Resolution 299-1989 Commissioner John Stormont RESOLUTION NO. 299-1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMllIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZ- ING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE AN ADDENDUM TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 673-1988 BETWEEN THE UPPER KEYS HEALTH CARE TAXING DISTRICT AND BAPTIST HOSPITAL OF MIAMI CONCERNING EMERGENCY TRAUMA-RELATED HEALTH CARE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an Addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding between Monroe County and Baptist Hospital of Miami adopted by Resolution No. 673-1988, a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part hereof, concerning emergency trauma- related health care. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the~day of May, A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ff~W Mayor airman (Seal) Attest: DANNY ~ KOLHAGE, perm ~,fJ~/{)~ -.1r. (. t,. ,_ r ffln r L Hdl 08. JM~- ANDI~ ..l~1I BY r ,. _oNley'. U(lOJJd dO.:1 0311.:1 ADDENDUM TO MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, on December 20, 1988, indicated, their desire to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with Baptist Hospital of Miami for care of trauma related injuries from the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District, by affixing their signature to such Memorandum of Understanding, and WHEREAS, Baptist Hospital of Miami desires to add or clarify certain wordings and paragraphs of that same Memorandum of Understanding, and WHEREAS, the Advisory Board of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District has reviewed such recommendations and clarifica- tions desired by Baptist Hospital of Miami, and WHEREAS, the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District Advisory Board has recommended to the Board of County Commissioners, sitting as the governing body of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District that such additions and clarifications be at- tached to and become a part of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Board of County Commissioners on December 20, 1988, therefore, The following additions, deletions and corrections are made and incorporated into the Memorandum of Understanding between the Board of County Commissioners and Baptist Hospital of Miami. I. Amend item 4, page 3, covering general terms of the Memorandum of Understanding to read as follows: "4. Pursuant to Baptist Hospital of Miami's request that the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District will contact representatives of the State of Florida con- cerning this relationship and any conflict with EMS regulations and Florida Statutes to assure that this relationship would be allowed to continue under recent- ly enacted regulations, an attached Exhibit D certifies that Trauma Transport Protocols and Access to Care are the only issues which are under the jurisdiction of the Office of Emergency Medical Services, State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, and that their indications are that the contract need not contain language relating to trauma transport protocols but that no agreement between the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District or Monroe County and any hospital will negate or modify that the hospital's responsibil- ity to comply with the Florida Statutes (F.S.l, partic- ularly with reference to section 394.0142." II. Pursuant to the above recommendation of the Office of Emergency Medical Services, State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, modify Section 5, Transfer From On-Scene, subparagraph C, to read: "C. Prior to contact with Baptist Hospital of Miami Emergency Department, the on-scene paramedic will verify at a minimum: (a) That the patient has trauma score 12, coma score 10, or evidence of shock at the scene with systolic BP 90. (2) Of that trauma victim has experienced amputation proximal to the hand or foot. (3) Any other trauma tria~e as may be required in - trauma transport protocols." III. Section 6, Paragraph E, is hereby added, to read: "6. E. Baptist Hospital shall be entitled to conclusively rely upon the signature of a Monroe County official on the Certificate of Eligibility (attached as Exhibit A) as being an authorized paramedic acting on behalf of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District, unless Baptist Hospital is furnished actual knowledge otherwise. The Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District shall provide a list of names of those authorized to sign any Certificate of Eligibility. Under no circum- stances shall the District be responsible for Baptist Hospital's acceptance, under this agreement, of persons 2 admitted without said Certificate of Eligibility, or signed by other than an authorized person as above." IV. Amend the second paragraph of Section 9 to read: "Where insurance or other coverage exists, or those cases where assignments are normally accepted by ~ Baptist Hospital of Miami, Baptist Hospital of Miami and its physicians will charge and collect payment from those entities. Should health or liability insurance coverage be less than 80% of the charges, the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District agrees to compensate Baptist Hospital of Miami and its physicians for the difference between collections and 80% of charges." V. Add as the first paragraph of Section 11, Cancellation of Agreement, the following: "Either party may terminate this agreement, with or without cause, upon thirty days written notice to the other party." Then continue with section as written. VI. Add as a second paragraph in Section 12, Patient Review/Case Management, the following: "Acknowledging that this agreement is for trauma care, this agreement also covers the acute recovery phase of the patient's health care needs in circum- stances when the patient is not yet able to be trans- ferred to another facility. Through the efforts of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District, our mutual Social Services staff and a third party Utilization Management consultant, Baptist Hospital and the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District agree to collaborate on case review/management aimed toward the discharge from Baptist Hospital and proper placement of the patient when medically able to be transferred to a facility accepting the patient. Individual case discussions with representatives from Baptist Hospital, its Medical Staff, the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing _ District, and the Utilization Management consultant 3: will be used as a focal point to monitor and effect the plans for discharge of each patient under this agree- ment." VII. Modify Section 13, Patient Transferability, paragraph A, to read: .,.. "A. In certain cases under this agreement where it becomes apparent that tqe patient is eligible for certain health care benefits (e.g. Veteran's, welfare or other), or to transfer to another facility, and that it is apparent that such benefits/alternate facility may be utilized by the patient, either party to this agreement, upon notification to the other party, and the concurrence of the patient or his representative, the attending physician and the receiving facility, may effect the transfer of the patient to the receiving facility for such above benefits, and thereby terminate obligations beyond those incurred as part of this agreement at the time of transfer." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties below have caused this Addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding dated December 20, 1988, to be executed by their undersigned officials as duly authorized. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Mayor/Chairman Date (SEAL) Attest~ DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk BAPTIST HOSPITAL OF MIAMI By Title Date 4 ~7ff!f BY ANDttl . .~ Alt.-f' Witnesses