Resolution 277-1989 ..' RESOLUTION NO. 277-1 qRq Planning Department A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 38 IMBER SUBDIVISION AND ADJACENT UNRECORDED PLAT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 38 dated May 8, 1989, attached and incorporated by reference, is hereby acknowledged, found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Sec. 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 23 day of May , A.D., 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By /IlI~~~ Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest: DANNX L. ~OL.HAGE, Clerk l t H[I [J JJtlNOW \;., J '~_Il"':' q 8v: L \J L - Nnr 6B. 'J"; ,'u'J'llj ..J u U -.J ~" q U ." M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Board of County Commissic1.ers FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Afisoc. AlA, Assistant County Administrator for Growth iVIanagement Division Department: Planning SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for Imber through 19; adj acent unrecorded lots, RE 101230-000000; and an adj acent unrecorded 000000, -000100, -000200, -000300, -000600 Subdivision, Nos. 101210, plat, RE Nos. Lots 2 101220, 101200- DATE: May 8, 1989 MEETING DATE:May 23, 1989 Previous Relevant Board Action: ;' / ( ) Referral: Yes_No_ Commissioner's District: Recommended Action: Move the IS/URM boundary from between Atlantic Shores and Imber Subdivision to t}.e center of Pearl Avenue (81st Street) thus including Imber Subdivision lots 2 through 19, three parcels not a part of the plat and identi fied above, and an adj acent unrecorded plat in the Improved Subdivision (IS) 13.nd use district. Summary of RequestjReport: The Planning Department identified Imber Subdi vi sian and an adj acent unrecorded plat as being designated Urban Residential Mobile Home (URM) in .""rror, prepared a Map Amendment for the second round, #37S, and withdrew it in favor of a boundary determination. Findings of Fact: 1. The designation of the above property as Improved Subdi vi sion (IS) rather than Urban Residential-Mor~.le Home (URM) is consistent with Sec- tion 9.5-213, Purpose of the Improved Subdivision District (IS) and Section 9.5-205, the uses permitted within the district. 2. The determination was based or, the following: On the zoning maps in i~ffect before the land use plan, the subject properties were zoned RU-l. On the maps signed by Chc.xles Pattison the boundaries are impre- cise but appear to show t.:1.e property as URM. There are no mobile homeE" on any o.f t.he lots. 3. Analysis of the existing uses ,)n i:he property and surrounding proper- ties indicate that the essentia:. neighborhood characteristics support the determination to designate the parcels as Improved Subdivision (IS). Action by:_Ordinance --K._Resolution Citizens Committee Statement: Y=s No Attached Board Policy(ies) Applicable: Planning Commission Action Taken:__ yes________Date N. A. Alternatives:Allow the area to n~main in the URM district which would be inconsistent with the community character. Attached Documentation: X Yes Nc 1. Application 2. Current land use district map 3. Aerial photo 4. Zoning pre-1986 5. Land use district map effecti\',~ Sept. 15, 1986 (Pattison) 6. Proposed boundary change APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT Planning Staff PHONE # ADDRESS KEY Key Vaca MM 51 OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? Oceanside SUBDIVISION Imber Subdivision and unrecorded ad;acent plat PLAT BOOK 3 PAGE 174 BLOCK LOT(S) 2-19 MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) REQUEST CHANGE FROM URM TO IS REASON FOR REQUEST: The designation of URM is inconsistent with the community character. PRESENT LAND USE: Predominately single family homes DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: SIGNATURE Fee paid DATE 1 ,." ,. ,." ~ ,. ,. ,. .-" ,.".-"~ 1 ,." ~ ,." ~ 1 1'-. ,." ~ II-- ,. ~ I 4 1 I . .. I-- . . - . I. 41 . ... - 7 ;-'. .. . . - :~- b~ .Ih ~: $~: , ~ , I' ,." ,." ,." ,.-'- ,. ,." ~ ,." ~ ,." ~ ,." ~ 1 ~).~ I~""'- 1 ,~ ~ I ~ ~\:,~.... ~ ."CI~ I . . ---- . ---- · ~~ e--:-- I. · ~-.-- . ~--- ~_. IS . . . ---- - . IIET ii . \\\.!\:. i S . ~I~V I ~~l~r;. ! . .. . ---.~-~ . tI ~--- , N i . ; . . I~. I---t!-- lie . . Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Ja....ary 19,1988 Panel or Sh..t# 237 Appllc ant: Staff Key : Vaca . . ----- . --- . I 1"- 200' t . . . . . . tI .. '-- 11 . . . t1 ""--- 11 tI .. . . ""--- 11 . . . . I-- 11 . .. . . - II 17 t1 . 17 - .. . . . . - . . 11 . a: . . .. It @ FII. . Imber Sub. I - I , , Mil. MIIrk.r: 51 , , ~ , >> 2a . -- I .. ~ . .- It ---I ., MATCH TO 231 iii - 10 11 Ii: oC . > .. ... :) o .. oC - Ii: o ... ., oC ...1.1 It- = . .. . tI . . It tI . . . . . . , . . 11 . . . 1'1 . RM ; ;; ;; ; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; , ; , ;; ;..; ;; ;; ;;; ;; ;;;; ;; JI'; tI I . (,) . 17 N I 1"- 200' ~ -_-.. a ._~ ......_ _. ~.... Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Ja....ary 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# 252 Appllc ant: c;t:~f'f' Key: Vaca v~_:_~..._--' , 0'" ,,' '" ~ File # Imber Sub. Mile Marker: 51 2b N J 1".'00' f A.a.1 M.ps, NJonr08 County, Florida R..I Estate Data, Inc. 23rd Ecltlon,19 88 Pllnel or Sheet# 60 Applicant: staff Key: Vaca File # Imber sub. Mile Mar.r: 51 3 ~~~~ ~ ~" . ":', - -' ' - ~ i.. \-9 G I ,___ ;.--- , I .... ._ : '~ ::. _If - ----- ,-'. ..--- -- I, I ". f ~~ r c "_ ':, .: - ~ ,...-- ,- I '...,,-~. of ,~- . . -- , j ~ ~! ). . e , ! , .oo!-a~'OA I~ " 1. ..1-;:. - ,"".. )t ~.~ ::>,.,. 'wi 0.. L N'G:'" .... ~ In~N~ "1 '0 .... ", ~ \II "'! Ii.... N ~ ~ >- - .. 'cf)J;~ I I t~ ~ ~RAro :...:.... ;: \ .,~'~~... 6 '6~aL; . ~.,' ,t,",' .:1' _~.,~'.. . ' .' . ." . ,.; ... ........'''~ .......J,~..;.,..~~~, ,'~ " ,. ,f .......:...- . \" - . (4t.. -I-.. ..,. 14..'" , :'H <UM-~ .<"At 4'10 - I .. '- ,,61> .~, 7~ , f. <:l--" - ---:;:0' - - ---- :lit""4/)- , -870 I j . ~ --:- ~ ( ': ~~~~ ; J.:---;-~ 3 -c:~ -- '-n~ -Ol: 110 t~7 -- r- -- ,3, ? ~ " .r ~ ~.'" .;. .!<1 , , . . -4.. ~_ Ie J~ _J L !. - t:. " '( ..-_... J2. .... --'-(1 7 '1 JI N Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 ~. V I Panel or Sheet# Applicant: staff Key: Vaca 1"=200' ~ ~.l'~":_=':::':'::-=~~=-_~:j:;;,::-,~""~J"'l-,..",,,.,J" _ 216 Flle# Imber Sub. Mile Marker: 51 4 ___ .~~_,__:",llRIrlflIJ1'I__, .....,-~" ,~. -- ...~... .,....., ~ ..............-.._.......'..._.~.-....' " \ I ~~- ------- I .: ~ i I \ \ i' I -' ~~ ---- \ \ ~~ \ .~ J~-:::?' -.P' ~~ ~ , ~\) I I , I I ' \ c:-:: ~ J \ . ~ r_ A I , r '.. I ~ M ~I . ...it,~, I 111 . :; Il--/ I )~} / .. '^d ..JL/~/ I !1~,J.j / I j r~ ,/ 1-/ ~.; .. ; - I . r I I J N r I 1 ~ I I . I (I r-y- /~ t'~ ~ ../' I ~ ' / I ~ _.-# ".- f J S I JI f I:: .. ~ ~ .. 3 ~ ., ~ "'" I 1"= 600' ~ Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 Panel or Sheet# 11 of 21 File # _~m!!.er__~u~._ Applicant: staff Key: Vaca @ Mile Marker: 51 5 IS :: ~ ,.at,," / ,." /v ,..,-" ../' ... ,."- ~ 1 · ,." ~ ,." ",-- ,." ~ 1 ..... ,." ~ I ,./,. I . .,- 1... ,." . ,." ,. I I 41 . .1 , ~~.-u_~ ." ... .1. I ,~ . ,~ ~ .. 1l~ ~ ~ . . 1'''-:--1 ""'. ~ ~I~ M ~ - - -I 1'1 ., \'iia \) II ;;;;j 17 Ir^~~~~_7__ · · M .. : ~:z:. ... . ...---- . t1 o . !! - _1_ _ .. . ~---- 1_ _1'1__ . . . " . . . II ,.-'- ,. ,. ,. ------ ,. ,. ,....-- ,.--- ~ / t II :1 .. .. . 1 It II II I I . , .. ~ I (~ ~~~~~~ 11 . II . .1 ~ ~41 1:=>.7 .1 . . ::: 17 .. . tI .. . . . It .r . . . 17 . . .. -. I JC ... "- i~. ~ Ift\\L~" ~~IY I U . t--~ II .. . . . . . , It I . .. . . --~- . . . . . ~---- . . 11 . ~,... _t!-_ . . .. 0 . . ..-- - 0.. : v~ /. , :!a I~ I~ . I 4 . PW.UIInt to Section 1.5-24(aH2Hh) of the Monr.e eo....., eo de , the boundarle. of the Land U.e DI.trlct Map are Interprete" to be located a. Indicated above and briefly delcrlbed ..: Delete IS/URM boundary west of Imber Subdivision. Add IS/URM boundary at 81st Street. N ~ Director, Growth Man...ment "'..t# 231 Key Vaca Date BOCC Reeo'uUon 1"- 200' I I , ; 3 ~ MA TCH TO 2~ . , . tI . . . .. . It . . It , . . 11 . 1'1 I . . I - Z 4 .. . .... . . .. - Q . Ii: oC > 7 .. ... :) . 0 . oC - I Ii: 0 ... . ., j .. . oC .. I . I I I ;; 1,; ;;;; , ;; ;..; ;; ;; ;; ;; .i; tI . . . P......nt t. Section 1.1-2'(aHI..h. .f the Mott,.. c-ty c.tIe, the bounda,le. of the Land U.e DI.trlet Map are Interpreted to be located a. I "dleated above and briefly de.erlbed u: DA 7 erA TCj/TTPM boundary west of Imber Subdivision. Add IS/URM boundary at 81st Street. Director, Growth Management Sheet # 232 Key V~r.~ Date BOCC Re.olutlon ;;;;'" ;; ; N ~ 1"-200' -- Ilann!, 1.. i{olbage BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 743-9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294-4641 June 8, 1989 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852.9253 CERTIFIED MAIL J RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ~ Department of Community Affairs. p- 0 a 7 -/3 tv ~ / /~ r / Howard Building ltI Y 2571 Executive Center CirCle, East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 and Department of Community Affairs Post Office Box 990 Key West, Florida 33041 p-{)~ 1-/56 -/77 Gentlemen: At a Regular Meeting in formal session on May 23, 1989, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted Resolution No. 277-1989 confirming the Administrative Boundary Interpretation of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 38, Imber Subdivision and adjacent unrecorded plat. Enclosed please find a certified copy of said Resolution. Very truly yours, Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board 0 County ommissioners by: Rosalle L. Deputy Clerk cc: Mayor M. Puto Commissioner E. Lytton County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Asst. Co. Admin. D. Craig File .SENDER: Complete Item. 1 and 2 when addltlon,l servlon er. desired, and complete Item. 3 IncJ.4. Put your .dd,.. In thl .. AI:TU RN TO" Spece on the rev.,.. lid.. Fallur. to do thl, will prevent thl, card_ from bllng murned to you. Th~ r~r~ rat!.I~'t 1M WI~de "au 'th. 11III'I"Hl', of the oanan d.........M in and ma lit:: -t1IvrV, or lad Itlo"_ f... the 0 Ow ng ..rvlc.....avell.bl.. ContUlt pOltMltter for fHl In' G k ox es) for Iddltlo' 1 II) requested. - ,. a Show to whom dill"ered! detl, and add.......'. .dd'.... 2. 0 "_trloted Oeltwr; . f (E,,'" eM".) t t (Ex"" cIuJtp t 3. !,ttiele Addreued to: Article Number ~.~. 9C~ "'~'O" ~~u\,'\l O~\ < 5. 19n8ture - Addrenee X 6. X 7. Date of D.lIl1Ory ,P.O. 1187.17..268 , P 027 136 179 RECEIPT'FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) D In.urod D COD "I Type 01 Service: ~:otarad Illed Expntll Mall Always obtain signature of Iddreaee a' agent.nd DATE DELIVEREq. 8. Add'....... Add,... (0 'L I. requested and fee paid) r- I"- " Special Delivery Fee DOME8TIC RETURN RECEIPT s f\ f\ ~ ~ Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Date Delivered v P 027 136 lb4 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL Postage Certified Fee iJ ~ (~ :pg5 I - i g ! ~ Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt shOWing to whom and Date Delivered E c; .. (/) 0- r-- I\.. 1'->. ~ ~ . OaR: Complete Item. 1 end 2 When eddltlonalMrvle.. .r. d_lred. Ind comp'l" ttem. 3 end 4. Put your addr.. ln the .~AETU"N TO" ... on tf": rever-. .Id.. F.lture'to do thl. wlll....rtt..... ~ord 1_ ...In. _rnod to V...... ~ '''lfI~ "W'" -- ~ :"~.i\m~~~:rk~"fi'forOf"'drt~tn:~ ~.r~~l':-". .. .t. .~" '... onlU t 1. 0 Show to whOm eMllv.red, dater and adtfr.....'. .dett.... 2. 0 - .....vle. teet Dellverv f(E".....".,.,.}f t 1i,,"'~ t . Artl!:Ja to: . ~ Article Nu"""" "t>.c,...... . . . ~ c:..: ~ ~~... 0\ . TVpe of 8trvlca: ~\ . fi-".,~ ~VJ RegJtterW lL ... flI "- (,...,.. Certified . E",,_~ \~ ?'2.'!:tOl AH!Pabteln olgl1l1ure of add...- JJiJn: Ind DATE DELIVERED. 8. Add'....... Addr... (ONL I requesred and fee paid) D I_rod DCOD .~ure_A X 8_ S X 7. DIte of 0 " ~ c$. PI Porm 3811, Maf.1987 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT