Resolution 245-1989 Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 245 -1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF MONROE COUNTY CONCERNING A COMPUTER PROGRAMMING CONTRACT WITH NCR, INC. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement on behalf of Monroe County, a copy of same being incorporated by reference and attached hereto, concerning a computer programming contract with NCR, Inc. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 28th day of April, A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: d~~ (Seal) At tes t : DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk -UA~J/ _. .I~I'DAI TO,.. ANDLEGAl.~~ BY~~.z . -- i*tonwy'. c-. FH ), INnO:J 30~NOW 1J .~IJ~lJ ':',:G)'; 'j MmVO 0(: Zd ~- AW 69. O~OJJ~ dOj 031U - lr '........ \v~ '.- """", , ~,...~. -- "......./ '-- ...,/ 'r- , ~ NCR Reference Number Order Number Order Date 4-10-89 o ORDER ONLY o ORDER AND BILLING o CWO RECEIPT Customer Purchase Order Number ~[31a SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ORDER/BilliNG AUTHORIZATION F-6756 0786 Sold To Customer Name Monroe Count Courthouse Street Address 500 Whiteh ad City. State. Zip Code Ke West FL 33040 Customer Number Bill To Customer Name For-Use-At Customer Name Street Address Street Address City. State. ZiP Code City. State. Zip Code LINE PROD PRODUCT I.D. - DESCRIPTION INST SHIP PRSC TOTAL RATE AMOUNT NO. RH CRT% CODE CODE HOU RS , 1 BS 9822 I I -, 2 BG 9822-G001-0000 I I 3 CW 9120-9822-0000 Consu1tin2/Pro~ammin2 80 400 : 00 4 CW 9108-9822-0000 Documentation 3.920 I 00 5 CW 9106-9822-0000 Training 800 I 00 6 CW 9120-9822-0000 Project Management 4.950 I 00 7 CW 9100-9822-0000 Travel Time I 3.300 I 00 8 c\j\l\ 9100-9822-0000 Travel Expenses '\ 1 00 I 00 IJ~~' I SUBTOTAL 98,470 I 00 STATE TAX % I I ADJUSTMENTS I I 'i ~.- , TOTAL CHARGE 98,470 i 00 ...., '.,;: ~ 10 -~ ~ THE CUSTOMER SHAll BE THE OWNER OF THE PRODUCT OF PROGRAMMING SERVICES BUT NCR MAY ~ t; RETAIN COPIES. DISCLOSE, AND FURTHER USE THE PRODUCT OF THE SERVICES. -oJ \:' ~ FURNISHING OF PROGRAMS AND/OR SERVICES IS DONE ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND PURSUANT TO I. ~ /, OUR AGREEMENT DATED AND, WHERE APPROPRIATE, TO THE TERMS AND -< " j CONDITIONS SPECIFIED ON THE ATTACHED SUPPLEMENT "A" NO. AND "B" NO. '- t:USWMER SIGNATURE ACCEPTED FOR NCR CORPORATION. DAYTON. OHIO 45479 BY AMOUNT PAYMENT RECEIVED (AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE) ,?~.~".d ~4 r ~, 71. $ Customer Number Invoice To Attention Of: L. Guerr Customer Number CUSTOMER COPY T.C. ORDER BILLING STATEMENT GOII'T GSA TAX SYS. ENGINEERING SYS. ENGINEERING HOORS DISTRICT TYPE FREQUENCY' CODE AGENCY BID ~PT TERRITORY CODE HDQRS. INSTALL. DISTRICT DISTRICT NS NO 5 04 I STAR PROJECT NUWlBER ACCOUNT MANAGERS REVENUE CREDIT DIST. CODE EMPLOYEE NUMBER SUB EMPL Y NO. REVENUE CODE REVENUE 'lC, 9047 773026 00 05 100 ( QUOTA STATUS ACCOUNTING ENTRIES DlST CODE EMPLOYEE NO. S.PERSON COOE % DIST CODE ACC'T NO. SUB ACC'T NO. P.L. DEBIT CREDIT 9047 773026 AM 100 SHIP CODE VALUES 1 - Do Not Ship 4 - Softl/llltr. NCP O"pplie-o ... Gusto,...er ""rchase ~J\e(Jia " ",.;stomer ',S.H~~.~!!<I'.", \J~~:::&, ,<:':",',"";' PAse VALlJES 04 - Software .;yo ''-'1''~;,>;, ,.,to., ;.';: ~!""-;("~ '1(': lit' <$:..,;;.;., '1~~'"'~~," '""'<"1~'>C""'" ISla NCR SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ORDER SUPPLEMENT A - SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND NCR RESPONSIBILITIES DOCUMENT NO. 118658 F-6756-A 1085 Supplements A & B set forth a description of the work to be performed, the responsibilities of the parties and other terms and conditions as indicated. Changes in specifications, scope of work, or additional tasks that are not set forth in these supplements are to be requested in writing by the customer. It is understood that additional tasks may require an adjustment to the order and supplements. NCR agrees to respond to such request in writing and provide an estimate of the impact upon cost and completion of the job. In the event that the customer terminates this agreement, the customer agrees to compensate NCR for the portion of the total charge which the already completed work bears to the whole. , NCR RESPONSIBILITIES lescription Of System Service Products (Relate To Billed Time Product ID's On The Order) NCR will supply Consulting and Programming Services to complete the requirements for Phase I of the Monroe County CJIS Project. The entire CJIS Project was originally bid on 12/19/88 and Phase I will consist of those project requirements as documented in the original bid. This documentation is identified as follows: 1. Detailed RFP Analysis Exhibit A Page 1 and lA - This describes the specific parts , of Phase I. Page 1A notes the specific programs (123) which will be the b~~i~ of thp Manatee County CJIS System to be delivered to Monroe County and are the programs to be utilized in Phase I. The Detailed RFP Analysis refers to Functional Specifications/System Specification~ which are the documented spe:ifications prepared by NCR, under Contract to Monroe County, and delivered to Monroe County on 10/21/88. All technical specifications will conform to the above referenced Functional Specifications/System Specifications unless otherwise mutually agreed upon in writing by both NCR and Monroe County. PHASE I - BASIC SYSTEM (9 PARTS) 1. Convert 123 Manatee County Programs to VRX/E and validate that the programs operate as pe~ the Functional Specifications and the Manatee County documentation delivered with the programs. Test data and output requirement will be supplied by Monroe County. Should the programs not operate as per the documentation CUSTOMER SIGNATURE PECIFICATIONS AND DOCUMENTATION heck the appropriate boxes for Specifications and Documen~ati n to be included. o Layouts - Screen/File 11i'~, ' c. ~ ,\ I... ~ ~~ ~ ~ .\ ~ . 8 ...1 '"" oq:: ;;1Ii (.) Q ". Q: ~.' ~ :~ " DOCUMENTATION SPECIFICATIONS o Narrative of Modifications (Changes, Additions) o Operating Instruction o Report Layout o System Description (Standard NCR Documentation) Doc. # o Program Listing (Change, Addition) o Computations/Formulas o User Manual o 1==\,,,..,, ChaH: M ~11~nI1l1 j t) ,""\"\I"ICl "("1~lImenf<ltlon ~[31a NCR Systems Engineering Order Supplement A F-6756-A Document No. 118658 (cont.) Page 2 correct the programs or NCR wi 11 quote on the cost of corrections as part of a separate contract which will be outside of the scope of this contract. If the total number of programs to be converted exceeds 130, NCR will provide a quotation to Monroe County for additional conversion services. 2. Develop conversion programs to include edit and validation check to convert the existing Monroe County database to a database consistent with the functional specifications. P r i 0 r t 0 c omm en c em en t 0 f con v e r s ion pro g r amm i n g , N CR and Monroe County will jointly review and update the functional specification conversion file definitions of the Manatee County system to ensure they are complete and accurate. Monroe County will provide to NCR field definitions of the existing Monroe County database as utilized for both misdemeanors and felonies. A conversion audit will be provided to identify records or data fields missing or containing invalid data, for purposes of data correction or data entry. 3. Programs that utilize the Defendants Case Number will be changed to utilize the expanded Case Number. 4. Automate Defendant Fine Payments through modification of Defendant Fine (CR052F), Defendant Payments (CR060F), Receipts Listing and Fine Distribution Report. Prepare Programs for Unpaid Fines and Fine and Forfeiture. 5. Merge Traffic Violation System so that Traffic Cases appear on the misdemeanor calendar. 6. Develop Case Sequencing Screen and prepare Detail and Summary Case Sequencing Reports. -7. Develop the transaction Register Report. 8. Permit access to the COLTS and TRANPRO Communications from the Misdemeanor Department. 9. Permit on-line entry of Filing of Charges. START OF PROJECT - NCR will begin the Project on or about 4/24/89 assuming the programs and documentation from Manatee County are available. These programs and documentation are a mandatory requirement of Part 1 of this project and must be completed before any other Part is completed. Test data must also be available to validate the programs before the project can c ornmenc e. ~[3~ NCR Systems Engineering Order Supplement A F-6756-A Document No. 118658 (cont.) Page 3 PROJECr C(JI.WLETION - The pr oj ec t will be comp 1 e ted by 9/30/89 assuming a 4/24/89 start date. NCR will not be held responsible for project delays, beyond the control of NCR, that extend the Project Completion Date beyond 9/30/89. This would include but are not limited to (See Intellectual Properties and Policy) Acts of God, delayed receipt of the Manatee Programs, Manatee Documentation and Test Data, extended research of Manatee Programs and Documentation due to changes to the Manatee Programs S p e c i f i cat ion s doc urn en t e din the Fun c t ion a 1 S P e c i f i c a ti 0 n s completed by NCR dated 10/21/88, and extended delays in the isolation and correction of software errors in the Manatee programs. NCR will not be responsible for correction of program errors found in the Manatee Programs. NCR Project Resources NCR will supply a mInImum of three Systems Engineers on the Project consisting of a Project Manager, Lead Technical Analyst, and a Systems Programmer. NCR will perform a majority of the project in Orlando using an NCR 9800 supplied by NCR and the TRANPRO and TOTAL software systems, to be supplied by Monroe County. NCR will be on-site at Monroe County at various stages throughout the project and at which times NCR will require adequate 9800 machine time and resources during the hours of 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. of regular work days. Project Specificati~ns - The Project Specifications will consist of the Functional Specifications completed by NCR 10/21/88 and Program Specification Documentation delivered to Monroe County from Manatee County along with the Manatee County Programs. It is the responsibility of Monroe County to verify that the software as del ivered by Manatee County performs in accordance with the functional specifications. Where necessary, the functional specifications may be amended in writing by mutual consent of NCR and Monroe County. If the mutually agreed upon 'change requires additional time and effort to implement beyond the original specifications, a quotation will be provided and a change order secured from Monroe County prior to proceeding. , Documentation of Progrwm Changes - NCR will identify within each source program code line changes made under this contract. Code line changes required for VRX to VRX/E compilation will be identified by a conversion tag identifier. Coding line changes required for correction of processing logic will be identified with a maintenance tag identifier and noted in a maintenance comment section within the program. ~[3~ NCR Systems Engineering Order Supplement A F-6756-A Document No. 118658 (cont.) P ag e 4 Test Days - NCR wi 11 correct any program defects resul ting from code changes or additions made by NCR within 60 days of the date of turnover and successful demonstration of the program by NCR. Compliance to Full Functional Specifications It is the understanding of NCR and Monroe County that this contract covers only those items specifically referenced as Phase I of this contract. However, NCR agrees that Phase I development of the Court System will be performed in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Court System for future enhancements to meet the full functional specifications. Project Training - NCR will supply operational training of Monroe County personnel on those new functions and programs completed by NCR as part of this project. Persons to be trained will consist of use r per son n e 1 d ire c t 1 Y i n vol v e din I the 0 per a t ion 0 f the new function or operation, Clerk of the Court Data Processing Personnel, and the Monroe County CJIS Coordinator. Training will not exceed 16 hours in total. NCR Travel and Living Costs - The travel and living costs to be incurred by NCR are' included within the quoted contract price and are noted as a separate line item on Supplement B. Monroe County Travel and Living Costs - Travel and living costs incurred by Monroe County personnel will be the responsibility of Monroe County. Fixed Fee Contract - This project will be based upon a Fixed Fee Contract and will be for the total amount shown on Supplement B and the NCR F-6756 Order Billing Form., The total price is for Consulting Services, Programming Services, Training Services, Documentation, Travel Time, Travel Expenses, and Living Expenses. While the Monroe County costs are fixed, NCR may require more or less time and expenses than those figures shown on the NCR proposals. \.,. ....... "'-- ..-' \". '.~- .......' \ ....... \~ --- -....t \,..r' ...,J '...,) [C] ~[3[a NCR SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ORDER SUPPLEMENT B - SERVICE PAYMENT DETAIL AND CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES DOCUMENT NO. F-6756-B 0582 ~ 120085 PAYMENT DETAIL Est. Due Payment PROD 10, TASK OR DELIVERABLE Date Part 1 - Convert Manatee Programs - Completion of Operational 6/16/89 $22,360 and validation tests of software for compliance to functional specifications as received from Manatee Countv - Does not include correction of program errors isolated. Convert Manatee Countv /-... - ('...... -F; >""Tn .......<>1 "/-<>/-..,, ~l" 7/07/89 ',< .' '~ TOTAL CHARGE (Must equal the Total Charge on the Order) $ 22,360 NOTE: NCR will bill customer monthly for any additional expenses incurred beyond those specified herein. R ESPONSI 81 L1T1 ES Meeti ngs -- NCR and Customer agree to meet on a change. - Technical & Administrative notices required under this agreement are to be directed to: regular basis to review progress, schedules and requests for ForNCR Ms. Judy Dobson, DSEM, Miami For Customer Mr. Tom Long, Monroe County Title Mr. Dave Jordan, Pro i. Mgr., Orlan~jljlle Clerk of the Court - Administrator Customer Responsibilities - Custo'mer agrees to establish procedures to audit the accuracy of input and output documents and file content, and to prepare and otherwise make available proper test data as appropriate for the work performed under this Systems Engineering Service order. In Addition, The Customer Agrees To The Following Responsibilities: 1. Acquire the programs to be used in this project from Manatee County. Monroe County will review all programs and screens by May 1st and identify to NCR modifications or additional requirements which were not previously identified in the functional specifications. 2. Be responsible for correction of program errors in the Manatee County programs. 3. Make adequate time on the 9800 available to NCR personnel when requested and assuming sufficient lead time. 4. Have Monroe County personnel available when scheduled for training by NCR. 5. Appoint a Project Manager to act as a single source of int~rface to the NCR Project Manager. Monroe County Proiect Mana2er w111 assimilate intormation from user Acceptance MMOWoM TOI'OllM - The service provided herein shall be deemed completed upon:AND LEGAL SIJFFlCIFNCr. /.;- n/1/1' / If /!,/J " ;..y ;-S~:J-'-#~~::~~,~"~/i'.....;~~" 'l?'/~-: a 111'" ~ ...C::~~-'C/ ((../F RA...." .,..~...1....t"" NCR Systems Engineering Order Supplement B Service Payment Detail and Customer Responsibilities F-6765-B Document No. 120082 (cont.) ~[3~ departments for purposes of corrununication to the NCR Project Manager or lead analyst. N CR 's c om pIe t ion 0 f the t ask s 0 r del i v era b 1 e s a s des c rib e din Supplement A and attachments. In the case of Program Modifications, Enhancements, or New Programs, completion will be when NCR has demonstrated successful test operations of the programs, training has been completed, and documentation delivered. Prod. ID, Task or Deliverable Est. Du e Date Part 2 - Convert Monroe Colts Data Base to Manatee County Total Data Base 8/4/89 Part 3 - Uniform Case Number 8/4/89 8/25/89 8/25/89 8/25/89 9/01/89 9/01/89 Part 4 - Automate Defendant Fine Payment Part 5 - Merge Manatee County TVS System Part 6 - Case Sequence Screen and Report Part 7 - Transaction Register Part 8 - Access COLTS and TRANPRO in Mi sdemeanor Part 9 - Online Entry Filing Charges 9/01/89 Project Management (60 days from Contract approval) Project Management (120 days from ContrAct approval) Travel Time ($825 each 30 days from Contract approval) Travel Cost ($1,275 each 30 days from Contract approval) TOTAL aIARGE Payment 10,400 6,240 9,520 3,600 7,280 2,560 400 400 2,475 2,475 3,300 5,100 $98,470 ~" .. I ....-