrative experience. - Brief Position Outline: Detenmine/select eligible neighbor- hoods, develop progr6m-financ1ng mechanism, manimum subsidy amount, minimum rehab standards, eligibility criteria for owners &,buildings, develop administrattve processing pro- cedures, develop & revise appropiate fonns/documents for process ing for"Monroe County progralll, develop reporting requirements & other elenents of ~nag~nt infonmatfon system, develop Tenant Assistance Policy & Affinmative Action Plan, develop and fmpl~nt ~rkettng strategy (meeting with owners, investors, contractors & lenders) Process construction/loan phase. $22,500 . . - , 2. Construction Technical Supervisor (PART TIME)(Contract) Annual Costs: (75~ time allocation-1560 hrs. x $15) Minimum Requirements: Ten (10) years construction experience as a general contractor, clerk of the works, ~ or construction management supervisor. Must demonstrate precise knowledge in cost estimating, work progress . scheduling, federal labor laws, and construction contracts. Knowledge of local building codes, trades and suppliers. Brief Position Outline: Physical review each potential phys ica 1 property subnii tted by owners. DeterTftine a list of deficiencies needed to be corrected to HUO's Housing Quality Standards. Review owner's cost estima~e to correct deficiencies. Oete~tne acceptability of cost estimate. Inspect work,progress IS to quality and con- tract requirements. Initiate payment request tnspections. Coordinate where necessary with County Building Inspectors. Attend pre- bid and pre-construction meetings. Enforte Davis-Bacon act ~here applicable. J. Secretaria1 Support (PART TIME) Annual Costs: (50% time allocation-IOZO hrs. x $6.00) 25~ Employee Benefits. ' Minimum Requirements: Typing 60 wpm, speed writing or . basic shorthand. 2 yrs. administrative experience. . Familiarity with construction contract documents. $23,400 $7,650 . ' . . Brief Position Outline: Office support for Rental Rehab Program Coordinator, Construction Technical Supervisor & Special Programs Director. ~aintain files. reports, mailings. and requirement program documentation. 4. Special Programs Director (PART TIME)(Contract) Annual Costs: 600 hrs.-~~ hrs. x 50 wks. x $15 Hinimum Requirements: College Degree. 5 years experience HUD Section 8 programs. 5 years construction management experience,S years intergovernmental experience, 5 yrs. administrative experience. Demonstrated ability in construction fi"~,,-o rnn<<;trllrtfnn rH<<:...".t,,<<: ,,",.,<<:t1l'"'.rtinp , $9,000 tW~i~.:;::'; . ~ ." I''' . fI- .. ,I. '" './' I!" :':'.'.;1 , . t:. ':l"...::,._ .,j ,I. ~~:~.:: . \1~ ,'l" ~ I /{l (j u $6,250 $1,209 $6,230 $3.050 $10,000 :- Page Two Brief Position Outline: Coordinate Rental Rehab Staff. ' MCHA Commissioners, Monroe County Commissioners, KWHA Commissioners, Ad Hoc Housing Committees, civic groups. Directly responsible 'to U.S~ Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUO), Jacksonville-Washington for program requirements, documentation, and progress schedule.' Support Rental Rehab Coor~inator in loan'closings, marketing, and construction problems. Responsible for the authorization of Program Fund disbursements. 6. Accounting/Computer Program Services Support (PART TIME) Annual Costs: 125 unit con~tr~ctfon applications @ $25 125 tenant application HUD 50059'5 2 $25 Minimum Require~ents: Computer,progra~ for HUD 50059'5 program general 'ledger, Tenant History FOe, and Rent Calculation Program. , 7. Office Rental (Field Office-Marathon-one year) Annual Costs: $100 per month x 12 . 8. Travel Cost Allowance Annual Cost: Key West-Marathon Round trip 100 miles ~(3 trips avg. per week x 50 weeks x $.20 per,mfle: $3,120) Coordinator/Director Construction InspectiQO Trips Allowance $150 per mo. x 12 mos.: $1,800. - TripS/Meetings with U.S. HUD (Two tripS-Jacksonville Field Office $400 ea.) (One trip -Washington, D.C. Central Office $500) 9. Sundry Costs Annual Cost: Jnsurance---r----~-----$300 Postage--------~-------$250 Phone--------------____$600 Printing/publfcatfons__$500 Copy Machine---------__$500 legal Advertisements---$300 Office Supplfes--------$600 r 10. Federal Program Requirement Documentation Development, Grantee Documentation Development-loan packaging, marketing, Cash Management System, Environmental review"HUD Annual Contribution Contract, revised Housing Assistance Plan. Training of Rental Rehab Staff. ' A~sist Fair Market Rent Increase Application. (4 weeks) One Time Grantee Program Start-up.'~osts: $89,280 , ' ~',~~~:::~,::. ... " ll" "~ II"" , j............. , .... . . ~ . i~ r: ,;.' .". ,:,.! I " .. r 'I:'" , , o ,. , U ..;",!. .. ~: , PROPOSED ::..', .:' NOH-RECURRING CONSTRUCTION PHASE BUDGET INCOME MONROE COUNTY RENTAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS PROPOSED FUNDING 1. Monroe County Housing Corporation grant . to Monroe County Housing Authority 2. U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (~UO) Program Training Fund Allowance J. U.s. Department of Housing & Urban DeveloPment (HUD) preliminary funding for process1ng of . tenant qual iffcat1ons' for voucher issuance (125 vouchers x $180) issued to PHA/agent. 4. Owner Application Processfng Fee (NEEDS HUD's APPROVAL TO IMPLEMENT) (125 units x $50) . $25,000 $3,000 $22.500 . $6.250 5. Projected lease-up adMtnistratlon expense fees during 12-~nth construction phase. U.S. HUD funds to HCHA/Agent. . (50 un1ts,~;5:~nth:x.$20:~a;) $5,000 :- (-) PROGRAM GRANTEE's (Honro~ County) Expense: ($27,530) (_) . . 6. MOnroe County (one-tf~) prograM start-up costs: ,'2B;00q '.- \ . . ...... ~ ~ :~ .:1J.: '~ hi: ,. )~ .n ,,",. .;t ':"'1 ." .~ ..~ ;~ d; , ., j -~......-- . ..:.t.....~ , .'. - ~.. _.. --'- ... 'I, .\ M1ENDMENT NUMBER : 1 M1ENDHENT TO THE MANAGEMENT AGREEMEN'l' BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF MONROE AND MONROE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY The Agreement entered into County of t-lonroe ( "Grantee" ) Authority ( "Agent") executed follows: on April 17, 1985 between the and Monroe County Housing on May 7, 1985 is amended as Amend Section IV. Expenses: Delete the last sentence of this section, .. The County is responsible for all expenses incurred by the Agent pursuant to Section VI of this contract." Amend Section VI. COMPENSATION OF AGENT: Delete Paragraph A and B entirely and in lieu thereof insert the following: "Section D. COMPENSATION TO AGENT The total cost of administering the Rental Rehabilitation Program will be borne by Program administration fees as provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. All fees received by the Grantee for this purpose will be paid to the Agent in consideration for the services provided by the Agent for the Grantee in accordance with Section Bt items 9 - 22, of The Memorandum of Understanding. No Rental Rehabilitation Grant amounts will be used to cover the administrative expenses of the Rental Rehabilitation Program," '. ! "',. ~' ,=~~~~"~,~1W-?-=_, IT =,~',\w ~:.t~~...~; ~ ....'-"''' J.:", . ,."....~; -~'"i'.______...~".... ...__..........___. .,..... .. ,...1 .... .~J :ifl'i': , ,.,.<, lJ ;~ ~ :~ ~ :j, }i ~ 1 J 1 .." }, ~ ~. All provisions not in conflict with this Amendment are still in effect and are to be performed as specified in the Agreement, This Amendment is hereby made a part of the Agreement: ~: j 'J IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Amendment to be duly executed by their authorized officials thereunto. >~ ~t .:.;l..~.' ~ ;l ; <l.} .~ ;~ (~ ~ iA ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :t, ~ 'i ~ ;! J ~ !of i~ i;I ~ g ~ ~ ~ , ~ I MONROE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY MONROE COUNTY (Grantee) TITLE: BY: (Signature) TITLE: Mayor DATE: DATE: ATTEST: ATTEST: CORPORATE SEAL CORPORATE SEAL ! -~-.,.r 8Y kUC;~t:/# AuDm .. Y' .-...'.~ . . '" ~'. Iff"'.'. . ..,......i ~:~.>' ..]~~:~::r...n~b..i=~~~~'. :r"::~;:.~" .' '''''''''''",',",w,,";o,-,., 1,-;" r -. . .. , . ,. ....... .......,~,. .. -- -- '-'" I.;,' ~._... .~. " MANAGEMENT AGREEM~Nr FOR THE RENTAL,REHAUILITATION PROGRAM UETWEEt-J THE COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA AND THE MONROE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY :-'; i~ :J t ...~ ,;,~ " This Management Agreement (herein referred to as the "Agreement") 1s dated as of April 17, 1985, between The County of Monroe, State of Florida, (herein referred to as "County"), a body politic having its principal office,at 310 Fleming Street, Key L.Jest, Florida, 33040. and Monroe County Housing Authority, (herein referred to as "Agent"), a body politic organized under the U,S, Housing Act of 1937, as amended, and h a vi n g its P l' i n c i pal 0 of f ice in Ma rat h 0 n, F lor i d a . l' e fer red to collectively as the "Parties", . ,'~ ~. :J l~ .f.; ..~ :~ .~ .~ ~.. ....'i ,~ /~ .~ 1 .~ .~ 'i ~ ~ .r~ ,1 .~ 1 f~ ;;1 ffi ., In consideration of the mutual covenants set forth below, Agent and County hereby agree as follows: SECTION 1. APPOINTMENT OF AGENT, To the end of providing affordable, decent, safe and sanitary housing, the County hereby appoints the Agent to provide profession~l planning, management and administrative services for and within the County pursuant to the provisions of the Department 0' Housing and Urban Development (hereinafter, "HUO") Rental Rehabilit.ntion Program, "Interim Rule", 24 CFR. Part 511, published in Federal Register 49, Number 78 dated April 20, 1984 (hel'einafteT' the IIProgram"). The County hereby authorizes the Agent to subcontract for professional and technical services according to the terms and provlsions oi the Agreement, Said Subcontrac~ shall be reviewed and approved by the Coun ty At tor ne lJ, v\.~ ,1 SEC T I ON I I . OUT I ES OF AGENT, '1 .~ -/ ~~ :j S 1 .'( :l ~.1 ~ . ~ J I J 1 .~ J J ~ '" 4 ~! .,.1 '} ., ~ (1) To perform the duties of the County, as Grantee, as enumerated in "Section a, Itt'm numbers 9 - 22" of the Memor.andum of Understand ing, (2) To issue rent supplement certificates or vouchers from HUD to eligible low and moderate income citizens of T~e County to compliment the Prograni- and to provide such cel'tificate"s and vouchers in support of the Program ~n accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding and applicable requirements imposed by HUD. t ( 3 ) To h ire, d i s Chill' 9 e and s up e r vis e a IlIa b 0 I' an d em p I 0 y e e s r e q, u ire d for the man age men tan dad m i n i 5 t l' d t ion 0 f the R e n t a I Rehabilitation Program, ~ i " (4) To comply with policies, procedul'es and all other r~quire- ments applicable to the Program and as specified in HUD's Program Grant Agreement together wit.h HUO's Housing Assistance Payments Contl'act, (ACC). . . ,'I ~ . . .___~:-~~~~T~':f.;\-r-"~'- ':' ...._~.._.".. ~~ ,-,...-. J.:'~'.'....-_:~ ~ "~P"-''''~''''''''.'' ._, I I I I I I ~ ,:\t '$J ~ .. ..~ I ;/~ .~ "--' "--' " ( ~ ) Tom a nag e the PT' 0 9 ram 1 n f u lIe 0 rn p 1 i an c e wit h the. r e q, u ire- ments of all applicable laws, (6) To take such clct1uns clS may be neCQ~SaT'IJ to comply promptly with any and all governmental orders or other requirement, affecting the Program, whether imposed by fedel'al. state. county or local aut h 0 r i t Y , N eve r the I e s S I Age n t s h a lit a ken 0 s u c hac t ion a s ,I '0 n gas the County is contesting. or has affirmed its intention to contest any s u c h 0 r d e r 0 r j' e qui rem e n t . Age n t s h a I 1 not i f Y the C 0 un t y i n writing of all notices of such orders or other req,uirements immedi- ately upon their receipt. SECTION I I I, AGENT'S ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGETS. The Agent will prepare an annual operating budget for the Program, SECTION IV, EXPEt.JSES, From the total administrative fees of the Program and pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, Agent shall pay for: . advertising, salaries of all persons employed <including but not limited to mana- ger, assistants, clerks and social worket's> and sundries required for administration of the Program. ..The County is responsible for all expenses incurred by the Agent pursuant to Section VI of this contrac t,\ I SECTION V, ACCOUNTING AND ACCOUNTS. Accounting functions will be performed by Agent as follows: ~ ~ ~~ ~ t! ~ ~; A. Accounting Statements, Agent shall maintain books of ac- count of all receipts and disbursements incurred in the management, of the Program, which records shall be open to inspection by the County during normal business hours, ...:~ , , B, Bank Accounts, The County will select a Finahcial Insti- tution to participate in HUD's system for disbursing funds, The County shall establish an account in this institution and have the authority to draw on this account to'make payments to the contractors for completed rehabilitation work. The County shall issue payments upon notification by the Agent of funding availability and receipt from the Agent of HUD's payment voucher form (HUD Form 40021, 8184) as required by HUD regulations, ~ ~ ~ f J SECTION VI. COMPENSATION OF AGENT, A, The total cost, in accordance with Sectlo\! III hereOf, for administering the Program will be borne by the Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program, the Monroe County Hou~ing Authority, Program admint~trative fees and the County, In consideration of the services provided by the Agent for the County in accordance with "Section B" of the Memorandum of Understanding, the Agent will be com- pensated in full by the County i~ the amount of $28,000 payable in .two installments, The fil'st installment of $14,000 will be ~. ~.~ I'"....._.......,._..~.- ....':".......,....,. , ...,.......----- ,;- . ~,~-.,.......;.~~,ff"!:1"..:':.~.:c~!'".~__~,:.,"'":".,.,~_...~:._~,. :,:!'....,::"r~.!'P"',::~ ..~;~_' ,- ~:,l!,;;".~_"._~'..;:""'t,:"'~-:,.;-!Jf".,:...,'t..!'-:ll.'r.II",'.i,..,--":,';:r;.::.r::rm2mlll;0.;,,:":0""" ,:1~___' ,,'"":".1,~'.'1",:""',_ "--~ "-' .d~~ble upo., ~-Jcution of the Memorandum of Understanolng and the bal- ance pa~able upon approval of the 1985-86 'County General Operatin9 Budget, If at the duration of the Program, the County desir~5 to req,uest of HUD an extension of the construction phase of the Pro!Jram, then the County shall notify the Agent requ~sting an amendoent to this Agreement in accordance with Paragraph "13" of this Section. B. Agent shall be separately compensated for additional or special services required by the County and not specifically included in this Agreement, The amount of such compensation and service shall be agreed on by the County Clnd Agent ~nd stipulated by an amendment pursuant to Section XII of this Agreement. SECT ION VI1. IN5UHANCE, The Agent shall be responsible for maihtaining workman's compen- sation insurance and fidelity bonds covering its personnel who are engaged in the operation of the Program, Upon execution of this Agreement the Agent shall give the County evidence of insurance C 0 v era 9 e for bod i I y i n J Ij r y , pro pert y d a ma g e, per son a 1 . i n J u r y and public liability in amounts not less than the following: Public liability insur.:lllce in the amount of Thl'ee~Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000,00) for any single occuronce of bodily injury or property damage; F'idelity bond in the principal sum of Fifty-Thousand Dollars ($50,000,00)1 and any insl:lT'ance req,uired during the construction phase of the program, At all times dUl'ing the term of this Agreement, all approp- riately endorsed insurance coverage carried by the Agent in rela- tion to the operation of the Program shall be extended"and kept c u l' r e n tat the e x pen s e 0 f . the Age 11 t . '/~ ,,' 'SECTION VI I!. RESPONSIBILITIES AS TO RECORDS AND REPORTS. Agent shall be responsible for records and reports as follows: A, Agent shall establish and maintain a system of records, books and accounts in a manner approved by HUD, All records, books and accounts will be subject to examination during regular business hours by any authorized representative of the County. ., B, The Agent will comply with HUD's req,uirement to retain all records f9r a minimum of three (3) veal's in ~~cordance with 24 ~~R, Part 511, (Feder.al Re9is~er., Volume'49L .,' " , .',' " , ." .. . ,I ,', ., I. SECTION IX, INDEMNIFICATION OF AGENT. Except with respect to negligent acts or omlTlissions of Agent or employees of Agent, or through the willful misconduct of Agent, the Count~ shall indemnify Agent against all liability of any nature Whatsoever, including but not limited to all costs, expenses, attor- ~1 ~''1P'''~.'''''''''-:~r'-'l'-' '~':"7"";:""""""'"~'~:,:',.,"r.-.,,,, "",'~"'''''~' -~~~"':I':!''':I:''-~''.''''-:!''''-,',~:~'''''''~' ~':;;":l~~:!"".l'1;t_:l .-......:""...., ."..."',.:",._.....___._....""..~""".n..~. _',.. _,'~'~"j >,.1<. :~i '" "' II '1 j ~ ,~ f~ j ;,. ) -' .s fees. ___ts ilnd damag~5 resulting directly fruII' I.he performance ..f'tasl<s in "Section [3, Item numbers 9 - 22" of the t1emorandum of Understanding, GEe T ION /" TEP,'1. .~ ,.1 i .'~' The term of this Agreement shall continue for the duration of this Program but may be terminated by either party upon 60 days written notification by certified mail, This Agreement shall commence, concurrent with the effective date of the Memorandum of Undvrstanding, ! iN ~ ,~ J "X ';1 '~ ;2 ~~ SECTION Xl. NOTICES. Any notice required by this Agreement shall be hand-delivered or sent by ce~tifie~ mail, addressed to the Mayor of Monroe County and County Manager at 310 Fleming Street, Key West, Florida, 33040 or to the Executive Director, Monroe County Housing Authority, 1400 Kennedy Drive, Key West, Florida, 33040, SECT ION X I I. ENT I RETY: ALTERATION, BINDING EFFECT. . . 1 . '1 ,~ i ~ 'j :4 ~, ~'! ~ ,~ ,~ This contract is entire, The parties may not alter, amend, or modify'it except by an instrument in writing executed by both. This Agreement 'includes all representations of everlJ kind and nature made by either party to the other and shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties, SECTION XI I 1. ATTORNEY'S FEES. ,;,., '" In the event 0; any suits, controversy, claim or dispute between the County and Agent, arising out of or relating to performance or breach of this Agreement, the prevailing Part~'shall be entitled to recover reasonable expenses, attorney's fees and costs: j <. j .~ ~ " '1 'I; ~ . ''''..~ '.! j ?' ~ .. ......, .. '" . ; j,~" .' I,. :' ,~,.', .': ., ,,~ .... :','\... I.:. -:-t' "':' "r. :...;,.. ..,' L/:-- .....;',\'-'Zr".(t.',. .,....~... It .............. ~"... ._-........-..~..~t-:-......~:,-~-:-~~',..':~~t-._.-. ,~ .... . '?' ./~-'-~;."7' -~..:.~.--;_.-.^ ~~>,..~' ~:...:..l~t:'::,.',->.. ',.'.."V'. ,'">" "..,..'. . '~I.....l>, ... ......"'J..,"".'-, ~'r..~-tl_ ,1.,!'~J ~1"'F ~,.:~~ - ~', ,:-;,~:~~:':,:;;::.~:~:',:,::,:,.'~,,-;_- .-::~__~:~_~::tV":"~ ~:.;;;.~; ,-'~':. -~~ :~..~!'-:~._._.,~_~. "-""'!lr~~"'r:'" ""-~ ...~ ~~;'.,:r',;" :fEDERAL REHTAL REHABILITATION PROGRAH REQUIREMENTS ~~~t' ,. 10M-RECURRING lUeTIO" PHASE BUDGET (GRANTEE) ~f~.. ~~*(ThiS federal program does not ha~e any pr~~iminary administrative funds /. allocated to the grant/loan construction phase. The federal government rcquh:es these functions to be fur)d~d by the local government. Only preliminary monies involved are mi~lmum funds to the Public Housing Authorities to process and maintain qualified applicants to receive housing .rental vouchers upon comple\ion of the construction phase.) 12-HOIHH CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM COSTS (GRA~TEE) STAFFING . \ COSTS 1. Rental Rehabilitation Program Coordinator (FULL TIME) Annual Costs: Salary $18,000 25% Benef i t5 ,4,500 Minimum Requirements: College Degree, ~ yrs. management experience, ~ar construction management experience, 1 year construction finance experience, bondable, 1 year general administrative experience. - Dl'ief Position Outline: Detenm1ne/select eligible neighbor- hoods, develop program-financing mechanism, manimum subsidy amount. minimum rehab standards, eligibility criteria for owners & buildings, develop administrative processing pro- cedures, develop & revise approp1ate fonns/documents for processing for~Monroe County program, develop reporting ,'equirements & other elellents of Nnagefllent information sys tern, develop Tenant Ass is tance Policy 6 Afti nnat tve Action Pl~n, develop and impl~nt ~rkettng strategy (meeting with owners. investors, contractors & lenders) Process construction/loan phase. $22,500 . . . , !' 2. Construction Technical Supervisor (PART TIME)(Contract) Annual Costs: (75~ time allocation-1560 hrs. x $15) Minimum Requirements: Ten (10) years construction experience, as a general contractor, clerk of the works, " or construction management supervhor. Must demonstrate precise knowledge in cost estimating, work progress , scheduling, federal labor laws, and construction contracts. Knowledge of local building codes, trades and suppliers. Brief PosH~on Outline: Physical review elSch potential physlc~l property su&nitted by oWners. Detemdne a l1s~ of deficiencies needed to be corrected to HUO's Housing' Quality Standards. Review owner's cost estimate to correct deficiencies. Dete~ine acceptability of cost estimate. Inspect work,progress as to quality nnd con- tract requirements. Initiate p~~nt request inspections. Coordinate where necessary with County Building Inspectors. Attend pre- bid and pre-construction meetings. Enfor,e Davis-Bacon dct where applicable. . 3. Secretarial Support (PART TIME) Annual Costs: (50% time allocation-l020 hrs. x $6.00) 25~ Employee Benefits. ' ~~mum Re~~ire~rrJents: Typing 60 wpm, speed writing or : lias1c shorUland. ryrs. administrative experience. Familiarity with construction contract documents. $23,400 $7,650 . . , Brief Position Outline: Office support for Rental Rehab Program Coordinator, Construction Technical Supervisor & Special Programs Director. ~aintain files, reports mailings. and requirement program documentation. ' 4. Special Programs Director (PART TIME)(Contr6ct) Annual Costs: 600 hrs.-~2 hrs. x 50 wks. x $15 Minimum Requirements: C~11eye Degree. 5 years experience HUD S~ction 8 programs, 5 years construction management ~xperlence, 5 years intergovernmental exper1ence, 5 yrs. administrative exp~~~~nce. Demonstrated ability in constructIon fir-"tion disputes, construction (f0("1 i,..1> <l t" t H'''' , $9.000 ',-,,- .'w~~ Page Two -, :Or1ef Position Outline: Coordinate Re~tal Rehab Staff, t1CHA Corrmissioners. Monroe County Conrnissioners, KWHA Commissioners, Ad Hoc Housing Conmittees, civic groups. Directly responsible 'to U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), Jacksonville-Washington for program requirements, documentation, and progress schedule: Support Rental Rehab Coor~inator in loan'closings, marketing, and construction problems. Responsible for the authorization of Program Fund disbursements. 6. Accounting/Computer Program Services Support (PART TINE) Annual Costs: 125 unit con~tr4ction applications @ $25 125 tenant application HUD 50059's 2 $25 Minimum Requirements: Computer.progra~ for HUD 50059'5 program genera r 1 edger, Tenant Hi story Fi.1 e, and Rent Calculation Program. 7. Office Rental (Field Office-Marathon-one year) Annual Costs: $100 p'er month x 12 8. Travel Cost Allowance Annual Cost: Key West-Marathon Round trip 100 miles ~(3 trips aV9. per week x 50 weeks x $.20 per mile: $3,120) Coordinator/Director Construction InspectiQJl Trips Allowance $150 per mo. x 12 mos.: $1,800. - /f' Trips/Meetings with U.S. HUO (Two trips-Jacksonville Field Office $400 ea.) (One trip -Washington, D.C. Central Office $500) 9. Sundry Costs Annual Cost: 10. Insurance---r----~-----$300 Postage--------~-------$250 Phone------------------$600 Printing/publications--$500 Copy Machine-----------$500 Legal Advertisements---$300 Office Supplies--------$600 Federal Program Requirement 'Documentation Development, Grantee Documentation Development-Loan packaging, marketing, Cash Management System, Environmental review"HUO Annual Contribution Contract, revised Housing Assistance Plan. Training of Rental Rehab Staff. ' A~sist Fair Market Rent Increase Application. (4 weeks) $6,250 $1,200 $6,230 $3,050 $10,000 One Time Grantee Program Start-up~osts: $89,2BO / 1~!' .-./ ""-"'" . '0' , PROPOSED ' ' " NON.RECURRING CONSTRUCTION Pf~SE 8UDGET INCOME MONROE COUNTY RENTAL RE.~BILITATION PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS . ' PROPOSED FUNDING 1. Monroe County Housing Corporation grant , to Monroe County Housing Authority 2. U.S. Department of Housing & Urban DeveloJXTlent (~UD) Program Training fund Allowance 3. U.S. Oepartl1ent of Housing" Urban DeveloPment (HUD) preliminary funding for process1ng of tenant qualifications for voucher issuance (125 vouchers x $180) issued to PHA/agent. 4. Owner Application Processing Fee (NEEDS HUD's APPROVAL TO IMPLEMENT) (125 units x $50) . 5. Projected lease-up a~infstrlt1on expense fees during 12-~nth construction phase. U.S. HUD funds to HC.~/Agent. (50 un1tsx:5:month:x,S20:ea;) 6. (1 thru 5 Inc~ Funds) Subtotal: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. "(ConstruCtion'Pha$e'12~. 'ExpenSe Budget):' PROGRAM GRANTEE' s (Monroe County) Expense: .~nroe County (one-time) prograM start-up costs: ...... $25,000 $3,000 . $22,500 . $6,250 $5,000 :- $61,750 '($89 .280t (_) ($27,530) (-) ,J2B~00q '.~ .