Resolution 295-1989 G:cowth Management RESOLUTION NO. 29S -1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TO EFFECTUATE THE REQUIREMENTS OF FLORIDA STATUTES 380 AND TO ASSIST THE COUNTY TO IMPLEMENT THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board Of County Commissioners wishes to adopt a resolution indicating their desire for the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) to enter into an agreement with Monroe County to effectuate the requirements of Florida Statutes (F.S.) 380 and to thereby assist the County's implementation of the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations; and WHEREAS, it is desired that the Director of Planning shall immediately issue an Administrative Interpretation implementing that agreement to facilitate the orderly administration of permitting activity; and WHEREAS, it is desired that the Director of Planning shall immediately begin preparing the Concurrency Management Program stipulated in the above settlement agreement; and WHEREAS, the Director of Planning shall immediately implement the other requirements of the Settlement Agreement which do not require further Board approval; THEREFORE, _ ,;Jl-.] V l: 17 d S l Nnr 6R 'i ." i ," ,,-. ,; ;J ']'11 j uWdv......!.....; d>..........J U..J ...J' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with the Department of Community Affairs and the Director of Planning shall effectuate the requirement of the Florida Statutes by implementing said agreement, hiring a consultant, and issuing appropriate administrative interpretations. Passed and Adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the r tI.lwl day of ~, A.D., 1989 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By //lI~#;tJ~ Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest ,DANNY' L. KOLIIAGE, Clerk J9~ ~-Jr,(jL Cle ...' . . CONCUR. 1 TXTCIP BY l . ~DEQUATE FACILITIES SETTLEMENT AGREEM~~~ t.lay 15, 1989 ~:hereas the Department of Community Affairs, the State Land Plan- ning Agency, hereinafter known as the "Department", has the pow- er to exercise the general supervision and enforcement of the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern program; and Whereas the Department and Monroe County, hereinafter known as "County", may enter into agreements as necessary to effectuate the provisions and purposes of Chapter 380.0552, Florida Stat- utes, the Florida Keys Area; protection and designation as area of critical state concern; and \~hereas the policies of the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan require the establishment of a land use management system that p'~omotes orderly and balanced growth in accordance with the ca- pcicity of available and planned public facilities and services; and Where~s the Monroe County land development regulations (MCLDR) require that after February 28, 1988 no structure or land may be developed used or occupied, nor any building permit issued un- }css the proposed use is or will be served by adequate public or private facilities except in accordance with the development standards in Division 5, MCLDR's. Whereas the 1988 and 1989 Public Facilities Capacity Report pre- pared pursuant to Section 9-502, MCLDR's identified service ar- eas having inadequate available capacity to serve existing and projected growth and development; and ',','hc;reas the "1989 Facilities Capacity Report" identified areas \'!~ i:h marginal adequate facilities and recommends specific action to ensure that development approvals are conditioned so as to ~inimizc the potential of reaching inadequate facility levels of ;:5E.;:!.-V ice which would preclude further development; and ~hereas, the Department has notified the County that, in the absen22 of County action, the Department would enforce the ade- quate public facilities provision of the MCLDR's, as authorized by sections 380.07 and 380.11, Florida Statutes; and Whereas the provisions of Section 9-502, dnd a~biguous as they relate to certain as to the share of allocation required cow~e~cial development; and MCLDR's, are unclear, types of development and for residential' versus =~ :::,n.C;li r- r cnc~" :r~::ti.;/'2 Code Department notified the County of the need to elimi- facility deficits and to establish an acceptable management program consistent with Florida Adminis- (F.A.C.) Rule 9J-5; and ;,'ihere"ls ':::he ~12 t,,; -='..J.rrcnt Whereas the Department and the County have been working together to provide a means for compliance with the adequate facilities provisions, including the development of a "Concurrency Manage- IT12nt Strategy Alternatives" Report; and Whereas, the Department and the County have determined that re- solving their dispute through this Agreement is preferable to expending their resources in litigation; and ;~hereas it is the intent of the County to rigorously enforce the provisions of the plan for areas where no facility capacity re- mains beyond that required by existing or already approved devel- opment; and Whereas ~S the intent of this agreement to claLLLY the devel- ,)wcnt st:'llldards in Section 9-502 in order to provide for pro- v idee for a fair and equitable method of applying these criteria -,;hich requLre that development have adequate facilities at th~ time or permitting; and Whereas the Department and the County agree to amicable resolve their differences associated with the implementation of the Coun- ty's plan and land development regulations, specifically those provisions dealing with adequate public facilities; and """ THEREFORE, the County and the Department ayreement to effectuate the provisions of assist the County in the implementation plan and land development regulations; hereby enter into this Chapter 380 and to of their comprehensive 1. AREAS WITH INADEQUATE CAPACITY (F.._ta~~hlT':::nts Al-Transpol'tation LOS, A2-Solid Waste LOS) The County shall not approve applications for development in tLe areas of the County which are served by inadequate facili- ties as shom in .i\ttachments Al and A2. I I. AREAS \HTH MARGINAL CAPACITY In arcas where the current or future annual facilities re- ports indicates that a public facility is at the level of ser- vice standard (LOS) the county shall either deny the application 01 condition the approval so that the LOS standard is not violat- '::;0. III. The County, with the exception of those categories list- ed In Section VI, shall require that all applications for devel- opment approval will include a development impact report, includ- ing a traffic impact analysis. The development impact report mLlst demonstrate whether or not the proposed development will be s<3rved by adcquate public or private facilities. The develop- ment impact report must also demonstrate that proposed approvals are conditioned so as to minimize the potential of reaching inad- equate levels of service for public facilities. The impact analy- sis shall use acceptable professional methodologies and stan- dards as agreed upon by the County and the Department. The Coun- ty shall include the development impact report in its assessment of all dcvelopment applications. 1'7 The County shall prepare and submit a concurrency man- iC/::'Dent nlan consistent with F. A. C. Rule 9J-5 by January 1, ~990. I~ the concurrency management system is not consistent ~iitli 9J-5, the 0xemptions in paragraph VI. of this agreement shall no l.cJllger be effective. V. The Department and the County agree to establish stan- dard procedures for the preparation of development impact analy- sis and 12vels of service standards and analysis within two 'de(;ks of t~le effective date of this agreemen't. VI. The Department and the County agree to exempt from the restrictions and requirements of this agreement certain cate- gories of developments which are either grandfathered, or are needed to cxp~nd public facility requirements, or are affordable housing projects, or by their nature do not impact public facili- tles. This exemption is limited to the following: 1. . '\7ested proj (~cts currently under review by Monroe County as e!lUltlor(\'!.t.:c::d in Attachlnent B, subject to a favorable vested ri,.ghts determination consistent with the standards in Section 9.5 183, MCLDR; and major developments which have not lapsed under Seblion 9.5 - 2(b}(4)a.b., MCLDR. 2. A single family dwelling unit. 3. Accessory uses where there is no increase in density or in- tensity of use which would impact public facilities. 4. Any project intended to serve a public purpose and needed to expand public facility capacity. 5. Affordable Housing projects requiring conditional use approv- al. VII. The Department shall: 1. Provide technical assistance to Monroe County in the prepara- tion of the concurrency management plan. 2. Upon receipt of an acceptable work program, provide funding to Monroe County to expedite and accelerate the County's submit- tal of an acceptable concurrency management plan. 3. Not appeal exempted projects based upon the adequate public facility provisions. However, the Department does not waive its enforcement rights based upon other provisions of the compre- hensive plan and land development regulations. 4. The Department shall review the concurrency management plan and inform the County by January 30, 1990, whether or not it is acceptable. VIII. Nothing in this agreement is intended to limit the abil- ity of the County to impose addition development restrict- ions, including moratoria in all or part of the County. Monroe County Department of Community Affairs By: Michael H. Puto Mayor, Monroe County Board of County Commissioners By: Thomas G. Pelham Secretary DATE: DATE: (SEAL) oy Attest: Clerk