Resolution 204-1989 RESOLUTION NO. 204-1989 Planning Department A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR INLAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 32 Mates Beach No 2, Lot 2 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 32 dated March 9, 1989, attached and incorporated by reference, is hereby acknowledged, found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Sec. 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 4~day of April, A.D., 1989 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By //)/~4I/J Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) AttestDANNY 1... KOLHAGE, Clerk ~;(ff-1,dl! Cl k HOW L 87: t7 d II ;:JdIJ 68. .' ~, , " ilj M EMORAND U M TO: File , Boundary Determination No. 32 FROM: Dianne Bair DATE: March 22, 1989 SUBJECT: Board of County Commissioners Action The Report submitted to the BOCC on March 21, 1989 was to include lots 2 and 3. At the Hearing upon objection from the owner of lot 3, the BOCC approved the boundary determination but excluded lot 3. M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Assoc. AlA, Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning SUBJECT:B~ Determination for Mates Beach No.2, Lots 2 DATE:March 9, 1989 MEETING DATE:March 21, 1989 PLANNER:Ty Symroski BIOLOGIST:Pat McNeese Previous Relevant Board Action: I I ( ) Referral: Yes___No_ Commissioner's District: Recommended Action:Move land use district boundaries to include lots 2 Jf in IS district. Findings of Fact: 1. The designation of the above ;)roperty as Improved Subdi vi sion (I S) rather than Suburban Commercial (SC) will be consistent wi th Section 9.5-213, Purpose of the Improved Subdivision District, and the uses allowed within the district, Section 9.5-242. 2. The determination was made based on the following: The zoning maps in existence before the land use plan show the lots as RU-1. The SCIIS boundary on th,~ maps signE:!d by Charles Pattison is imprecise. Lots 2 and II are the only lots designated SC in the area as a result of a first round map amendment. ~ l' - . --..,..-- ..~ --. - - -' . . Il. Lot 2 is a vacant, filled and disturbed upland area. 3. Analysis of the existing uses on the property and surrounding proper- ties indicate that the essential neighborhood characteristics support the determination to designate Lots 2 and II IS. Action bY:___Ordinance ~_Resolution Citizens Committee Statement: Yes X No Attached Board Policy(ies) Applicable: Planning Commission Action Taken: Yes Date__N.A. Attached Documentation: X Yes No 1. Application 2. Staff Analysis 3. Current Land Use District Map 4. Aerial Photo 5. Zoning pre-1986 6. Land Use District Map effective Sept. 15, 1986 (Pattison) 7. Proposed boundary change APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT 4// AI ~"f/,d~g k :fL~ ~ ~ ~~ ~C?~ , ~~E ~~ ~~~~ ~3 PHONE # ?/c1'~f/t/'t:1 ADDRESS KEY ?~~ MM c?? $ OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? PLAT BOOK PAGE ~./ ;;P-..2 J?cJ SUBDIVISION LOT(S) ~~ BLOCK MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) ~~~ ~~ . REQUEST CHANGE FROM~4 ~LTO~~ ~~..o-~...! REASON FOR REQUEST: ~ ~~ ~ ....5?'~e5 ~ ~/~ ----- ~..s-/..i?~~c?~ PRESENT LAND USE: ~ A';;:::-- DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: ~~ ~~ ?~/?~ ~""",""..v~ ,/ . . SIGNATURE ~ ~~~ Fee pald DATE ~P/ /~;) j -fx; ):;,j/fn . r Y~(Ltdi~(ZJLbtd ~. 'U~ bVliie/fWJoc~ . . ~~) ~~<9~UL--t p~) ~S2J;~ ~ ,bLct&~tnd ) oJ~12h 0vYtd L(~~--4Jz" ~YYL{)l/VL~J{l) (!tL<s~~) CO~ 3. C~f)uJ ~ JG~ ~w~rn. ~ 4 JJjA 5 % . . (f;,. c1ff~ - ~fvl~ ~ IS. )J~: Lb~ '3 L~ sQ .' / / . J I A I, j~ r-- ~ / ., - /~ J ;.YJ f LtLL112 t),--tHL~~ f ~w;rrDVj R) (j,..(}--vc.) !J - -) d - f LX[-'\.1VLC).0(l.c~ . ) M E M 0 RAN DUM Date: March 8, 1989 To George Garrett, Coordinator, Environmental Resources Dept. From: Pat McNeese, Biologist, Env:~ronmental Resources Dept. "1JJ;f\ '\ 1J ,j Re Lot 2, Mates Beach No.2; Donnelly--application for bound- ary determination ----------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION The applicant is requesting a boundary determination be made concerning the referenced lot. The property is presently located within the Suburban Commercial (SC) land use district as is the adjacent lot to the south, Lot 3. The adjacent lot to the north, Lot 1 is located within the Mixed Use (MU) land use district as a result of a map amendment effective since June of 1988. Most of Mates Beach No. 2 is included within the Improved Subdivision (IS) land use district. The SCIIS boundary falls between Lots 3 and 4, Mates Beach No. .2. The applicant feels that his lot (Lot 2) should be located wi thin the IS district. If this were the case, Lot 3 would also be included within the IS district. SITE DESCRIPTION Lot 2 is a vacant lot located within a filled and disturbed up- land area dominated by buttonwood and Brazilian pepper trees. The lot is located along a manmade canal. Lot 3 is also charac- terized by filled upland and has an existing single family resi- dence and dock. EVALUATION Both lots (2 and 3) appear to fit the purpose of the IS land use district much more closely than that of the SC land use dis- trict. They are located wi thin a platted sub(Uvision and are filled disturbed properties. The applicant's stated intent for the use of Lot 2 is a single family residence and there is an existing single family residence on Lot 3. Moving this boundary would have the effect of eliminating the SC zoning altogether from the west side of Barry Avenue. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the IS boundary be moved from its present location along the Lot 3/Lot 4 boundary to a new location along the Lot 2/Lot 1 boundary where the new district boundary would then become an IS/MU boundary. cc: Jeanne DuBois ;,,':~~"";'" , ..<~......~..:._.....,~~~,_._~...._" ,,' ..-.. ..'~. ',:-;r'-,~ '.~.<:::.._t,-i="""';:~~:l',\!,:,'1'It}::: "~.;~~.':l<-", Ie .. ~; I.>. "J"\ " : : · I ! :: : a, ~ '\ I S '\ - ., ~~ 3 I ..!I ~ \ \ ".' f \\ M ~ I 11 F I , I 11 1 11 1 \ , I I ~, , I: ~ . . - "L;~ , . . (1 \ I \ I , IIIN'!' Y Rnl!. n ,,~ . ---- r- ""------~,..------_________, II .. II ~ .. ~; or .. ~~ ,'. \ \ ... '\\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J \ w...---~v'-~ 1\ : \ .. \ '," \ .. , T. ,\. I r-u--------- \.. of \ \ II ~. \ \\ r - ~ MATES \ ~$lY: \ \ :. \ \ .'. \~\ tI" ~\... sBEA~ .. \ \ H \ \ .. " ~A \\\ ~, ~ r" ',{ .. \.. -n" 10< ,~';1" i: ~ - ~1 MU \.. ,... \~ l ..~~ i1.~\rCiift \!t ~II . \ Ie \ II \~ .,~Ch c. \1' (,:.JI -\- \ II \~ .. \~ Ie t~ 11 \A\ 7 - 1 · ~\~\ \ ... \~\ M ~ .. ,~ 14 ~\\~\\' / 'Ir',..', , -H<<',... ., --(~ ~~N~~"n \ \ _ \ __ \\\.. I ::: e Q ~ ~ - ~ ~ to- ~ U ., . . . . ~\\ - IU ~Q) .~~~-- I . 4 1 . . Pursuant to Ordinance 039-1987 and Rule 9J-15.006 F.A.C., the Monroe County land Use District Map is amended as of June 27th,1988 and indicated above and briefly. described as: Include lot 48 on County Rd, in IS designation. Add East/West and North/South boundaries around lot~ /,...-e-, 3 o-Yir' . Beach. Keep previous designation of ~ C. '- ~---(. \.. -7 (S~heets 3718~71A) DirecTor, Growt~anagement ~ Sheet # 371 (B) Amendment # 56 N 1 I I 1-=200' . J . N A... Mlap., Monroe County, Florldll Real Eetate Data, Inc. z.3U-> Ecltlon, 19 f 1...00' f Pane. ., .....t# 47 AppIIe....: j)rJ ,-1/"; e-u- v Key: ~/ Tl'Z-r-- 77J rc ff ~f Lr 3 File # PJ. -r~ JIf: LH ,# L ".e MIl,.,: 2-K ....1_. H_ . ...:......-'......~-;'l __.=! ".\ ~ \ 'I ..-..---- ~. -;-T~--- ---... T I --'--."--'~-7, N~':" ';, "Tfj l,.; \ ---/ ...~. ... \ \..- ... \ \-~7 -.-- \ ~ -::... ' .~ .. \. .. ..... : \ n'\ ,,' -;;---. ~r-:- -..l- .. '. \}~ '" 11.----- - '- t'\ ~ ry-- ., r) .. _ .- "'fIl' ,... CD . . ~- --- ..A N}~i- \ --=:+z.-- "'" ~ R' U { 2' 4.. .~ '~~ ~ . ~.. l,;-'J. ",' '," P f., 'l \'~, ( .... ' t;-;, N N Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 ~ 1"=200' ~ Panel or SheetN IS":L Applicant: p" L/,uez.c.y Key: L/ 17Z..? 7I!i.~c#- LQ/> 2.,,$ File" II1Af6t; t!>E/k h' /iiI? 7- Mile Marker: '2 f \ 1, 1".254 ~~ \ \ (L o( \ \ ~---J --,\ . \ \ \ \ I ) I ' I I J , I ( I _ _ ..... I J' S .' ( I' I ( I \~1 J I ,..J( I It l ~ \ .. I ( \ I "- i 1-\- ~ j~ N I 1"... 600' j .c:: ,- '.-~'''w.,..., Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by 8.0.C.C., February 28,19'86 Panel or Sheet# ~/i?fz./ Flle# .Ji.}d.l~Adl#.:l Applicant: })oBAlezLY Key: 1-/77Le; -77N..LII I + \ L '/ -) \~, ~, \ ~ r- .,.. 1 J4\ '~ : ;:~ ~ I ..... :;. 1 , '/, , , /: '.-;:J ~ I JR I , t-) - - ~ -, \ NA t I ~ Po,w I I~ ./ @ Mile Marker: 2? ~.~... _ .-__ ,,_nn ."._ · I ~'ll!!1 t r.! ': J t \.... t I. 1- ~ n · \. t. I 1 I · 1'-1""'.' ., · · ~ t ~-----------~~------a~-------______ 1~ 1_ ,,' 1 \. \-:.~\---------- . .. .. . . at . . ." \ ll~' · ~ , ,--------- l L1. b~. I - .. II ........-4: I I : ~ .. II'" \ \ .. ,.' ~--: :: \\. I i - - - - - - - -- . \ . . \ . ~. \\\ _~' . or \ .. or \ \: .', ~. ~\ p, · \ \\: \ \. \ .. \ . \\\ 11 f v.\ , . \ \ . \ \ . " . ,,\ ~- - ~ l- \. \ \ · \.. .U\.l~ t.rr.s, \'. \....:, ~.\ - \ · , · 1 ~ )\ .., at Jl. ~"'~Je --~ [;? \ ~ \. \." ,,~ I. . --F ~ ;-\ \~ \.. i .... II 1 · ~-rL- \~: \:'~ : " : ~.- - 1 \ ~ , , ~1I. \ - - -. \.. - ~ ~~ --. . \ tr \ '" \ \ I .. p~ . \ . \\ . ~-";'-1\ ;1 r \ l 1 \.. _ _ _1 L .~\ " \ , · \ \\. \. \ \\] \ .. \.\r-~-~ \-~.. \ ,~.,. · \ \ _ , _ ...::... ~;) ~~ fit Yil' .. · "J~ l ., \\\ \~ \\\ \\\ \ \\ \1\ . Pur..ft' t. leetlon '.1-24(.)(..". .f 'M .....,.. c...e, CoM, tho lito.....".. of tho Land tlee Dlatrlct ..... .e Interpreted to be located aa Indicated above and briefly de.crlbed _: Delete IS/SC boundary between lots 3 and 4. Add ~J/TS boundary between lots 1 ;md? (NO'T'F.. T.nh:::: 4h. 47. ;::mri __ 48 added to IS previously.) Direct.... Growth .an..ement Sheet# 371 Key Little Torch Date BOCC R..otutlon "..-.,. s . -7 I I I , , , I ~ \ --i I I ,/ I ,~ -\ . . "::J N 1 I I lM.200' -- -- J)annp JL. 1&olbage '- BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY . MARATHON. FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 743.9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST. FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305l 294.4641 April 13, 1989 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY. FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852.9253 . ICERTIFIED MAIL " RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Department of Community Affairs Howard Building 2571 Executive Center Circle, East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 po;1'7I?Jf-/'-.:J.. and Department of Community Affairs Post Office Box 990 Key West, Florida 33041 fo~1 -{ ~~ /?tJ Gentlemen: o At a Regular Meeting in formal session on April 4, 1989, the BoarB of County Commissioners of Monroe county adopted Resolution No. 204-1989 confirming the Administrative Boundary Interpretation of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 32, Mates Beach No.2, Lot 2, Little Torch Key. Enclosed please find a certified copy of said R~olution. i Very truly yours, ... r Danny L. Kblhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board of County Commissioners i " cc: Mayor M. Puto Commissioner E. Lytton County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Asst. Co. Admin. D. Craig File .-~._-_.,.._- -..---.--- ..- -.---' .~;dN'p'ER,:.,C~mpl~te Items 1 and 2 when ad ,itlon81 sorv &sIred, and complete Items 3 Put your address In the "RETURN TO"Sp card from being returned to you. The retu~~e r~e~~ ~vers1Uslde. ~allure to do this will prevent this delivered to and the date of deliverv, For addlt . ~ _8 w... oravlda YOU the name of the oenon po,tm.ster for f881 and check box (81) for addltl lon~1 f~~. tt)8 following 8ervlce. lire available. Con,ult 1. 0 Show to whom delivered date and 8ddre~'~:'!Is:rv ce I requested. , t(Extra ChargeJt '- .-!dress. 2. 0 Restricted Delivery 3. Article Addressed to' t(Extnz charge)t . 4. Article Number .e,... PI.. . Q 1:)'2. -..~ ......1.116.1.,.[\. ~ V _ \ ' Type of Service: -;;a.c..'"'\\ ~V,...\~..- 't.a.....~..... 0 Registered ~ : ..~~ L l!.. _ _.l. 0 Certified l::. ~ 0 Express Mail \~~I"Q.t.: ~1,01 . 5. Signature X Addressee 6. Signature X PS Form 3811, Mar. 1987 1-.... * U.S.G.P.O. 1987-178-268 P 027 136 170 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAll (See Reverse) SpeCial Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee '" '" 0> ~ () . o ~ ., c o '" M E (; .. <f) 0. P 027 136 162 \Ie RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAil D Insured D COD Always obtain signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. 8. Addressee's Address (ONL Y if requested and fee paid) Postage Certified Fee DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT J ~ i! o l!l E (; .. <f) 0. Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee .SENDER: Complete Item. 1 end 2 when eddltlon,1 ..,vle.. .r. d..lred. end campi_Item. 3 end 4. ' PUt your add,... In the "RETURN TO" ~ on th. rev... .Ide. F,lIure to dothl. will prevent thl. c.rd from being returned to you. Th, rMU'g "'.Iraft.. WIlJoM VGU ~. na(I)8I of e. ~ dellv.red to and th. data of dallVrV, or td "fen. ...,w:o ...."..tvIMt-.... avillhIb" CONU t postm..t.r for f... end check box ..) for addltlONI ..rvloet,) requ, . . 1. 0 Show to whom delJverftt, dete, end .ddr....... .ddr... 2. t:It,~_rlC1ed~~v...Y t(Extrdcharge)t '_ t~.tNDIwI,...t 3. Article Addressed to: ~ Number :peA (j ~/!J" I~O c TYpe 01 Service: ~6'" (/I-t:-Ia :Eo;< 99 () DFf~ D In,ured ~Cortlfled DCOD K~'f ttJt 6'r/ tt-. ~&:1'1 / E_Mail IWIIY' oo"ln Ilgnature of ..- egont and DATE OJ'qVEAED. 5. Signature - Addressee . Addr_', Addr... (.ONL Y It X requmed .nd tee p, d) 6. Signature Agent L/II~ X~'(Y\.~ 7. Date of ~verY _ ~ -IE, PS Form 3811, Mar. 1987 * U.S.Q.P.O. 1817-178-211 DOMESTIC AETURIt RECEIPT