Resolution 276-1989 ..." Planning Department R S U N 0 276-1989 E OL TIO N . A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 37 SOUTHCLIFF ESTATES, TRAG'!' _4_1 KEX__LARQQ_ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 37 dated May 8, 1989, attached and incorporated by reference, is hereby acknowledged, found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Sec. 9.S-3(m), Monroe County Code, and approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a rpgular meeting of said Board held on the 23 day of May , A. D ., 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~'/A .. --~--4I/J- Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest: :o~..x I._K-QT:_.H1\.~~~It 41~fj)~ BY 'I,;}')BHOW 1 '1, iJ SV: L \1 L- NOr 68. . .. , ....1, i~ U J ll.:l ~lli u -.' .~ ,.. .. . M E M 0 R A'N DUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, AE;soc. AlA, Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for stone Ledge Resort, Tract 4, Southcliff Estates, Key Largo DATE: May 8, 1989 MEETING DATE:May 23, 1989 PLANNER:Lorenzo Aghemo BIOLOGIST:Robert Smith Previous Relevant Board Action: 9/17/87( ) Referral: Yes_No_ Commissioner's District: Recommended Action:Approval to extend boundary lines so as to include subject property in the Suburban Commercial District. Summary of RequestfReport: The a.pplicants recei ved approval for a change to Suburban Commercial in the first round of map amendments by the Board of County Commissioners on 9/17/87. The DCA denied the change. This amendment then became a negotiated amendment between DCA and Monroe County. During negotiations the CountyjDCA recommended that the change to SC be accomplished by means of a boundary determination. Findings of Fact: 1. The designation of the above property as SC is consistent with the purpose of the Suburban Commercii,.l District, Sec 9.5-206, and the uses allowed within that district, Sec. 9.5-235. 2. This determination is based Of, the following: A 19 unit motel has been in operation on the parcel since 1975. The previous zoning maps show the property as BU-1 and RU-3. The boundaries on the land use district maps effective Septem- ber 15, 1986, are imprecise and appear to show the property as SC and IS. The land use di stri c1: Plaps signed by Donald Craig show the parcel as SR. A 19 unit motel is noncorforming in IS as well as SR. 3 . Analysis of the existing uses:m the property and surrounding proper- ties indicate that the essentia:_ neighborhood characteristics support the determination to designate the parcel as Suburban Commercial (SC). Action by:_Ordinance --LResoluti.:m Citizens Committee statement: Yes No Attached Board Policy(ies) Applicable: Planning Commission Action Taken: Yes Date_N.A. Attached Documentation: X Yes Nc 1. Application 2. Staff Analysis 3. Land Use District Map effective Sept. IS, 1986 (Pattison) 4. Zoning pre-1986 5. Aerial photo 6. Land Use District Map signed January 19, 1988 by Donald Craig 7. Proposed Boundary Change APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT S'1'ON'R. To'RDGE R'RSOR'l'rINC. PHONE. (305)852-3206 ADDRESS R.R.I], Box 50 Please Send Mail To: P. O. Drawer 535 Kpy T,r1rgo, FL 33037 Tavernier, FL 33070 KEY Largo MM 95 OCEANSIDE OR BAYSIDE? Bayside SUBDIVISION Southcliff Estates PLAT BOOK 2 PAGE 45 LOT(S) N/A BLOCK Tract 4 MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) N/A REQUEST CHANGE FROM REASON FOR REQUEST: IS TO SC See Attached Exhibit "A" PRESENT LAND USE: 19 Unit Motel DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST:COPY of Legal Advertisement of Planning Commission Public Hearings; Copy of pertinent portion of Memorandum from Debra Harrison, Planning Technician, to Don Craig; Copy of La d e D1St .ct MaR slgned by Charles Pattison. SIGNATURE' W" 'ot. rl(.€.sl 'b..,.,,.. DATE 2.lr~{8' SoTOW ~ '- ~ ~ G ~ c,1t ~ 0 k.."'t . S;"'c.. Fee paid 1a ~ 111 Lt .. htlc.. 1111 LeIIII.tIct. 1111 ..... h"... lli2: ~ REQUEEST LOCAnON PLANTATION KEY (Cont:) 'I " ! 175 Bel, oI~, Canwn. SR to SC lol " lllk 3 PlantatIon Ileactl. I 0 ., ~ CHarry F.... (nego. SR) wee I 11.1 176 Bel, 01 Cnly, Comm. " SR to SC Lols I, . Bill 3 Ke1 H.lghtS. a.: CRobett Vaughn) (nego. SR) Sect. ! W89 . ~ 177 Bel 01 Cnly, Comrri,' SA to SA NE~300' 0'10110 BIk 3 (l(ar1~& . (nego, SR) Key ghI. See I, WIlli8m HoI1llnI . MM89 ,i. . 180 ,.lld.oIene,.~.t- ,lStoSR&SC lot 8 Randall AdanI. Subclv. CJoeepNne~ : (n~o, ehan..,r. to SC MM89 ., ".V. & .urrounding UR : ( II) . dis1riel bounctary, II) 181 Bel 01 eniy,Corim. IS to Sc lols 25, all B1k 8 Indian Cl> .. (Paul Geier) Cnego, IS) Harbor, t"i MM 8lI i 182 Bel, 01 Cnty. c:a.-.. , SRtoSC Beg~ 01 Wly Comer CIftcI ~ .~ Cnego, SR) 01101 14 ,opical Coral fI) Reel E_e. & further bV >t _ & boundl, CIl MM 8lI 'E Bd, 0/1 Cnlf.- SAtoSC lols 1-48lk 2, =e1l; ::J ,183 1ii (JartilnlioJlf t lnego, SRI Sec I, lol I. T, fI) ESllletl, MM III 194 Bel 01 Cntr, Comm, IS 10 SC E 100II 01 W 500Il oil (Robert A. WllleyJ (nego. ISI lrac1 01 land known as I portion oIlhe AbIolom Albury 1 I ,110 AC 101. MM 110 196 Bd 0' CnIy, Comm, IS to MU Port, 01 plal 01 Tavernae,o gavern_o Airport (nego, IS park & 'eluge) known u Convnunity Park & ark, Inc.) Marina. CALL CLASSIFIED MM8' UPPER KEYS 451.4960 208 Bel of Cnty, Comm. CFA to MU loll I & . Blk I Boatman', MIDDLE KEYS 141-555' (Tropic Villa Ine,) (nego, CFAJ f::8l' LOWER KEYS 145. II U 209 Bd 01 c~ Comm, CFA to MU loll 10, " Blk I Boalman', INleholaa Nancy &.UcIl) (nego CFAJ Colony. MMll' KEY LARGO 215 llcI. 01 CnIy eo.- SR to SC CCIIherWW .... (nego. SA) "'226 rIli.C:~~ IS 10 SC I,J) " (nego. SC) 231 Bdcil~Comm, URM to MU (Rock Uarir1tI (nego, SC . U,1lM) 233 Bel.oI~Comm URM to MU (l_ i~F 242 Bd 01 c:nIJ Camm CFSO to MU fllOt Itauie ""- (OlegO, CFSO) ...... Inc.) . 243 Bd. 01 Cnly, c-. CFSO to MU (Jack & Doralh.f HlIQ (nego. CFSDI 244 Bd. 0/1 enev. eo.- CFRSO 10 MU ,(WoIIard~ (nego, CFSO) 245 Bd 01 Cnly, ComnI. CFSO to MU (AIber1 ~ (nego, CFSDI 246 Bd, oI~c.i-.'." ISIOIS-o tAaNId. -..... Cnego, 1St 254 Bdol~ NA 10 UfN IJcHWI ., - ....' NAJ \ 263 Bd. of~, Comnl, SAtoSC ~...., (riege, SA) 264 ~~. SR to 8e (nego SA) ~ . 265' Bd. 01 e..t;:CIIiIa NA lD UAM ii=~ (nego NAJ 267 Bd,oI~.c-. l'llrlI,OAI ~=:: lDlS (nego, IS) , 268 llcI, 01 CIty, c-. SAtoSC (Dor1IIcl ""'-l (nego, SR) 2n III 0I~ CIIMt. " ftWSIVSS to II ........... ~~' No\, s. &fQ ',". Part 0110115 Island 01 ~~rgo, PaI1 oIlrac14, Soulhc:tItr E... & Part 01 govllol I S-I3, T-e2, R.. "'... loll $, .8; 7. I Bill 4. M8I1lMIay Subdivillon. MM8I Part of 101 . IIland 01 Key largo U. l62, R-311. MM8I N'Iy '.'.01 Trle! "E'" 5'Iy 2ll 01101 3& S'Iy .. 011014.111 011015 Blk I ~:go Beach. lOllI-51llk II, 101 I BIll 10 :rJ ~ ,Beach AddilIon, loll I. 2 Bik 7 Key largo Beach, MM. lols 1,2; N 11011 oI1ol3; N 10711 011014; all in BIk I :;:go Beach, Loti 7.14 Blk 13 Key Largo Beach AdcliIion. MMloo Trlet "A" largo Olldenl Subdiv, , MY U12 loll i.l1 IIIll 1 B,C, MorInoI Subdlv. ""'05 "'....1lOI1lon 01 lOll 11. It 8-1. -r-.I. R-311. WIO$ Trlet 0I1Ind In llIaekwattr 80uncI S.., T~. R-38, MM,OI 1OlI1..lllk 4 Key !Argo CIty Garden Cove PIll. , 1 lols 3-1 8Ik . Key largo CIty Plain III Ad, 105. Nor1h Key Largo Plrcet "8'" "C" ~ allOl1lon 01101 Ill, 5.1 ~'.R", ' ""05 thai portion 01 Ill. N hall 01 8-24, T-". R-40 & Iolt I. I 01 5,111, T.". R-41 & ~ bv __. bounds Well end 01 Ocean Reef Nor1tI Key Largo PUBuSH: September 3. 1988 Florida K8ya Keynoter Donald Cra~. . 0irect0l of Planning -. "--- ------_._-_._--,--~-_.__._------- 111 Lea......." \ IN THr\- ~CUll SI)(TE~iO~t:~~IIl.'~L ,elRCI I IF ORIDA IN AN R INROE COUNTY. FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO, .1-727-FR-30 IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF: NIlA MICHELLE CARVAJAL NOTIe. 0.. ACTION r~: The Unknown Fa'her of Mic~~t!~la~8ltJr.'VI'" MIA VOU ARE NOTIFIE~ thaI an ft~v':fnsr~;:I~d :~U~~ required '0, .!~rve a fOPV !II rn lC8t.nM.'~r,w).~.a,gy':I~~ I,f.. altj1rnev. whose address . P.O, DrlLwer 829.. Summer- d kov, FlOrida :f304.2.jIfl or ore ~p'ember 27 1'111. .nd l:r. the orllllnlll with ,he clerk 01 on ~~~/,'~'~~Il,,-~r:'~~! eIlatali' 'here."eri o'herwlse a defa I wIN be en..,ed lIlllllns' r~u Of' ,he rallef dmr.onded In ~f:~rsaln' :' ::::J O~nd 'he 1Jii,of Ihl. ('ourl on AUllusl 14, D'1~~i:V !r.' :'Y~Hc~~~ BV: etlv L. Llngley , D'pUly elerk fElISh: AU,USI24.3i.. lamber ,14. 1981 IOrlcla K.v. Kevnol., ._--....._-~- ._. . CALL CLASSIFIED UPPER KEYS 61~ MIDDLE KEYS 143-5551 LOWER KEYS 74$-1313 liB LII.II.ticI. 1- M Sealed bid. will be received bV ~ Owner, untiI4:00pm. (l600houral September 1, '989, al lhe OIIlce Clerk, 500 WMehead Sueel. Ke1' the lollowing prOject: Fu'nlsh .11 llbo" m.t"'i .ervlc.. to: COnIlNe1 New end Acc... G.te.. AI,port I (AIPI P,o/eel No,: 3.12-00<< AI,port, Mon,oe County, '10. Bids will be opened and publicly re, Clerk'. OIIice ., '000 a m on T 1988, Plans, .pecifiCations and contract public inspeC1ion 1Il the Office ' Director of AirporU, Key Well In Wesl, Florida, Tel,: (305) 296.5439 from the Di,ecto, 01 Airports or ti Engineer, Post, BuCkley, Schuh & , North Krome Avenue, Homestead, 248.4750, upon paymenl 01 filly c psyabl. 10 Monroe County Convnlulonet., lor each .eI 01 cc deposit will be ,efunded upon re'l gOOd condition wilhln 20 clavs a' opening, Qualifted contractor. at worlllorces. coordinate the require limlly execution accorcllng '0 lI1e IleIng .ought by lhe Coun1y, Each County sati.lactory evidence of COf proposed work. to aullmlt Illclt. Contract wilh lh. Counly, A con understanding 01 the conSlruetion I lInclthe site 01 the proposed work a the IlIdde, to autlmll a proposal pi IhaII be made by !he County 10 lhe Qualified Bidder whOle propoul requiremenll ollh. County, The C right 10 lepllalely accept or ,ejee1 i whlch lhe County deerna to be In i All Ilids shall be IUIlmil1ed INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS llI\( by a BId guaranI.. contIating of a fi I Bid Bond, ctllifted c:heck or olhl equivalent 10 ten percent (10% lnuraneelhl1!he Bidder will, upo execute lOch contrac1ull doeume wi1hln !he lime 1PICl1led, A f PerlOfmance and Gulranty Bond ai of Ihe Conlractln an amount equal (100%) oIlhe Contract amount The Bicltlhall be ,ullmllted In I , marked on the OUlIIde wllh !he N eldder; lh. """' 01 !he prOjecl 'uIlmIlled:. I..,: "ConIlruC1 New" Acoea. Gatti; AlP p,ojId No.: 3- lime and cla1e 01 opening. '01 September ., Ill8I, If bwarde enetosed In another envelop. acl Counly Clerll. 500 WhIteh1acl Sll 33040. IlIdI ,.ceived Iftet !he ..... and d COI1Ilderlld. Ilul will lie ,tUned ur NoBld~Cle licit for I (1101 re_ III Ntac1 any Irregullrillee in rlllltillr1i.. far llIde, ThI1 Conlrlet Ie aulljeC1 to telln etlablishlld by lh. Secrelary 011 ~Ilor and ExacUliv. Order I 1248 0 amended. 8ftd to lh. Equal En ClaIM, In ICCOldanc. will Tille VI 01 !he Ci Illdder. lie herebV IIOlIIed Ihal inIur. _In Illy Conlrlel ,"!ere Advtrtisemenl. t.IlnorIlr Buslnel IIlorded fill oppot1Unlty lit eubmil 01 .. tuppllert QI tI1IIIriIIt 01 .. dIaetlmlnlled IgIInIl on !he gre na1IonaI origJn in conliderlUon IIlr In ICeordance wIlIllllll VI 01.. Ci IlIddtrt MIllie Illarded U oppo ...pones to !hie InvilIllon 8ftd w agalnel on III grounde 01 race, IlI1icinII origin In contIderlllon 101 -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o1r\ J First Six Months Plan Review Map Amendment Negotiations Amendment: 226 From: IS To: SC Applicant: Tull Original Reason for Denial:Record does not demon- strate compliance with criteria for change. Does not meet purpose of SC district. Proposed Coun- tyjDCA Designa- tion: SC Justification:Existing 20 unit motel use re- quires SC district. Rezone, in addition, two lots to North to recognize retail office uses in the neighborhood. See attached Map. Accomplish by means of Boundary Determination. Final Action Summary Development Review Committee: denial ______ approval Planning Commission: denial approval Findings: Board of County Commissioners: denial approval Findings: 1c ~TAFF ~~YSIS OF LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION Fee paid . Date APPLICANT Stone Ledge Resort, Inc. PHONE # 852-3206 ADDRESS R.R. 111, Box 50 Key Largo, FL. 33037 KEY Largo MM 95.5 OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? Bayside SUBDIVISION Southcliff Estates PLAT BOOK 2 PAGE 45 BLOCK Tract 4 LOT(S) N.A MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) N/A REQUEST CHANGE FROM IS/SC TO SC 1. BACKGROUND DATA: A. PRESENT LAND USE DISTRICT: IS/SC B. CHARACTERISTICS OF SURROUNDING AREA: Mostly developed with residential use, commercial uses, some offices. adjacent trailer park. C. ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS: SITE Disturbed and built environment with scattered native trees. Marina on Florida Bay. SURROUNDING Residential to East and West. Florida Bav to the North. Large tract to the South across US-l which is disturbed with native trees. 2a STAFF ANALYSIS OF LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT STONE LEDGE PAGE 2 D. PRE-SEPT. 1~, 1986 ZONING: E. LAND USE DESIGNATION ON FIRST DRAFT PREPARED BY LAND USE CONSULTANTS: F. ACTION ON "0" IF ANY: G. LAND USE DESIGNATION OF MAPS ADOPTED SEPT. 15, 1986: IS/SC H. HAS PARCEL BEEN REZONED OR PROPOSED FOR REZONING SINCE SEPT. 15, 19867 X YES NO. DETAILS: The property had been proposed for rezoning in the 1st round of amend- ments under No.226 and was approved by BCC on 9/17/87. This amendment then became a negotiated amendment between DCA and Monroe County, which recommended the 'sc' designation for the subject property. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval to extend boundary lines so as to include sub;ect property in the "Suburban Commercial" District. 3. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The designation of the above property as 'sc' in its entirety rather than partially 'sc' and 'IS' will be consistent with the purpose of the Suburban Commercial District, Sec. 9.5-206, and the uses allowed within that district, Sec. 9.5-235. 2. The existing motel in the 'IS' designation constitutes a non-conforming use and does not meet the purpose of the 'IS' designation, Sec. 9.5-213. This determination is supported by the evidence presented and by an inspection carried out on site. STAFF REVIEWERS: PLANNER Lorenzo Aghemo DATE 4-27-89 BIOLOGIST Bob Smith DATE 4-27-89 2b , I....... I , / / / r" ) "/" /.w _ ~ ~ +-~~i .. N @ I 1"... 600' j 3 <:::J~ ~ Cl ,:v -l.. '~~ (, V ., , ! r::;- , i.-____; ~ ;"~.,,,,~ \ I- ; ...'" .... .\- ,--c, ,..'v ,. r~o .'" , .., ....."- .~ :-:-'"C4 , "- ~ -.: ~ N Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 ~ U 1"= 600' I Panel or s~ ~~~7J~Flle#~. 'NLulfA/ Appllcagt: ?lfe______ Key: 6!'()",(,fo Mile Marker: q~. b 4 N Aer.1 tMp., Monroe County, Florida Real E8t.te Data, Inc. r2/jtn Ecltlon,19 I 1-.100' f "'ne. or .... et # i't AppIloant: 5/t/}[ 1-+ d9-P- jf~ Ir'( Key: lb':9tJ File # 51z,/)~~ /-f?tI~~ .'e Ma,.,: 9~-: c; 5 .......:!<~~-"";~-~...~ "- " "- " " " " < "" " " " " " " " "- " " " " N I 1"- 200' t Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Jaooary 19,1988 ""nel or Sh.~ ''i; Applicant: Q aid e Key: dM fV ~ /U. '....: ~ ''-' -~ . Flle# 5fne icc/cf.l7, CJJudu IJ Mile Marker: CIS: ~-H_ 6 WII WI1 '" " / " / " / " < " " " " " " " " " " " " " " J / / / ~ / .#'0// ". // / .;- // Pw-...nt to Section 1.5-24(aH2Hh) of the Monroe eo....., c.a, the boundarle. of the Land U.e DI.trlct Map are Interpreted to be located a. Indicated above and briefly described u: Extend SC boundary to include Tract 4, Southcliff Estates, site of stone Ledge Motel. N 1 Director, Growth Management She. t # 14 <1 Key T.ri rqn Date BOCC Re.olutlon 1"= 200' r -~ 1!lannp 1.. itolbagt BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 743.9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294-4641 June 8, 1989 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FWRIDJ\. 33070 TEL. (305) 852.9253 i CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Department of Community Affairs Howard Building 2571 Executive Center Circle, East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 p ua 7-/3& -/~ j and Department of Community Affairs Post Office Box 990 P / / \} Key West, Florida 33041 - oa. 7 - 310 -I ,1 () Gentlemen: At a Regular Meeting in formal session on May 23, 1989, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted Resolution No. 276-1989 confirming the Administrative Boundary Interpretation of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 37, Southcliff Estates,' Tract 4, Key Largo. Enclosed please find a certified copy of said ! Resol ution. I Very truly yours, ( ~ Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board ~county Commissioners bY:~J&,~~ Rosal e L. C nolly Deputy Clerk cc: Mayor M. Puto Commissioner E. Lytton County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Asst. Co. Admin. D. Craig File .~~:~ER: Complete Itemll1 end 2 when additional ..rvJc.. .r. d..lred. end complete Item. 3 Put your add,... In the "RETURN TO" Space on th I card -from being returned to you. Thl rett.Un r~.lo: ~ev.r~l~ de. ~.lIl.1r. to do 'ChI. will pr...,."t thl. delivered taansi m. dea.of dellv r P: d.- ----- _H ~... ~rOV.d. you the "em. gf the nenon POItmett""for fe.. end check boxr':i fO~r.:d~\:~~~~.'rv~.~.) :0 ~o;::. servlc.. .r. avell_bl.. Consult 1. 0 Show to whom fl;tvered, det., end .dd'....... add,... ~. 0 A..trlcted aenverv xt... c,",,,,)1 ~.. I 1!xtr4 ch.".)1 3. Article AddrBSled to:,-. ~ 4. Article Number", : '1)c,. Cl\. 9 o~'" \~.. ,# ~,.~ ~. Typ.of Sorvlce: ~~:"\\ ... '" c.lo..\.... ~.. .yo.L. "\J 0 Regist.,ed .. ~.. . - ~ J8.certlfled ~ ~ -.l" t'" <<' 0 Expnl8l M.II ~~... ,~.t,~ ~"2.-..o \ Alw.y.obtain.lgn..u,.of.ddnl8lOO or agent and DATE DELIVERED. 5. SignatUre - Addressee X 8. Add'.....'. Add'... (ONL If requested and fee paid) 6, X I 7. JUKli PS Form 3811, Mar, 1987 '* U.8.G.P.O. 1987.178-288 P 021 136 180 RECEIPT fOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE_nROVIOED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) , Certltied Fee Special Delivery Fee 00 ~ I\- ~ P 027 136 lb3 RECEIPT fOR CERTifiED MAIL NO INSURAtlCECOVERAGf,PROVIOEO NOT FDA INTERNATiONAL MAil o In.utad o COD to, ...,. QA.J-.'" A ~~~c..~~ Postage ~2.~1 5 '5 s DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT 1 " . @ '" - \ .... V~ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee '"' I' \l " c ~ .., g Postmark or 0 .. '" E (; ... fJl 0.. .' 'SINDI : Camp'.. Item. 1 .nd 2 wh.n .ddltlon.1 ..rYIee. are dallred. .nd com Pl'" ItiM. 3 .nd4. " ".' Put your add'. In the "RETURN TO" Spec. on the rav"".sld.. 'iiHur. to, do thllwlll pr.-nt the. ..'" f'omt>ol"'......'nool. to you. T"'~~Y~"'" e = ~~' _ 0 . IOIV .,.,...1 . CO_, poItn1lJL" (_ "':, "... fOr~I.""'lc.(.)raquMted.' 1, 0 Show:to whom cteHvated, au, .nd ~ .ddr... 2. 0 P1_trlctedD.IIverY f (Elttr4 c'"'", I I ll'xtr4 . I .0: 4, Article N~_ "ill 3. rtlcl. ~.. ,~.~ Of:l\c ~,~ ~~\ ypoof SlIrvI..: ~~.tad '57"~~1I IwaVI obtain II000awre of .4d.I..1t r lQImtand DATE DELlVIAiQ. . Addr_" Add'.. (0 L rll/Ultttd ond f.. ""W) o In.utad o COD &, SignetUrtl - Add_ X 6. Slgneturtl - Attn. ~ ~ ~ r 110/) PI Form 38 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT 7, DtIta of Dtlllvorv , 1t17-'1I-211 L--