Resolution 189-1989 County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 189-1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN ACE BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND MONROE COUNTY CONCERNING THE JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR 1315 WHITEHEAD STREET BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a contract agreement by and between Ace Building Maintenance and Monroe County concerning Janitorial Services for 1315 Whitehead Street, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 4th day of April A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Ai7~~ Mayor/Chairman cO ~~.C'l '-(I (Seal) -0 .J::::,. Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk f~ -..J J2L ;(J~/j)4 APMoVED AS TO FORM A~g L'iteM S'J~' 7;'EN,CY. t)' r-~Y ~ztt.. .;t.o. U.. / AA 1/ l ,. ArTJ-'-'--~ ,'fJ;f.1,Yhv:..- A G R E E MEN T THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 4th day of April, 1989, by and between the COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called party of the first part, and Ace Building Maintenance, hereinaf- ter called party of the second part: WIT N E SSE T H: That the parties hereto for the consideration hereinafter named, agree to the following: 1.) The party of the second part shall furnish janitorial services, including all necessary supplies and equipment required in the performance of same, for the SOCIAL SERVICES AND VETERANS' OFFICE, located at 1315 Whitehead Street, Key West, Monroe Coun- ty, Florida. 2. ) Party of. the second part has agreed to perform the fol- lowing cleaning chores: A.) General cleaning - Five (5) nights/week commenc- ing Monday and ending on Friday. All tile floors are to be dust mopped and/or damp mopped as necessary. All furniture and furnishings dusted and spot cleaned. All walls and woodwork spot cleaned to a height of six (6) feet monthly. Low ledges, sills, rails and baseboards dusted and/or spot cleaned. All ashtrays emptied, damp cleaned and polished. All cigarette burns cleaned and debris removed. Clean and polish all drinking fountains. All trash receptacles emptied, trash can liners changed. All glass entrance doors shall be washed and polished inside and outside. All other glass partitions, interior doors, mirrors, etc., to be washed and polished as needed. Vacuum all upholstered furniture. Carpets in all traffic areas are to be vacuumed nightly, complete area also to be vacuumed nightly. Sweep all stairs, landings, breezeway area, and brick area once a week. Pressure clean breezeway twice a month. Pressure clean entrance area and walls once a month. B) Rest Room Sanitation. All floors swept with a straw broom, loose dirt removed. Wash and disinfect floor and upon completion floor is to be mopped to a damp dry condition. Stall partitions damp cleaned. All commodes, urinals, basins and vanities shall be scoured and disinfected. All urinal traps shall be specially cleaned and disinfected on a regularly scheduled basis. All sanitary napkin receptacles will be cleaned, waste disposed, and disinfected. All supplies shall be replaced nightly. All slop sink closets to be cleaned completely each week, and mops, buckets, etc., removed to storerooms after usage. All other work necessary to maintain a clean and sani tary condition in these restrooms shall be accom- plished whether it is specifically noted in these speci- fications or not. C) Stripping, buffing and refinishing of floors. Floors will be stripped and refinished on a regular scheduled basis, so as never to allow a build-up of old finish to accrue anywhere on the floors of the complex. D) High dusting and other periodic services frequency as indicated. All door vents cleaned weekly. All high dusting, i.e., pictures, door frames, air vents, etc., shall be cleaned monthly. All walls dusted monthly. All interior windows washed bimonthly. All janitor rooms and closets to be cleaned at all times. All carpeting will be-regularly inspected and spotted as necessary. Clean/Shampoo all carpeted areas twice a year. E.) Shifts shall be arranged by the contractors to provide the maximum amount of janitorial services with the least amount of interference to clients. Contractor shall provide all supplies necessary for the cleaning performance of his work under the con- tract. Hand soap, sanitary napkins and paper towels will be supplied by the contractor. All supervision, labor, equipment, supplies, taxes, bonding and insurance furnished by the contractor. Minimum limitations of required insurances are: Pqblic Liability - $500,000.00 Property Damage $300,000.00 Workers Compensation - $100,000.00 Cause for termination may be for any reason whatsoev- er at any time by either party by giving prior notice of not less that thirty (30) days to the other party by registered or certified mail. Payments and invoices- contractor shall invoice Coun- ty monthly for general cleaning services performed under the specifications contained herein. 3.) The party of the first part shall pay to the party of the second part for the performance of said service as follows: $8,700.00 per year to be paid $725.00 per month in arrears, on or before the 1st day of each month for twelve (12) months. 4.) This contract shall be for a period of one (1) year commencing on the day in which it has been executed by both par- ties. 5) The party of the first part shall have the option to renew this agreement after the first year, which terminates on April 3, 1990, for three (3) years. The contract amount agreed to herein will be adjusted annually in accordance with the Offi- cial u.s. Government Consumer Price Index (CPI) and applied annu- ally during the term of this agreement. Increases in the con- tract amount during each option year period shall be extended into the succeeding years. 6. ) Either of the parties hereto may cancel this agreement by giving the other party thirty (30) days written notice of its intention to do so. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA By Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest: Clerk SECOND PARTY By (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest: MQ~1U- ~\~W\~ W. NESS ' ';,);{ UCENSE YEAR 1 QP.5-19R9 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE City of Key West, Florida No. 50016139012 .- THIS LICENSE MUST BE PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED LICENSE PERIOD BEGINNING 10/01/88 ROUGH 09/30/89 PENALTY SCHEDULE . NO REFUNDS WINDOW WASHERS EFlOOR a..EANERS::JANITORIAl ;- 50.00 55.00 57.50 UCENSE FEE OCTOBER NOVEMBER BUSINESS ADDRESS: TYPE UcefSE: ~ Q IUSlNESSr NAIIE: ( AC~ P.O. 80:< 2763 BUILDING MAINTENANCE OWNER: ACE BUILDING MAINTENANCE ADDRESS: 2401 HARR I S .A VENUE CITY:,- KEY WEST FL 33040 '~'.u.. , _' ,_ . ' ", -.,jI........ --.. ~~_.. ~ . .-.," J' _. ...... _.. 1: (iJ ,r ~ " ,] :~.d ~o~ .... , . ~ STATE CERTIFICATE NUMBER 1 F-~ ..~..v F_ ICM1GtU.., Ie . IA. COLLicro~ .t'~"G] " ,,- O_aUU 'lot III ~ - ':111 ailJlsr.. #L 3JO'1",113' 1 Pl.EASE SEE BACK OF FOAM COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE 1911-198 '9 " II I .0. COUNTV-sTATE OF FLORIDA " · lltlSLICENSEEXPIRES ,S,"'I...I.' 10.. 1'19 :~M~ l '''IILO'.' S .t , ..I&a cu~.aMI .,1 II IM'L01.IJ "..~ ~~U~W TAX COST AND I PENALTY' " nn ) ,-:) I I !... 01; l:en >~ z- OO mm OZ 'Ill:: ,,- ~en 0." :Ill: -'" Cz >- ",en ...x >m "'0 l:_ "'Z' m en TRANSFER FEE TOTAL DUE ~". j-~ LleIIS'E. tel .UILDING ftaIHt'I.." .'DI JUDY OW.EII P'O SOl 2763 .., ~'Jl Il 33060 LG'~IJO" _ODJL. UNJ' 'fM& &~Q~I LJCIM", JI li..81 ~JC'MSIJ la 11"01 IN THi IU!JNESS P'lO,.&ssuu, aM OGCIJ"1101 a. S J-/f-T; .' "AIIJJM"ludl6,Jf.lHIGHT'" '21.:50 Ck 01~B~iM:l~.UIf.lYAECE'PTlNO .Ie l: 0 UIII r MU.... Ii M J' ~';U d , MACHINI SHOWING TRAH8ACnON NtiliiA:-IiAf&;' ~ XMbuNT PAlO, .-.---- THIS LICENSE MUST BE POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY IN YOUR PLACE OF BUSINESS '---------~---,-- ' , ~.... :.... : .; ~\e.II.. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ISSUE DATE (MMIDDIYV) PRODUCI!R THE PORTER ALLEN COMPANY 513 SOUTHARD ST. KEY WEST, FL. 33040 X 3-15-89 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE .AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE CODE POQ194 SUB.coDE COMPANY A LETTER CIGNA INSURANCE COMPANY INSURED JUDY EADY DBA ACE BUILDING MAINTENANCE PO BOX 2763 COMPANY B LETTER COMPANY C LETTER COMPANY D LETTER COMPANY E LETTER COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO LTR TYPE 01' INSURANCE POLICY NUMBI!R POLICY EFl'ECTlYI! POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MM/DDIYV) DATE (MMIDDIYY) ALL LIMITS IN THOUSANDS GENERAL LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR, SVPD19993814 OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT, GENERAL AGGREGATE S 500,000 PROOUCTS-COMP/OPS AGGREGATE S A 9-30-88 9-30-89 PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJURY EACH OCCURRENCE FIRE DAMAGE (Any on. fire) MEDICAL EXPENSE (Anyone person) COMBINED SINGLE $ LIMIT 800fL Y INJURY $ (Per plltllOll) BODILY INJURY $ (Per lICCident) S 500,000 S 500,000 S 50,000 S 5,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY S DAMAGE EXCESS LIABILITY EACH AGGREGATE OCCURRENCE S S OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKER.B COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIA8tUTY STATUTORY $ S S (EACH ACCIDENl) (DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT) (DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPEflATIONSILOCAnoNSIVIHICLESIREITRlCTIONSlIPI!C1AL ITEMS JACKSON SQUARE '315 WHITEHEAD ST. --l'US~UILDING ! CERTIFICATE HOLDER MONROE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENJ WING II STOCK ISLAND KEY WEST, FL. 33040 CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL -1D- DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIASI TV F ANY KIN N THE C P . ITS A R REPRESENTATIVES, ACORD 25-S (3/88) ~ @ACORD CORPORATION 1988 "Adll-,.,;j>l\t" .~w.. .:~ 1~-.UIi'Ii' ;,.,..4 V..'...;!'."""'.-,.,...,;,.,~"ll'jl;i;i.,.,"jlij.;,...'. !E.'l,.""...l>'li...'..,.,......... .,..,...~r."..l~f',f.';~. .~...:',:~...~~..i;;~;;~7'~'t:;..i,_'1. ;c'.I,iIil.i.l.'.', "'.' ~."""""';".~;.~."_:.,,;..,,., "~''I''lI'" ,... """""'1ll!l,"_ ,,..'..~.. l!IIII/. .'.'. AR WCIP ISSUING OFFICE 570 INFORMATION PAGE ACCOt.::'1T ~O. 47 50 06 POLICY :-'0. 'LIBERTYfa MUTUAL. Liberty:\lutuallnsurance Group/Boston LIBERTY ttUTUAL INSURANCE COHPANY 11628 o CO SALES OFFICE CODE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Polic}. CODE N, 1ST YEAR CI-351-475006-01891/6FORT LAUDERDAL 507 ASSIGNED Item 1. ~ame of JUDY EADY, DOING BUSINESS AS Insured ACE BU I LD I NG & MA I NTENANCE 2401 HARRIS AVE. Address KEY WEST, FL 33040 000 1 88 FEIN 263941596 Status INDIVIDUAL Other workplaces not shown above: Item 2. Policy Period: From Mo. DIY Vllr 11 19 88 12:01 AM Mo. DIY Vea, to 11 1 9 89 standard time at the address of the insured as stated herein, Item 3. Coverage A. Workers Compensation Insurance: Part One of the policy applies to the Workers Compensation Law of the St3 listed here: FL B. Emplovers Liability Insurance: Pan Two of the policy applies to work in each state listed in item 3.A. The lin of our liability under Part Two are: Bodily Injury by Accident $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 each accident Bodily Injury by Disease $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 each employee Bodily Injury by Disease $ 50 0 , 0 0 0 policy limit C. Other States Insurance: Part Three of the policy applies to the states, if any, listed here: ALL STATES EXCEPT THOSE LISTED IN ITEM 3A AND THE STATES OF NV NO OH WA WV WY D. This policy includes these endorsements and schedules: See attached endorsements and schedules. Item 4. Premium - The premium for this policy will be determined by our Manuals of Rules. Classifications, Rates and Rating Plans. All information required below is subject to verification and change by audit. PremIum Basil Riles LI='E 11 0 Classifications PRODUCER OF RECORD THE PORTER ALLEN COMPANY 513 SOUTHARD ST. KEY WEST, FL 33040 SEE SCHEDULE(S) Cod. No. En,mlled Total Annuli Remuneration Per SIIIO or Re. muneratlon Estlmateo Annual PrfmtUmS SECTI FLORI LAW R COMPA POLIC CONSU CONTA COMPA 440.56( A WORKERS QUIRES VO V TO PROV HOLDER WI TATION UP T YOUR IN Y FOR FUR ) OF TH COMPENS R INSUR DE YOU H A SAF N REQUE URANCE HER,DE TION NCE HE TV T. ILS. ~Iinimum Premium $ 31 7 (FL) Total Estimated Annual Premium $ Interim adjustment of premium shall be made: ANN U ALL Y *N*9NOO* ARC Deposit Premium $ 25 317 317 This policy, including all endorsements issued therewith, is hereby countersigned by AuthonzeO Representallve Term. Oper. AB 1 1/16/89 NEW GPO 4030 we 00 00 01 '-'-"- "'-'....:.........-'-;.,.....~.. ... -.-' ..i'\.o-~...~....,....,~".,-~..,.... ............"'........,.'1' .....h. ... ,,__~, " \VORKERS' COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY Sl:PPLE:\fE:\7 TO ~FORMA TIO~ PAGE EXCLl;SION: STATE OF MA~E I. The fOllowing statement is inserted under Item 3.A. of the Information Page: Item 3.A. does not apply and will not be endorsed to apply to the Workers' Compensation Law of the State of Maine. II. The following statement 1s inserted under Item 3.C. of the Information Page: Item 3.C. does not apply and will not be endorsed to apply to the State of Maine. III. The fOllowing statement is inserted under Item 3.D. of the Information Page: Any and all current and future endorsements and schedules to this policy (including but not limited to Voluntary Compensation and Employers' Liability Coverage Endorsement; Longshoremen's Harbor Workers' Compensation Act Endorsement) exclude insurance for the State of Maine. ThiS endorsement IS executed by the LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Premium S Effective Date expiration Date For attachment to POlicy No. AUdit BasIs IsSued To WCl-351-475006-018 ~~ ~L.C4~NT 1 Countersigned by............ ..... ........................................................... AUltlorlzect Represenc.tlve Issued Sales Office and No. End. Serial No. :, """. ,.~;,$~' . -""'" i.o!t . . "~_ij",,,,,,,"if.~rilJml:i" ..~. L.,...:!t€~ ", ".,'w' ," -"":'~".~.::':-:..' ^~,...,._... '.,.~._.,.'-""., -, ItemA. Extension Schedule - Index of Classifications. CLASSIFICATION OF OPERATIONS CODE ~O. EXPENSE CONSTANT 990 900 ADJUSTMENT TO MEET MINIMUM BUILDINGS - OPERATIONS BY CONTRACTORS 000 Policy No. WC1- 351-4 750 06-018 GPO Z924 Page l'lo. 1 It~m 4., Extension Schedule. Classification of Operations Premium Basis Rate EnlriH in Ifti. U_. ..cepe n epecilicallr Estimated Per S100 Estimated provided .'__. in eh;. pelley. do Code Total Annual of Annual noe _ify _.r ehe oCher prllWl.l_ or Chi. polley. No. Remuneration Remuneration Premium FL 9000 IF ANY 5.15 0900 8 ADJUSTMENT TO MEET MINIMUM 0990 23 STATE TOTAL.. 31 ~ Experience :\.todification:. 3J Policy ~o. WCl-35l-475006-0l8 GPO 2923 Page ~o. 2 .;a . . NOTICE OF DIVIDEND CLASSIFICATION ~otice is hereby given that this policy is classified in Class XVI - Assigned Risks (Other than Massachusetts); and the notice of dividend classification appearing on the filing back of the policy is hereby amended accordingly. ThiS endorsement is executed by the LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Premium S Effective Cate For attaChment to POlicy No. Audit Basis ISSued To expiratIon Cate WCl-351-475DD6-018 ~~ a,L.C4~ 1 CountersIgned by..................................... ....................................... AutllOrlZeo lIIIeprelen,.tlve Issued Sales Office and No. End. Serial No. 1 2114 "',. ,,~