Resolution 184-1989 ,_.,~ "'.." RESOLUTION NO. 184- 1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND EXIDE ELECTRONICS, REGARDING RENEWAL OF MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR UPS System. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an agreement by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and Exide Electronics regarding renewal of a maintenance agreement for Exide Electronics UPS System. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 4th day of April, A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By /JlI~#/.4f Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~L, x? ~ AU~ / ;J '0:-4 .-, ,-" ; II J -~ttO~ AND I 'GJ FFfent:Y. ,9Y I ~ At!,vnf';"s Office L Z,: 17 d t l dd'd 58. '" ":"~~,c"'~ "-," '"'.~~. --'~ '\'~~-r~~~j, . County of Monroe 5825 Jr, College Rd. W. Stock Island, FL 33040 Attn: George Harper QUOTE:It SE0184 March 10, 1989 Reference: Exide Electronics UPS Model #1103, DU# 102949 Dear Mr. Harper, , . ''''l ,i Our records indicate that the maintenance program that covers your Exide Electronics UPS system will expire on 5-01-89 This coverage can be renewed for the next year at a cost of $ 1200.00 ,The plan will continue to provide coverage for all costs for emergency services that may be required, The terms and conditions of the previous contract will remain the same. The 5x8 Full Maintenance plan assures that you will receive the highest priority response in the event of an emergency, To insure that you continue to receive this preferred status, please sign and return this letter along with your purchase order. *** Prices are subject to change after thirty days. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 404-991-1311. WC:kw BOARD OF COlNIY CCMUSSIONERS OF MJNROE COUN1Y, FLORIDA Bv: NAME ***This renewal coverage is approved con- tingent upon deletion of the last sente- nance of Sec, 9 of the Master Maintenance Agreement - Contract No, AM863S0, copy attached, by deleting reference to said Agreement being governed by the laws of the State of North Carolina, ,1 Sincerely, W~ ~;t:vJ Wade Chandler District Manager (SEAL ) Mayor/Chairman Attest: TITLE April 4. 1989 Clerk DATE 2001 RIVERDALE COURT ~'ED A 'OLE. A BY ) Attormw'. 0IIite SUITE B COLLEGE PARK GEORGIA 30337 ~XIDE ELECTRONICS 404991 .1311 FAX: 404996.3500 ha"!lG;,'., ,. -::'-"----'~;-.:":---' .-.:~Y ...._~~":~_:._~;"".'.,.~,.. T:'~~7.' ....-~~-",~.~...,_. _." ..~:.;::\~?:_~l~;- ~ .,.....,."-~' .:r..."-...~~:;~ ;'.~:: 1\...,_.'::':~ _.l.~....":': _. =_="'~':"_.__.._~._._._ _......--.~'.- ~iL____ '} -f t " ',~ ,:i ~ ~ '~ ':~ A ;~ ~~ jj 'tl 1 :A >~ j ~ .~ ",1" .~ "~ i .\il. .. ' II nl mHRACT roe;n I~7 00lE El.E.C'1lDfiCS f4ftST[R NW-nBWa i'QH)ENT r0 r;:' (~D n "1 r, . - r----- O ,c', I ',," I 2. .' c:f I r-, \ r"-""'" , '" I I \ lJ1JL::L~~~LJL0 r;~is Master Maintenance Agreement, (Agreement) is made as of this day of , 198_ by and betwe3'l Exide Electronics Corporation (hereinafter called COUNTY OF MONROE (hereircrter .~~~tr8ctor") and ~!led "Owner"). F-U{POSE ~r hereby purchases and Contractor hereby agrees to furnish certain maintenance services co certain eQ.lipment, for the period beginning 5/2/88 and er.ding 5/1/89 , end for the charges set forth below, Slbject to all c1 the tcrms GO the face end reverse hereof and in such SchedJles listed below. , mvERED mJIPI-ENT "Equipment", 8S used herein s.~11 mean the Lhinterruptable Power System ("tFS") E..,"1Uip:nent listed below b'1 model f'Ul'ber, rating l'UTtler, description, man.Jfacturer and serial r...JTOer. '~1 (L~ additional sheets 8S necessary, sign~ and dated by both parties.) RaUnr] Serial r-urtler Description S1100 3KVA DU 102949 1103 240/240 . , MAINTENANCE srnVI~-5 The Owner hereby contracts for the rollowing services to be furnished pu:'$wnt to this Agreement for the EQ.Jl;nent as set forth in, and expressly llm1ted to, the correspc:ndlng Schedule listed: (instruction - insert a check mark in the appropriate box indicating service(s) to De purchased and "N/A" for all others: (1) (5XB) Preventive Maintenance Service for UPS ~dules _ SchedJle A- _; (2) _ (7)(24) Preventive Ma~tenance for l.FS Modules - Schedule A- _; (:3) L<5X8) Full Maintenance for lPS Power totldule - Schedule A-.b.,.; (4) _ (7X24) Full Maintenance for Lf'S Power toDdule - Schedule A- ; (5) Preventive l<4aintenance Inspection Attachment A- ; (6) First Year Extended Warranty 1'0;- lPS ~ totldule - Schedule B- ; (7) Battery Maint~ - Schedule C- ; (B) (SXB) Corrective Maintenance for Lf'S Power Module - ScheclJle 0- ; (9) (7X24) Corrective Maintenance for lPS Power Mowle - ScheclJle 0-1. H \ CHARGES Owner agrees to pay Contractor the total SUll or .A 0 :1. 0 0 . 0 0 ~'sideration or the maintenance services to be furnished pursuant to this Agreement. be I!l8de by Owner net thirty (;0) days or the date or invoice. 1I . in Payment shall ENTIRE AGREEoEm' This Agreement together with the termS on the reverse her~of end the terms of ScheclJle(s) r:J - (, , ~ich are attnC'led end hereby Ill8de 8 part of this JlgIl!ement, consltitute the entire Agreetrent bebeen the Parties. EXI~ aECTRCJUCS CCRP'CRATI(}I ./ "--/-' /'/ -' ~any: H~~ Rt) t: CDU\'J{"j , ~'I~t." ,'~.r".;',l, ",', . I.".-,l'"ll,t ..... ~"~,,.- ,.,.. ;~,. ....... '.. ",' '. ,.\ . '.' , -. " '''"1' 'i; tf'~ " I :: '!, . ..;.. By.:.. . ::. ..' ~,- -\411 ~':,:i\';"~:4 -z.:..7~i!!r. .' ',U Date_, ,'", ~/, ,.,,..,...... ' ", ,t,.,....,-.' " ,... B-1: Date: / , .. /' ~ ' . '?' '~ .~ ~ .~ #j . .,~' . -:.J ., .' ~ : :~ ; :' . , }. , " ~~ 1: . QgHH.,I(),-1S r.s n thi!:i Agreement: (1.1) "Power MoO-.Jle" shall :, ~ "]P<"tronics portt':':l " " 0.2) "Battery" sh:11.l. mcun the ell"Ctric storog.~ battery portion of an ups; U.~ er Syste!ll" silall ft.. Power ~ju~e and a1tterYi (1.4) "Owner" sj,all mean the end u~~r of a purchased Power System; (1.6) "p,~~e: all uf its derivative forms shall Ifean in accord~ "ith publi;;hed Ed~~ Electronics specifications, 2. ~ttr{s PROFI1IETJlRY UFC1!M-l\TIl7.!: IUl infOlmation of l'he '.Mller shall be de~d non-ccnfidential 31'j Contractor will be under roo duty of ncn-dlsclc~re l-'"'less both parties execute Contractor's Reciprocal N:Jr:.. Disclosure r~reement Form No.: 3. CT~rn 9::RVICE: The o.ner shall CCfxrU1icate only w1th the Feglcnal or F'ield Service Office or Exld.: Electny,ics regarding all service and all otr.~r matters crlsir'9 cut of or relatil'Y:] to this rl9r~nt. 4. ~~~~: Contrectcr ~ill, nt its a~ ccst and exp~~se, obtain and maintain in full force and effect tr,~ followi;~) lr<!;urarce with sov:-d end reput2~le in3uY'ers' curing the ter:n of this Agreement: 0) l1orker's CarrpC'flsstion !nsurnnce in ecccrdance with the statutory requlrement'3 01' U,e state in \:thich the r::aifitenn.nce 1:~ to be perfoT"".ed, (2) AiJ"mobile Liability ~_nsur8tY.:e 00 all moter vd"llclcs licensed for high1tay use, both ownd and ~d, and, 0) CoTpI-ehe!1!:ive Uability insurance for bodily injury end property damage. 5, ""p.r~I\.'IT'T': Contractor shall perfo:"'1 all maintenance in a profe5s1onal and workmanlike name':. nil:3 lfARHANTY IS OO,ER'S s:u: REMEDY fln) !S EXffiESSL'( IN LIEU LF, ~o 1l'~ r.J\E. ~ On-c:R, EXPRESSED ~ II-RIt::-:) G1.lAAJ\NTEES m '!1A.~IES rrnLDlt-G Nrf II-R.ICD W~~ANTY CY ~,.'.c..'lT~8ILIl'Y rn F'lTNE..'i:S Fen P\..RPG'::::. Contractor I s obligation mder said Warrcnty is conditioned upoo receipt of all payTTel"lts dJe fro:-,' CM10:,~ including interest charges, if any, 6. ro.ssI(:1f~lT: Nei ther Owner nor DYltractor may assign ttds Agreement or any of its rights heret.onGer r::::- delegate MY of its duties heret.roder without prior written consent of the other, 7. Hr~: COntractor GSSlJlleS no responsibility for any d:l!Toge or injury to any p~rsons z.iId prupe..: l'.y cx.:ept such damage or injury that may be held to result solely aJ'"1d directly fr-.)l'l1 or out of (1) any g,~:;s~ i negligent performance by COntractor of its obligations mder this Agreement or, (2) ~'Y willful misconduct en tloe part of the Contractor, its agents, or employees. 8. ur,BIL!TY: Nabi thstanding anything in this AgreemEnt to the contrary, Contr~ctor shall not be liable i>"r any indirect, Inci~ental, special or consequential damages, such as, but not limited to, loss of antlcipatr ~ profits, good will, or other economic loss In comection with, or arising out of the existence of, th~ furnishing, functioning, or the OWner's use of any 1 tern of Equipment or servIces provided ror in th",s Agreement, whether or not the possibility of damage .~s disclosed to Contractor or could have been re8sor~b'/ foreseen by Contractor. 9. t-HsrrLLANECJ]5: tbt withstanding anything in this Agreerrent to the contrary, either Owner or COntractc,;: may terminate this Agreement at any time, upon thirty (0) days written notice, if the other falls to perfCl:1 any of its material obligations heremder within that 3O-day period. This Agreement shall not be binding lI~nn Contractor and Contractor shall be relieved of any and all obligations, llab 11 1 ties, and responsibiliti ':$ hereunder with regard to any Power Module and/or Battery that has been sLbject to neglect, accident, mizus", misapplication, incorrect connection or external damage or that has been subject to repair or alteration n~t authorized by Ca'ltractor in writil'Y:]. The terms and conditions of this Agreement csmot be modified or wa!vf:j except by a writ1l'Y:] sl!;flE!d by the parties hereto and waiver by Contractor or Owner of any provision hereof L" any cne instance shall not constitute Q ~aiver a5 to any other instance. If a provision of this Agreement -,::; invalidated for any reason, this Agreement remains binding except for such invalid provision. Pny payment not made ..nen clJe shall be stbject to an interest charge of 1.5X per month or ftaction theIf!Of. or maxi"-' 1.1: permitted by law whichever is less, Additionally, if any payment is not made when due, Contractor r;o!;cr~'~~ the rlr;j'1t to ref'use to provide any fUrth~r services until such payment and the applicable interest h::rlp. bel:-'fl received. lhil> I\~~t &1:1811 1:19 eElf'l:tFU89 Inaccordance--wUR BAcJ 5'3\'e",,~El by lews or ~ ~t8te -<8f tlC'r',:', Co1!1'sHne . jIIIl,.... ~M'.... F'SC17rJ6 '-~ ,~ :~~ ~ .~ '~ ..:; :~~~ .,-. .~ ,< "~ ~j ;1 .~ :1. ~ .'.~ '~ 1 ~ ,; :~ 'il :1 cJ " "'{ ';\ j rj,'~ !1 I I =Il I 'J- , . SCHEDULE A-u 5 X 8 FULL MAINTENANCE FOR SERIES 1000 UPS POWER MODULE The 5 X 8 Full Maintenance for UPS Power \lodule includes Corrective Maintenance fer the Power Module as set forth below. Contractor shall, between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Fridays, with the exception of holidays observed by Contractcr, provide Corrective Maintenance for ordinary wear and tear to the Power Module Equipment and correct any Power Module Equipment which does not function properly. After each visit, Contractor will provide Owner with a written report describing the condition of the Power Module Equipment and any Corrective ~1aintenance performed by Contractor, The Owner shall from the commencement date of this Agreement: (1) maintain the ambient air temperature of the Power System area within the limits specified by Contra,~tor; (2) in the event of Power System failure, record immediately, all alarm reaeouts together with the Power Systems' serial number and Power System~r KW rating at the request of Contractor. The owner shall, unless other...:ise specified in this sgreeme!1t, maintain the Battery in strict accordance with the Battery Manufacturers' recommended maintenance site at no cost to, and solely for the safety of, the Contructor. Notwithstanding anything in the Agreement to the contrary, such rcp:'csentl1tive shall have no authority to waive or modify the terms and conditions of the Ag~'8ement. In order that Contractor may perform its obligations under this Agreement, Own~r shall grant Contractor ready access to the PO'..'ier System subject to re,1sorl~blc security requirements. If the Power :\1odule fails to function properly, the Owner should notify the Regional or District Field Service 0 ffice of Contractor which will send a repl'esentative bet"ne'.:n the house of 8 :\:\1 and 5 P:\l, :\!onday through Fridays, to inspect and repair ti~e Power :\lodule so that it functions properly: Corrective :\laintenance provided by Contractor shall include, and be expressly limited to, maintenance for ordinary wear and tear to the Power :\lodule, travel expenses, all necessary parts replacements, adjustments, and repairs. If the Owner maintains sRare parts at the maintenance. site, Contractor may, as its option, use those site spare par:s in the performance of Corrective l\laintenance. Contractor shall replace the spare parts which it so uses. The Warranty set forth below replaces the warranty contained in Paragraph 5 on the reverse side of the :\Iaster :\laintenance Agreement: WARRANTY: Contractor shall perform all maintenance in a professional and workmanlike manner, provtded that Owner shall meet its obligations set forth herein, Contractor warranty that the Power i\lodule shall be made to function in accordance wLth published Exide Electronics specifications. THIS WARRANTY IS OWNER'S SOLE RE:\IEDY AND IS EXPRESSLY ~~ LIEU OF, AND THERE ARE NO OTHER, EXPRESSED OR J;\lPLIf.:D GUARANTEES OR WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY DIPLIED WARRANTY OF I\1ERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Contractors' obligHtions under said Warrnnty are conditioned upon receipt of all payments due from Owner including interest charges, if any. LGL:AG:rlT013g' -" ,.-..,.:.~.:.,...., ",""",.,-_".-,,.,.~-,,:..,..~..,,,",,_-,,......o..a.'_._..,~w:>;;r .-....,'~::'~....".'___.-.-___"".,'_...._.~..~___ ."'IT 11. _ _, "" ,,1' 4 . . :;. II UU " ;j! LUU ,.'~. '~I'," " " ~ .,,',;. ..~ ~, .,',:1.'., ~ . .,':: i~,,',"; ..~. " ~ " -~J'1 ,ij .~ j'.~ :"" f:' .~ ,~ '~ ''i ,:',It ~.? :,\1"',',, :,~ -,;...1 , FULL MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS - 7 X 24 Coverage $2140.00 - 5 X 8 Coverage $1200.00 CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS - 7 X 24 Coverage $1530.00 - 5 X 8 Coverage $930.00 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS - 7 X 24 Coverage $1330.00 - 5 X 8 Coverage $575.00 EXTENDED WARRANTY CONTRACT N/A NOTES: 7 X 24 Coverage: 5 X 8 Coverage: \ Service is provided 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Service is provided 8AM to SPM, Monday through Friday. Any requested service outside these hour~ is billable at our current rates. . Full ~laintenance: Contract covers labor, parts(excluding battery) and expenses for corrective service. Corrective Maintenance: Contract covers only labor and expenses for service. Needed parts are invoiced at our prevailing rate. Preventive Maintenance: Contract covers (1) major PM per year. Includes mechanical and electrical hceckout of module and system operation, Does not cover corrective maintenance. Extended Warranty: Extends gO-day limited warranty on labor and expenses to one year to coincide with one-year parts warranty. ~ J.l1l__ ~ _ ,..__ ,_ __...4J ~:""'''''''''''''''..\JIIII''''''''''''''' ,.,. . ,~~:..'C... ~.~,'-'!:.,':7T:'Y~~~.'-~"'-:-~;:'~.~,:::.,.,... __~_ .' "~il.Jr::: -;:;;:~ :'7'~ · U n ~/f'JtJrv.;;J . "..; , CUSTOMER SUPPORT OPERATIONS EXIDE ELECTRONICS TIME AND MATERIAL SERVICE RATE SCHEDULE The following rate schedule applies to ell non-warranty services and non-eentracted serv1ces performed by Ex1de Electronics Cus- tomer Support Operat1ons service personnel. ., 1. LABOR A. Weekday Service 8AH-5PH, Monday-Friday $ 95.00 per hour $760.00 per day B. Weekday Overtime Service 5PM-8AH, Monday-Friday $142.50 per hour $1140.00 per day C. Saturday, Sunday And Holiday Service $ 190.00 per hour $1520.00 pel:" day !I. MINIMUM DILLING Four (4) hours ~~ -~ ; III. CALCULATION OF CHARGES Portal to Portal IV. EXPENSES A. Travel 1. Automobile $.25/m11e fer actual round trip miles 2. Public Transportation Actual cost B. Li v 1 ng 1. Hotel 2. Meals 3. Rental Car 4. Other Incidental Actual cost Actual cost Actual cost Actual cost \ Current List Price V. MATERIALS/PARTS USED . VI. EMERGENCY PARTS SHIPMENTS A. B. Next Day Delivery Counter to Counter via Sprint, Dash, etc. !. $150.00 $250.00 j ~ , i ,~ '~ ;,1 FSRS 11/10/67 ;.-t , " I ,~ '. ~-~"",""~ _ __ -....::liI_~.lI"'W\r_........_.,......_._.....,......'-.---...-.._ ~ ilc-..,