Resolution 293-1989 .... RESOLUTION NO. 293 1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE AN EXTENSION OF A SUB LEASE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE GREATER MARATHON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC. AND THE MARATHON JAYCEES, INC. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an extension of a sub lease agreement by and between the Greater Marathon Chamber of Commerce, Inc. and the Marathon Jaycees, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 23rd day of ~ A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By //II~4I/~ Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~;/J~/f)L BY c: co CL ..- C N c.. l" 0- r-. , l"- I c ~ L.. --.'" - 0 ,;..'-- ..- r...~ W -: z -! ~ C~) (.::J u.... :c "!~--- SUB LEASE EXTENSION AGREEMENT This Sub Lease Extension Agreement, made and entered into this _____ day of ___________, 1989 by and between the Greater Marathon Chamber of Commerce, Inc., a Florida not-for-profit corporation hereinafter referred to as "Sub Lessor", and the Marathon Jaycees,~ Inc., a Florida not-for-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as- "Sub Lessee", WHEREAS, the Sub Lessor and Sub Lessee have previously entet'ed into an agreement dated August 26, 1971, hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement", a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, which provides for a 25 year sublease of a parcel of land known as the abandoned Youth Center located on 33st Gulf, Marathon, Mont'oe County, Florida, said parcel being more particularly described on Schedule "A" attached hereto, and, WHEREAS, the Sub Lessor and Sub Lessee desit'e to extend the term of the Agreement, NOW THEREFORE, in consideration fo the sum of $1.00 paid by Sub Lessee to Sub Lessor, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Sub Lessor and Sub Lessee agree that original tet'minatlon date of the Agreement shall hereby be modified and extended until August 31,2001 and that all other terms and provisions of the Agreement shall remain in effect without change. '-./ This Sub Lease Extention Agreement is subject to the appt'oval of the owner and Lessor of the subject property, the County of Monroe, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this day of , 1989. (SEAL) GREATER MARATHON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC. Attest: BY: Secretary Title STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1 989 by of the Greater Marathon Chamber of Commerce, Inc., a Florida not-for- profit corporation, on behalf of the corporation. BY: Ti tIe (SEAL) MARATHON JAYCEES, INC. A ttes t: BY: Secretary Title STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1989 by of the Marathon Jaycees, Inc., a Florida not-for-profit corporation, on behalf of the corporation. BY: Title Approved by County of Monroe, State of Florida (SEAL) Attest: Clerk BY: Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1989 by Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida. BY: Title ,/ =r1fE BY .. A,torney', OIfic. l;3y and ]Be1ween ,,-,.' .\' " ,.' ':.Mflde/nil . /.;:'~~th" ..;\' ,..'day'o{ ~. ....:. '. '.~: .r:;'..;:.-...: . 'f';" 't.' ' -,. . ". , '.. .~~ "~ I"rr~" <fll~il. Imo' ...:.:t!"d .;;.. .. ):'i'~".:;" ,". ':', ";'.!;,t'/i,,:':';":: .j} htrt'm('all,'d,'ht!l~'$t'l -..c:. . , ." I .... ,\, ,'. '~;., '., ,:~," ~t:~, .~.... . -. " '.. .', . . ','. .',.' ' .....' .;~Ic Wj~aes:;tth, Th(" ill t:un~id~'r('U~1l '('f. Ii" f.(ill~/;tml$ "p.r~;" t'o"iaint!d.:'o/~ Ihe P~~/'~i:~/~~~:~l!:id-' :~; l;~.t$a It> ,"'If kt'pl anti p'll'lormt'Cl. ,,,~ $WcI Instil.. do es,~' ltut!blllfaMeto the ~a,d 1"6"~ ,..: ~. ,~ . . . . .' 'o'-" .," . .",.'. . ....!,., . . .::' III!' /oll.II:..ltIy .:Je'lc'rlb,.d {U'oputiJ: · , . ", 'f;",. ' ,',' :.1;..,:' '.' :"~~" . .'~ '. '. ".'~I ., I.',.t......"'. _ ,t. '),'11' '. .......~~.,....". . . ,. ',f " .",.,~ :._',..,,' :" r 1'.... ."i""&f''''~~'''ir ~f:'~'.'" ".,"',1 .... I A parcel of land known as the abando~ed Yoyth:' 9~tlt:~r;:~9.CA.~,C:1::~t.pl)~4\d '...., . the 8~i:S t ir,g Narathon VolunteEsr~ire, De~~rtmet,1.tr:()~ ;;33rd.~S~J?!!~~~~.1~...:;., ' ~Jarat(lon. Mom"oe. County. Flori<l~.. ..",o~"P!'r.t~71'l,.~!l,d~~~~" . ; ~ ";"11 .,cached hereto lL'ld by referen~e ln~.~~~,~~a~~~~;~~~li1Irf~~r~~~> ,Ifl..' ~~wfi':.,! . ",~.,.. .....,. . "!"hlt?j?~I;.~r..~~~~~'m'~ . I t'., is I..mdersc7od. and agreed 'that: the' !e'sso~"1;"~~~~,~~~'f~h~:~i;'~~~f.'~' .;'~.... to d~~cla!"e thlS J.ease Hull and V01d,~.~o.~.~~:;t~~::t~"f4~,~,Efi#.~~I:.Q~L ~'r~.,; 1!IEl}:," ~.ubsta,ntJ.ill., improvement.s on "th~ :.~~?'~c~:,:~~e~~~1i~~f!r~)~~". I", yfir., ' .3\::p'.:~n~o(~r 1) 1972. . .' . :' ..: ':'J~:~.::r.l.~:y,'~~~;;~'~'~ltl~"~l~';~~fJM;;. It is furl:hc't mu~uul1y undart;tood and agreed th~, t this l,.e,~.e, 1.a~ 4:.t,I,b:leaae"~u~~~~ ~j ChOl: ~,!-:t~_i_n. l~as.. ~~d .N.avernl).p'~ 24, 1948, betwd~u o~er~~.~:.;J..o~:. ~ .,~~1l:'Jh~'1~$,~.:~.:, ~.~ ~;.st't'ict:" r.e&s~and,lh\rachol1 CIu.\JlIber of Coameree And 1,saee1agrees,. to:~:tde 'b~::~1f;f:~ ..-;r "1,. d ~'.~t%fd ' . .:: '.. 'j'(eoo:t:lauea. 9Q 'rever.e Iti~i~ ' . iJ !t12JVl nn !i) :ihOl Ih~ $amt! {"/'Ih,!/nm of twenty"; ftye.:;.ye:;ars;:R.~:~;'~'<;;.:,;!~~~~1r:;~:,'. '. jroml!J(: 1stl.. d(Il/ol" , September/~." 'J ;A;D.'19.;7fa,~4:~~1~~-~,~t~'~j)alli'''l~'' ~ "'!Jt!r,,/,lrlhc' annual I'flulfll One. ($l~OO)' Do:!:: ,''!"It,,.,:i...~,~:;~;...1'~~~' J Anti /lit: .~/,;J Ii'$~rt' ('t"'''Wlltt S with Ii"" liuid I".,or' lu 'J6IJ' 'lh""1I41d';;"I';n:'aonua1:.'4~' ''i:: '. . r.- ....' . ' L',. "t.. ~ ' ..... ...-' ..... . '.,tf'.,".. ... fA.~' a_" ". '~'" ..', ,,_.. ..r..~.:.f_: Ml1'C:' '.'.""i' ',;, ...r:;'u.u..~ \ . fJ~.i1 m:"tI !.1 ,,/ $1.00. :'((1'/, Oil 'h.! Is t dnll tll.~rh.~~.i"~:e~t!ru .~e~,t.~. :. '~~~~. ~ 0,. e....l, "'nd el/''''-Y Y"""'_'I'" ,...:",.. "1"', _.,,;;.....,"'ii;,II:I~..'.n:..'!'I..~3. ... '..... w ~.. ~~ . .. ~ ~.,,"f"" ....,'..~.'"... l""~~'. .11<<. /1iI'1!J~ .~(l,.tI'..,.m. /1:,' /il:.o;l !)(I!JI,'WI:II" I,.. JIIod.. till III,. 1st d~uo.t.~eptem~er.; :~~~:~~~:~): ~,~ It': mnk" ."/) 1I."'lI,.;/I;l. ;UJ/lt'UP'!/, fI" "/i','(llliu.' '/lo~" fI/lIlt: J""',,,iJj":/: lint' ;0' ;-;:110" '''hl':'/~irle' Dr ~d~~),::;r.:. ; . I,~: :"ny 1"""; nJ ;((Iid ,tJ,.,.tI~is:',,, mill".,,! I':;.. ".rillt'n C'/ll/.'u',,1 t,/III,. 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