Resolution 050-1994 Jack & Rita G. Niles, Petitioners RESOLUTION NO. 050-1994 A RESOLUTION SETTING THE DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING THE PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF EVERGREEN COURT, ~ ~ ~yjHA VEN TENTH ADDITION, KEY HAVEN, MONROE 8 _ OQu.wry, FLORIDA. ~ "'. CJ..'- W -- ..",- 0::'.,,; :z "Y' ~ ''t,-~ --:- :::) ...... I .'-)0 (:) -' ,(.) u... V@ERE~l.J...ithe Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, o ::t:: zoo F~ri~, d~i~s to renounce and disclaim any right of the County - 0\ ~).,.;... ~_' L- and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways, and WHEREAS, under Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, it is neces- sary to hold a public hearing after publishing due notice of said hearing in accordance with said Chapter, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board will hold a public hearing on April 20, 1994, at 9:00 a.m. at the Holiday Inn Beachside, Key West, Monroe County, Florida, to determine whether or not the Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways: see exhibit "A" attached hereto BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to publish notice of said meeting in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 336, Florida Statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe COllnty, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 16th day of February , 1994. Mayor London yes Mayor Pro Tem Cheal yes Commissioner Harvey yes Commissioner Freeman yes Commissioner Reich yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY,a~ C. ~~ eputy er A.of"i'iOV>~.') AS Tn ,"oN, ::;;..~~~...., ..~: ,:;ur=~:';-;;r~NCX '......,.. PMaII. 2A A parcel of hood 1y lng 1n Block 4. al recorded in the pl at of Key Haven - 10th Add it ion. aa , r.ccrud 1n Plat Book S. Page .114 of the Public Records of Monroe Count)'. Florida. said paHe1 beln& .ore particularly described by the follo..,inl .etra and bound. description: CoI.-nce at the intersection of the NEt 1y JUght of Way Line (ROWL) of Ke)' Ha....en Road (60' R/W) ane! tbe Sllly R.OWL of Evergreen Avenue (SO' R/W); thence run N 40-45'00" E along said SEll)' tOWL. fo'!." a distance of 235.00 teet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave 90utherly and hAVioa a radius of 25.00 f..t; thence run Easterly alung the arc of said curve through a ("l.ntral anal. of 90eOO'OQ". a distance of 39.27 het (CB-N8S.40'OO"E) CH--)5.36 het) to a puint uf tan&.nc.e on the SW'ly KOWL of [vcrlrc.n Court t50' R/W); thence run 549-15100" E alonK the 5l,,"1)' 1.0\01L of sa I.d tVIiH&reen Court. a d __tance of 16.70 feet to the Point of BeginnLnK of Sil id parnd ~ thence cor.tinue running So 49.15 .~liJ" E, a distance of 18.30 feet; thence Tun S 40.4,'un" W. a dl.tance of 18.]0 feet to a polnt on a non-tangent curve concave Easterly and havinl', a ra.dius of 50.00 ieet, tbence run Northerly ..long the arc or sa.id curve through a central angle of 30.00'00", a distance of 26.18 feet (CS_N401S'OQ"W, CU-25.88 feet) to said Point ~)f Beg,inning, t:ontalnLng 1 "t 7.0 square fee t. aore or lea.. PMCIL 3A A parcel \)f land 1yl.nll. in Slock 4, n~ recorded in the plat of Key lIaven - 10th Addl[!dll, al:i recorded In Plat Book '), Pall.e 114 of the Public Kt"("'.lnls of M.onru~ County, Florida, saId p,jfcel beina lIion: p<4rticularly described by the folluwing metes and bounds description: Co_nct! at the intersection of the ~l-.'ly Right (If W.q Line (ROW!.) of Key Haven Road (hU' R/W) and the Sl::lly ROWL of Eveq~reen Avenue (50' R!W); thence run l' 4004S'00" E along 8,'lid SE'ly ROWL. for a distance of 21).00 fRet to the bRginning \Jf a tangent curve concave southerly ,lOd having <I radl\J!t of 2').00 feet; thence run E08ter1y allln!Z. the arc of sa.id curve through A n~l1tral an~le 01 90"00'00". a distanCff of 39.27 feet (CK_NW)"4UIOO"f.l CH-}5.36 fe~t) tn a i'"lnt of t.anl.enet! 00 the SWl1)' kOWL of Evergreen Court (50' KIt,,') ~ thence rUII 549"1)' 00" E a lO!l~ the S'.." 1 Y ROWl. o[ ~aid. EVl!rgreen lourt. a distance 01 3').00 fed to the Point of 8egillnin~ 01 saiL! pan!!l: thence clmtluue running S 49-1')'00"E, a distance .)1 2.).00 feet; thence run N 40",~)"(lO"E, a dist-ance uf 25.00 fe~t; thellce run 5 4~ol5'OO" E. a dlstanc.e of 50.00 feet to it p(li.nt c)n a non- tangent curve concave fl;urtheailterly and having a radius of SO.OO tE'ctj th.-nce run l,,'cslerly, Northwes.terly and Northerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle (If 120~U()'OO", .. diet...n..:e (,f 10(..72 fce (CB_N79-lS'f)()"W. CH-86.bO feet) to a point; thence run N 40c45'OO"E. a diatanve of 18.30 feet back to .aid Point of BeJo',!nnin"". containing 25"34.3 Hquare feet. more or less. PAACIlL 4A A parcel of land lyin"" In Rlock 4. as recorded I.n thl:: plat of Key Haven - 10th ,\dditil)\l. <IS record.J In Plat Book 'l, Page 114 of the Public Rt'cords of Monroe County, Florida. said parcel being m.He particularly described by the [ollowing mH!!S and bounds descrtption: Co....nce at the intersecti,," of the NElLy Ri&ht of \o.'ay Line (ROWL) of Key Haven Koad (hO' R/W) and the Sr:' 1y ROW!. of Evergreen Avenut!. (SO' R!W); then<.:e run ~ 40045'00" E 3s1onil, said SE'1y KOWL. for ;t JistanL'~ of 235.00 reet to the beginning of a tangt:'nt curve {'onC;:lve !wuthcrly and havinK a radius of 2S.00 feet; thence run t:asterly :tl,mg the arc of said ~urve thrullKll d rentral angle uf '-HI"OO'OO". a dibtance of :9.27 feet (CB-~~')"40'OO"E) CU"')').36 feet) to d point of tangencc on the SW'ly ROWL of Evergreen Cl.>urt (50' K/W); thence run S49~lS'OO" t aloll~ the SW'ly ROWL of ~aid Evergn.en Court. a distance uf 60.00 feet; thence rUlI N4004S'OQ"E, a dist,lT1Ce of lS.OO feet to the Point (.If Beginning of saId parcel; thence continue running ~ 4D"c.')'()()"E. a dl.ta.n(:i~ ui SO.OU feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave Westerly and having a radius of .'>0.00 tt.'cti then<:e run Southeaaterly. Southerly and Suuthwesterly along the an of said curve through a central ,angle of 90-00'00". a distance .)1 78.54 feet tCB-S401')'OO"E, CU-7U.71 feet) co . plJint; thencE' run ~ 49-15'OQ"W, a distance of 50.00 feet hack to the said Puint of : : 1~1~~~J.I.i- .'1;'_1'. _.'~in.ni':'A C,ontalning 19h 1. 5 squa.. f.~t, mar. or I os.. j~l! ,~, f:'; . . ;J · . ".-parcel df land lyirl~ inBloc-.-4. liS recordl:.'d in th~ plat u{ Key Haven - 10th Addition. as recllrd..d ill Plat >>ullk S, Page \14 of the l'ublL..: Records of Ml)Ilrl'C County. Florida. said parc~l btling !nor" pdft1cularly described by the followin!!, metes and bounds de:,;<.ription: i!:: rf Ilk.,! "1'<' 11< ! \ ,f ' il.'i.~i.';.i..'.i,li.I,..'..'.,"..1 'i t!l,il.' ,.-;.r: t , ;~ 1 I: )1 ~ II C01llClellce at the intersection of the Nl-:' ly Rlli.ht oi Way Line (K01,..'L) of KeY Haven l<O,lll (hll' R/\.i'l and thl~ S~~'ly ROWL of EverKnen Avenue (50' R/""J; thence run N 40045'()O." E ahll1:J.. said SEll\' ROWL. for II distance of 135.00 feet to the be~llH\injJ, of a tangent curv~ ({lIlC;IVe ~(}l\lllt~rly an;j h&v1.nji!. a. radius of 25.00 feet; thence run Easterly illon~ the arc l1l sitid curve thr.lllgb a centr,ll analt!. 01 90.00'00". . dht,lnce of 39.27 feet (CB_N8')o40'{)U"t.) CH_3r" 36 fel:!t) to ,) point ul tangence lln the SW'ly ROWL of Evergreen Court (')0' R/W); thenc!! run S49"1)'OQ" E al(ln~ tht:' SW'ly ROWL of said Evergre.nCourt. a distanc~ of flO.On feet; thenc,," rllB ~ 4()"45'OO"E, a Jbt.:Jnct: of SO.OO teet to the Polnt of Beginning of !iaid parc"d; thence continue r\l11ninJ'. ~ 40c4'l'OO"f:. 3 distan(:e .of 25.00 re.t ,to a point on a non-tan~.;llt CUrVl:! cunl'av~ SCluth\Jt.'stt.'rh ,llld having <1- radius 01 50.00 fe~t. ~h.~ce n~n along the ar,' elf ~aid cur'.rt' thrl)ll.....h a ,,-'entral angle \)1' 60.00'00", a dietancc: of~ ~2.36 tt'ct \.CH-~79"1,)'U()"W. CH"'~){).Oo ft'et) tu ;1 p{lint" theIlCIi.' nlO S '9-15'QO"E, . 41.e..c. ~f 43.)0 feet to sdid P0illt ol Begillnin~. cuntaini.n", 7h7.'7 t>quare f~et. ~r. or Ie.." t' EXHIBIT "A" ~ I I';' "h tI,ill. :i '.1 I!: --~.~._..~.._..